People farting in front of me in line on a hot summers day.
Took 15 pages for someone to post that!!! :ROFLOL:
That is exactly what grosses me out OR walking thru someone's fart cloud in Epcot and have an immediate frizz out of your hairdo.
lol.. or the ones that let one rip or a silent one and walk away and there you go walking right into the invisible funk. I have honestly been guilty of this. And I want to apologize to anyone that I may have attacked. ot hurt by my actions.
I have to raise my hand and admit guilt. A few weeks ago on our trip, the first 5 days or so were great weather-wise, very sunny and very warm......but the last two days were cold and rainy. It was one evening in Epcot when I felt those stirrings within my belly. We were trying to escape the cold for a little while so my wife and I went into MouseGears, which was apparently the same idea for many others because it was PACKED in there.
ANYWAY......we were moseying around the store, looking for things to buy with the $200 gift card we got when we checked into our resort. So there we are trying to make our way around the place and around other people, when the bottom just dropped out and I let loose the dreaded SBD (in fact, one of my personal worst). It so happened we were in a bottleneck of people at the time and couldn't move forward, but once that thing eeked out, the path behind us miraculously began to clear. Imagine that! :lol: other time, in a non-Disney park near my home, we were there in the middle of summer and were waiting on a line for a ride. There had been some obnoxious and rowdy kids behind us in line. Anyway, I must have eaten something that disagreed with me because I'd been letting out SBDs most of that morning. So there we were on the line, about to move into the main building when I popped out a few in succession. (My wife and sister were aware of what I was doing......they agreed there was a high degree of funk to them.) The next thing we knew, someone in the group of kids behind us yelled out "Oh my god, someone smells like a**!" and I couldn't help it as my body shook with laughter. They must have knew it was me because another of the kids said something like "Dude, you gotta stop that, you're killin' us back here!".
My husband is very very guilty of this.. He calls this practice "Crop Dusting"...
Gas, flatulence,'s tough when you're in line and it's quite warm too.
I also admit I'm guilty of it especially when there are children rough housing behind me and I get kicked a few I let one loose. that somehow stopped their rough housing for a the moment. :shrug:
OK, this didn't happen at WDW, so it's a bit off topic, but I think it's a good enough story to post anyway.
I wasn't feeling well one day; I had the worst gas! I had to stop by the local Sears for something. I walked in the door, and started toward my department of interest. After going about 100 feet, I realized that "the pressure was building up" and thought that it would be best if I turned around and went back outside for a few moments before continuing on to my intended destination.
And so I did turn around, but about half way to the door, it slipped out - I just couldn't help it. It was a doozie, too! I decided to just keep going and maybe come back in a few minutes, or use another door or something, because I felt conspicuous turning around again.
Well, now just before I had turned around to exit, I noticed a nice young couple who had been walking toward me in the opposite direction. This was in the '80s, so the girl had that huge Jersey-style hairdo that we used to call "big hair", and the guy was Italian-american looking with a cool black leather jacket and a slicked back hair style that is reminiscent of the hair styles in "Grease".
So now, I'm walking toward the exit, and when this couple get to where the "offense" took place, I hear her say (you have to picture this whole conversation with a NY/NJ accent for the full effect), "VINNIE!". To which Vinnie replied "WHA'? Wha'd I do?" And then I heard her wisper in Vinnie's ear. Then Vinnie says out loud, "It wasn't me! I swear! I di'n't do nuthin'!", and she shushes him and wispers something else, and I could "feel" her pointing at me - even though I wasn't about to turn around and look to see what was going on.
I was mortified, and I could feel my face turning beat red, but after I thought about it a few seconds, I literally had to bite my tounge and hold my breath to keep from bursting out loud laughing.
So I get outside, and look over my shoulder, and they had turned the corner inside the store and were on their way, and I laughed out loud. People around me were looking at me like I was some kind of lunatic. So I just left and came back later.