front of the monorail


New Member
the only reason its "harder" to do now is because you might have to wait for 1 or 2 monorails. all you have to do is ask one of the monorail attendants or go sit on the bench up front there the cab is.


Active Member
I have never ridding up front at WDW. Everyone I travel with (brother, son, nieces, cousins, friends) has done so on trips where I wasn't present.:cry: :cry: :cry: I did get the opportunity when we visited DLand in June of 2005. :sohappy: :sohappy: The DLand monorail pilot cars are the ones that are air-conditioned. The rest of the cars have windows which open for ventilation. It was a very hot June day and riding up front was not only fun, it was quite comfortable. One day I hope to ride in a WDW front car.


Well-Known Member
As it was explained to me, the procedure is to ask the CM working on the platform.

Here was my experience 3 months ago:
We were the only ones in line for the monorail at Contemporary.... The pilot reluctantly welcomed us aboard.

He was stone cold silent as we did the loop from Contemporary to MK,... the kids their co-pilots licenses and wished us a good night.

Sorry you had to have an unfriendly ride. My family rides in the fron car at least 5 or 6 times each trip & we have always had very friendly (Pilots) CM's. Many of them would wave for the camera & pass on to us lots of good info regarding various topics. Guy may have just been at the end of his shift & was ready to get home. Still no need to be that way.:hammer:


Active Member
Sorry you had to have an unfriendly ride. My family rides in the fron car at least 5 or 6 times each trip & we have always had very friendly (Pilots) CM's. Many of them would wave for the camera & pass on to us lots of good info regarding various topics. Guy may have just been at the end of his shift & was ready to get home. Still no need to be that way.:hammer:
It was magical just the same. He was friendly when we left (hmm ... was that some sort of hint???). A talkative pilot would've been cool, but this way we got to concentrate on our kids' faces and reactions.


New Member
It was magical just the same. He was friendly when we left (hmm ... was that some sort of hint???). A talkative pilot would've been cool, but this way we got to concentrate on our kids' faces and reactions.

there is no rule that says they have to let the guests ride in front.


New Member
On the MK resort monorail there are usually three (although this can vary) on this beam each resort has a different monorail assigned to it for cab rides for example CR Green ,Poly Red and GF Blue. Since we stayed at the the GF and monorail Blue pulled in the people in front had to get out and go to another compartment. I like this because it gives the people who stay at the resorts a chance to sit up front.


Well-Known Member
there is no rule that says they have to let the guests ride in front.

Then if they are going to be rude or are having a bad day, they should simply say that they are not taking guests in the front. I am about 95% sure that people would not pitch a fit if they were told no.I would rather not ride up front at all than ride with a guy who will disregard me and my family the entire time, act as is he is burdened by being joined, and express some form of over excitment as we leave.

Moral of the rant: If you don't want company, don't invite people over.


New Member
Then if they are going to be rude or are having a bad day, they should simply say that they are not taking guests in the front. I am about 95% sure that people would not pitch a fit if they were told no.I would rather not ride up front at all than ride with a guy who will disregard me and my family the entire time, act as is he is burdened by being joined, and express some form of over excitment as we leave.

Moral of the rant: If you don't want company, don't invite people over.

I agree if the pilot is having a bad day he or she should just say no then to put a damper on everyone else.


Disagreed. I think allowing the family to ride, but not feeling required to entertain them on the trip was the right choice. I'd much rather get the ride, and enjoy the view, even if the driver didn't feel like talking.
When we were there in September (so long ago :cry: ) we thought about asking a number of times, but since there were roughly 15 of us at any given time decided to pass. It wasn't until grown ups night out that DH, DS & hubby, and I had ressies at the GF that we decided to ask. We got on at MK and got to do the whole resort loop. It was really cool, and our pilot was very sweet... you could tell he thought we were maybe a little silly for wanting to do it but he humored us in the nicest way possible.

Word of caution...I am not a big fan of the monorail to begin with, because of the height factor (yep, I'm afraid of heights). The view from the front is A LOT more intimidating if you have any kind of height issues. I knew I would be nervous but I went with it because I occassionally get the insane idea that it would be beneficial to confront my fears (and immediately afterwards, decide, no, not such a good idea after all). It was a neat experience all in all...probably too chicken to do it again. DH commented afterwards that I was unusally quiet (in case it's not apparent, I am a bit of a talker) during the ride...I was basically concentrating on keeping bodily functions under control (yes, I am that much of a scaredy cat).

The coolest part? When I asked the pilot to say "Please stand clear of the doors" en Espanol...and he did! Maybe not an original question, but I enjoyed the moment!


Active Member
I try to sit in the front everytime we go on the monorail. This past October, I think we rode the monorail three tims & sat in the front twice. I had my birthday pin on, asked nicely, & they let me & my mom sit in the front. We had to wait for the next train both times, but both times, it was Epcot to TTC, so itwas worth the wait. We were talking with the driver one tme & found out he was originally from about 20 minutes from where we live now. We always find it funny when we fid somewhere there who knows where West Allis, WI is.


New Member
there is no rule that says they have to let the guests ride in front.

Actually, that's not true. Pilots cannot restrict the front unless Monorail Central permits it -- it's not the pilot's choice.

As to engaging your pilot -- remember, pilots are often taking cues from guests. I've had guests glare at me for trying to talk to them during their ride. I've had guests thank me for a "quiet ride to Epcot." I've sang songs on the way to Epcot. You try to match what you do with the guest, but it's not always easy (and easy to make a mistake!)

You want your pilot to talk more? Engage them -- they may have read you wrong (but remember, first priority is driving, so they may be required to ignore you (something is happening out on the beam) -- hopefully they're polite about it!) Want them to talk less? Hmmm... well, be honest and polite.

That said, yes, there are pilots that don't like to talk. Sigh.

And with what WaltzingMatilda said: I've had guests lay on the floor of the cab to avoid the view. We can't back the train up to head back to the station -- once you're on the beam, you're committed. I would try to distract those folks who were scared, but some aren't distractable! If you think you might be scared, ask to see the front -- even if it's full, we can let you step in for a moment, and look out that front window; you'll get a good idea of how you'll feel (though try to avoid asking when the train is closing up to leave! Especially at night when the park is closing)

Another tip if you might be scared: Often at night you don't notice the height as much.

And if you do find yourself scared out on the beam, turn back and look at the pilot. You have a great chance to look at all the switches and controls the pilot has!


Well-Known Member
Yeah for the Kids!!!

.... but this way we got to concentrate on our kids' faces and reactions.

I do agree that the kids are what it's all about. My son absolutely loves the fron of the monorail. Check out my photoalbum when you get a chance. I will post a picture of us in the front just as the Monorail is leaving the Magic Kingdom Station with the park in the background. My wife took the picture & didn't realize what she had captured.:animwink:

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