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  • You NEED to go on SplM, Jimmy. Trust me...even from someone who HATES any type of thrill ride, the AA's and the old school Disney feeling of it is worth it ten fold. :D
    Yes..that is Drew..and so funny...haha..thats a baby..:)..Is that your wife talking?..in french?.italian?..I dont know..something..haha.

    I asked you to be my friend on facebook also..:)
    She is getting too big..will be 4 in August!

    Life is great without the tube..she eats and eats and eats..:)..and is doing amazing..she is rotten and sassy but a sweetie all in one..:)
    Glad all went well with the surgery..and glad he is doing great!...:)

    Seems like family life is good for all of you guys..:)

    Maggie is doing amazing..eating like a piggy and gaining well..:)

    We are staying with friends..that is why we are going..and will be frequenting the beaches also..:)

    I will tell Drew..and we will have a great time..I have never been on my birthday to a prk so that is going to be exciting..I know it will be crowded and HOT..that is why we do not go during the summer..but Disney is Disney and Maggie is so excited..so that makes it more exciting!

    I will let you know all about it when we return..

    Hugs for that baby boy!
    Love ya!
    Hey..just want to say hi and see how you are doing..:)

    I will not be around sunday we will be in florida.we leave saturday night...spending the week with friends in Tampa and will be in WDW next Friday the 26 for my bday..:).so I wanted to wish you a Happy Fathers Day early..:)..Hope you have an amazing one..I know you will..:)

    Hope Thomas is doing great!

    Talk to you soon!

    Love you!
    Hi So I was curious what was the sons and daughters of liberty ceremony in Liberty Square? I would have asked you in the TNP Post but somebody got to it 1st.
    We are all great..Maggie gets her feeding tube out soon and we are excited for that.

    Poor little man and Mommy and daddy..but I know those smiles make everything better..Glad all is well..So exciting about his first trip..:)
    Hey sweetie..:)

    How is that gorgeous little man and his beautiful mommy doing?

    Is everything amazing?

    Love you and kisses for Thomas..:)
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