Are you 23?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I don't find it worth it to me. It's just a showcase of Disney and it's goings on.:shrug:

I guess I don't understand how you can spend so much time criticizing something if you don't think it offers anything of value to begin with.

It'd be like walking into a restaurant that didn't serve anything I like, walking out, and then starting a campaign DEMANDING that the restaurant start cooking things I'd want to eat...instead of just going somewhere that serves food I like already.

The best I can gather from (some of the) D64 folks is that you don't want to join D23...but you WANT to want to, and are determined to talk about how much you don't want to join, until changes are enacted that cause you to want to join.

I still think just walking out of the restaurant would be a lot easier. :lol: :shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I guess I don't understand how you can spend so much time criticizing something if you don't think it offers anything of value to begin with.

It'd be like walking into a restaurant that didn't serve anything I like, walking out, and then starting a campaign DEMANDING that the restaurant start cooking things I'd want to eat...instead of just going somewhere that serves food I like already.

The best I can gather from (some of the) D64 folks is that you don't want to join D23...but you WANT to want to, and are determined to talk about how much you don't want to join, until changes are enacted that cause you to want to join.

I still think just walking out of the restaurant would be a lot easier. :lol: :shrug:
It's a movement to try and get them to be better, that's all.


Well-Known Member
It'd be like walking into a restaurant that didn't serve anything I like, walking out, and then starting a campaign DEMANDING that the restaurant start cooking things I'd want to eat...instead of just going somewhere that serves food I like already.

Sounds like something I'd do.

The best I can gather from (some of the) D64 folks is that you don't want to join D23...but you WANT to want to, and are determined to talk about how much you don't want to join, until changes are enacted that cause you to want to join.

I still think just walking out of the restaurant would be a lot easier. :lol: :shrug:

Like I said, we aren't complaining.

Just being ridiculously cool.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
It's a movement to try and get them to be better, that's all.

Fair enough. I'm trying to help your movement be better now. ;)

Like I said, we aren't complaining.
Eh...I've read a lot of posts that strike me that way. It seems like nobody can post their thoughts about the magazine or goodies (like the lithograph) without one of you guys popping up and reminding them that you think it's overpriced. I know for myself, there's a sense of "we get it already." It just seems to have entered carping territory by this point.

I think if you guys are really interested in effecting positive change, you'd be a lot more successful by telling the folks at Disney what you WOULD like to see them offer, instead of setting up more of an "us vs. them" dynamic by making D64 essentially a forum for snarky criticism and self-congratulation for resisting D23's marketing hype. Even if that's how you feel, it's not a very effective public face for a change-oriented campaign. You'll never improve something if all you do is throw spitballs at it.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Fair enough. I'm trying to help your movement be better now. ;)

Eh...I've read a lot of posts that strike me that way. It seems like nobody can post their thoughts about the magazine or goodies (like the lithograph) without one of you guys popping up and reminding them that you think it's overpriced. I know for myself, there's a sense of "we get it already." It just seems to have entered carping territory by this point.

I think if you guys are really interested in effecting positive change, you'd be a lot more successful by telling the folks at Disney what you WOULD like to see them offer, instead of setting up more of an "us vs. them" dynamic by making D64 essentially a forum for snarky criticism and self-congratulation for resisting D23's marketing hype. Even if that's how you feel, it's not a very effective public face for a change-oriented campaign. You'll never improve something if all you do is throw spitballs at it.

I gotcha.

We've done that quite a bit on the Facebook page.


Well-Known Member
64 is just a number. The only significance it has is that which the viewer sees in it.

No, you know thats not true.

Everything you pretty much said above is...well...wrong.

Super wrong.

Sure, would you mind pointing out what parts are incorrectly and why they are? I'll be waiting.

64 isn't anti-23.

It certainly is.

64 is just mathematically Superior to 23, and is much, much cooler. If you HAVE to ask, you'll never need to know.
And yes, it is much better than 23.

And what exactly do you get out of '64'? The ability to ignore facts and babble on about costs? You can't say 'we want them to be better/cheaper!!!111' because the decision for 'D64' was made before D23 was announced. You were against it before you even knew what it was, and how much it cost. And don't try to deny that. You'll just ignore this post though, because thats what teenagers do when faced with logic.

Disneyson 1

New Member
On a non-argumentative note, I just received my card and welcome package. The card isn't paper, but rather just a bit less than a room-card printing, not shiny on the front, but paper-esque (appropriate seeing that there's a picture of the sketch of Mickey in bandleader attire on it). Also, a nice touch is the words "Charter Member" on it. There's also an expiration date on it, so I assume that it'll change designs every year, plus that gives me the idea that they'll check it when you go to "D23 Events".

The welcome package is in a clear plastic wrapper like any normal shipment, but it's got a silver D23 sticker on it. Very classy.

The welcome letter is nice, and I feel it will be a big collectable someday.

The certificate is quite lovely, and the pictures are shiny, like a temporary tattoo is, yet more magazine-quality.

Decal's a nice surprise

Getting to the mag... IT'S AMAZING!!! I've read every article and they're GREAT!! Yea, they mention the Disney Channel, like, twice, but they have great content. Graphic styling is AMAZING, and although it looks like a "coffee table book", it's quite readable, like any article online (I think even less full of itself!) There are some things I didn't know (like that the slipper in the Cindy Castle Suite is that one used in the Annie Liebowitz photo shoot!) and you can tell there's no shortage of articles. I only read about half the magazine so far, reading every word and absorbing the pictures. It's fancy pics and layout, easy-to-read-but-not-known-facts words. (no ads except for a D23 one and... well of course the whole thing is like a big Disney ad in the fashion that a video game mag. is a video game ad.)

I enjoy my membership!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
you'd be a lot more successful by telling the folks at Disney what you WOULD like to see them offer

Disney's been in quite an interesting situation. They've been in this situation since the internet fun Disney fans.

They have hordes of loyal customers/guests spouting off how they truly feel, giving them feedback for free that other companies pay for.

What do they do with this knowledge? ________ it away.

They don't deserve us calmly telling them.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
And what exactly do you get out of '64'? The ability to ignore facts and babble on about costs? You can't say 'we want them to be better/cheaper!!!111' because the decision for 'D64' was made before D23 was announced. You were against it before you even knew what it was, and how much it cost. And don't try to deny that. You'll just ignore this post though, because thats what teenagers do when faced with logic.

Talk about a low hit and talk about bitter!:lol: I don't mind though.:wave:

When you join D64, you just show your support in the idea that Disney could make a better product. Yeah, D64 was created before D23 was officially announced. That doesn't mean that that's not mandated though, it turned out to be exactly what I was told it would be. If it turns out to be something more, later, I will GLADLY admit that I was wrong. In fact I would be thrilled! :lol:That would mean Disney actually listened and changed for the better.

And nope, if it was priced a bit lower and worth what they are offering, I would be less disappointed and less adamant about this whole thing.

Have a good night...I'll see you all tomorrow.

(No reason why we can't be friendly about this!:wave::o)

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
To some people they are getting their moneys worth..

What some think is getting their moneys worth others do not..some of the things you buy on ebay Evan are not worth what you pay for them in my I am sure that me buying every Gilmore Girls season on DVD is not of value to you.:shrug:

BTW..I am not 23 or 64..I am 36...:)

You are a brick . . . house. :king:


Active Member
I think it's only a matter of time (months?) before they lower the 75 dollar D23 membership price. This thing blew up on them big time, and I'm sure they are now scrambling to fix it and re-launch it at a lower price point.

From the looks of it, the D23 Expo in Anaheim this September looks like a major expenditure for the Company. They've got pretty much the entire Anaheim Convention Center, the largest convention center on the West Coast, reserved and rented out. Of course all the Parks & Resorts departments will be there, but also ESPN, ABC, Consumer Products, Studios, Animation, Internet Group, etc., etc. will all have exhibits and pavilions. Even the 5,000 seat Jetsons-esque Anaheim Arena has been reserved for key note D23 speeches from Bob Iger, John Lasseter, Jay Rasulo, etc. The whole four day Expo shindig has got to be costing a pretty penny.

I have a hunch they will use the Expo to re-launch D23 with lower price points, a refined message, and a better handle on marketing to the hardcore Disney fans. They really blew it on the D23 launch in March, so I think they'll regroup and try again in August/September.

And if they do lower the price then those that struck while the iron was hot will be angry because they paid more. I don't think Disney can please everyone all the time. The thing that I keep hearing is that there are no ads in the magazine.. But there are ads.The ads are disguised as articles.. I think it would be a different ball game if the Expo was exclusive for D23 Members. They offer a $7.00 discount for members. Open your eyes the truth is out there.... I am beginning to think this D23 is like Skynet....March 10th 2009 .. That is the Day they Tried to take over


Well-Known Member
I think it's only a matter of time (months?) before they lower the 75 dollar D23 membership price. This thing blew up on them big time, and I'm sure they are now scrambling to fix it and re-launch it at a lower price point.

I'm not so sure 'bout that. I can't see them lowering anything as it would not only signify that D23 truly didn't do what they intended ... but also it would likely anger quite a few people who paid the $75 (and I would be too).

I'd guess they may offer a different price schedule down the road ... as in at least 12 months from now.

From the looks of it, the D23 Expo in Anaheim this September looks like a major expenditure for the Company. They've got pretty much the entire Anaheim Convention Center, the largest convention center on the West Coast, reserved and rented out. Of course all the Parks & Resorts departments will be there, but also ESPN, ABC, Consumer Products, Studios, Animation, Internet Group, etc., etc. will all have exhibits and pavilions. Even the 5,000 seat Jetsons-esque Anaheim Arena has been reserved for key note D23 speeches from Bob Iger, John Lasseter, Jay Rasulo, etc. The whole four day Expo shindig has got to be costing a pretty penny.

I'd guess that Disney negotiated a very sweet deal on the CC, especially considering the time of year it is being staged. Will it be pricey? Sure. But it is designed to get people to ultimately spend on all things Mouse-related.

It's a wise investment at this point. If I am out there, and I usually am as it is pre-Emmy time, I may wind up there.

I have a hunch they will use the Expo to re-launch D23 with lower price points, a refined message, and a better handle on marketing to the hardcore Disney fans. They really blew it on the D23 launch in March, so I think they'll regroup and try again in August/September.

I agree they'll regroup ... just think your timing is off.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by EPCOT Explorer
The difference, is value. ;) Those are tangible items. D23 is asking 75$ for 4 large Disney Pamphlets and the ability to buy more merch.


A magazine that has been likened to being 'Coffee-Table Book" quality publishing is hardly a pamphlet. Sorry Evan, you're losing ground when your arguments against D23 turn to petty, vindictive bickering.

I expect, based on what I've read and seen, that I will be satisfied that I got my money's worth by becoming a member. The magazine sounds to be worth the $16/issue being charged and the lithograph easily covers the extra expense over the base price of the magazine. The two $25 gift cards provided in response to my complaints about their initially ridiculous shipping fees outside the contiguous U.S. have somewhat assuaged my ire in that regard and I've determined that I'm getting value for what I paid.

Initially, I supported your efforts in creating D64, but it no longer really serves a purpose. Disney has provided a service to me through D23 that I'm content with. :cool:

While Evan may have been exaggerating a bit by calling D23 'pamphlets' he isn't all that far off. The fanzine is largely a giant ad for all things (domestically) Disney.

Whether it is worth it is an individual decision, but I am truly amazed that no one here seems to know of or has seen Tales From the Laughing Place.

They're both high quality looking glossy type pubs. But once you've seen Tales D23 will seem largely like PR fluff with little substance.

My take on the lack of knowledge of fans here about Tales and their desire to jump on the D23 bandwagon is largely due to the fact it comes straight from Disney and not a third party. I'd make it akin to the folks who only stay at WDW Resorts and won't stay at the Swan or Dolphin or Hotel Plaza Properties because 'they don't have the magic.'

Again, don't take this to mean you Monty, I am speaking in general and pulled your post because while I would have worded things differently, I don't disagree with Evan's assessment.

You also did get those gift cards to help make the choice to buying into the club a bit more magical.

Some thoughts ...

Anyway, how's the weather up there? :)


Well-Known Member
No, you know thats not true.

What I and other 64s think about 23 is their own business.

If I and the others hate it, good for them. D64 fully endorses blind rage!

Sure, would you mind pointing out what parts are incorrectly and why they are? I'll be waiting.

You know that part where you started? And then part in the middle? Oh, yeah and the end could use some work.

It certainly is.

See above, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

And what exactly do you get out of '64'? The ability to ignore facts and babble on about costs? You can't say 'we want them to be better/cheaper!!!111' because the decision for 'D64' was made before D23 was announced. You were against it before you even knew what it was, and how much it cost. And don't try to deny that.

Here's what happened, because you must've missed it...

1: Rumors swirled around "Are you 23?" being a pay-to-play Fan Club.

2: I said "Eh. I don't need to pay to be 23. I'm 64, that's much better than 23."

3: Other people were drawn in by this mystery number and plight

4: A friend, EPCOT Explorer formed an outlet for others not wanting to join 23 to instead join the League of awesomeness and home to Interests so wide they go beyond Disney, and many brave comrades joined us!

5: The extraordinary aura of Fighting Spirit became so wide-spread many people like yourself see it as a threat.

6: See more above. If you have to ask yourself "Am I 23, or 64?" then you will never truly be 64. Just like 23 though, we'll be glad to have you.

You'll just ignore this post though, because thats what teenagers do when faced with logic.

Have we met before? Just who do you think I am tough guy?


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
While Evan may have been exaggerating a bit by calling D23 'pamphlets' he isn't all that far off. The fanzine is largely a giant ad for all things (domestically) Disney.

Whether it is worth it is an individual decision, but I am truly amazed that no one here seems to know of or has seen Tales From the Laughing Place.

They're both high quality looking glossy type pubs. But once you've seen Tales D23 will seem largely like PR fluff with little substance.

My take on the lack of knowledge of fans here about Tales and their desire to jump on the D23 bandwagon is largely due to the fact it comes straight from Disney and not a third party. I'd make it akin to the folks who only stay at WDW Resorts and won't stay at the Swan or Dolphin or Hotel Plaza Properties because 'they don't have the magic.'

Again, don't take this to mean you Monty, I am speaking in general and pulled your post because while I would have worded things differently, I don't disagree with Evan's assessment.

You also did get those gift cards to help make the choice to buying into the club a bit more magical.

Some thoughts ...

Anyway, how's the weather up there? :)
I will grant that prior to your mentioning it in this thread, I was entirely unaware of The Laughing Place magazine. Not being one to take people's word entirely, I did subscribe to it as well. In all likelihood, I'll end up subscribed to both for more than just the first four issues. In fairness, the gift cards reduced my initial shipping costs only by a third, the greater victory is in the subsequent almost 50% reduction in their shipping rates to Canada for all things from Disney The overall cost of my D23 membership is still substantially higher than it would be for you. The reality for me was I wanted the magazine based on the comments I'd read from people here who bought it at B&N and the only way I can viably get it regularly is through membership.

I am a Disney resort staying guest, but have stayed off-site twice [both in nearby vacation homes]. I will most probably stay at the Swan and/or Dolphin at some point, I may even venture out to Hotel Plaza, but it'll probably be a while. I'm currently trying to stay in each resort, so far I've stayed at more than half... Frankly, I do enjoy being immersed in "Disney" while I'm there, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't consider other options. :shrug:

I joined D23 because of the magazine [even you have called it a "high quality looking glossy type pub" - certainly a step or two above 'pamphlet'], the gift impresses me and I've purchased a fair amount of merch already so that aspect clearly doesn't upset me. I'm content with what I've seen and look forward to what I've yet to see and what they may yet announce.


The difference, is value. ;) Those are tangible items. D23 is asking 75$ for 4 large Disney Pamphlets and the ability to buy more merch.
Come on now this is getting stupid!
Over the years many companies have had 'Collectors Clubs' eg: Cherished Teddies, Royal Doulton etc for interested collectors (surprisingly). For the annual fee the collector usually gets a 'gift' only available to the club members, and quarterly issues of a magazine. The collector/ member is aware that they are paying over the odds - but they join anyway BECAUSE THEY ARE INTERESTED! and if they don't enjoy it, then they don't rejoin the next year. It is an informed decision made by an adult. How is D23 different? in actual fact, the magazine is probably of better quality than most of these 'collectors clubs'. (My only issue with it has been the shipping costs to UK).


Active Member
I am an outsider here. I am not 64, nor 23. However, I do read this thread with great interest because I am interested in the D23 club. So far, Disney hasn't given me a good enough reason to join yet. The magazine, while nice, isn't something that pushes me over the edge to join. I am still waiting for that WOW factor.

With that said, I do see the posts from these D64 pioneers as being a bit harsh. You do come across as bitter, even though you all claim not to be. I believe you aren't bitter, just disappointed. But, realize, bittier is how you look.

I am all for your D64 club, or watchdog group, what ever you are. I am all for you all trying to force Disney to reach the standard we all hold them in. However, posting on WDWMagic and looking bitter doing it is not going to get Disney's attention. They will write you all off as little spoiled children bitter because they didn't get that toy they wanted for Christmas.

Please, keep your D64 club going. Get it growing. However, please stay on message with it. Stop looking for dang bitter. Stop coming across as selfish, spoiled kids who don't get their way. Instead, be more professional with your comments, with your posts, and with your club. This D64 group has great potential to be a game changer, if you just stay on message. Keep fighting to get D23 to be something spectacular. But do it professionally. That is the way to get Disney's attention.

Please take this as constructive critism and not a bashing. :)

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