Snakes at Saratoga Springs


New Member
I just thought I would ask to see whether any you guys had seen any snakes at any of the resorts. Whilst we were staying at Saratoga last year (october) I saw a dark brown snake slithering across the road near Congress Park towards the lake opposite. As we are from the UK and we never see any, I thought I would pop into Bell services to find out what kind of snake it was and whether it was venemous. I was informed that it was a rat snake and there are loads in and around the bushes and there was also a small alligator in the large lake that has the bridge going across it. I asked why we were never informed of this on arrival or there should be some signs, especially as young children run around on the grass. They just said that there was a sign to say there was a fine of $500 if you feed the alligator, but I never saw one.

I realise that Disney was built on a swamp but I am somewhat surprised that there are no signs warning of the dangers.



Well-Known Member
  1. Rattlesnake
  2. Copperhead
  3. Coral Snake
  4. Cottonmouth
  5. ?
  6. ?

I think only 4...:wave:

Yep Laura's right

Timber or Canebrake Rattlesnake
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Pigmy Rattlesnake
Eastern Coral Snake

The only reason I know these is because the Toxicologist that handled my son's case while he was in the hospital, gave him a poster with the 6 venomous snakes in Alabama :lol:
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Well-Known Member
On the alligators... I took this pic with my camera phone while playing golf at Magnolia in December. A member of our foursome hit an errant shot and it landed very close to this guy

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Well-Known Member
Most people get bit when trying to kill or catch snakes. If you leave them alone they will try to get away from people. Even non v[SIZE=-1]enomous snakes have teeth they can and do bite when cornered.
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Well-Known Member
I should NOT have opened this thread. I would have liked to go on believing that snakes somehow inherently knew they should not be at the happiest place on earth and acted accordingly.:lookaroun
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Active Member
Snakes...alligators...palmetto bugs....Ahhh to be in Florida again! We normally stay at the beach club. One evening while walking to Epcot this HUGE rat snake slithered across the path. It was big and beautiful, but totally harmless to people. Be glad that they are around. An often overlooked part of Large areas of people is the mess they leave behind. Dropped food leads to Bugs and rodents. The Anoles and other lizards eat the bugs and the snakes can eat the rodents. There has been an alligator in the moat around the resort a few times as well. Not to mention the large turtles and the extra large Gouramis living in the moat as well.
I am wondering....are their Tarantulas or scorpions there??
No Tarantulas, but we had a scorpion in one of our first aparments (then was called Villas at World Gateway, near the nickelodian hotel). It was a small brown scorpion hiding in a shoebox in our closet. We killed it with a shoe. Apparently the scorpions you find here are not a real danger unless you're allergic.
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Active Member
I should NOT have opened this thread. I would have liked to go on believing that snakes somehow inherently knew they should not be at the happiest place on earth and acted accordingly.:lookaroun

Me too. :dazzle: I can tolerate most bugs and spiders, but snakes absolutely terrify me. It's a completely irrational phobia....and I can live with that. :lookaroun
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New Member
Uh, they're OUTSIDE your home, right? And their the skinny-I-could-mistake-you-for-a-large-fly-not-scary kind, right? Humor me. :lookaroun

Yeah.. outside... Anywho...

As many have said, there are snakes (serving a useful purpose) and they're just as happy to see you as you are to see them. If you don't like them, just stomp every so often -- you'll look silly, but those snakes will be long gone.

It's fun watching a scared black racer -- those things can move!

I'm just picturing signs going up around property "Harmless snakes in bushes. Proceed without caution."

Let's not forget silverfish and my personal nemisis, the flying squirrel.
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Active Member
Rat Snakes do bite, as any snakes do, but like the bellhops said they aren't venemious. If you just stand there and let umm pass they'll just keep on keepin on!;)
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This thread is an absolute pi$$...thanks, OP!

I myself have no prob with the wee snakes. But bugs...urgh.

Only thing I've ever seen in Florida is "love bugs" and once a wee lizard. Only thing I know about snakes is, I hear they hate people (in the sense that they avoid then).

I think we would be better served by observing this:


Now, that is scary.
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Well-Known Member
I should NOT have opened this thread. I would have liked to go on believing that snakes somehow inherently knew they should not be at the happiest place on earth and acted accordingly.:lookaroun

I'm not seeing any stories about snakes at the "Happiest Place on Earth" we're just talking about WDW in here. :p:animwink:
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The Mom

Premium Member
No Tarantulas, but we had a scorpion in one of our first aparments (then was called Villas at World Gateway, near the nickelodian hotel). It was a small brown scorpion hiding in a shoebox in our closet. We killed it with a shoe. Apparently the scorpions you find here are not a real danger unless you're allergic.

Oh yes, scorpions. I found a couple of dead ones when I redid my daughter's bedroom, after moving bookshelves.

Also, I live in the downtown area of Jacksonville, and have discovered a snake in my small, not at all rural, yard. There is a stream and park less than a block away, so I guess that's where it originated. I also saw an alligator in the stream there last year.

If they can be here, they can be anywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Uh, they're OUTSIDE your home, right? And their the skinny-I-could-mistake-you-for-a-large-fly-not-scary kind, right? Humor me. :lookaroun

Sureeeeee, mostly.

Visitors to central Florida can enjoy seeing these suckers come out in the fall (September-November). They build massive webs in and across trees. North of Daytona on the Ormond Beach "loop" you can see them building huge webs across the road. Last year was the biggest crop I've seen yet, hundreds of them along (or rather over) Old Dixie Highway.

This fellow made the garden behind our back door "home" for a few months late last year:

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