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  1. hcphish

    POFQ or POR?

    We have stayed at PORS twice and absolutely loved it both times. It was also a great little walk to FQ to see and eat what was over there.
  2. hcphish

    Discount code cards

    No doubt!!:brick:
  3. hcphish

    Upgrading a room

    We upgraded from standard to a pool view and I'm glad we did. Not to say the standard room was not nice but I really enjoyed the view from several floors up. We were lucky enough to get a view of some of the animals as well due to the angle of our patio. As long as there are rooms available...
  4. hcphish

    Discount code cards

    Why would they do that? Disney KNOWS your coming back either way. Our family has been going every year since 2005 and are about to embark on our second trip alone this year, and believe me not once have we got a discount code in the mail. I'm not sure anyone will ever know how that programs works!
  5. hcphish

    New hands on dining reservation system?

    People do that now, but what they don't realize (because Disney won't tell you they are doing it) they will cancel your first or second or third reservation if you try and make several reservations for the same time at differnt parks etc.
  6. hcphish

    Glo Sticks

    TSA will not allow anything over 3 oz especially if it cleary marked as such. You will always find that one person that is either lazy or not paying attention and let it through though. Either way you are taking a chance. Lets be honest...I'm sure you didn't sprnd your savings account on them...
  7. hcphish

    Would this be cheaper?

    Maybe not initially but I'm pretty sure that if you book with Kingdom Konsultants they will most definitely keep your reservation up to date with the latest discounts. Once you book through Disney you will need to pay attention to that stuff yourself, and after a while it gets cumbersome.
  8. hcphish

    What are the current mugs?

    We stayed at POR in January '08 and that is exactly what they were, except at that time they only had silver and blue handles. They may have had black but I didn't see any.
  9. hcphish

    Which April Week?

    It really doesn't matter as far as crowds and weather are concerned they are both relatively the same throughout the entire month. My only concern for you would be the fact that you are traveling with another family that sounds like they want a specific time. If you go later in the month...
  10. hcphish

    sea raycers

    As small as cameras are today...put it in your pocket, they will never know. Besides, I made it very obvious I was taking mine and the CM didn't say a word. Jan '08
  11. hcphish

    This is sorta complicated...

    I don't know about changing resorts in the middle of the trip but I know of people having more than one resort while they were on a single trip but had prior reservations to do it that way...without penalty. Your best bet is to just make a reservation and split the trip in two. To answer your...
  12. hcphish

    Pop Warner in December

    I just checked Pop Warner's official website for football and at the very top of the page it says that thier Super Bowl and National Cheer and Dance Championship week is indeed December 7-13. :brick:
  13. hcphish

    Pop Warner in December

    I know that these guys stay at the All Stars and some overflow to POR but do they crowd Pop Century as well? Anyone have experience at that resort with these guys in town? Transportation crowding, dining etc...?
  14. hcphish

    sea raycers

    I have no idea, but speed demons they are not. They were plenty fast for the little one at the time. She enjoyed it (as did I).
  15. hcphish

    Pop Warner in December

    We are stuck staying at Pop during that time frame as well. We can't change our date. Last year they had fights with the POP Warner kids and some got kicked off the property. Follow this link. Hope it helps.
  16. hcphish

    sea raycers

    I can't quite remember the exact cost but they rent by time and how long you keep it out. I took my daughter out on one last year from POR and we were gone for a good 45 minutes and it certainly did not break the bank. According to another Disney info site and I quote, "The rates are based...
  17. hcphish

    Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!

    That is pretty bold... And I thought the workforce was getting lazy:shrug:
  18. hcphish

    Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!

    Don't you forget it. :wave: I am somewhat sorry that he had a bad experience, but come on, digital thermostats in a moderate resort. For crying out loud he even said in his OP that he knew people were going to disagree...I happen to be one of them. He mentions nothing of asking mangement to...
  19. hcphish

    Home today from French Quarter so disappointed!

    It just seems to me like you want to complain about this looking at your grip here and on allears. Did you just join here to simply complain? I would say that Mr. Skinner is a lot more valuable than you are considering his 1000 + post compared to your 7. He is not the only one that made a...
  20. hcphish

    La Nouba

    We always do a day Downtown anyway so that is when we planned for it. But plan it for a night with EMH and go back to the parks after the show.
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