What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?


Well-Known Member
You Know what grinds my gears is when people walk around bearfoot at the park!

What grinds my gears is when people talk too mauc in the queue for rides!

What grinds my gears is Crying, spoiled children that don't get their way and HIT their parents!

What grinds my gears is when people throw gum on the ground and you step on it!

What Grinds My gears is when People don't throw away their trash!

What grinds my gears is when you are in the queue and the fast pass people stare at you!(in a way of bragging)

What grinds my gears is when Parents put 10 year olds in strollers!

I hate it when people do this stuff!
People are on vacations and family reunions etc. and they arent supposed to talk in line for the ride?:shrug:


Well-Known Member
The most annoying thing, was the guy who let his cell phone ring like 5 times, answered it, and than talked through Muppets 3D. Or the people at the counter at Casey's Corner who couldn't decide what to order. Took them 20 minutes to figure out 3 dogs and fries. Of course, they are also the people that my family giggles about when we think of them!:ROFLOL:So, whoever you are, thank you for giving us a fun memory!


Active Member
Original Poster
The most annoying thing, was the guy who let his cell phone ring like 5 times, answered it, and than talked through Muppets 3D. Or the people at the counter at Casey's Corner who couldn't decide what to order. Took them 20 minutes to figure out 3 dogs and fries. Of course, they are also the people that my family giggles about when we think of them!:ROFLOL:So, whoever you are, thank you for giving us a fun memory!

I think that was my cousins family!:lol::eek:


Active Member
Like I said...it doesn't ruin my day by any means, and it doesn't rile me up the way many of you get riled up by seeing people on scooters. I just find it somewhat annoying and very unnecessary.

Abbreviating Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party or Pirates of the Caribbean makes alot more sense because it saves a heck of alot more characters to abbreviate them. However, saying "DS" instead of "my son" doesn't really save all that much on either time or characters. Characterwise, it saves a whopping 4 characters (including the space). And by the time you stop to push down on the "shift" button to capitalize the letters, you're really not saving yourself any effort in not spelling it out. It's kind of like spending a nickel to save a penny.

I'm not totally opposed to abbreviations. They have their place. I admit that when I'm talking about certain attractions, such as the ones you mentioned, it is more convenient to abbreviate. But some things just aren't worth it. If it's gonna make someone have to stop and think what the heck it is that I am abbreviating, I may as well just spell it out. Such as "SM". Am I talking about Space Mountain or Splash Mountain? I may as well just spell it out, for clarity's sake, especially since it doesn't really take much more effort on my part just to write out the silly thing.
Fair enough. I will still use DD and DW at times but honestly I spell it out more often than not. And I agree with you on SM but most of the time you can read in context and tell what attraction the poster is referring to.

Now for my gripe. I think I am more annoyed with the ECV's at walmart than WDW. I mean I have seen people drive them out to their car. If you need one that bad then by all means call the scooter store and get you one! Now my father (or DF):lol: has really bad arthritis in his feet and ankles and it really hinders him. One time he got an ECV and he was alot better off. But he did not get one in Epcot last time we went and I think he should have because that park is enormous. It is hard to distinguish between who needs one and who doesn't.


Active Member
Another minor annoyance.....people who wait in line at a counter service and get up to the register and still have not decided what they want.

Oh yeah. I would rather be annoyed at WDW than anywhere else!


Active Member
Children from other countries that fake not speaking English to cut in line. I watched a 12 year old cut his way through the Indy Speedway not once but twice while I sat in the waiting area bleachers.


Honestly, nothing really grinds my gears at the parks. It's beautiful and magical. I'm blessed and lucky to get to be there.

It's a choice to be happy.

I agree with this. We had a similar thread where a lot of people expressed distain for the turkey legs and such, but -- while I have never had a turkey leg at WDW -- I don't have a problem. I love the parks, but I don't go often enough (I guess I have averaged 1 trip per 3.5 years over my life) to think about anything besides the 'magical feeling' I get.

I remember being behind a group of middle/high school football players for the Tower of Terror, and "Dave" was in line and scared to go on the ride, so the whole football team spent the entire 40+ minute wait saying "What's wrong Dave, come on Dave, you're not scared are you Dave? Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave..." etc. My fiancee and I found it very amusing albeit slightly annoying after a while, but I know there were quite a few people around us in line getting fed up with it. Had it happened anywhere less magical, I think I would have been very annoyed. But I was just happy to be there.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. I will still use DD and DW at times but honestly I spell it out more often than not. And I agree with you on SM but most of the time you can read in context and tell what attraction the poster is referring to.

Now for my gripe. I think I am more annoyed with the ECV's at walmart than WDW. I mean I have seen people drive them out to their car. If you need one that bad then by all means call the scooter store and get you one! Now my father (or DF):lol: has really bad arthritis in his feet and ankles and it really hinders him. One time he got an ECV and he was alot better off. But he did not get one in Epcot last time we went and I think he should have because that park is enormous. It is hard to distinguish between who needs one and who doesn't.


On the subject of scooters, I work at Walmart in the Garden Center, and we have one of those corrals set up in our lot for the outside plants and everything. Our lot is horrible when it comes to cracks and pot-holes and is in major need of repair. The other day, some old lady was out there in the corral looking at the plants, riding her ECV, and she got it stuck in a pothole and I had to get it out for her. Sorry, a little off topic there, but the posts about ECVs just kind of reminded me of that. I had nothing against her being in one, but I found it kind of amusing to see someone get stuck in a pothole on it. :lol:


God bless the "Ignore" button.
What grinds my gears is when I'm trying to enjoy a meal and some annoying girl is giving a mini-concert at her table to drum of vote for AIE... :fork:
I really try to be a non-gear grinding kind of person while at the parks. I think the only thing that gets to me are strollers bumping into me. I was injured in Iraq 5 years ago 5 May by a roadside explosion. I have multiple schrapnel wounds in my legs and all over my body. I still have a large piece in my leg. When a stroller hits me accidentally or not it really hurts.
Someone mentioned earlier about the people that ride ECVs that were overweight. I can say from personal experience in this that medication and the lack of being able to exercise has put more than 40 pounds on me. So I am very careful to judge why someone is the way they are in this.

Quit grinding your gears and HAVE FUN!!!


Active Member
I really try to be a non-gear grinding kind of person while at the parks. I think the only thing that gets to me are strollers bumping into me. I was injured in Iraq 5 years ago 5 May by a roadside explosion. I have multiple schrapnel wounds in my legs and all over my body. I still have a large piece in my leg. When a stroller hits me accidentally or not it really hurts.
Someone mentioned earlier about the people that ride ECVs that were overweight. I can say from personal experience in this that medication and the lack of being able to exercise has put more than 40 pounds on me. So I am very careful to judge why someone is the way they are in this.

Quit grinding your gears and HAVE FUN!!!
As a nurse, I couldn't agree with you more. Also, from me and my family, thank you for your service.


I really try to be a non-gear grinding kind of person while at the parks. I think the only thing that gets to me are strollers bumping into me. I was injured in Iraq 5 years ago 5 May by a roadside explosion. I have multiple schrapnel wounds in my legs and all over my body. I still have a large piece in my leg. When a stroller hits me accidentally or not it really hurts.
Someone mentioned earlier about the people that ride ECVs that were overweight. I can say from personal experience in this that medication and the lack of being able to exercise has put more than 40 pounds on me. So I am very careful to judge why someone is the way they are in this.

Quit grinding your gears and HAVE FUN!!!

Thanks for your service and your sacrifice. I appreciate it beyond words.


Well-Known Member
Not to much bothers me when I am there, but there are a few little things that I could do without.

When people stop in the middle of the walk way and pull out a map. If they would move over to the side, it would be helpful.

The use of cell phones while in an attraction or on a ride.

Using the flash when your not supposed to.


New Member
I get annoyed when people are being rude (unfortunately, I hate to say generally teenagers) and you give them a 'look' and they just stare back at you like you're the one that's acting like an idiot!


Well-Known Member
What really gets me is how people will spend THOUSANDS of dollars to go to a magical place of escape and look around to find an insurmountable number of things that really just tick them off.

Don't like trash? Pick it up. Don't like stepping in gum? Look where your going. Don't like crying kids? Disciple your own. Don't like "big people" in scooters? Stay in shape.

I am sorry, I don't normaly call out typos - I make enough of them myself, but this just cracked me up.

Yes my little minion children, follow me around and soon we will put our master plan into action ..... to grind everyone's gears !!!!! Mwahahah.

Man I need some disciples. :D



Well-Known Member
i am sorry, i don't normaly call out typos - i make enough of them myself, but this just cracked me up.

Yes my little minion children, follow me around and soon we will put our master plan into action ..... To grind everyone's gears !!!!! Mwahahah.

Man i need some disciples. :d


Heehee! :ROFLOL:

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