What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?


Well-Known Member
Thank God that Walt didn't share your sentiment! There would be no Disneyworld.

Actually, I think Walt's inspiration for DisneyLand was that he was at a park one day and saw a father playing with his two little girls. I don't think they were stroller age children, although I could be wrong. But I am thinking that the kids he saw with their father were probably at least 6 years old or so. So if you really want to invoke Walt Disney in this, I think he was thinking more specifically about kids that were able to run around and play with their parents. That's not to say that he intended babies and toddlers to be excluded, but I think it was the older children that actually served as the inspiration for building DisneyLand. :p

Personally, I don't care if people bring their babies or not. But what "grinds my gears" are people on this board who act almost like you're an unfit parent if you choose to leave your small children home with Grandma so that you can enjoy WDW without being tied down with an infant who can't do anything there anyway. On the flip side, I also get annoyed at people on the other end of the debate who act like you're an unfit parent if you DO choose to take your baby to WDW.


What "grinds my gears?" Hmmm....

People who are nosey and need to keep their silly arbitrary opinions about talking too much in queues, noisey kids and their feelings about fat people to themselves. Put yourself in someone else's shoes for a second before casting stones and being "holier than thou."

My parents are both elderly and overweight. My father's knees are shot after 40 years of working in construction, so he's not going to be doing any type of aerobics any time soon. You try spending the day trying to walk around the parks with two hobbling elderly people. They paid to get in just like everyone else did and should have the same privlidge of being able to enjoy themselves just like everyone else.

And I'm going to talk as much as I want in the queues, to whomever I want in my party, about whatever topics I feel I want to talk about, within reason for a family-based theme park. If you don't like it - if you can't handle kids, or people talking, or people with issues being able to walk several miles in a day - maybe theme parks aren't for you, and you should just stay home.

Now, to be serious for a second....

I can't stand people that stop in the middle of a walkway. The second you walk through the doors exiting an attraction or the second you walk into a shop is not the time to suddenly stop and pull out your map - unless, of course, you wanted to get to know me a little better through having me slam into you.

I can't stand people that stand in line at counter service for 20 minutes, get to the register, and then have to think about what they want. Fail.

Other than that, I don't really care - I'm at the parks to have a good time, not be the annoyance police.


Active Member
What "grinds my gears?" Hmmm....

I can't stand people that stop in the middle of a walkway. The second you walk through the doors exiting an attraction or the second you walk into a shop is not the time to suddenly stop and pull out your map - unless, of course, you wanted to get to know me a little better through having me slam into you.
How true:ROFLOL:


Active Member
Original Poster
People who are nosey and need to keep their silly arbitrary opinions about talking too much in queues
Thanks for your opinion!:wave:...:lookaroun.......:lol:......:ROFLOL:

As I said in another post, people who talk too much about annoying stuff in the queues and say stuff over and over and over and over again <- See just like that.It may annoy me but it may not annoy you.People can have their own opinions that's why the name of this thread is What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?No need to go on a strike about my opinions! Gosh!:lookaroun


Active Member
Actually, I think Walt's inspiration for DisneyLand was that he was at a park one day and saw a father playing with his two little girls. I don't think they were stroller age children, although I could be wrong. But I am thinking that the kids he saw with their father were probably at least 6 years old or so. So if you really want to invoke Walt Disney in this, I think he was thinking more specifically about kids that were able to run around and play with their parents. That's not to say that he intended babies and toddlers to be excluded, but I think it was the older children that actually served as the inspiration for building DisneyLand. :p

Personally, I don't care if people bring their babies or not. But what "grinds my gears" are people on this board who act almost like you're an unfit parent if you choose to leave your small children home with Grandma.
Really? Were there minimum age limits at Disneyland when it opened? Or did he say it is for children of all ages? My daughter is 5 and can ride everything in the park and is better behaved than many adults. She has been going since birth and I have enjoyed every minute with her--------as Walt would have wanted.:D


Active Member
Original Poster
1.And I'm going to talk as much as I want in the queues, to whomever I want in my party, about whatever topics I feel I want to talk about, within reason for a family-based theme park. If you don't like it -2. if you can't handle kids, or people talking, 3.or people with issues being able to walk several miles in a day - 4.maybe theme parks aren't for you, and you should just stay home.

1.Great! Talk as much as you want in the queues! It wouldn't ruin my day! It just Grinds My Gears!
The meaning of grinding your gears is at the beginning of the thread:wave:
2.I'm too young to handle kids
3.I run a mile everyday
4.Why would I stay home from disney? I used to spend more time there than home.I call the parks my home.

:wave:Thank you very much for your opinion!


Active Member
WALT DISNEY WORLD is a tribute to the philosophy and life of Walter Elias Disney… and to the talents, the dedication, and the loyalty of the entire Disney organization that made Walt Disney's dream come true. May Walt Disney World bring Joy and Inspiration and New Knowledge to all who come to this happy place… a Magic Kingdom where the young at heart of all ages can laugh and play and learn—together. Dedicated this 25th day of October, 1971.
--- Roy Disney on Disney World's opening day.


New Member
What grinds my gears is when people bring children to Walt Disney World... Let me explain myself before you freak out...

If your child needs to be in a stroller, it's probably not the best time to bring them. Chances are:

a) They are going to be too young to remember :brick:
b) You are going to spend more time dealing with screaming children in the heat than actually enjoying yourself :brick:
c) No one around you wants to listen to your screaming children in the heat :brick:
c) Spare yourself the trouble of having to load and unload your stuff on and off busses, trams, monorails ect... :brick:

It would be more enjoyable for everyone if your kid was around the age of 8 or so when you can have a little more control over the child, and I think the kid would be more appreciative after the trip too. Plus they will be tall enough to ride more of the rides if they are over, thus everyone in your party doesn't have to split up.
i actually gotta agree, bringing kids just causes more headach and pain for yourself and others then it does good. And since kids memories dont work until 3, and they dont even work well until 5 or later its a complete waste (im not making this up we learned it in psychology n i know ima get the person whose all like 'omg i totally remember bla bla bla, your full of crap', but memories are so flawed its ludacris).

my teacher broke out in laugher when she was talking about her sister in law spending buko bucks on her kids 2nd birthday n how that kid isnt even gonna remember it n how she remembers her 3rd birthday PERFECTLY, but it was proved that it was her sisters 3rd birthday not hers, even still it doesnt take away how vividly she remembers all of the details of 'her 3rd b-day'


Active Member
i actually gotta agree, bringing kids just causes more headach and pain for yourself and others then it does good. And since kids memories dont work until 3, and they dont even work well until 5 or later its a complete waste (im not making this up we learned it in psychology n i know ima get the person whose all like 'omg i totally remember bla bla bla, your full of crap', but memories are so flawed its ludacris).

my teacher broke out in laugher when she was talking about her sister in law spending buko bucks on her kids 2nd birthday n how that kid isnt even gonna remember it n how she remembers her 3rd birthday PERFECTLY, but it was proved that it was her sisters 3rd birthday not hers, even still it doesnt take away how vividly she remembers all of the details of 'her 3rd b-day'
Memory can be captured in pictures and videos. Heck I don't remember every moment that I have spent at the world. In fact the more I go, the more it all runs in together. Why does a kids memory validate or invalidate a family trip to the Magic Kingdom? :veryconfu For that matter Senile old people are not allowed either.


Well-Known Member
i actually gotta agree, bringing kids just causes more headach and pain for yourself and others then it does good. And since kids memories dont work until 3, and they dont even work well until 5 or later its a complete waste (im not making this up we learned it in psychology n i know ima get the person whose all like 'omg i totally remember bla bla bla, your full of crap', but memories are so flawed its ludacris).

my teacher broke out in laugher when she was talking about her sister in law spending buko bucks on her kids 2nd birthday n how that kid isnt even gonna remember it n how she remembers her 3rd birthday PERFECTLY, but it was proved that it was her sisters 3rd birthday not hers, even still it doesnt take away how vividly she remembers all of the details of 'her 3rd b-day'

OW, my tounge freaking is killing me from biting it.

Ever have a big 'ol meatball served up right over the plate and instead of driving it out of the park, you let it past because you somehow feel sorry for the pitcher?



New Member
What "grinds my gears?" Hmmm....

People who are nosey and need to keep their silly arbitrary opinions about talking too much in queues, noisey kids and their feelings about fat people to themselves. Put yourself in someone else's shoes for a second before casting stones and being "holier than thou."

My parents are both elderly and overweight. My father's knees are shot after 40 years of working in construction, so he's not going to be doing any type of aerobics any time soon. You try spending the day trying to walk around the parks with two hobbling elderly people. They paid to get in just like everyone else did and should have the same privlidge of being able to enjoy themselves just like everyone else.

And I'm going to talk as much as I want in the queues, to whomever I want in my party, about whatever topics I feel I want to talk about, within reason for a family-based theme park. If you don't like it - if you can't handle kids, or people talking, or people with issues being able to walk several miles in a day - maybe theme parks aren't for you, and you should just stay home.
your right, lets just take on your moto and shut down all forums :brick:. i dont remember anyone telling you YOU couldnt express your SILLY ARBITRARY OPINIONS

they also give blind 80 y/o's liscenses down here in florida that have no business having them. what i mean is jus b/c they paid for admission doesnt give them the right to ruin everyones experience (nor should we in south florida have to play bumper cars on I-95, but the DMV is like the no child left behind act, jus b/c they cant hack it doesnt mean they cant move along). im not saying kick out all old people, but if there elderly i doubt ANYONE has a problem with them getting a EMV. if they just fat, then screw em, get some exercise.

i totally agree with being able to talk in the queues, but if some little kids is going beserk and his parents ARENT parenting, you cant complain? I hate to tell you but not everyone has darling little children, n on my LAST TRIP to disney (less than a week ago) a mom smacked her daughter in the face b/c she wouldnt stop licking the table, the daughter picked up her head and slapped her mom n the face n went back to licking. kids that act reasonable can really be anywhere, if they're parents teach them correctly. people not being able to walk several miles is another USA problem (same with the kids). i know i cant run 13.1 miles, so am i gonna go run a 1/2 marathon? if you cant walk (which also includes sitting on rides, parades, and eaterys) a mile or 2 around a theme park, really stay home. i hate nothing worse then when a lard line gets going n i get stuck behind the blob. yeah i might walk a little fast, but when it takes 5 minutes to get from Splash Mountain to Big Thunder, I'm ED. If your gonna walk in a fat pack, make some room. Instead they're making the people who dont stuff themselves silly and lay on the couch all day, suffer.


New Member
Memory can be captured in pictures and videos. Heck I don't remember every moment that I have spent at the world. In fact the more I go, the more it all runs in together. Why does a kids memory validate or invalidate a family trip to the Magic Kingdom? :veryconfu For that matter Senile old people are not allowed either.
that wasnt my main point, the main point was backing up what the OP said, that kids should be able to handle themselves in the world n if they cry when they're not being carried all day they should stay home b/c they're ruining there family, and other families experiences.

Idk how many times my dad told me that when me n my sister were in a good mood (on vacation) it was great, but when we faught (which was most of the time), it was horrible. I'll admit i was a really bad kid (n i guess thats why my parents blamed me for the divorce :shrug:) who didnt deserve any vacations, but when i didnt like what we were doing, i made everyone miserible (partially b/c i was ed at where we were b/c anywhere but disney i hated n in my little child mind, was a waste of time). Was that right of my parents to drag me along irritating not only others but themselves? Hell no, it was selfish of them, THEY wanted me to go where THEY wanted me to go, but they ended up paying for it in the end when they had a terrible time :king:.....ok i really shouldnt be happy about that.


Active Member
that wasnt my main point, the main point was backing up what the OP said, that kids should be able to handle themselves in the world n if they cry when they're not being carried all day they should stay home b/c they're ruining there family, and other families experiences.

Idk how many times my dad told me that when me n my sister were in a good mood (on vacation) it was great, but when we faught (which was most of the time), it was horrible. I'll admit i was a really bad kid (n i guess thats why my parents blamed me for the divorce :shrug:) who didnt deserve any vacations, but when i didnt like what we were doing, i made everyone miserible (partially b/c i was ed at where we were b/c anywhere but disney i hated n in my little child mind, was a waste of time). Was that right of my parents to drag me along irritating not only others but themselves? Hell no, it was selfish of them, THEY wanted me to go where THEY wanted me to go, but they ended up paying for it in the end when they had a terrible time :king:.....ok i really shouldnt be happy about that.
But your "main point" indicated that bringing kids under the age of 5 is a complete waste. And really, I see better behaving kids at disney on a whole more so than the local supermarket.:shrug: I am sorry your parents blamed you for their divorce, that is terrible. But the majority of children at WDW are having so much fun and they are well behaved. Now I will say every child will meet that point of exhaustion if they are led to it and will exhibit what seems to others, bratty behavior. Kids get tired = they cry and pitch fits, then they get over it. We have overgrown kids on this board that are still crying and pitching fits over every little decision disney administration makes. :lol:


Well-Known Member
What grinds my gears is when people bring children to Walt Disney World... Let me explain myself before you freak out...

If your child needs to be in a stroller, it's probably not the best time to bring them. Chances are:

a) They are going to be too young to remember
b) You are going to spend more time dealing with screaming children in the heat than actually enjoying yourself :brick:
c) No one around you wants to listen to your screaming children in the heat :brick:
c) Spare yourself the trouble of having to load and unload your stuff on and off busses, trams, monorails ect... :brick:

It would be more enjoyable for everyone if your kid was around the age of 8 or so when you can have a little more control over the child, and I think the kid would be more appreciative after the trip too. Plus they will be tall enough to ride more of the rides if they are over, thus everyone in your party doesn't have to split up.
My child is 3 and remembers a lot of things from her Disney World vacation
She never caused any problems for us or others by screaming or causing a commotion.
We never had lots of stuff to load or unload at all that would cause us or others any problems.

You are just a child yourself and really have no idea what the heck you are talking about...:wave:
Actually, I think Walt's inspiration for DisneyLand was that he was at a park one day and saw a father playing with his two little girls. I don't think they were stroller age children, although I could be wrong. But I am thinking that the kids he saw with their father were probably at least 6 years old or so. So if you really want to invoke Walt Disney in this, I think he was thinking more specifically about kids that were able to run around and play with their parents. That's not to say that he intended babies and toddlers to be excluded, but I think it was the older children that actually served as the inspiration for building DisneyLand. :p

Personally, I don't care if people bring their babies or not. But what "grinds my gears" are people on this board who act almost like you're an unfit parent if you choose to leave your small children home with Grandma so that you can enjoy WDW without being tied down with an infant who can't do anything there anyway. On the flip side, I also get annoyed at people on the other end of the debate who act like you're an unfit parent if you DO choose to take your baby to WDW.
You know that if you do not bring your kids I am going to call you unfit don't ya?...;):p

i actually gotta agree, bringing kids just causes more headach and pain for yourself and others then it does good. And since kids memories dont work until 3, and they dont even work well until 5 or later its a complete waste (im not making this up we learned it in psychology n i know ima get the person whose all like 'omg i totally remember bla bla bla, your full of crap', but memories are so flawed its ludacris).

my teacher broke out in laugher when she was talking about her sister in law spending buko bucks on her kids 2nd birthday n how that kid isnt even gonna remember it n how she remembers her 3rd birthday PERFECTLY, but it was proved that it was her sisters 3rd birthday not hers, even still it doesnt take away how vividly she remembers all of the details of 'her 3rd b-day'




Well-Known Member
What grinds my gears is people being so judgemental. First off WDW is a park for people of all ages young and old. When I see parents bringing their kids in a stroller I don't think "Oh no we have to wait on them get that loaded or for them to get that kid out" I see the parents with their children making memories for them that will last a lifetime. I envy those people as I do not yet have children of my own. One of my fondest memories was taking my then 2 year old adopted sister to the parks.(I am 27 years older to help with the perspective) Her reaction to seeing all the characters and taking her on the rides is something I treasure inside.

The other thing is peoples views on overweight individuals. I am a bigger guy. A few years ago I hurt my lower back severly and had alot of pain that kept me bedridden alot due to it. I ate less but gained weight. I had to stop working out and lifting as my body couldn't take it. I have never ever asked for assistance with a handicap pass,GAC or a electric cart as I have to much pride however wether the person has to use the cart because they are just fat or injured shouldn't matter. Who cares?Its their life so let them live it no matter how bad they treat themselves. Live your own and stop judging those with disabilities....and yes people who overeat have a mental disability just like smokers and drug addicts.


New Member
I'm not going to touch this thread with a 12 foot pole. I don't want a bunch of net parents yelling at me when I weigh the pros and cons of bringing infants and small children to Disney.


Well-Known Member
I used to love threads like this on other Disney sites ... it was fun watching people do battle while the real world crumbled. Now ... it's all kind of sad.

But what grinds my gears at WDW is the same behaviors that do so in the real world ... boorish behavior by people of all ages, weights, colors, nationalities, sexual orientation, religions etc ... who don't take into consideration that they (and their families, which may or may not include children of any/all ages) are not the only people on Earth ... the only thing even worse is when boorish people online defend such behaviors ... of course what would the Internet be without such DoB (Defenders of Boorishness)?


New Member
Okay....so I know that WDW is aimed at kids (and grown up kids), but what REALLY annoys me is when I'm trying to enjoy a show at the parks, and low and behold, directly behind me sits a small child (or infant) who either cries or talks REALLY LOUD during the presentation :mad: :shrug: And yes....I know I'm gonna hear from this one.....:drevil:


Active Member
Original Poster
Okay....so I know that WDW is aimed at kids (and grown up kids), but what REALLY annoys me is when I'm trying to enjoy a show at the parks, and low and behold, directly behind me sits a small child (or infant) who either cries or talks REALLY LOUD during the presentation :mad: :shrug: And yes....I know I'm gonna hear from this one.....:drevil:

and starts kicking your chair!

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