Disney is not just for kids!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
NOt that I have to say tht round here you guys get it, See I was at work today (I work in salon) one of my clients was telling her step-daughter what A big disney-nut I am..She then said that she has never been before, but figures once she has kids she'll "have to go there", so for now she 'll do the fun, grown-up stuff that you really can't do with kids, such as cabo,san juan, all those tropical places...I wanted to tell her that she could still do disney even without kids but figured it was a biggggg waste of time:brick:!!! I know we all run into people like this , but Don't you wish people could just see that its not only "for "kids?? We went there for our honeymoon and if I could I would still do it all over again.... I know diiffeent strokes for different folks, but I'm amazed how many people say its just for kids.....In Jan my hubby and I went to Disney for a long weekend just us two ....Such a different experience , then when we go with our girls. We haven't been to disney just us since our honeymoon in 96!! So much fun that we already have it planned again for jan of 09....!! Just me and the other "big kid"!!

Anyone else run across people like this??

52 more days till we go for our Annual September trip with our girls !!!!


Well-Known Member
NOt that I have to say tht round here you guys get it, See I was at work today (I work in salon) one of my clients was telling her step-daughter what A big disney-nut I am..She then said that she has never been before, but figures once she has kids she'll "have to go there", so for now she 'll do the fun, grown-up stuff that you really can't do with kids, such as cabo,san juan, all those tropical places...I wanted to tell her that she could still do disney even without kids but figured it was a biggggg waste of time:brick:!!! I know we all run into people like this , but Don't you wish people could just see that its not only "for "kids?? We went there for our honeymoon and if I could I would still do it all over again.... I know diiffeent strokes for different folks, but I'm amazed how many people say its just for kids.....In Jan my hubby and I went to Disney for a long weekend just us two ....Such a different experience , then when we go with our girls. We haven't been to disney just us since our honeymoon in 96!! So much fun that we already have it planned again for jan of 09....!! Just me and the other "big kid"!!

Anyone else run across people like this??

52 more days till we go for our Annual September trip with our girls !!!!

Not really, but I do often talk to people in the over 60 range who say they can't go because they're too old. Apparently, to them, WDW is only for people 50 and under or something. But I have talked to alot of older people who think they are too old to be doing all those rides and stuff, to which I always reply that the rides are very family oriented and that we see people older than them down there all the time.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
If there weren't people who thought like that, the lines would be a lot longer for the rest of us. I say keep thinking that. ;)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I dont even argue with people about it because someone who would form an opinion of something without knowing anything about it, is obviously a moron.


Well-Known Member
Disney is a great place FOR kids, but kids don't really get it in the same way adults get it. Life is so dang serious and we get so bogged down in competition, making money, paying bills....when I go to Disney all that melts away.


Well-Known Member
Adults who have fun in Disney are typically adults who really like Disney to begin with. If you're not into the movies, characters, rides, etc - the magic might be lost on your as an adult. I know plenty of adults who aren't into Disney, and think I'm a little crazy. But I think they're crazy for plenty of things too :eek:

It's certainly not just for kids though! I do hate when people say that.


Well-Known Member
Funny - I was just thinking...

I see a lot of crying kids at Disney but not too many crying adults at Disney...

:lol: Hmmmmm :lol:


Don't you wish people could just see that its not only "for "kids? ... Anyone else run across people like this??

Heck, until last year, I WAS people like this! My wife and I don't have kids (well, except for the spoiled-rotten furry kind) and even though we had friends over the years tell us we should try Disney, we never really seriously thought about it.

Last summer, though, the office sent me to Anaheim for a week and I took the bride along. We spent two and a half days at Disneyland -- just long enough to get us completely, uncontrollably hooked and wishing we had stayed longer. When it came time to decide our vacation destination this year, we toyed with the idea of going back to Hawaii, but when the bride suggested Disney World, it didn't take much convincing.

So 43 days of tortuous living in the "real world" till our first visit to THE World!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Heck, until last year, I WAS people like this! My wife and I don't have kids (well, except for the spoiled-rotten furry kind) and even though we had friends over the years tell us we should try Disney, we never really seriously thought about it.

Last summer, though, the office sent me to Anaheim for a week and I took the bride along. We spent two and a half days at Disneyland -- just long enough to get us completely, uncontrollably hooked and wishing we had stayed longer. When it came time to decide our vacation destination this year, we toyed with the idea of going back to Hawaii, but when the bride suggested Disney World, it didn't take much convincing.

So 43 days of tortuous living in the "real world" till our first visit to THE World!:sohappy:

ME TOO! I've always loved the Disney Parks - and gone when I have the money....

But alas, no kids for me! I have the furry kind, too. I'm a goofball so no one really questions me about going and not having kids. Maybe they know the world is better off this way! :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
I think you simply have to be young at heart. You have to be willing to laugh at yourself while posing for a picture with a ridiculous looking goofy hat, or something like that.

Even with the closing of PI there are still so many adult things to do. You have so many nice restaurants, spas, golf, relaxing by the pool, boats, etc.

For me, as an adult, nostalgia also plays a big part. On our last family trip, we stayed at MK for evening EMH. My sister and I rode the teacups while our spouses waited for us. We all laughed so hard because I had gotten us so dizzy that we were falling all over the place when we got off. I remember that night so well because it reminded me of when we were kids and all the fun we had. I think I was as happy as I was in that picture above.


Well-Known Member
For me, as an adult, nostalgia also plays a big part. On our last family trip, we stayed at MK for evening EMH. My sister and I rode the teacups while our spouses waited for us. We all laughed so hard because I had gotten us so dizzy that we were falling all over the place when we got off. I remember that night so well because it reminded me of when we were kids and all the fun we had.

That's me an my sister - exactly. We do the Christmas Party and Halloween together and other day-trips and we just tear the place up. It's so fun and funny to be together and have a great time. I'm 35 and she's 26 but we're like kids. We run to Space Mountain when we get to MK - we giggle riding Thunder Mountain....Disney holds so many special memories for us and I hope we'll still be going when I'm 80 and she's 71. :)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I blame it all on the marketing department. Not once have they advertised well enough to appeal to teens and young adults. All they ever show in their commercials is just kids riding dumbo and the tea cups with their parents.:brick:


New Member
I have this problem as well at work. There is this one guy that I work with that had a girlfriend that is very much into disney like myself and is trying to convince him that disney is for adults. I over-heard him telling a coworker about a sci-fi show he likes and also about being a Star Wars and I immediately said to him, "I have 3 reasons that you would like Disney. 1. there is Star Wars Weekends. 2. There is a Star Wars attraction (to which I explained) and 3.There is a Sci Fi Dinner Restaurant."


New Member
I took my b/f who is "Mr. Serious" last year to WDW. Wow! did he get just as silly as I did, he had an absolute blast, and he's not even a fan of Disney. I forced him (just short of gun to head) to take me and I was kind of worried since he's uncomfortable around children. Believe it or not had such a good time, he suggested we go this year too. And we are:D


We did Disney on our honeymoon, when the kids were growing up, when they marched at MK in high school (twice) and then they went off to college and started lives of their own. My DH loves Halloween and one day said that he wondered what they do at that time of year. So, I jumped on it and booked a trip for Halloween - just the two of us. We said either we were going to kill each other or have a great time. Well, 11 years later and 11 years straight going to WDW, just the two of us, we have not killed each other and look forward to our trip every year. I have found so many different things to do as adults (ex.: fishing, spa), we can eat at the nicer restaurants, go at our own pace and just enjoy. We did go this past spring with our DD and her husband and had a great time. We still have our pictures taken with the characters, love all the rides, the fireworks, etc. NOT just for kids but for big kids at heart also!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
We did Disney on our honeymoon, when the kids were growing up, when they marched at MK in high school (twice) and then they went off to college and started lives of their own. My DH loves Halloween and one day said that he wondered what they do at that time of year. So, I jumped on it and booked a trip for Halloween - just the two of us. We said either we were going to kill each other or have a great time. Well, 11 years later and 11 years straight going to WDW, just the two of us, we have not killed each other and look forward to our trip every year. I have found so many different things to do as adults (ex.: fishing, spa), we can eat at the nicer restaurants, go at our own pace and just enjoy. We did go this past spring with our DD and her husband and had a great time. We still have our pictures taken with the characters, love all the rides, the fireworks, etc. NOT just for kids but for big kids at heart also!

Please when hubby and I went in jan, I almost ran over a kid because I seen Jimminy Cricket (my fav and you never really get to see him at a meet and greet )and had to go wait in line to get my pic...My hubby kept laughing at me telling me I'm just as bad as the kids...yup sure am...And all I kept saying was 'can you believe I met jimminy cricket , how freakin cool is that"?...I mean really where else can I walk around with Mickey Ears and its ok...Its aceptable...Or get my face painted (yes I do that with our girls) or even better, walk around dressed as peter pan or as a mouseketeer for MNSSHP and its ok.....I love the fact for a week or however many days I'm there That I'm lost in a land of make believe....Where all our worries are left at home , Between the whole theming of WALT DISNEY World , the castle , the characters, the rides , the show's, the Cm's(well most) how can you not get lost in it....When I need to be I act like the responsible adult......the rest of the time, I like acting like a kid..and where else better than Disney....I don't ever want to grow up!!!


When we are in Disney, my husband fears for the CM's. He believes that one day, accidentally of course, I will strangle one of them trying to see what pins they have on their lanyards. He says I can beat anyone of our three kids in a race to the CM to see their lanyard. I guess at my age I can take the biggest kid award.


Well-Known Member
We are childless by choice, ages 39 & 36 and are only 72 days away from trip #3 :sohappy:! I love Disney so much that when we start discussing our next vacations, I can never come up with anyplace else to go.


It's definately not just for kids and I would even go as far as saying that it's not just for those who are kids at heart either!

I took my dad there for his first trip a few years back and he really didn't think he was going to like it. He's not into Disney, particularly, but acknowledges that they are good at what they do, and he doesn't like rides so I was a bit worried about what there would be for him to do.

Well, we did all of the rides which he said were great although he thinks he's a bit too old for some of the more turbulent ones, but what surprised me most was that he loved MK. And not for the reasons that I love it!

He said he liked that he could just wander around and have loads to see without having to go and see characters and do the rides. He was impressed by the rides, but mostly I think he liked the landscaping and the scenery and the atmosphere. He loves AK too, but wasn't keen on Epcot or MGM.

Now he can't wait for our trip next year even though he is worried about a Disney overload!!!


Well-Known Member
I must say I was a convert a few years ago. The DW wanted to go and I didn't care one way or the other but we went (I cared but not like now). I wasn't overly familiar with the movies except for the classics. I always enjoyed Disney but wasn't a nut. We went and I fell in love with all of it and now wish we could go annually.
One regret I have is that she wanted our first song at our wedding years ago to be "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" and we chose something else as I wasn't overly enthused. I wish we had used that song though.

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