Possible Change to Evening EMH Policy


Well-Known Member
Well if its not cost then what is it? I mean, it cant be to clear non resort guest from the parks because showing the room key is the same as showing a wristband only thing more work on the guest part. So I dont see it as helping clear the parks of non resort guests.


New Member
i agree. im not certain why they couldnt put a large barcode on it for that specific date etc and you scan it while entering the queue. for backup, they have the date printed on the band.

yes, i know that is more money and labor (possible waste) for the company, but tons of unhappy guest with lost rooms keys wont be easier either (granted... they will get a "lost" key charge)

Actually, ALL new KTTW cards (room keys) are being printed with a barcode (beginning last week), which would provide for easy scanning at the entrance to any attraction, and from what I hear, the infrastructure will already be in place because of the barcodes being put on the new fastpasses. It's really a great idea. The cast won't even have to look at dates, just scan the guests' card and they get to queue up (if it's a valid one). I think this is a GREAT idea and will help preserve the perks for those guests staying at Disney Resorts.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
It's suppose to be a resort guest perk , so disney needs to fix it so it stays that way.

So is resort buses, but, people not staying on property are using them to get around. And there is no checking to see if the person is a resort guest or not.

So, after reading these pages, let me see if I get this straight. Disney will scan your room keys at the entrance to the rides, not at the entrance to the park????? Truly doesn't make sense but, ok... Basically, they are saying the CMs cannot tell the difference between a slim piece of paper pass or a credit card feeling piece of plastic card??? And if you are not a resort guests, you get to stay in the park, but can't ride the rides?? Is that fair??? So, EMH doesn't have to clear the park then...ANYONE can stay, but only resort guests can ride the rides??? :confused:

Am I confused or is this just a terrible idea????


Well-Known Member
How hard did they try getting non-resort guests out of the park in the past? I'm sure they still want non-resort guests to shop in the stores and eat food (with the limited options still open). Plain and simple, they should stick with the wristbands and leave it at that! Anything else is a hassle to the guest and the castmember.


New Member
i think a wristband is much easier. they scan your room key when you get them so you can only get them if you are staying at a disney resort. but whatever. its really not a big deal to me. However, what I think they should do is make EMH how it used to be where they didnt advertise it so much and you had to pay to do it. The onyl way you would know about it is if you picked up the brochure by the front desk. I liked it that way cause the parks were so empty and you got to go on everything like 50 times in a row, which is awesome considering I dont go as often as I would like. God, me and my cousin went on space mountain 10 times in a row in about a half hour maybe.


Well-Known Member
Weird... holding an arm up was a lot quicker than finding and showing (and not loosing) a room key.

Thumbs down.

I agree! This is going to lead to a whole bunch of lost Key to the World cards....

And I think the cost and hassle of replacing them is much more inconvenient than the old wristband system.


Well-Known Member
So is resort buses, but, people not staying on property are using them to get around. And there is no checking to see if the person is a resort guest or not.

So, after reading these pages, let me see if I get this straight. Disney will scan your room keys at the entrance to the rides, not at the entrance to the park????? Truly doesn't make sense but, ok... Basically, they are saying the CMs cannot tell the difference between a slim piece of paper pass or a credit card feeling piece of plastic card??? And if you are not a resort guests, you get to stay in the park, but can't ride the rides?? Is that fair??? So, EMH doesn't have to clear the park then...ANYONE can stay, but only resort guests can ride the rides??? :confused:

Am I confused or is this just a terrible idea????

That's how it should be. EMH is a perk for On-property guests. And it should be exclusive in that way.

I don't know about the keys instead of the bands, but if you don't stay on property, you shouldn't be allowed on anything during EMH.


Well-Known Member
So is resort buses, but, people not staying on property are using them to get around. And there is no checking to see if the person is a resort guest or not.
Disney transportation is actually a perk with park admission, not resort stays. I know they try to play it off as a perk of staying on-site, but I'm pretty sure it says on every ticket that you can use Disney transportation.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
That's how it should be. EMH is a perk for On-property guests. And it should be exclusive in that way.

I don't know about the keys instead of the bands, but if you don't stay on property, you shouldn't be allowed on anything during EMH.

I agree... That is what I was trying to say... I was just trying to figure out how they will be enforcing this policy???? If EMH is for resort guests only, BUT, they don't have to have a wrist band, what is keeping a regular guest from staying in the park??? OK, so they can't ride on an attraction without a resort room key... But, they will STILL be in the park... And honestly, you think ALL the cast members will watch for the rooms keys to be flashed?? Half them don't even check the Fast Passes..... And what will they do if a non-resort guest attempts to get on a ride?? Call the Disney Police??? Will they show up with guns drawn making a scene??? Disney should just leave the wrist bands in place and that's all....

Disney transportation is actually a perk with park admission, not resort stays. I know they try to play it off as a perk of staying on-site, but I'm pretty sure it says on every ticket that you can use Disney transportation.

I thought the transportation were for resort guests only, but I could be wrong.... I looked at the back of my pass, but it is an annual pass so I am sure the back of the pass is different that a hopper or regualr park ticket.... If this is the case, then I am wrong... Maybe someone can verify this....


resort transportation is resort transportation by going to park you are going to the resort. the monorails and farryboats are also resort transportation. how else would the single day park hopper tickets park hop?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In regards to the question of "how will Disney get non-resort guests to leave when evening EMH start", I assume it will be similar to the procedure we witnessed at MVMCP on 12/21. The party was sold out, and very crowded. Promptly at 7 (park closing for anyone not having a party ticket), at least one CM was placed at each land entrance off the hub, and were checking wrist bands as guests tried to enter. No wrist band? The guests were directed to the exit. They were very, very aggressive with this. While we were sitting on Main Street waiting for the 8:30 parade, we saw a CM escort a non-wristbanded family down Main Street towards the exit b/c they weren't going willfully on their own. So clearing non-resort guests can be done, just not very easily.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
In regards to the question of "how will Disney get non-resort guests to leave when evening EMH start", I assume it will be similar to the procedure we witnessed at MVMCP on 12/21. The party was sold out, and very crowded. Promptly at 7 (park closing for anyone not having a party ticket), at least one CM was placed at each land entrance off the hub, and were checking wrist bands as guests tried to enter. No wrist band? The guests were directed to the exit. They were very, very aggressive with this. While we were sitting on Main Street waiting for the 8:30 parade, we saw a CM escort a non-wristbanded family down Main Street towards the exit b/c they weren't going willfully on their own. So clearing non-resort guests can be done, just not very easily.

The key there is WRISTBANDS.... Very easy for CMs to see, no hassel for a guest... Now they are going to ask for guests to dig into their pockets or wallets or where ever you keep your resort room key??? I'll do what I have to do, but, not many people will... This has the potential to be a bigger problem than it should be.... Hopefully Disney finds a way to make it work...
Let the Others Exit on their Own Time; Just not Ride

I agree... That is what I was trying to say... I was just trying to figure out how they will be enforcing this policy???? If EMH is for resort guests only, BUT, they don't have to have a wrist band, what is keeping a regular guest from staying in the park???

In regards to the question of "how will Disney get non-resort guests to leave when evening EMH start", I assume it will be similar to the procedure we witnessed at MVMCP on 12/21.

But most days the park doesn't have the crowd issues. Simple answer: they won't, same as in the past. I feel they don't need to either. Those people can buy their end-of-day purchases at whatever shops, most of which will be concentrated on Main Street away from the rides so you won't even have congestion to deal with. Or maybe buy a drink as the ferry boat crowds thin out after the fireworks.

There are legitimate reasons to stay after hours in MK and Epcot too, and I don't believe they are reserved only for resort guests from what I've read. In MK, there was some "Disney Wish" thing that used to happen near the castle (not "Wishes" btw), though I never did get around to watching the youtube clip. In Epcot, there's the Inferno barge burnoff. They even announce it on the PA system, part for show and partly to avoid people running, "OMG! Showcase Lagoon just exploded!" :)

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
resort transportation is resort transportation by going to park you are going to the resort. the monorails and farryboats are also resort transportation. how else would the single day park hopper tickets park hop?

When someone stays OFF property, chances are they rented a car, right??? And that person drove that car to one of the parks... and if they want to park hop, hmmm let me think.. They leave the park they are in... go to the parking lot, get in their car and.. Ready for this??? DRIVE OVER TO THE OTHER PARK... Hmm that works as far as park hopping goes, right??? Some people may think it doesn't make sense... But does it make sense this way:

You drive from your off property resort to Animal Kingdom and park... Stay at the park from 9-12... Wait for a bus maybe 20 minutes, get to MGM say at 12:30 or so, stay there until 4... Leave and wait for another bus, again, 20 minutes, get to Epcot at 4:30, stay until 9:30.. Wait forever to get a bus... Get back at Animal Kingdom parking lot at say 10:30 (are busses still running to AK at that time since the park closed at 6???) and drive back to your resort??? or does it make more sense to drive your car to each park you hopping to (if you are again off property) so that way you can just leave Epcot at night???

Ohh wait, you'll say PARK AT DTD... Well, that is wrong in and of itself because those spots are for people to are going to DTD not for off site guests to park hop... Yes, it is done, but, that doesn't make it right...


When someone stays OFF property, chances are they rented a car, right??? And that person drove that car to one of the parks... and if they want to park hop, hmmm let me think.. They leave the park they are in... go to the parking lot, get in their car and.. Ready for this??? DRIVE OVER TO THE OTHER PARK... Hmm that works as far as park hopping goes, right??? Some people may think it doesn't make sense... But does it make sense this way:
but oh wait lets say that they park at the magic kingdom, and they go to epcot for lunch then return to the magic kingdom. Does it make sence to drive for lunch find a new parking spot far from the entrance ,and then to do it again at magic kingdom. I think the answer is no with the price of gas, if it free then why not use the buses. that apply to any park

and the buses run for 2 hour after the last park closes or until everybody is to there rightful places hotel or car.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
When someone stays OFF property, chances are they rented a car, right??? And that person drove that car to one of the parks... and if they want to park hop, hmmm let me think.. They leave the park they are in... go to the parking lot, get in their car and.. Ready for this??? DRIVE OVER TO THE OTHER PARK... Hmm that works as far as park hopping goes, right??? Some people may think it doesn't make sense... But does it make sense this way:
but oh wait lets say that they park at the magic kingdom, and they go to epcot for lunch then return to the magic kingdom. Does it make sence to drive for lunch find a new parking spot far from the entrance ,and then to do it again at magic kingdom. I think the answer is no with the price of gas, if it free then why not use the buses. that apply to any park

and the buses run for 2 hour after the last park closes or until everybody is to there rightful places hotel or car.

Ok, well, here is the thing... I actually did call the WDW resort... questioned them on the bus service.... Take a wild guess what their answer was... FOR PEOPLE STAYING ON THE PROPERTY ONLY!!!! So, to end all debate, the bus system is a perk for people staying on property.... Of course, it isn't enfoced (WHICH IT SHOULD BE)... So, I think I can safely assume this new EMH policy of flashing your room key will also flunk... Seriously, the bus drivers don't check to see if you are a resort guest (not just a visitor) do you honestly think a CM who already worked a long day is going to check for your room key at a ride??? I highly highly doubt that....


New Member
I actually did call the WDW resort... questioned them on the bus service.... Take a wild guess what their answer was... FOR PEOPLE STAYING ON THE PROPERTY ONLY!!!! So, to end all debate, the bus system is a perk for people staying on property....

Sorry the person you talked to did not answer correctly. Disney Transport is for all guest of the Walt Disney World Resort. It really doesn't matter if you're staying in one of our resorts or just visiting our parks; as a guest of the Walt Disney World Resort, you are entitled to transportation (it is included with most park media). Sit back and enjoy the ride!

To the point about guests not staying on property tend to use private transportation -- this is largely true, but they do take advantage of park-to-park transportation. A lot use shuttles to get to property and some off-property resorts, for example, only drop off at the TTC. Others, Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well, here is the thing... I actually did call the WDW resort... questioned them on the bus service.... Take a wild guess what their answer was... FOR PEOPLE STAYING ON THE PROPERTY ONLY!!!! So, to end all debate, the bus system is a perk for people staying on property.... Of course, it isn't enfoced (WHICH IT SHOULD BE)... So, I think I can safely assume this new EMH policy of flashing your room key will also flunk... Seriously, the bus drivers don't check to see if you are a resort guest (not just a visitor) do you honestly think a CM who already worked a long day is going to check for your room key at a ride??? I highly highly doubt that....

Well for all the times Ive been to WDW, I always thought the busses were for resort guests, like the guests that go to the parks daily, not just the ones staying at a disney resort. We used to use the busses all the time back in the day(2002, 03, etc.) We would park at MK, stays open the latest, hop by bus to AK or Epcot or whatever spend time there, and back in time to get about maybe an hour or 2 at MK then can leave and get in our car. We rarely hopped using our car, in many ways it was more convenient to just use the busses. Im also sure that the busses are for all guests, Ive used them the times when we werent on property and will in the future.

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