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  1. kosherkid411

    What Would Your Mama Say?

    Just got accepted... My parents just about flipped out when they found out that I was going to miss a semester of school and my graduation date (I'm a Senior) to go on "vaccation" to Disney this coming January. There is so many handouts that I have gotten, I am just making copies and sending...
  2. kosherkid411

    Disney's board rejects Comcast takeover bid.

    Way to bring everyone's spirits down... J/K We have actually been talking about this in my business class. I am really going to be looking foward to what my professor has to say tomorrow.
  3. kosherkid411

    Disney's board rejects Comcast takeover bid.

    So I guess Eisner does have a brain... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. kosherkid411


    Bomba has definatly been one of the best dining experiecnes I've ever had at WDW. There is a ton of meat and potato dishes. And if all else fails, the kids area is great-- Mac n' Cheese, Hot Dogs, and French Fries!
  5. kosherkid411

    Best Moderate Resort?

    Definatly stay at CBR or and of the Dixie LLandings. The Coronado Springs is nice, but it is designed for business travelers. There is a 10% qratuity added you your bill at the fast food area (Pepper Market).
  6. kosherkid411

    Buzz Clone at Six Flags?

    Buzz is a Fastpass ride.
  7. kosherkid411

    Buzz Clone at Six Flags?

    Paramount's Carowinds (North Carolina/South Carolina Border near Charlotte) has got a Scooby Doo shooting ride too. I think it's called Scooby Doo's Haunted Mansion. It was built in like 99 0r 2000.
  8. kosherkid411

    Taking Grandpa to FL

    I've gone both with my grandparents and my father (who needs a cane to get around places). The first time my grandparents went when they were "older," my grandfater refused and so we let him. He was in really bad shape after that day. We offered again the second and and he accepted it and...
  9. kosherkid411

    Looking Forward from 1984

    Hmmmm... Very interesting site. They say that Disney was (or maybe still is) planning a Isreal and Span pavillion. That's kind of cool. And all from 1984... That was when I was born!
  10. kosherkid411

    WL or Contemp w/16 month old

    It's a tough call. The contempoary is better if you are going back to your hotel during that day. But if you and your kids love the WL, I would stay there. The Con. (in my opinion) is only better if you are going to places on the monorail. Everywhere else is going to be by bus/boat. The...
  11. kosherkid411

    Where To Dine????

    If you looking just for a meal, the Californian grill at the Contemporary is supposed to have a great view. But if you've got the bucks, WDW offers some fireworks cruises on the Seven Seas Lagoon. You can, jsut cruise and have drinks, do a dessert cruise, or have a full meal on the boat. My...
  12. kosherkid411

    A Few more trip planning questions

    Re: Re: A Few more trip planning questions Sorry for my lousy spelling! I'm trying to type fast, becuase I need to leave my apartment now. I jsut wanted to give you the info.
  13. kosherkid411

    A Few more trip planning questions

    Let me try answering the questions... 3. The last time I was at the Boardwalk, we were then on a Sunday (my family had to watch the Buffalo Bills at ESPN Cafe-- We don't go to WDW during football season unless the game is at night or on Monday). That was a few years ago. We went to the...
  14. kosherkid411

    Best Burger?

    I remember actually getting some good burgers at Pecos Bill Cafe in MK, even thought it's counter service. They have an amazing topping bar with sauteed onions and mushrooms, and other good fixins.
  15. kosherkid411


    There's so many to choose from. It's hard to decide on just a few. Charter meals are always great. My personal favorite is Chef Mickey's. I also find that buffets work well with my young cousins. Try resturants accroding to their likes. For example, if they love animals, a trip to...
  16. kosherkid411

    RollerCoaster Tycoon and WDW

    Hmmm..... I guess I must have miss-typed something. Anyways, the word is down.
  17. kosherkid411

    RollerCoaster Tycoon and WDW

    I think what you are talking about is stacking scenery for RCT2. What you do is you build wall and then on the same spot that the first wall was bulit, you hold ________ and then move the mouse up and down, depending on wether you want to stack it up or down. Youd do the same for the roof...
  18. kosherkid411

    Family Vacations

    There is nothing wrong in going with your parents! I am 19, my brother is 17, sister is 14, and my 2 cousins are 12 and 9. My parents take us as often as they can. And besides, they pay for it. I'm a poor college student that can afford nothing!
  19. kosherkid411

    Disney with a 16 monthold-suggestions & is it do-able?

    DITTO There isn't any better way to put it. That was always my parents philosiphy when my sibs and I were younger.
  20. kosherkid411

    world showcase dining!??

    Just adding my two cents as well... The biggest factors for my family's dining at WS is the food and price. We often eat at the Beirgarten in Germany. My grandmother (from Germany) says that it is fairly close to her homeland. The other resturant that we like to go to is Le Cellier...
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