Rude Cast Members?


Cast Members

I've been to WDW a huge amount of times and I can honestly say I have only encountered a couple of rude people! Most of them are sweethearts! One cast member came over to my husband, myself, my mother and my mother in law during a parade. My mother in law was in a wheel chair and my mother is 4 foot nothing and we were told we couldn't stay next to my mother in law because we blocked the view. My husband and I had no problems and we would leave immediately, but my mother is so short that she wasn't going to leave. She was as tall as most of the kids!!! She is also 80 years old. They told her to KNEEL can you believe that!!!! She told them to bring her a chair and she would sit down. We were a little upset over that one. But the cast member didn't bring her a chair (which we didn't expect him to) but they also left her alone.


New Member
Well I took french for 5 years in jr high and high school and you know, I have forgotten most of it. The funny thing is that America is the ONLy country that does not have an "OFFICIAL" Language, althou English is the "ACCEPTED" language of America. I do feel they should make English The "OFFICIAL" language of america. But Congress is the only ones that can do that. Out of all the times I have been to the Disney theme parks, I have only encountered one rude cm, but he wasn`t really rude, more obnoxious then anything lol!


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by bigbadwolf
Oh my god!!! its the end of the world!!! I have poor english skills! So dose nearly most of the United States. who cares.... I really dont...

The post to which you reply was not slagging you off for poor written English skills, but the fact you criticised people who have difficulty with English for visiting Disney World when you have an apparent difficulty expressing yourself in the same language.

As for who cares? A lot of people. As you pointed out a lack of communication between the speakers of two languages led to a situation / misunderstanding. If you do not care about the ability to communicate clearly in written format then even more misunderstandings will arise. Both here on this forum where written word is all we have and whenever you have a need to write to another person / organisation.

To help out with you written composition, try first writing your replies in a word processor which has a spell checker – that’s what I’m writing this reply in. It will pick up the typos and inadvertent spelling mistakes (and boy do I make plenty of those) thus making for a message that is easier for everyone else to read.

To those who can speak more than the one language, I salute and envy you. It’s something I do not have the knack for – five years studying French at school is largely forgotten. Though it did not stop me visiting Disneyland Paris.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by barnum42
The post to which you reply was not slagging you off for poor written English skills, but the fact you criticised people who have difficulty with English for visiting Disney World when you have an apparent difficulty expressing yourself in the same language.

As for who cares? A lot of people. As you pointed out a lack of communication between the speakers of two languages led to a situation / misunderstanding. If you do not care about the ability to communicate clearly in written format then even more misunderstandings will arise. Both here on this forum where written word is all we have and whenever you have a need to write to another person / organisation.

To help out with you written composition, try first writing your replies in a word processor which has a spell checker – that’s what I’m writing this reply in. It will pick up the typos and inadvertent spelling mistakes (and boy do I make plenty of those) thus making for a message that is easier for everyone else to read.

To those who can speak more than the one language, I salute and envy you. It’s something I do not have the knack for – five years studying French at school is largely forgotten. Though it did not stop me visiting Disneyland Paris.
Isn`t it funny how you can loose something if you don`t loose it? As I said in my earlier post, I took 5 years of French and because I don`t use it, I have forgotten most of it! LOL!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I was really going to stay out of this...
In all my trips to WDW I have never encountered a rude CM, all have been polite and helpful. Visitors, well thats another thing all together. Foreign & domestic....I have been run over, burned by cigarettes, pushed to the point where I've almost dropped my small child. I've been cursed at in many different languages because I wasn't moving fast enough, too fast or just standing still.

I've had people standing behind me speaking spanish and complaining about us. I turned around, smiled and answered them in should have seen the looks on their faces!!!:eek:
My husband has had to deal with rude teenagers (aren't they all) who professed to speak only french. When he spoke to them in french they paled and ran off. He also spoke to a little girl (about 2) in french who was driving her parents insane. 5 minutes of distraction was great for them and made the little girl happy.

Knowing other languages is also helpful. We have been able to direct people to various rides, bathrooms and restaurants.
It would be very nice if we all spoke the same language, but then that would be boring. Variety is the spice of life afterall.
We are all entitled to have bad days...and they always seem to come on vacation!

Relax and learn to be more tolerant. You'll live longer

***end of tirade** :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
I was really going to stay out of this...
In all my trips to WDW I have never encountered a rude CM, all have been polite and helpful. Visitors, well thats another thing all together. Foreign & domestic....I have been run over, burned by cigarettes, pushed to the point where I've almost dropped my small child. I've been cursed at in many different languages because I wasn't moving fast enough, too fast or just standing still.

I've had people standing behind me speaking spanish and complaining about us. I turned around, smiled and answered them in should have seen the looks on their faces!!!:eek:
My husband has had to deal with rude teenagers (aren't they all) who professed to speak only french. When he spoke to them in french they paled and ran off. He also spoke to a little girl (about 2) in french who was driving her parents insane. 5 minutes of distraction was great for them and made the little girl happy.

Knowing other languages is also helpful. We have been able to direct people to various rides, bathrooms and restaurants.
It would be very nice if we all spoke the same language, but then that would be boring. Variety is the spice of life afterall.
We are all entitled to have bad days...and they always seem to come on vacation!

Relax and learn to be more tolerant. You'll live longer

***end of tirade** :wave:
I have to admit it really ticks me off when I`m at a resteraunt and there is a table of people speaking Russian ancd they look at you and laugh and you know they are talking about you, but in Russian and you can`t understand them.:lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom

I've had people standing behind me speaking spanish and complaining about us. I turned around, smiled and answered them in should have seen the looks on their faces!!!:eek:
My husband has had to deal with rude teenagers (aren't they all) who professed to speak only french. When he spoke to them in french they paled and ran off. He also spoke to a little girl (about 2) in french who was driving her parents insane. 5 minutes of distraction was great for them and made the little girl happy.

Knowing other languages is also helpful. We have been able to direct people to various rides, bathrooms and restaurants.

I also speak spanish... and it has come in handy more than just this time. I also know quite a bit of sign language. I was able to converse with a deaf CM which made her VERY happy. It was pretty cool to make someone smile like that with such a simple thing.

I have only met with one rude CM who got mad when I couldnt open my pill bottle so he could see the contents of it. :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Visitors, well thats another thing all together. Foreign & domestic....I have been run over, burned by cigarettes, pushed to the point where I've almost dropped my small child. I've been cursed at in many different languages because I wasn't moving fast enough, too fast or just standing still.

My husband has had to deal with rude teenagers (aren't they all) who professed to speak only french.

I do not know what you would make of Disneyland Paris then! I have visited there the once, over five years ago. One of the things I noticed is that there were a greater number of not so nice guests as in Disney World.

As a generalisation I have found that in Disney World there are more people willing to say “before me”, “please” and “Thank You” than at Disneyland Paris. Taking the language barriers aside, the impression I got was that more guests at Paris were in it only for themselves – queue jumping, barging to the front and being generally obnoxious than in Disney World. In Disneyland Paris the ratio of Europeans to non-Europeans is much greater than in Disney World, where there are more Americans than Europeans. Coincidence that more Americans make for a nicer atmosphere? Something to ponder.

Worst example of obnoxious European behaviour was when a group of people barged to the front of the parade viewing area set aside for wheelchair users and thus blocked their view. This is the only time I have been aggressive to another guest. Language was not a problem, a tap on the shoulder, a point of the finger and a glare were all it took to get the message across. They stumbled away to I don’t know where and I enjoyed several national variations on the word “Thank You” as I made my way back through the wheelchairs.

I’m amused to read about your encountering of a group who would only speak French. This is a long-standing stereotype that has been held of the French in Britain and I believe the rest of Europe. I found it interesting that Americans say the same thing of French Canadians. Though I must point out that I have met plenty of nice French nationals that I would not tar them all with the same brush.


Well-Known Member
I was not commenting on the French, I was referring to teenagers...being the mother of one (and subjected to many on a daily basis) I know of where I speak!:lol: (Lil'mermaid...see above my daughter.)

I do not group people , I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I worked for awhile in a large outlet complex where I had to deal with many foriegners on a daily basis. Most know their limitations and apologize. We always were able to communicate. Some never made the effort...thats life.

It has been my experience that people who do not speak English always appreciate when you make an attempt to use their native language (sometimes to amusing ends. :lol: )

My husband went to Montreal and asked for directions in French. They wanted to know where in Montreal he was from...apparently french in Montreal is spoken with a Brooklyn accent.! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I have to admit it really ticks me off when I`m at a resteraunt and there is a table of people speaking Russian ancd they look at you and laugh and you know they are talking about you, but in Russian and you can`t understand them.:lookaroun


poznajê co wy oznaczacie ,Mój Wielkie rodzice
zawsze zrobi³ co te¿.

(I know what you mean, my grandparents did that too...polish
:lol: )


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by darthdarrel
Isn`t it funny how you can loose something if you don`t loose it? As I said in my earlier post, I took 5 years of French and because I don`t use it, I have forgotten most of it! LOL!:lol:

like both of you, i too HAD forgotten my 5 years of french...i took it in 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and one semester of college and i had forgotten it...but slowly ive remembered what ive learned so thats good...not as much as id want to remember but oh well :rolleyes: i still know my español and my ingles :lol:


New Member
I agree with some that say the guests are mostly the problems. I have only ever seen one (not really rude) cast memeber. We were in line for the area to get on the doombuggies in the Haunted Mansion. A family couldn't decide which child would go with which parnet and the cast member could see that the lap bar was going to go down on their car when the little boy was STANDING UP in the car. She kept telling the man to have the kid sit down before the automatic bar was going to hurt him but he didn't listen and was still conversing with is wife. Finally she had to kind of yell at him which I thought was appropriate since he wasn't following the directions the cast member was giving him and was diisobeying the rules of the ride. Finally the man got the point and actually started yelling at the cast member for telling him what to do.
Also, another time I was at the Voyage of the Little Mermaid in MGM when my family was already let into the waiting area form outside(I was about a meter behind them and was trying to catch up with them). I was beginning to get through the middle of the two metal bars that made up the queque to get inside the waiting area. This woman stepped in front of me and various other guests, while she tried to let a woman in a wheelchair(who had come after my family) through. I was compassionate towards the woman in the wheelchair but my family had already gone through, I was trying to get through, and the woman that didn't want me to get through flung out her arms and tried to hold me back. She hit me in the chest (very hard, I was only a teenager when this happened) and ran me into the metal bars and proceded to yell at me after I had gotten out of her reach and past the cast member who was trying to let me through. For a while I was kind of scared but I finally got over it. The nerve of some guests!
For the most part I love the cast members and I hope they keep the magic coming!


New Member
I agree, it`s usually the guests who are the problem, the only cm that I found obnoxious, was a waiter at this one resteraunt in the Grand Floridian, Like I said he wasn`t rude, but obnoxious, he kept saying but of course to everything you told or asked him:lol: it was to the point where when he left I said can I kick your @ss and my brother said ... BUt of course and everyone around us started to laugh! :lol: :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I have to admit it really ticks me off when I`m at a resteraunt and there is a table of people speaking Russian ancd they look at you and laugh and you know they are talking about you, but in Russian and you can`t understand them.:lookaroun

That's just being a paranoid American... nothing more. Most of the times, foreigners have better things to do than make fun about you. I don't get bent out of shape when I hear people speaking a language I don't understand... they have all the right in the world to do that. Just like I do when I speak another language.
Darrel, comprenez-vous ce que j'ai juste dit? ¿Y ahora?



Well-Known Member
One thing that I keep seeing on this thread is "the paying cust/guest is always right"


May I remind everyone that times have changed, and this longstanding notion has changed as well!

Don't get me wrong...this remains an important aspect to maintain a happy customer, but that dosn't always fly. Wall Street views many things in the composition of a well running machine...

...and if that means loss of net profits, in any way, then shareholders will demand change.
I know it's a fine line when your at the parks, but...

I really feel bad for the position many CM's are put in considering all of this. Thats what mgr's are for! God knows thats what I'm paid for...dealing with these issues so my employees can succeed at the job their being paid to do. And yes, sometimes that means saying
"I'm sorry, but I can not allow you to continue to _______."

In a CM's defense, how in the world are you going to remember all the children that you let through the line that day that met the height requirements in your opinion...even a half-hour ago?


New Member
Yes BwanaBob! All too often guests ignore the instructions from CM's. We have seen several examples in this thread in which guests have stated that they disrupted attraction operations because of their poor behavior and failure to follow instructions. Yet they think such behavior is normal and fully acceptable. If I were a CM I would want to have a cattle prod so that I could shock every guest into reality!


Active Member
I don't believe I've ever met a rude CM, or if I have, the experience wasn't bad enough to root itself into my memory. The only negative cast experiences I've ever had were the result of discrepancies between the spiel and the policies, and not the fault of the particular cast member. I've been upset twice at being told not to videotape when there was no sign or spiel saying not to videotape, or not to take a non-flash picture when the spiel only said "No flash photography" and not "No photography of any kind". I put away my camera without argument both times, but I was unhappy to be disturbed and embarassed to be told I was breaking a rule I didn't know existed.

The one time I spoke to guest services about it, I made a point to tell them that the CM was obviously just following her manager's orders, and that I didn't want to get her in trouble; I just wanted them to include the proper instructions in the spiel so no one else would have their experience disrupted.

But overall, I've had so many positive experiences with CMs that it would take a lot to dampen my enthusiasm to keep going back!


New Member
Originally posted by mkt
That's just being a paranoid American... nothing more. Most of the times, foreigners have better things to do than make fun about you. I don't get bent out of shape when I hear people speaking a language I don't understand... they have all the right in the world to do that. Just like I do when I speak another language.
Darrel, comprenez-vous ce que j'ai juste dit? ¿Y ahora?


ok Rob, I told you I have forgotten most of the French I learned! :p :lol: :animwink:

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