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  1. AndyJo0930

    final payment!!

    We did our final payment over the weekend. And I was so excited because I won at the casino and it paid for our entire trip!!!:sohappy:
  2. AndyJo0930

    Were to request a room a CBR?

    Each individual section has its own bus time (not like the value resorts, where there is only one major stop). We did not have a preferred room but the bus stop was only about 20 feet away from our room but we did have a little bit of walk to the food court. MOst days we would go to the food...
  3. AndyJo0930

    Confused I think

    WE are going in August and have reservations at Cinderella's gala feast at GF. We were just told that it is not a buffet, it a sit down because of rennovations.
  4. AndyJo0930

    Character meals

    I have been to Donald's breakfastorous 4 times (Love Donald) and it actually hasn't been too busy, though we usually have one of the early morning reservations, before the park even opens. When we are leaving, there is usually people waiting to get in. We are early morning risers, so enjoy...
  5. AndyJo0930

    Rare Characters

    If you go to the main building (i thinks it city hall??) in MK, they can tell you what characters are scheduled to be around that day and where they will be (had a friend who was a CM and was looking for donald and she told me to ask). They knew exactly where he was scheduled to be and at what...
  6. AndyJo0930

    caribbean beach??

    My husband and I stayed there on our honeymoon and loved it. We loved when walking up to the food court, there was carribean music playing. And unlike the value resorts, where you have to go to the main building to catch the bus every day, each section of buildings (jamaica, aruba, etc.) has...
  7. AndyJo0930


    We have stated at POP and AS music and I had it very cold, though it seemed that the housekeeping staff turned it down during the day after they came in to make-up the room, but it didn't take long for it to cool down after I got back from the parks.
  8. AndyJo0930

    Going to WDW Pregnant

    I went to Disneyland pregnant with my first child. I was about 10 weeks pregnant. My doctor knew I was going and actually told me that I could ride most things without worry (not space mountain, but haunted mansion, pirates of the carribean, etc.) My sister checked every sign and if it said...
  9. AndyJo0930

    Stroller - Bring or Rent?

    Maybe that would be more conveinent for you, but for two kids who were 1 and 3, woh were not potty trained, and needed a diaper bag with snacks and juice and extra clothes, and all the other necessities, forgive me for saying that that stroller would not be sufficient. Not to mention, both of...
  10. AndyJo0930

    Water Parks and Disney Quest Plan

    We have been there both first thing in the morning and went later in the afternoon. They tell you to go after 3:30, it starts clearing our around then.
  11. AndyJo0930

    which value has best bus route

    i have stayed at POP and at AS music. We have preferred rooms at POP and they were still a little bit of walk to the front. In AS Music, we did not have preferred rooms and stayed in Broadway, which is one of the last buildings and we were on the third floor around the back. NOT a good room...
  12. AndyJo0930

    Stroller - Bring or Rent?

    I am also a mother with two kids. They were 1 and 3 the first time we brought them to Disney. I have one of the BIG SUV strollers, but as the other poster said, what would you want me to bring??? It might be an inconvenience to those who have no children, but for those who do, this is the only...
  13. AndyJo0930

    Best Character Meal for Adults

    We have been to both Goofy's Kitchen and Chef Mickey's, and they are pretty much the same. I, like you, am crazy for Donald, so I have done the breakfastotorus in AK 4 times, just because its the only character dining that features donald duck. If you want the main characters, (mickey, minnie...
  14. AndyJo0930

    Stroller rentals vs trying to bring one with yeah on airlines

    On our first trip with our kids they were 1 and 3 and we took our double stroller. We had no problems on the plane, we kept them in the stroller until we were at the door of the plane, then took them out, folded it up and then stored it for us. When we got off the plane, it was there waiting...
  15. AndyJo0930

    Mickey's Jammin' Jungle Parade music

    I don't know, but three years ago we were fortunate enough to actually BE in that parade and were on the last float with Mickey, and that song played in my head for two days... lol:ROFLOL:
  16. AndyJo0930

    What to tell my son?

    I brought my 7 year old nephew (a while ago) and my kids ages 1 and 3 and not once did they even ask??? We are bring my kids again, now 4 and 6, and that never even crossed my mind. Maybe kids just don't realize that they are not talking and just excited to see them.
  17. AndyJo0930

    Cute Kid Story

    That's not nice... what if somebody wanted to MOVE YOU!
  18. AndyJo0930

    something positive in this time of sadness

    I believe you can still get those in MK. In Epcot they have these little etches of faces on walls. You might think about those if they can do it from a picture of your nephew. Any my sympathy to you and yours.
  19. AndyJo0930

    When do you get excited?

    As soon as we actually have it booked is when I start getting excited. We just booked for August and last week made our ADR's. I think the only thing that is keeping me sane for now is that we have a cruise planned in three weeks without the kids. But once we get back, I will have nothing to...
  20. AndyJo0930

    Does anyone know the order of the bus stops?

    I have been there about 8 times now (staying on property) and I have never known them to rotote my stops. We usually stay at the All Stars or Pop Century, and they are always the last ones, no matter which time of year or which park I am at. And the one time we stayed at CB, it was a pretty...
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