Rude Cast Members?


Well-Known Member
Here is a tough one.

Guests (paying customers who are always right) come up because they are upset with other Guests (paying customers who are always right). The person making the issue wants a cast member to go up and talk to the other people about it.

The dilemma is that you have one set of guests who are bothered and one set who is probably oblivious that they did something to offend someone else. The problem as a whole is not Disney's as you have to realize people form many walks of life visit Disney and in their home the offensive action is perfectly acceptable.

The dilemma.

Rule #1 is dont cause a conflict as a cast member.

If the cast member adresses the offending guests it is quite highly likely they will become upset. Now the cast member has one group of guests that are marginally better depending on the course of action the cast member was expected to take and another set of guests that are ticked off. More specifically, addressing the offending guests could ultimatley result in the cast members loss of a postion with the company depending on how upset the folks get.

Given this scenario, I think you can see why cast members don't always address every complaint people have personally. We can't afford to lose our jobs over something frivilous. These situations that wouldnt be a problem if more people practiced the "turn the other cheek" attitude.


New Member
You think FL is rude? Try CA for a change.

I'm an annual passholder for DCA and Disneyland out here in CA. I visit WDW once a year. You know what? There is a MARKED difference in the attention and attidudes of Cast Members. WDW is FAR better in both areas. "Turn the other cheek" really does work and soon enough everyone forgets about it and has a great day (yes, even those annoying line cutters can be forgotten about). Unless something is stolen from you, what does it really matter to get a CM involved?

Also, my husband and I have been writing down names of people we have interaction with in WDW and the CA parks, and when we get home, write letters of commendations to them, praising the good that they DO do! It keeps us looking for good instead of the bad, and keeps the good doing good (we hope).

As Cast members, do you folks ever recieve these letters?


Well-Known Member

Thats the number one reason cast members become forceful in dealing with the guests. We dont want to lose our jobs because a guest injures themselves.

If the CM is telling guests to do something for their own safety this should not be questioned. All things are not apparent from a guest point of view nor do they have the experience to effectively evalutate the situation. Afterall, not too many people have an amusement park in their back yard.

Unfortunatley, I see this happen all the time. It could be crowd control during a parade, not sitting(standing) on a ledge during fireworks, not conveniently opening a gate or dropping a rope so that you may access something that is cordoned off for a reason.

The one that especially is agravating is the latter. If there is a rope or gate in place. ITs not at the guests option to remove it so they dont have to walk further, wait longer, or whatever the reasoning happens to be. As a guest, you dont' know why that rope or gate is there and therefore should not be moving it.

Cast members spend a fair amount of time being trained about safety and then trying to insure that guests don't place theirselves in harms way. The engineering departments also place a lot of safety devices, gates, doors, etc along the way to keep you from doing something wrong. If it looks like you probalby shouldnt be doing something or we tell you not to, please cease and desist witout acting like we just singled you out of a group of people by placing a dunce cap on your head.


Well-Known Member
Re: You think FL is rude? Try CA for a change.

Originally posted by LadyDarling

As Cast members, do you folks ever recieve these letters?

I couldnt begin to guess how many letters are received by WDW everyday both good and bad. I can say that they are all taken very seriously regardless of the subject matter. The more note worthy letters are oftened published in various internal communications, posted on department bulletin boards, or addressed to the individual by their manager.


New Member
I have to admit, as I read more and more in this thread, that there are FAR more great cast members out there!

Such as - My husband and I braved the air in December of 2001 (post 9/11) and flew to Disneyworld from CA for our honeymoon. NEVER HAVE I EVER FELT SO SPECIAL! And it wasn't just my husband. Those folks did a great job of making us feel like King and Queen EVERYWHERE we went.

On coming back there for our 1st anniverasary last year, we were treated a little less like "royalty", which was dissappointing, but hey! We were in Disneyworld! How can you be unhappy in Disneyworld?! :)

Hopefully this year, as I'm taking a friend along on our anniversary trip, who may not be around next year to go on ever again (he's a 1st timer who contracted Hep C as a baby from a blood transfusion during surgery before they screened for it and a real stand up guy who will probably be on the liver donor list next year), we'll all be treated like roylaty!


New Member
I couldnt begin to guess how many letters are received by WDW everyday both good and bad. I can say that they are all taken very seriously regardless of the subject matter. The more note worthy letters are oftened published in various internal communications, posted on department bulletin boards, or addressed to the individual by their manager.

Good to know they are out there! :) May all of you CMs out there get a "Darling" Review! We'll be around the 1st week in Decemeber! ; ) :king:


Well-Known Member
It was a joke. A statment made in order to illicit a response. I know there are not CM's at Universal.:lol:

I have never had a bad experience with CM's, maybe encountered a few grumpy ones (but hey everyone is entitled to a bad day).

On the other hand, I have been subject to a few rude employees at US. Especially if you have the nerve to wear clothing with Disney logos on them. So much so, that my family still talks about it til this day!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
It was a joke. A statment made in order to illicit a response. I know there are not CM's at Universal.:lol:

I have never had a bad experience with CM's, maybe encountered a few grumpy ones (but hey everyone is entitled to a bad day).

On the other hand, I have been subject to a few rude employees at US. Especially if you have the nerve to wear clothing with Disney logos on them. So much so, that my family still talks about it til this day!

There are a lot of Universal Employees who were previously disgruntled Disney employees.

Interestingly, Universals internal theme for the year of 2003 is "We Will Win". There is a sign that hangs over their Employee services building that says it.

To be fair, Each company does things for which they should be given credit for excelling. Universal and Disney serve two different markets in amny ways.


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Originally posted by mkt
talk about overreacting.... that CM broke no rules, did nothing wrong... and your mom got her fired. I wonder if your mom knows the family that made the false accusation that got me fired...

how did you get fired or why?


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Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by mkt
they can... unfortunately, people are very quick to say something is rude...

...otherwise I'd still have my job.

I can understand that... Ive seen some castmembers shake with fear at times and mumble when they encounter a RUDE person or family... Its not there fault who they run into. Some people ask the dumbest questions though... "Do you know where I can find Mission: Space here at this park?"-This was in the magic kingdom:lookaroun really... It says no where on the MK map Mission: Space was there. The worst type of rude families are from other countries. Some people come to the park and dont I mean dont know how to speak english? A castmember once had to tell this family to get off the road 12 times right before the parade started! Im suprised he could take all that stress. The family just ignored him... So sometimes it isnt the cast members fault at all, its the people going to the parks.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr

Thats the number one reason cast members become forceful in dealing with the guests. We dont want to lose our jobs because a guest injures themselves.

If the CM is telling guests to do something for their own safety this should not be questioned. All things are not apparent from a guest point of view nor do they have the experience to effectively evalutate the situation. Afterall, not too many people have an amusement park in their back yard.

Unfortunatley, I see this happen all the time. It could be crowd control during a parade, not sitting(standing) on a ledge during fireworks, not conveniently opening a gate or dropping a rope so that you may access something that is cordoned off for a reason.

The one that especially is agravating is the latter. If there is a rope or gate in place. ITs not at the guests option to remove it so they dont have to walk further, wait longer, or whatever the reasoning happens to be. As a guest, you dont' know why that rope or gate is there and therefore should not be moving it.

Cast members spend a fair amount of time being trained about safety and then trying to insure that guests don't place theirselves in harms way. The engineering departments also place a lot of safety devices, gates, doors, etc along the way to keep you from doing something wrong. If it looks like you probalby shouldnt be doing something or we tell you not to, please cease and desist witout acting like we just singled you out of a group of people by placing a dunce cap on your head.

very well put!

Pleeeeeeeeeese don't get upset at the employee who is just taking orders. If you think it is dumb that a CM seems to be holding a line up or not letting people through or soemthing, it is not always their fault! Just think how many times CMs have to explain the fastpass system to unknowing guests who get mad because they are being let on the ride before them. Or if a child appears to be tall enough to get on a ride, but a CM says no. And in many cases, the CMs probably want to do things differently or that seem more effective, or just more kind to the guests (like letting kids on a ride they barely make the height for), but then they would be dissobeying orders. That is their job!

However, it is true that in these cases, the CM must still maintain a calm head about things. I get into these kinds of messes all the time at my job, but I always keep smiling and keep calm. But Geeeeeeze, some people just think you control eveything! "Man, that's a stupid price for cigarettes. Down the road they are three cents cheaper! What's the deal? I'm not paying that..blah blah blah." ;)


New Member
Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by bigbadwolf
Some people come to the park and dont I mean dont know how to speak english?

Since when is it a prerequisite to speak English in order to visit Disney World?


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by barnum42
Since when is it a prerequisite to speak English in order to visit Disney World?

Really it should... America=English When i go to Disneyland Paris it would make logical sence to know french. You dont need to say they have translations in the park for the languages. I know that already. I hope in the future Disney World is Run by Robots who can translate any language. Its very annoying waiting in a line for food just becuase the person dosnt know how to speak english. All the lines for Smoked Turky Legs where a hour longer then usual one time i went to the MK. many tourest from Spain where EVERYWHERE... Ive been to the parks every season, so I can see the dramatic change of amount of people and who is from which country. Oct and the fall is when people mostly from England come here. Summer is sometimes loaded with people from Europe.


Well-Known Member
i feel so special having english and spanish as my native languages and 5 years of french under my belt...:lol: sorry conceitedness over but it felt cool talking french to the person working the crepe cart in epcot...ok im done :hammer:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by bigbadwolf
Really it should... America=English When i go to Disneyland Paris it would make logical sence to know french. You dont need to say they have translations in the park for the languages. I know that already. I hope in the future Disney World is Run by Robots who can translate any language. Its very annoying waiting in a line for food just becuase the person dosnt know how to speak english. All the lines for Smoked Turky Legs where a hour longer then usual one time i went to the MK. many tourest from Spain where EVERYWHERE... Ive been to the parks every season, so I can see the dramatic change of amount of people and who is from which country. Oct and the fall is when people mostly from England come here. Summer is sometimes loaded with people from Europe.

Maybe you should learn proper English grammar before you post about how others should know English before coming to WDW. English is my third language, and I obviously have better grasp of grammar and spelling than you, who I am assuming is a native speaker of it.

America most definitely does NOT=English. Otherwise all of Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Uruguay, Suriname, Peru, Paraguay, French Guiana, Ecuador, Columbia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Maarten, and St. Martin would ALL be English-speaking. Just as like when an American goes abroad on vacation, for a foreigner, part of the fun of going abroad on vacation is the experience of a new language. Granted, it may not be the most fun challenge, it's still a worthwhile one.

If you want to know what happened to me at WDW, I'll give you the gist of it. False accusations, mistaken identity, and exaggeration. That's what happened.


New Member
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by mkt
Maybe you should learn proper English grammar before you post about how others should know English before coming to WDW. English is my third language, and I obviously have better grasp of grammar and spelling than you, who I am assuming is a native speaker of it.

America most definitely does NOT=English. Otherwise all of Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Uruguay, Suriname, Peru, Paraguay, French Guiana, Ecuador, Columbia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Maarten, and St. Martin would ALL be English-speaking. Just as like when an American goes abroad on vacation, for a foreigner, part of the fun of going abroad on vacation is the experience of a new language. Granted, it may not be the most fun challenge, it's still a worthwhile one.

If you want to know what happened to me at WDW, I'll give you the gist of it. False accusations, mistaken identity, and exaggeration. That's what happened.

Oh my god!!! its the end of the world!!! I have poor english skills! So dose nearly most of the United States. who cares.... I really dont... I feel sorry for what happened to you. Oh and my mother didnt exagerate. Whatever you did must of been exagerated in some way, but i wasnt there so i have no idea. I was there when this lady was YELLING in the middle of a hot summer day. Telling PAYING guest that they won't make it on the boat in a hour. Its thier job to run the ride and tell jokes on the boat. Its not thier job to make tourist feel even more misrible in the blazing heat. :fork: They paid allot of money to go to the park and enjoy thier vacation without hearing a lou mouth castmember.

Oh and yeah this rarly happens... Sorry if i affended any other fired castmembers...:(


New Member
one time i meet this REALLY SUPER nice cm at a restaurant (maybe ohana) in polynesian resort. He talked to us about how he used to work at a hotel in my town ( one of the top 10 in the US) and my brother spilt his slurpee type drink and he cleaned it up and said no probelem.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Rude Cast Members?

Originally posted by bigbadwolf
The worst type of rude families are from other countries. Some people come to the park and dont I mean dont know how to speak english? A castmember once had to tell this family to get off the road 12 times right before the parade started! Im suprised he could take all that stress. The family just ignored him... So sometimes it isnt the cast members fault at all, its the people going to the parks.

Perhaps you may be confusing the family's lack of understanding the English language as being rude as opposed to them simply not comprehending what the message the CM was attempting to convey. Being in a place where your native tongue is not used in conversation can easily cause confusion and misunderstandings.

The irony of your statement, inferring that all visitors to WDW should be required to understand the English language, is that Disney is widely considered the one place in the U.S. where foreigners feel most comfortable in choosing as their vacation destination because the CMs have a reputation for being PATIENT with all visitors: Foreign and Domestic.

My family and I actually enjoy assisting out-of-country tourists while in the Parks. I think Walt would have wanted it that way.

It's a small world, no?

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