Family Vacations


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So it is obvious that many Disney vacationers are families. I am 20 and my sister is 18, and we still go with our 2 parents yearly. I always enjoy seeing other "older" children with their parents in Disney World, which I know is a dying breed. Many friends tease for being this old and still doing the family trip to Disney, but there is obviosuly nothing wrong with that! Duh!

Anyone out there still have the family vacations with grown kids like myself? They sure are fun!!


New Member
I do! I'm 25 and last September I went with my parents, my brother who is 27 and his girlfriend, and my friend went along as well who is also 25. I love going with my family and wouldn't have it any other way!!! :)


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Family Vacation

My Wife and I are 33 and 36 respectively. Her first trip was this January, when my family had a family reunion (of sorts) at DW, during the Marathon. (my cousin competed in the marathon.) It was my wifes' first trip. My 36th. My daughters' first also. My parents had a great time, as did my sister, who is 13 years younger than I. You never outgrow Disney. Beleive me. I grew up there, and hope to move back "home" soon. The wife loves it there too!!! She fell in love with the place the minute she saw the entrance.

Let em' laugh!!! Cancun, Myrtle Beach, etc. etc. Those places can't hold a candle to Disney World!!!

Brian and Rachel


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nothing wrong with the family trip at ANY age. I am 24 and up until I was 23 I went on my family's vacations! We went to Vegas twice, up north once, Malibu, Ca, Los Angeles again, Ft. Lauderdale. That was when I lived in Charlotte, NC. This past year I moved to South Florida and got married. Because of this I have not been able to go on a family trip per se because im so far away , but, I still get to do their vacation with them because now their vacation is to come see me! I live right at the beach in South Florida so they come down for a month and I stayed WITH THEM in their Condo they rented! They got an extra room for my wife and I. We live about 2 miles from where they stayed but we stayed with them. I just got up and went to work from there every morning.

My parents are going to move down here soon and well, I'll be on the family trips with them again with my wife. I will take trips with my parents as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
I was 20 when I made my first trip to WDW waaaay back in 1978. It was a family vacation...the last I got to go on. My kids are 15 and 8 and I hope we can keep going as a family for a long time.


New Member
I envy you guys/gals. Last year we were going to take my husband's father, but sadly he passed away two months before we could go. I keep trying to talk my mother and stepfather into going, I know they would love it, but I cannot convince them. My father and stepmother live in Kissimmee, but never want to go.

My husband and I keep taking our children each year and we always talk about taking the grandchildren. We love Disney and feel it is a family place no matter what the age of children or parents.

Enjoy it while you can! It is something you will always treasure.


New Member
I love to see the older ones with their parents. I cant wait till my kids are older and they too will hopefully still come with us. Im in no rush for them to grow too quickly but I can picture it! It will be nice to be able let them go on thier own and meet up with them later.... and by that I mean it should be nice not having to pick up push around a stroller or carry five bags with me. Dont get me wrong I love doing it now but it will be nice.


New Member
I'm 34, My brother is 32, my sister is 30. The three of us (along with his girlfriend and her fiance) spent a week at WDW in March to celebrate Mom and Dad's 35th wedding anniversary with them. We rented a condo, and traveled around in a big "pack". Every single one of us says it was one of the best experiences we've ever had together. We've met in other locations, too. A couple years ago it was a condo by the beach, another year it was a trip to San Fran together. I think the idea is great, and it's one of the MANY things that keeps us as close as we are.


New Member
I am 20 and I definitly still go with my family to Disney World. In fact I am going with just my dad for a week in August! A few of my friends can't understand why I still love Disney so much but most people realize that it is a place for anyone!!! I plan on getting married there and I will probably go there every year for the rest of my life!:)


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Family Vacations (unrelated question)

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I'm glad people still go with older children. It's a lot more enjoyable when you cna relate and act mature and enjoy yourselves, haha.


New Member
There is nothing wrong in going with your parents! I am 19, my brother is 17, sister is 14, and my 2 cousins are 12 and 9. My parents take us as often as they can. And besides, they pay for it. I'm a poor college student that can afford nothing!


New Member
Originally posted by surfsupdon

I'm glad people still go with older children. It's a lot more enjoyable when you cna relate and act mature and enjoy yourselves, haha.

Act mature? That sure doesn't describe us! Not even my parents. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RPMdfw
Act mature? That sure doesn't describe us! Not even my parents. LOL!

The older you get the more experienced you become...not the same as mature. :lol: :lol:


New Member
My wife and I are in our late 30's and have a son and a daughter ages 7 and 9 and we always take a family vacation with her parents and her sister and their family usually to the beach. Since my father-in-law picks up the hotel room and some of the meals for us, my family takes our own vacation later in the summer. We are going to disney world this weekend. I hope my kids will want to keep going on family vacations for years to come. It keeps me going at work knowing I'll have uninterrupted time alone a few weeks a year with my family.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm only 12, but my dad, my older sisters and my sister's fiance and my cousin Jenny (on here, her name is number1wdwfan) went to the MK all together in March when we were staying at Vero Beach for my grandparent's 55th anniversary (which my whole family on my mom's side also was at)


New Member
I took my mom this last trip because it is weird to go without her. I feel more like a kid if she is telling me to put on sunblock and wear comfortable shoes.
I have only done one disney trip alone with just my hubby and two girls.I am so used to having mom dad and the two brothers with me...but the older everyone is getting, the harder it is to drag them all along.


New Member
I have never been without my mom and I am 24. The best part is my husband and I are taking our little girl for the first time next year and my mom is coming... and his parents too. What more could you ask for. Now by the time the trip is over(6 days later) it may be another story...


Active Member
My first trip was back in 1976 for a one day stop over on the way from NY to my grandparents house. It was my mother, father and two brothers. That one day trip changed our lives. It effected my father so much that the next year we stayed 2 weeks in the Poly and I have been there every year (at least once) since I was 8 years old. I am now 35 and I enjoy it as much today as I did when I was 8. My brothers and I continued to go with my parents well in to our early to mid 20s. My last trip* with my wife and parents (2001) was a great one. One that I will never forget. My mom has since passed away :( but I will hold those Disney memories near and dear to my heart forever.

Its funny how your parents told you to behave when you were young but now that you are all grown up you are telling them to behave :).

*Last trip with parents was 2001 but I have been there 4 more times since then.

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