Slash and Burn ...


Premium Member
But look at Disney ... Everest, the new 'signature' attraction at DAK runs with most of its effects inoperable (something that back in the 1980s and 90s would have had the ride shut down until things were fixed!) ... the highlight of the Nemo clam ride's angler fish hasn't worked in months ... the Davy Jones effect hasn't been working most of the time on PoC.

So ... I'm not looking to complain about the competition. I'm looking for Disney to get its damn act together. For $79 a day, these things should all be running in 100% show quality. Period. No excuses.

Yep Everest has been in a very poor state for way way to long now. I'm not quite sure how WDW can let this one go on for as long as they have becaues it's getting embarassing. For a signature attraction to be missing such major elements is just not good enough.


Active Member
Wow. I go away for a few days and look at all the fun I've missed.

I'm not sure why all the hate is flying toward WDW1974. It's really puzzling me. And it's not my job to defend him, he can do just fine on his own... I'm just not understanding why quite a few people that are normally pretty objective and level-headed are flying off the handle and making some pretty rough comments in his direction. Knocking him for not using multi-quote function (which I myself hadn't come across till recently)? Feels kinda petty to me... People giving him a hard time for calling someone 17 young? That's a total spin on what he said. He was COMPLIMENTING jedi. That wasn't hard to see. Being offended by someone saying they're as confident of their connections and sources of information as anyone here could be? Why is that an issue? If I had an inside view and wanted to talk about that view with fellow Disney Park fans, I wouldn't have a problem telling people I felt confident of my sources. Lee and Corrus and Martin have all made comments about having inside info, and no one has ever jumped THEM (for good reason, I might add).

It's obvious we're not dealing with ReDisneyE-Dew or whatever the heck his name was. That guy made all KINDS of stuff up, yet MANY on this board were waiting for his next posts with baited breath, totally on board that he was legit. Whole threads were started saying "when's he gonna post again!! WOO HOO!" Because he was spitting out stuff that people wanted to hear. Now here's someone with a clear track record here and on other sites who's providing a viewpoint that doesn't seem to popular with some, so here come the claws. I don't get it.

WDW AS A WHOLE HAS LOST FOCUS. Shuttered attractions, very little proactive actions, rising prices all around, scaled back refurbs, fewer dining options, and attention to detail falling by the wayside, just to name a few. Can anyone argue against that??? Can anyone back up the path our beloved WDW has been on for the past handful of years?? Especially when compared to any of the other Disney resorts around the world??

How can anyone so quickly dismiss everything he's saying as fanboy related vitriol when it's ALREADY BEEN HAPPENING FOR YEARS?!?!?!?

It's felt, for quite some time now, that WDW has been working towards making their guests "okay" with removal of little details here and there. They've been conditioning us. Like when the gas companies would raise gas to $3 a gallon, then drop it back to $2.50 and everyone would be happy, even though it started the year at $2. The same thing is happening here with Disney Parks. And everyone that is saying they're okay with Disney cutting details here and there that you KNOW won't return because most people don't notice those details anyway, well... I feel like they've got ya right where they want ya. They've done their job with you.

Wow, I totally agree on both counts! I don't get the WDW1974 hate. And I don't get giving Disney a pass for skipping out on the details and quality (more all the time) that are exactly what make them NOT a six flags park. Before I get jumped on, I realize Disney is far from getting that bad yet, but the point remains that those little details and extra quality are exactly what differentiate Disney from the rest. Otherwise Splash Mountain is just another log flume ride and Small World is just a boat ride. It's a mighty slippery slope. And the point seems to keep being intentionally missed that these changes might not impact attendance or profit today, but they sure as heck are changing the Disney culture that has cultivated generations of loyal fans and returning guests. I go to Disney because it is the "Happiest Place on Earth" and has been for me since my first visits decades ago. I choose Disney over other vacation destinations because of that feeling. Regardless of whether or not you or I will change our Disney choices, will our kids? Will they have that same loyalty and feeling if the details get watered down to where it's not enough better than other places to get that constant repeat business. I have friends and in-laws that I was just converting to hard core fans, when bad trips for both of them this year (2008) convinced them that for the money and what you got, they would choose other places next time: Atlantis, cruises, Hawaii. For the premium Disney charges, they have to offer MORE. People may not notice the "small" changes immediately, but they aren't stupid and will weigh all their options and eventually make other choices. I love Disney and am going twice this year despite being far away, but I am not incapable of seeing the changes in direction and choices by management. I first noticed them and had my first bummer moments when Stitch replaced AE, and it hasn't gotten better since. I do think this stuff can be fixed. Certainly Disneyland pre and post 50th proves that. Gosh what a difference! And I had really thought that wouldn't have been possible. But they (and we) have to acknowledge the problem.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with you about all of the closures, cut backs and all that jazz. I am pretty certain WDI has a few products in production. HOWEVER...I DO agree with this. Where the heck is all our money going? Not to the CM's. Not to the attractions. 79$ is robbery IMHO.

Not that I won't be stolen from...I love EPCOT.:lookaroun

I believe some of the money goes to ABC (which I wish they would sell off) and the DCA project. Now I could be wrong but one thing I am sure about is the money does not get reinvested at WDW as it should be.

Maybe we just have to accept that WDW becomes a cash cow for other Disney divisions during slow times.


Well-Known Member
I believe some of the money goes to ABC (which I wish they would sell off) and the DCA project. Now I could be wrong but one thing I am sure about is the money does not get reinvested at WDW as it should be.

Maybe we just have to accept that WDW becomes a cash cow for other Disney divisions during slow times.

I thought each resort had to support itself. Like each was considered a "division." Therefore money from WDW wouldn't necesarily be going to DLR.



Well-Known Member
We are moments away from Kevin Yee becoming an icon here aren't we?
Disney, declining by mud and rock slide...


Well-Known Member
See, here's the PERFECT example of what we're talking about, in real time.

See this thread:

Here's the basic plot line, in summation:

"Hey, didn't Disney used to have character shaped topiaries all over the place?"

"yep, they did. Got rid of them as a cost cutting measure."

"Ah. Well shoot. Those were kinda neat, and I thought they really added to the magic."

"Yeah, they did. But they're pretty much gone now. You can still find a picture of them though, if you search the internets!"

And the thing is... These kinds of conversations have to be taking place, ALL THE TIME, and EVERYWHERE. Online, in the parks, at the resorts, on the busses, at the airport.

If that's not a "real time", perfect example of the homoginization (is that a word?) of WDW... Then I don't know what is.

Say what you want about Yee... But he's right. The little slashes and cuts and changes around the parks are steady and very scary.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I believe some of the money goes to ABC (which I wish they would sell off) and the DCA project. Now I could be wrong but one thing I am sure about is the money does not get reinvested at WDW as it should be.

Maybe we just have to accept that WDW becomes a cash cow for other Disney divisions during slow times.
If so...UGH.:dazzle:
We are moments away from Kevin Yee becoming an icon here aren't we?
Disney, declining by mud and rock slide...
:lol: Sad and true.


Well-Known Member
I thought each resort had to support itself. Like each was considered a "division." Therefore money from WDW wouldn't necesarily be going to DLR.


I believe that to be true, also. Separate buckets of money. The WDW budgets are separate from the DL's and so on. At least that's how it's been written about many times in the past.


Well-Known Member
How do you think ABC, ESPN and Pixar were purchased?

Didn't come from DLR...

I think you're talking about two separate issues. Budgets vs. profits. Budgets are allocated to separate buckets probably based on a ton of factors. But the profits (or at least a percentage of them) go into the same place.

Often times budgets aren't directly awarded based on the profitability of a location.

Sometimes there's good reason for that. Maybe the profitable location is in tip-top shape, so it doesn't need a large budget.

Other times, there's NOT good reason for that, at least on the surface. And I think that's where we're at here. :shrug: But what do I know, really. I have no inside info... Just making some educated observations.


Well-Known Member
How do you think ABC, ESPN and Pixar were purchased?

Didn't come from DLR...

Not sure I'm following.

WDW's operating budget comes from their admissions. You can't just send over that cash to DLR. And vice versa.

Let's just say I am skeptical about that

So you're assuming cooking the books, a bit? What major corporation doesn't do that?


Well-Known Member
Not sure I'm following.

WDW's operating budget comes from their admissions. You can't just send over that cash to DLR. And vice versa.

So you're assuming cooking the books, a bit? What major corporation doesn't do that?

No I am not suggesting that. I have always believed WDW's profit "subsidizes" other investments. Nothing wrong there I just think any profits WDW generates for reinvestment should stay at WDW.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
No I am not suggesting that. I have always believed WDW's profit "subsidizes" other investments. Nothing wrong there I just think any profits WDW generates for reinvestment should stay at WDW.
Of course it does. Walt movie industry allowed for DL. Then DL and movies allowed for WDW. Then DL, Movie and WDW allowed for ABC, Pro Hockey, ESPN, ETC ETC.

Business can distrbute profits or borrow using existing infrastructure to subsidize other areas. The only person that can stop that is the board. It is a known fact and part of business. Sort of spread the wealth :zipit:.

If one area is losin money you have to pay the bills using profits generated from other areas.


Well-Known Member
Of course it does. Walt movie industry allowed for DL. Then DL and movies allowed for WDW. Then DL, Movie and WDW allowed for ABC, Pro Hockey, ESPN, ETC ETC.

Business can distrbute profits or borrow using existing infrastructure to subsidize other areas. The only person that can stop that is the board. It is a known fact and part of business. Sort of spread the wealth :zipit:.

If one area is losin money you have to pay the bills using profits generated from other areas.

Makes sense. I just think that because WDW is so unique that it would be nice if it could operate totally independent on the financial side of it. But I am not so naive as to think that would ever happen. It should though.


I don't have a problem with Disney taking money from WDW to help them in other areas of the company. The big issue that comes up is when they squeeze the resort for every dollar to help all the other divisions, without investing enough of that money back into where it originally came from.


Well-Known Member
JediMaster said:
Considering many of the deals for the additional restaurants and shopping venues for P.I. 2.0 have fallen through, nothing is definite yet. Surveyors have been seriously looking at retaining much of the former club to become a dining venue.
I don't see how the club in it's current layout could ever work as a dining venue. However, I do see how they could add on to the club by connecting it to the BET Club, and have both dining and entertainment options. I would be perfectly happy with this as long as the spirit of the club could exist, and most likely more satisfied with the newer version because the AC deserved a restaurant and shop. Is this similar to the concept you were refering to?

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