Rude Cast Members?


As a CM, I don't expect everyone to speak English, but I do expect people to use a liitle common sense. Didn't the family standing in the middle of the road not see all the other people sitting on the side? Some things really shouldn't have to be told to people no matter where they are from. Like, do I have to keep telling parents to not let their kids climb up the plush mountain? Just because you're away from home does not mean you are on vacation from thinking.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by weluvtink

Like, do I have to keep telling parents to not let their kids climb up the plush mountain?

Maybe they let them do that at home, too. I know I've seen it in the store. :eek:


[Just because you're away from home does not mean you are on vacation from thinking.:hammer: [/B][/QUOTE]

Just because you are away from home doesn't mean you can think any better when you are on vacation than you do at home.:animwink:
I know it’s not Disney World, but I just had an amazing opportunity to go to Tokyo Disney this year. I speak very little Japanese, just basic things like yes, no, thank you, excuse me, along with a handful of other random words. I found cast members there to be the most polite and helpful I’ve ever met. I was standing in line at Guest Services to get an English map, and one of the Guest Service hosts rushed over and asked in perfect English, “Do you need an English guide map?” I replied yes, and he went and got one. Even cast members who didn’t speak much English were very good at making sure I understood and seemed perfectly happy about it.

What I found interesting was no one assumed I spoke any Japanese at all, which… well… I didn’t speak enough to make a difference, but they just wanted to be as helpful as possible. There was more times that CMs initiated interaction with me, rather than me going up to them. I was there by myself, and every time a cast member was around when I was taking a picture, they asked (by motions if they didn’t speak English) if I would like my picture taken. I’m dying to go back because the parks feel like Disney World did 15 years ago, and the fact that Tokyo DisneySea is the most amazing park anywhere. Next time I will know more Japanese. Not because I feel I have to, I felt perfectly at home and welcomed without knowing much, but just because it’s something I’ve always wanted to know.


New Member
I agree with anyone on this board who has said it is the guest that usually is the problem. Every time I go to Disney World I always see some of the rudest people that I have ever seen. So I try to be as easy as I can on the cast members. Joke around with them a little bit. Maybe help make up for some of the other guests rudeness. I myself work with the public and their are so many people out their that don't use any common sense that you could just about lose hope that their is any inteligent life out there.

Ok I am done for now

As mad max would say " I better stop now before I get too mad to turn back":zipit:


New Member
I have never encountered the rude cm at the parks. I usually find them at the resorts:eek: what i done was take the time to write to guest communications, and have had excellent responses. I have learned that they have play names, not real names, so they will know which person that yoy were referring to.

My last espereince was mail order, and what a nightmare!! I ordered something for a bday gift fedex 3/5 day, and it cam 13 days later!! I have written them and waiting for a response. . . . will let you know!!


Well-Known Member
An interesting article appeared in the print version of the Sentinel yesterday, so I thought I would share a highlight with you.

The article was regarding changing demographics in America. Among the items it pointed out was Florida was now 55% white with the remaining 45% being a mix of blacks (not necessarily African-Americans), hispanics, and asians.

It also pointed out that many of the "middle class " people were moving out of Florida to states like Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas becaust it has become difficult at best for the average middle class family to pursue home ownership, retirememt savings, etc due to rapidly increasing costs. This is seriously cutting away at an employee pool that most areas take for granted.

The article suggests that a two teir economy is developing here. In one group you have the upper middle class and the affluent who are not concerned about prices etc. The other group is composed of mostly poor immigrants to the United States who are here willing to work at Minimum wage type jobs.

The significance of this article is that you can begin to see why Disney has a tough time finding people who beleive in the magic. I would have to bet it is hard to be magical when you are just trying to make ends meet.

It also points out another issue about languages. Many many languages are natively spoken at Disney. For many employees English is their second language.

Several people have mentioned that WDW is not the same as it was several years ago. The same thign is true of the state of FLorida as a whole. For Disney this means they have to change along with the demographics whether they want to or not. You cant hire those same happy people you did in the 80's if they don't exist anymore in your pool of potential employees. You also aren't very likely to go to another state and recruit people for minimum wage jobs with no relocation assistance. The exception is the college program and thats why DIsney relies so heavily upon it.


New Member

As least in FL, you get a fair number (or at least I've seen when I go) of retired folks who just want to be around people and who like thier job. I think we can all say, in general rude CMs are NOT a problem in WDW. Yes, you may run into one or 2, but most are happy to have, and be doing thier jobs. I've stopped and talked to quite a few (granted, it's during the less hectic off season) and have recieved nothing but kindness from all of them! In fact, I look forward to going back again to see if some of the same faces are still there (and look forward to meeting new ones!).

In CA, you run into A LOT of college kids, just trying to make a living, hence, why it is a larger problem here (the pool of employees is a busy city).

As to middle class folks moving out - funny, I'm moving out of CA to get away from that and to Celebration (in 2005). What we can afford as far as a house in that town (which is "expensive" by FL standards) is a 4 bedroom manor compared to what we could get for the same price out here (a 10 year old, 2 bedroom in a crappy end of town).

I guess it's all in the way you look at it! I've run into WAY more rude guests in WDW and Disneyland, where I've had to remind myself "I'm on vacation, don't let this numbskull ruin it". As far as the language barrier goes, that much is (for me) entirely forgivable.

Then again... my mother says I'm the most patient person she's ever known.:lol:


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by LadyDarling
As least in FL, you get a fair number (or at least I've seen when I go) of retired folks who just want to be around people and who like thier job. I think we can all say, in general rude CMs are NOT a problem in WDW. Yes, you may run into one or 2, but most are happy to have, and be doing thier jobs. I've stopped and talked to quite a few (granted, it's during the less hectic off season) and have recieved nothing but kindness from all of them! In fact, I look forward to going back again to see if some of the same faces are still there (and look forward to meeting new ones!).

In CA, you run into A LOT of college kids, just trying to make a living, hence, why it is a larger problem here (the pool of employees is a busy city).

As to middle class folks moving out - funny, I'm moving out of CA to get away from that and to Celebration (in 2005). What we can afford as far as a house in that town (which is "expensive" by FL standards) is a 4 bedroom manor compared to what we could get for the same price out here (a 10 year old, 2 bedroom in a crappy end of town).

I guess it's all in the way you look at it! I've run into WAY more rude guests in WDW and Disneyland, where I've had to remind myself "I'm on vacation, don't let this numbskull ruin it". As far as the language barrier goes, that much is (for me) entirely forgivable.

Then again... my mother says I'm the most patient person she's ever known.:lol:

True moving from California to FLorida, even to Celebration, will significantly change your personal finanaces for the better. But there aren't a lot in the way of average middle class jobs here that will let you earn a decent wage and support a family. Most jobs here seem to pay 7 to 10 dollars an hour. Even with both husband and wife working, you won't be able to afford a new home with an average price of nearly 200,000 Dollars. An older home can be had for a median price of $130,000. That house most likely is just as you described, a 2 bedroom in a crappy part of town. Statewide the Median Price rose to 137,800 in 2002 up from 126,600 in 2001. The median price in 1997 was 95,800.

The figures along with census inofrmation clearly point to a state that is quickly becomeing the next California.

Another interesting fact that has been in the news the last couple of years is the lack of retirees moving to the state. I believe the last statistic I read regarding this stated that 1 out of 4 retirees was relocating from the north to Florida. This is down from the 3 out of 4 that it used to be not so long ago.

Instead the immigrant population continues to increase very quickly putting a strain on the social and educational systems that were designed to handle an influx of retirees and a moderate number of new families. Unfortunately, during all of thi, the politicians and the populace of this state have been out to lunch. Now that they are back and paying attention, the solutions are reactionary at best. That is, of course, if they can get past the dumfounded look of a deer in headlights that is all too common as they try to comprehend their changing surroundings.


New Member

Originally posted by LadyDarling
As least in FL, you get a fair number (or at least I've seen when I go) of retired folks who just want to be around people and who like thier job. I think we can all say, in general rude CMs are NOT a problem in WDW. Yes, you may run into one or 2, but most are happy to have, and be doing thier jobs. I've stopped and talked to quite a few (granted, it's during the less hectic off season) and have recieved nothing but kindness from all of them! In fact, I look forward to going back again to see if some of the same faces are still there (and look forward to meeting new ones!).
In CA, you run into A LOT of college kids, just trying to make a living, hence, why it is a larger problem here (the pool of employees is a busy city).

As to middle class folks moving out - funny, I'm moving out of CA to get away from that and to Celebration (in 2005). What we can afford as far as a house in that town (which is "expensive" by FL standards) is a 4 bedroom manor compared to what we could get for the same price out here (a 10 year old, 2 bedroom in a crappy end of town).

I guess it's all in the way you look at it! I've run into WAY more rude guests in WDW and Disneyland, where I've had to remind myself "I'm on vacation, don't let this numbskull ruin it". As far as the language barrier goes, that much is (for me) entirely forgivable.

Then again... my mother says I'm the most patient person she's ever known.:lol:

Just a word of advise! Celebrations rules are borderline communism!
I thought it sounded like a great idea to actually live in Disney property, but When I researched it,OMG! You can`t even paint your house the color you want to paint it. No basketball hoops and you can`t even put fountains or statues in your yard without permission from Disney.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by darthdarrel
Just a word of advise! Celebrations rules are borderline communism!
I thought it sounded like a great idea to actually live in Disney property, but When I researched it,OMG! You can`t even paint your house the color you want to paint it. No basketball hoops and you can`t even put fountains or statues in your yard without permission from Disney.:eek:

Actually, Disney doesnt have a whole lot to do with it these days. They have sold the golf course and are working to sell the retail and office space that they own Downtown. Most of the rules, regulations and arguments are now coming from the Community Association.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by niteobsrvr
Actually, Disney doesnt have a whole lot to do with it these days. They have sold the golf course and are working to sell the retail and office space that they own Downtown. Most of the rules, regulations and arguments are now coming from the Community Association.

Have they relaxed any of the rules?
Can you paint your house the color you want to paint it?


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by darthdarrel

Have they relaxed any of the rules?
Can you paint your house the color you want to paint it?

Haven't heard a whole lot out of them. I moved out of there almost 18 months ago. Based on the personalities etc of the people in control, I would imagine if anything it will become more restrictive as Disney exits.

Shoot when I lived there, a group of residents were trying to force Old Town to remove some of their attractions because it affected their quality of life. Of course, the interesitng thing is Old Town has been there longer than Celebration. The people who bought the homes in that part of the village should have been well aware they were purchasing a home next to an amusement park.


Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by darthdarrel
Just a word of advise! Celebrations rules are borderline communism!
I thought it sounded like a great idea to actually live in Disney property, but When I researched it,OMG! You can`t even paint your house the color you want to paint it. No basketball hoops and you can`t even put fountains or statues in your yard without permission from Disney.:eek:

You'll find that in a lot of newer communities. It seems like more and more neighborhoods are under Homeowners' Associations nowadays. And even without associations, towns are making more and more ordinances; for example, no trucks of any kind in the driveway, no RVs visible above the fenceline, etc.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by niteobsrvr
Haven't heard a whole lot out of them. I moved out of there almost 18 months ago. Based on the personalities etc of the people in control, I would imagine if anything it will become more restrictive as Disney exits.

Shoot when I lived there, a group of residents were trying to force Old Town to remove some of their attractions because it affected their quality of life. Of course, the interesitng thing is Old Town has been there longer than Celebration. The people who bought the homes in that part of the village should have been well aware they were purchasing a home next to an amusement park.
OMG! That really stinks!
It`s ashamed that we are slowly loosing our freedoms, I mean Come on you buy a house you should be able to paint it the color you want,within reason and If I want to put say an angel statue in my front lawn I should have the right to do that. It is my lawn after all!
That`s like the community that my brother Michael used to live in. One Christmas he didn`t have the time to put up Christmas lights and he got a nasty letter from the Community assocaistion , I`m sorry nbut what if He had been Jewish or some other religion or even atheist! :mad:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by darthdarrel
Just a word of advise! Celebrations rules are borderline communism!
I thought it sounded like a great idea to actually live in Disney property, but When I researched it,OMG! You can`t even paint your house the color you want to paint it. No basketball hoops and you can`t even put fountains or statues in your yard without permission from Disney.:eek:

Communism :confused: c'mon Darrell....

If you had a choice.....

Would, you rather live in getto white trash america with pink plastic flamingos, and trailer folk, trash strewn everywhere, a 1981 AMC station wagon up on cinder blocks,... with no restrictions at all.... NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE or anything!!! I am using this as an example... and this is the best I could do.


A Planned community (Celebration) where everything is neat, tidy, and in order, with a few restrictions?

I would go for the 2nd one :) :wave:

The Mom

Premium Member
Re: Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by DMC-12
Communism :confused: c'mon Darrell....

If you had a choice.....

Would, you rather live in getto white trash america with pink plastic flamingos, and trailer folk, trash strewn everywhere, a 1981 AMC station wagon up on cinder blocks,... with no restrictions at all.... NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE or anything!!! I am using this as an example... and this is the best I could do.

Hey! I have pink plastic flamingos! (At least until the painters get them down for me; my neighbor must have had help with that one.)

And an old clunker (my daughter's )outside...but at least it's in the service alley way.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by Erika
You'll find that in a lot of newer communities. It seems like more and more neighborhoods are under Homeowners' Associations nowadays. And even without associations, towns are making more and more ordinances; for example, no trucks of any kind in the driveway, no RVs visible above the fenceline, etc.

our neighborhood is under a homeowners association and ugh it sucks! well in some respects its fine but we've noticed people leaving in big numbers out of here...we had our house white for many years and all of a sudden no one can have their houses white, it has to be either yellow, pink, gray, or some other colors like that...we painted it pink :lol: and if you want to make any additions it has to go through them first


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: CA VS FL

Originally posted by DMC-12
Communism :confused: c'mon Darrell....

If you had a choice.....

Would, you rather live in getto white trash america with pink plastic flamingos, and trailer folk, trash strewn everywhere, a 1981 AMC station wagon up on cinder blocks,... with no restrictions at all.... NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE or anything!!! I am using this as an example... and this is the best I could do.


A Planned community (Celebration) where everything is neat, tidy, and in order, with a few restrictions?

I would go for the 2nd one :) :wave:

I prefer to live where freedom still means something. The consititution governs and people recognize and understand each other differences.

If anyone knows where that is......please let me know.

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