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  1. J

    California grill question

    Hello everyone looking for some advice or thoughts please! Does anyone know when California Grill will be open? We are heading to the world in July/August and are on the DDP we have made all ADRs however we have kept 2 credits back with the hope of going to California Grill the night before we...
  2. J

    Luggage question

    Hi all We are heading off to wdw in the summer and we are staying 5 nts in PORS followed by 3 nts on Disney dream before heading back to CSR for 7nts and we are getting v excited already!! Our question is this... Can we leave the majority of our luggage at WDW whilst we are on the dream and...
  3. J

    DDP Question

    Thanks for the answers I thought that might be the case will make sure we use them up!
  4. J

    DDP Question

    Hi everyone We are getting close to the 180 day mark and have begun to plan our ADRs and need a bit of help! We are staying at PORS for 5 nights then on Disney dream for 3 nights before returning to Coronado Springs for 7 nights with the DDP! Our question is will we have 2 separate dining...
  5. J

    Adults + Meet and Greets

    Ha ha I know exactly how you feel! We go every year with no kids and have never qued for a m&g feel too silly! We usually have a character dinner and get our photos there! Just do it though let me know if you do and I just might next year!!
  6. J

    30 days away from first trip to WDW in 15 years.. random questions and stuff for you pros.

    Lol I too put my foot through the straps on that ride then forget and trip as I get off! I must look a right fool like I am terrified and can't wait to escape!
  7. J

    May have to cancel b/c of Isaac :(

    Fingers and toes crossed for you!
  8. J

    today is the day

    How exciting have a wonderful time! Looking forward to hearing about Coronado as we have booked th stay there next year!
  9. J

    Best WDW Burger?

    I agree with you entirely I love the burgers at Peco or Pesky Bill as we call it and whilst I like the burgers at Beaches and Cream I always pay out of pocket seems a waste to use a table credit!
  10. J

    Question on upgrades

    We have been upgraded on our last 2 visits we were upgraded to a water view room at the the beach club with a stunning view of the boardwalk and we were upgraded from a 1 bed to 2 bed villa at OKW! We did not ask although for the first time we had requested certain rooms so not sure if that jade...
  11. J

    How long have you been planning?

    Have just booked today for next August! So excited already! 2 nts at hard rock uni followed by 5 at POR then 3 nts on the dream then 7 nts at Coronado Springs! Already planning our ADRs in our head!! It's gonna be a long wait!!
  12. J

    August 2011 Roll Calls

    1 Sleep left! We head to London Gatwick today ready for our flight tomorrow morning for 2 weeks at Old Key West! Cannot wait - just hope these mindless riots here in the UK stop soon!!! Have a great holiday everyone hopefully see you in the world! Jon x:sohappy::sohappy
  13. J

    August 2011 Roll Calls

    We will be there too! Party of 4 staying at OKW from August 11th - 25th sooo excited already!!!:sohappy:
  14. J

    Noise Level at Character Meals

    I woul reccommend akershus we really enjoy it there feels really chilled and you get a free photo! Avoid Crystal Palace!
  15. J

    Dining plan for beginners!

    hi Steve you can use your table points for charcater dining and Crystal palace is only one point anyway! If you google disney dining plan 2011 there is a pdf document (from wdw website) that outlines all the restaurants that are available on the dining plan and how many points they are! I...
  16. J

    Old Key West - Building request

    Hi Everyone We are stopping in a 1 bedroom Villa at OKW in August we have never stayed there before! Can anyone help us by suggesting a particular building that is in a good location! Cheers Jon
  17. J

    ADRs Have we done the right thing?

    Hey everyone we are very excited as we were able to make our ADRs for our August trip! What do you think to our choices have we made a mistake booking some or missed some great ones? My partner and I have been many times but bringing two friends for the first time! We are on the dining...
  18. J

    OKW "Hospitality House Category"

    Brilliant Thanks!:wave:
  19. J

    OKW "Hospitality House Category"

    We are staying at OKW in August and getting ready to make ADR ib Feb!! At that time we may request a particular block, do you have to pay extra to stay in a Hospitality House category villa? Cheers Jon
  20. J

    FINALLY... May Book Inside WDW. Need Opinions

    We have stayed at PORS twice and really enjoyed it there, IMO the landscaping and theming is prettier than FQ and there is a greater feeling of space, in saying that both are lovely - go for the cheapest!!
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