Disney OCD - The Little Things That Bug You


Well-Known Member
I HATE it when people talk on their cell phone during a ride or show! Last time I rode Carousel of Progress this lady was talking on her cell phone for half of the show about where she was going to meet her group or whatever. Don't people have any respect for other people?


New Member
Ughh... those SUV strollers I call them.. you know those double sized ones!! It's fine when kids are in them but when people push their bags around in them... or when 6 year olds are riding around in them :mad: Haha okay I'm done ranting.


Well-Known Member
People that don't like Disney parks because they don't have an excessive amount of thrill rides. People like that should go back to Six Flags where they belong.


Well-Known Member
pluto77 said:
I HATE it when people talk on their cell phone during a ride or show! Last time I rode Carousel of Progress this lady was talking on her cell phone for half of the show about where she was going to meet her group or whatever. Don't people have any respect for other people?

people where doing that during philar magic and ITTBAB.


Account Suspended
My pet peeve is the massive overuse of the word, "amazing". Seriously, read some ride reviews and notice just how often that word is used to describe just about anything. :brick:


Well-Known Member
People who need to find a bathoom and don't use the map in their hands.

People waiting for family and friends outside SGE asking me where the exit is and getting my response of the two merchandise shops (Merchant of Venus and Mickey's Star Traders). Guest: NO! THE EXIT!!! Me: Those are the exits... :)

People who assume that every building on property that is not clearly a stage is automatically a ride (people assume that CoP is the entrance to TTA, again use that map in your hands people)

People who assume that they can park their strollers wherever they please and then get mad at me for parking it in the designated stroller parking lot.

People who think that it is ok to bring their cameras out at CoP when I leave after speiling to put them away. (I love having cameras there...)


bsummer said:
~When guests fight with you insisting that Universal is on the monorail. Quite frankly just the idiots that think Universal is part of Disney!

"Yes, It is. You get on the pink stripped monorail that heads south and it will take you to the front gate of Universal. Another Disney benefit." Here's your sign. ((Sorry. :hammer: Been listening to Bill Engvall a lot of late and when I hear people say stupid stuff all I can say is "Here's Your Sign."))


Slade said:
People waiting for family and friends outside SGE asking me where the exit is and getting my response of the two merchandise shops (Merchant of Venus and Mickey's Star Traders). Guest: NO! THE EXIT!!! Me: Those are the exits... :)

I would take them to the entrance of Mickey's Star Trader and the go "Look. See those two doors that everyone is going in and out of? That's the secret way in and out." Then leave. Of course the two doors I would be pointing them to is the bathroom. Wonder how long they'll stand there and wait.:lol:
A Couple of My Pet Peeves....

People saying that Universal and Seaworld are MUCH better than Disney World. You cannot even compare.

People standing at the begining of the que thinking about if they want to go on the ride, and blocking the entrance from the rest of us who do.

People taking their kids on rides that they are not ready for. I saw a woman taking her son on SM, when he repeatedly said that he was scared. I mean start slow and work up to the bigger rides.

And, Disney closing a ride way before they plan on replacing it. Just like 20K, Horizons...


New Member
Sledge said:
I also hate the kid that plays with the chain or rope in the lines. You know what I'm talking about. He stands there wiggling the chain or twirling it like a jump rope.

HAHAHA, this made me laugh out loud at work. I HATE that kid... I'm always in line with that kid! Makes me want to pull the rope and knock him/her over.

My pet peeves are when people are so ignorant of other people (line jumping, stopping in the middle of walkways, talking during shows, etc). Also, I used to be a brat in high school, but I never acted the way some kids act at WDW when they're "too cool" for stuff and feel the need to make fun of everything and bad-mouth the parks during shows/rides. Maybe I'm just getting older but I can't stand those kids.


New Member
CMs whose job it is to give directions, or the start of a preshow and have such a strong accent that you can’t understand them. Doesn’t any body listen to them on the speakers to hear if you can understand them? Every time I get into the tram to the parking lot I have to ask, “ Where are we stopping first?” or “Did they call the Pluto lot?” I sure its just the bad intercom speakers but Holy Cow!


Active Member
MR. DISNEY said:
CMs whose job it is to give directions, or the start of a preshow and have such a strong accent that you can’t understand them. Doesn’t any body listen to them on the speakers to hear if you can understand them? Every time I get into the tram to the parking lot I have to ask, “ Where are we stopping first?” or “Did they call the Pluto lot?” I sure its just the bad intercom speakers but Holy Cow!

We rode Jungle Cruise a year or so ago late at night and we had a skipper from another country, everything she said the whole boat would die laughing at her. When we got to the rhinos she said "look off to the side of the boat at the 2 wine-o",In the end I think she thought we were laughing because she was doing such a good job.


Pet Peevs

Here are mine.

Referring to rides or parts of WDW wrong.

The whole "sit in the middle of the row" thing.

And one I haven't seen, and I hope I don't offend anyone.
Parents who put their kids on a leash. THEY ARE NOT ANIMALS!!:mad: :mad: :mad: I shows that you cannot discipline your kids properly. Can't you hold their hand? What's wrong with that. I always say aloud, "Save a child, leash a dog!":lol: :lol:

Mecha Figment

New Member
hey i was a kid on a leash. trust me... little toddler brats have ways of getting away from you. I managed to get to another side of the mall before my parents even knew i was gone. Leashes are necessary for some children. get over it.

hmmm. my pet peeve is when they put to many freeking logs on splash mountain. it ruins the fall on the big drop. I was on it last night and it was a walk on and several logs were floating ahead of us and they were empty and with out the added weight they moved slower and triggerd all the effects before we got tothem. and then asa result made us sit on the top of the drop . sucked.


New Member
I'm Annoyed!!!!

:fork: Hey, I agree how annoying is it when you have that kid or kids playing with the chain or rope in line!!! You know the one who keeps twirling it and hitting it against ur leg!! What's most annoying is looking at the parents just standing there not paying attention to their kid doin it!!! The teens are also so annoying talking on a cell phone during a ride or show. Making it their buisness to talk during a ride cause their all to cool for it.. My question is why i'm always stuck on a ride or show with these people. I not old ,but could we have a little more respect!!!!

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
Kid leashes aren't a bad thing. It is easy for a parent to lose their child in mass crowds of people.

Imagine being so little and someone (a rude person, but it happens alot) pushing their way through you and your child because they don't even bother to see that your are holding the hand of a child (whom is very independant and not at all interested in being in a stroller). Your child looks up and sees a stranger shoving by them (a child's biggest fear is abandoment). They freak out, stop, turnaround, and look for their mommy or daddy. Meanwhile, mommy or daddy is watching the child through all this going on, never losing a visual of the child, but has to fight the crowd to get to the child. Screaming the child's name doesn't really help because the crowd and environment is too loud for them to hear it. Eventually you lose the visual of the child while you are fighting to get to the child, causing you to lose your child....... It happens all in a few seconds......

Leashes seem inhumane (sp?) to many people, but they offer security to children (as in my case), and they help a parent to keep track of their child in large unruly crowds. Think about the crowds coming out of Fantasmic. Imagine a child stopping to pick up something that they dropped in that crowd ...

Again, I know many feel the leash is a "resort to lazyness", but it is NOT. The leash helps a child feel more confident in his/her environment of tall people...

My four year old daughter told ME to put on HER leash (she saw another little boy on one). So, we bought two of the disney neck strap things that have the clip on the end and attached one to my belt loop and one to hers . I asked her if she felt like a dog, and she said, it makes her feel better when "lots of people are around". She called it her Mommy line.

Hope this helps non-"leash" believers to understand the purpose of the child leash. I too use to be a non-leash believer, until I started taking my children into environments of large crowds.... Then I saw the purpose.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
hey i was a kid on a leash. trust me... little toddler brats have ways of getting away from you. I managed to get to another side of the mall before my parents even knew i was gone. Leashes are necessary for some children. get over it.

hmmm. my pet peeve is when they put to many freeking logs on splash mountain. it ruins the fall on the big drop. I was on it last night and it was a walk on and several logs were floating ahead of us and they were empty and with out the added weight they moved slower and triggerd all the effects before we got tothem. and then asa result made us sit on the top of the drop . sucked.
They seemed to have too many of everything yesterday. On Pirates of the Caribbean that morning, we ended up bumping boats constantly before the drop! I know it's normal to have a backup at the end of the ride, but this was right at the beginning of the ride.

It must be because I said George wasn't real.

Another thing that bugs me is screaming teenagers. While on the TTA yesterday a group of three, young teen males, I'd say 14 at the most, were staying on the ride over and over, screaming over the side of the vehicle, shouting for no reason, saying a few UnDisney-like things, and suggesting that they add a My Chemical Romance soundtrack to the TTA. I wanted to yell at them, but I managed to keep my cool. There should be a limit to how many unsupervised kids between the ages of 11 and 16 are allowed to be together in the park at any time.


New Member
moriah said:
Kid leashes aren't a bad thing. It is easy for a parent to lose their child in mass crowds of people.

Imagine being so little and someone (a rude person, but it happens alot) pushing their way through you and your child because they don't even bother to see that your are holding the hand of a child (whom is very independant and not at all interested in being in a stroller). Your child looks up and sees a stranger shoving by them (a child's biggest fear is abandoment). They freak out, stop, turnaround, and look for their mommy or daddy. Meanwhile, mommy or daddy is watching the child through all this going on, never losing a visual of the child, but has to fight the crowd to get to the child. Screaming the child's name doesn't really help because the crowd and environment is too loud for them to hear it. Eventually you lose the visual of the child while you are fighting to get to the child, causing you to lose your child....... It happens all in a few seconds......

Leashes seem inhumane (sp?) to many people, but they offer security to children (as in my case), and they help a parent to keep track of their child in large unruly crowds. Think about the crowds coming out of Fantasmic. Imagine a child stopping to pick up something that they dropped in that crowd ...

Again, I know many feel the leash is a "resort to lazyness", but it is NOT. The leash helps a child feel more confident in his/her environment of tall people...

My four year old daughter told ME to put on HER leash (she saw another little boy on one). So, we bought two of the disney neck strap things that have the clip on the end and attached one to my belt loop and one to hers . I asked her if she felt like a dog, and she said, it makes her feel better when "lots of people are around". She called it her Mommy line.

Hope this helps non-"leash" believers to understand the purpose of the child leash. I too use to be a non-leash believer, until I started taking my children into environments of large crowds.... Then I saw the purpose.

Oh come on....my kids have never been on a leash. They hold onto our hands and if they won't cooperate...they get a stroller.

Problem solved.
Someone earlier said that he/she always says the full name "Walt Disney World," and that its "Epcot Center."

I applaud the fact that he would like to say the full name, but if I am not mistaken....

Epcot IS the full name of the park.

When it first opened it was EPCOT Center...then the name was changed to EPCOT...and now it is just Epcot.

Am I wrong?

Either way...its a great time...

But a few of my pet peeves are:

1. Uncontrolled Kids

2. People who did the CP for one summer and think they are EXPERTS on every nook and cranny of Walt Disney World, solely by virtue of the fact that they were in the CP for a summer (this is a personal thing as one of my friends acts this way).

3. People who push in front of you right before a parade starts when you have been waiting for an hour. (I live in New Orleans and they do it at Mardi Gras too...boy that really es me off).

4. People who can go spend hundreds of $$ on stupid junk, video games, going out drinking, etc. but then look at me like I am crazy when I want to go to Walt Disney World...its what I like to do...I don't think you are stupid for spending your money on what you like...so let me spend my money on what I like.

That's about it...


Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
TiggerRPh said:
Oh come on....my kids have never been on a leash. They hold onto our hands and if they won't cooperate...they get a stroller.

Problem solved.

Do I take a stroller so my kid can sit and ride all day screaming because she doesn't want to be in it, or do I take a leash so my child can walk without losing circulation (sp?) to her arm while I make her hold my hand all day long? I chose the leash thank you very much!

In addition, not everyone likes to push around strollers. Strollers are a pain in the butt for many people.

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