Slash and Burn ...


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is time for Bob Iger, Jay Rasolu, and Tom Staggs to be shown the door. They are unfit creatively to lead this company.

Out of those three, Bob Iger seems to be the most competent, but he needs to get rid of Rasolu et al to be successful. I think he is capable of leading the company to another golden age, but he needs to find new blood to better lead the individual business units.

Jay Rasolu = Fail


Account Suspended
Tomorrowland DL Subs.

We have hope.;):wave:

Yea they came back severly neutered with all the fun removed from the ride replaced with video screens projecting footage from the cartoon finding nemo.

Seriously this is becoming too much in terms of cutbacks and cancellations, I take back everything I said about Eisner...he at least cared about the parks and had a love for the legacy. I foward a petition to bring back Michael Eisner to the company in some capacity!


Well-Known Member
Seriously this is becoming too much in terms of cutbacks and cancellations, I take back everything I said about Eisner...he at least cared about the parks and had a love for the legacy. I foward a petition to bring back Michael Eisner to the company in some capacity!

He actually seemed to sorta care about WDW. Now, we're the forgotten Resort.


Yea they came back severly neutered with all the fun removed from the ride replaced with video screens projecting footage from the cartoon finding nemo.

Seriously this is becoming too much in terms of cutbacks and cancellations, I take back everything I said about Eisner...he at least cared about the parks and had a love for the legacy. I foward a petition to bring back Michael Eisner to the company in some capacity!

How true...we didn't know how well off we had it with Eisner.


Well-Known Member
I hate hearing people calling Disney "Cheap".

I also hate the fear mongering like "Swiss Family Robinson Tree House is going seasonal."
Right, an attraction with at most one cast member our front is going seasonal.

"COP is going seasonal!"
Really, thanks for the news update from 1998.

"MK will open at NOON!!"
Yeah right.

You know what the difference between now and 20-30 years ago is?
We have the Internet and can hear about every single change in tee shirt graphics, park hours, and washroom soap.

In general Disney knows its business and has built a destination that keeps my family going back.

Would I like to see better merchandise to buy?
Sure, I think they miss the boat on a lot of there character properties.

Would I like to see them do more of their tasks in-house rather than outsource (restaurants, housekeeping)?
Sure, I think they could do it better if they put their mind to it.

But what I like about WDW has been developing for many, many years, under many different people, and is still drawing me and my dollars.

If you have constructive criticism make it, but what subby is putting forth ain't it.


Account Suspended
You really missed the point of the whole thread.

It isn't closing three attractions. It's a way of running WDW that in good times and in bad has focused on cutting quality, while increasing cost to the consumer.

It's a very bad business strategy long term because inevitably you come to a time like this and what is left to cut? The fat has been gone for years ... maybe even a decade. The muscle has had chunks cut out. What do you do?

You damage your 'brand' ... indeed many folks (including some rabid fans here) are so conditioned to a WalMarted WDW that they react with anger and ignorance when someone attempts to explain how WDW used to operate vs. how they operate today. That shows the WalMarting has done its job ... and damaged the Disney name.

This is exactly what the big 3 automobile companies did...they lowered quality of there products, didnt listen to customers, became complacent and over years there brands eroded and now there scratching there heads what happened? At this rate Disney will be bankrupt in a year's time and will be bought out by another corporation.


Account Suspended
I wonder if he was an Adventurer:lookaroun

If your refering to Adventurers club...he was the dude who greenlit it cuz he liked the pitch!

Seriously screw these clowns what we need is Eisner/Lasseter combo with someone new like a Frank Wells to balance things out.


Well-Known Member
If your refering to Adventurers club...he was the dude who greenlit it cuz he liked the pitch!

Seriously screw these clowns what we need is Eisner/Lasseter combo with someone new like a Frank Wells to balance things out.

I knew there was a reason I liked him.

Sounds good to me.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Guys, this thread has entered some really uncomfortable (and weird) territory. Could we lay off the speculation about people's personal lives?

Not only is it inappropriate for public discussion, but it seems like some of what's been written/implied here could be legally actionable...if not toward individual posters, than for this site.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally Posted by jedimaster1227
And most of them are satisfied with the operation of the company as a whole (not many of them take the time to pick apart one division when deciding the value of their shares). As a lifelong stockholder, I can assure you that I understand more about this market than you give me credit for. >>

Just wanted to follow up on this point ... because I want to make sure you understand how important WDW is to the health of TWDC as a whole and how it drives Parks & Resorts.

This report to investors was disseminated last week and the bigtime analyst who gave it did a follow-up on CNBC. Serious consideration is being given to a further downgrade...

<<While DIS has long traded at premium earnings and FCF multiples
to its large cap media peers (such as VIA/B and NWS/A, both
remain BUY rated), its valuation gap has meaningfully widened over
the past month to a level that we cannot ignore. We are
downgrading the stock to NEUTRAL from BUY and removing our
price target.

The analyst cited only three items...the first was:

Why Did WDW Start Room-Only Discounting: On November
6th, Disney launched a package discount (tickets and room)
encouraging guests who stay for four nights to stay for seven.
While we sense the promotion was quite successful, Disney has
now resorted to significant mid-week room-only discounts (such
as value resort standard room reduced from $92 to $49, see our
12/9/08 blog post, Click here ). The question becomes is Disney
simply topping off capacity for calendar Q1 or are booking trends
weakening further?>>

The second and third notes were minor and related to the costs of acquiring the BCS series for ESPN and Studio prospects for a hit.

So, at the end of each magical day, those parks and resorts do matter.

An awful lot -- to Burbank ... and Wall Street.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Epic failure of Presslerian proportions.

I'd say worse actually.

Pressler took a lot of heat for orders given directly by Eisner when he was starting to lose it.

I don't know if you ever met him, but as someone who got to know him a bit, I found Paul to be a very nice, personable, intelligent executive. Someone who you would want to be working for TWDC ... just NOT EVER in charge of one theme park let alone all of them.

But he did enjoy them. He loved taking his son to DL.

Jay Rasulo basically can't stand the parks. He views them as means to numbers and nothing else.

That's why he is so scary. This is the man in charge of Walt's parks legacy and he'd rather not even set foot in a park.

I find that sickening and scary at the same time.


Well-Known Member
You've never put anyone down for being a fanboy, but you attempt to dismiss someone who provides a rational response to you overly doom and gloom report of rumour as "A mere baby in the world"? You took most of what he pointed out and tried to say "See? you're saying the same things as I am!" when in fact he was putting significantly less negativity into his summation on what we can expect in the short term from Disney. I don't care what your sources are for whatever you post because by the time you've put it in your own words it no longer has value.

Your negative slant and your arrogant defence of it removes any credibility from anything you post.

awesome post :sohappy: I agree with everything you just said.


New Member
Wow, quite a discussion. I guess I'm considered a lurker since I visit WDWMAGIC and pretty much read only, but I've been around for a while.

Here are a few comments:

I agree with WDW1974 in regards to most of the "cut backs". When the economy improves the there won't be "give backs". So the “Disney Difference” diminishes in the long term for CM’s and guests.

I always thought the idea of staggered park closings could make sense if handled properly. If each park was closed one day a week wouldn’t it allow for consistent and more detailed maintenance of the attractions and facilities? I’m sure some guests would complain initially but if the parks and attractions were better maintained people could get used to say....

DHS closed Monday
EPCOT closed Tuesday
MK Wednesday
DAK Thursday

I think there would cost savings in this system as well. Probably have less night shift work, less daily breakdowns and such.

One more comment/suggestion, maybe one or more of our knowledgeable posters could list what attractions have consistent missing effects so when the rest of us visit we can inform (complain) to guest relations so these problems are properly registered with Disney.

If DLR regular guests and pass holders hold it to a higher standard I think we should start at WDW as well.


Well-Known Member
And rest assured Val Bunting, Erin Wallace and Meg Crofton aren't hearing about it because no one in O-Town cares. Again, if this were Anaheim, it would be all over Al Lutz's blog and in the LA Times and OC Register and it would get fixed.

Of course, in Anaheim there are still CMs who take pride in the place and wouldn't let it go to begin with.

That's something I just don't get. No one in Orlando seems ready or willing to take on Team Disney Orlando for the slide in showmanship and quality there. No one.

Sure, there's a few posts buried on WDW message boards like this one. But there is no headliner Internet celebrity to get people talking and news programs covering it..... Lyndsay Lohan drunk at Disneyland, Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyer Island, Small World fat boats, Billion Dollar DCA Makeover, human ashes in Haunted Mansion, Disney Boutique Hotels at GardenWalk, etc., etc. were all stories that broke first on Miceage in an Al Lutz column, and then the media picks it up and runs with it. And it drives Disney crazy, and drives the fans wild.

And now the local newspapers have Disneyland blogs that drum up more news and/or follow the latest Al Lutz dish. And the LA Times and OC Register don't mind pulling punches or discussing unflattering stuff about Disney and Disneyland, just like the Internet celebs do. It can be brutal sometimes, and sometimes it can be deserved praise. But it's there in SoCal and it's all about Disneyland or Disney's California Adventure's billion dollar makeover.

Yet there's just nothing really for WDW. No one there wants to dare criticize Disney World. It's just a never ending series of puff pieces about the latest marketing gimmick, peppered with an occasional trash piece about a fight in a queue or something that only paints the patron as the villain. Disney World management just never gets criticized in any headliner capacity by the online community or by the Orlando media.

It's very odd, especially compared to the intense media pressure put on Disneyland to perform up to Walt's standards! :confused:

The Mom

Premium Member
I will allow this ing match to continue as long as you all remember to keep it civil. No personal attacks of any type, no insults, etc.

I have better things to do than watch you guys (as this thread has been dominated by males and their chest pounding :lol:) try to impress each other with your knowledge. ;)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I will allow this ing match to continue as long as you all remember to keep it civil. No personal attacks of any type, no insults, etc.

I have better things to do than watch you guys (as this thread has been dominated by males and their chest pounding :lol:) try to impress each other with your knowledge. ;)

Oh snap!!

Best. Post (in this thread). Ever! :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

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