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  1. ThumpersThought

    Possible Change to Evening EMH Policy

    Transportation is not advertised for resort guests only. Otherwise it's quite a swim from the Magic Kingdom parking lot to the Magic Kingdom! Off-property guests are not filling up the resort buses. Yes, there are some, but a vast majority of those riding your resort bus are resort guests...
  2. ThumpersThought

    Segway Lawsuit Against Disney Thrown out of Court

    Ignoring the whole ADA debate, I know why I personally don't want to see Segways in the parks: They're a ton of fun to ride. That may not make sense on the surface, but -- Sure, we have people riding ECV's that don't need to. And once the novelty wears off, an able person is not going to...
  3. ThumpersThought

    Hybrid busses.

    As the owner of a hybrid for five years now, I'd like to dispell many of the myths being spread in this thread: The term "Hybrid" does not tell you how it works; it tells you the make-up of the engine. A Hybrid is a conventional style vehicle with two or more power sources. Most common is...
  4. ThumpersThought

    Anyone know what music plays on the bus to Pop Century?

    There are no video screens, but the Disney Transport buses do play music. The Pop Century sound track is the largest with almost two hours of music. It ranges from TV show theme songs to classic ads to Queen.
  5. ThumpersThought

    Snakes at Saratoga Springs

    Yeah.. outside... Anywho... As many have said, there are snakes (serving a useful purpose) and they're just as happy to see you as you are to see them. If you don't like them, just stomp every so often -- you'll look silly, but those snakes will be long gone. It's fun watching a scared...
  6. ThumpersThought

    SSE page updated on

    Looks old. That's the front of SSE, and you should be able to see the tops of the monoliths. And could be my imagination, but it almost looks like the old plexiglass Epcot fountain topper can be seen by the left "leg" of SSE.
  7. ThumpersThought

    Night Rides

    You beat me to it! I love the Matterhorn at night -- it's like a different ride. At WDW, I'd put my vote in with Astro Orbiter.
  8. ThumpersThought

    'The Little Mermaid' attraction for WDW?

    I'm so glad you sat through that budget meeting to get us this info! :dazzle:
  9. ThumpersThought

    How do you get to ride in the front of the monrail?

    It always surprises me when guests feel guilty about riding up front. We'll arrive at a station and they'll say, "Oh, I'll move to the back if I have to." If we let you in the front, enjoy your ride! How long can you ride? Express and Epcot - One stop. Now, if no one is waiting, you can...
  10. ThumpersThought

    How do you get to ride in the front of the monrail?

    There are no reservations. The clipboard you saw was most likely the daily cast schedule. Number one tip of getting in the front: Ask the first CM you see. Don't wait until you're at the front car. We use hand signals, so, if you wait until you're already down the platform, a family...
  11. ThumpersThought

    New Bus Speil Videos

    No, the system will not be changing the spiels daily (even in phase 3). It will be regular updates, but absolutely not daily. (the "voice of Disney" would be hoarse by the end of the year!)
  12. ThumpersThought

    Bus kiosks thingies!

    This rumor won't die. There are no guest kiosks being installed for bus transportation. There are cast kiosks being installed for bus driver dispatching -- but these will all be backstage. Disney Transport will continue to be available to all.
  13. ThumpersThought

    Hybrid bus at WDW

    Funny... but hybrids actually don't do that well in gridlock (well, no worse than a regular car, but not as well as normal). For many hybrids, there's a slight improvement with City driving vs. Highway. But gridlock (especially that slow) is a sure way to drain your battery -- and then what...
  14. ThumpersThought

    New bus enhancements up and runing

    I have to nip something in the bud here: There are not guest kiosks being installed in or near any bus stops during any of the phases. So, don't worry about touchscreen vs. phones... There are cast kiosks for bus drivers that will be off-stage, but obviously, they have a different purpose.
  15. ThumpersThought

    Robbed at Disney

    Um... No. While Reedy Creek does supply much of the safety, they do not supply police. Orange County is the primary police presence on property. Neat creation of an urban legend, though!
  16. ThumpersThought

    front of the monorail

    Actually, that's not true. Pilots cannot restrict the front unless Monorail Central permits it -- it's not the pilot's choice. As to engaging your pilot -- remember, pilots are often taking cues from guests. I've had guests glare at me for trying to talk to them during their ride. I've had...
  17. ThumpersThought

    front of the monorail

    Tips for riding the nose: Express and Epcot are the easiest to get (plus it's easiest to see the wait). Both those runs the front guests must step to the back of the train if anyone is waiting at the next stop. Obviously, the Epcot run is the longest. If you want to stay on for a full...
  18. ThumpersThought

    Disney's The Magic Behind Our Steam Trains Tour - Any info?

    It's a bit harder with the Monorails. The shop where the trains are kept, well, you're walking next to potentially live 600 volt beams (what's 13 feet above your head at the TTC is elbow height in shop). Beyond that, you have to climb ladders to get into the trains while in shop. And...
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