What did you do?


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Just over 2 miles on the TM last night. Unfortunately, I think I re-aggravated my knee yesterday (before running). The knee only bothers me when bending and putting weight on it (like going up/down stairs). I was OK for running -- just pushing off from my 1 min walks back into running intervals bothered me.

I have my annual physical scheduled next week, so I'll definitely be mentioning this to the doc. I initially hurt the knee in late April, seemed to be getting better in the past month or so, and then dinged it up again yesterday. Booooo. :(


Have you tried taking osteo biflex or other glucosamine supplement? I know its a bit controversial as to whether it actually works or not. I had some knee issuses awhile back and took the supplement for the recommended 3 months and my knees have been great ever since. I don't know how much of my increased strength can be attributed to the osteo biflex as opposed to just becoming stronger from running and strength training though. It might be something worth asking you Doc about. :)


Active Member
Ran 3 miles last night @ 11:30 pace. Felt good (minus the heat/humidity). Legs have been tested this week with the Crossfit workouts and running combos.

Crossfit workout this morning consisted of 3 rounds of: 8 power snatch, 7 muscle ups and 400m run.


Well-Known Member
another good run today. its was 73 when i started at 8:02 , and when i ended at 9:09 it was 75 , not to hot , but kinda sticky muggy bc of the rain last night , but turned out 5 miles at a 9:15 pace!

plus another 3miler at the gym , followed by strenght training!...

for a total of 14 mile for the week , not bad for missing monday and not runing sunday~


Active Member
Have you tried taking osteo biflex or other glucosamine supplement? I know its a bit controversial as to whether it actually works or not. I had some knee issuses awhile back and took the supplement for the recommended 3 months and my knees have been great ever since. I don't know how much of my increased strength can be attributed to the osteo biflex as opposed to just becoming stronger from running and strength training though. It might be something worth asking you Doc about. :)

My dad took a glucosamine supplement for his tennis elbow that would act up every once in a while and it did wonders for him. And like you said he only had to take it for the recommended time and then he was done. He hasn't had any trouble out of it since and he doesn't exercise so we can't attribute his now working elbow to building up muscles lol.

That being said Witchy Chick...I hope this can help your knee.

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Have you tried taking osteo biflex or other glucosamine supplement? I know its a bit controversial as to whether it actually works or not. I had some knee issuses awhile back and took the supplement for the recommended 3 months and my knees have been great ever since. I don't know how much of my increased strength can be attributed to the osteo biflex as opposed to just becoming stronger from running and strength training though. It might be something worth asking you Doc about. :)

My dad took a glucosamine supplement for his tennis elbow that would act up every once in a while and it did wonders for him. And like you said he only had to take it for the recommended time and then he was done. He hasn't had any trouble out of it since and he doesn't exercise so we can't attribute his now working elbow to building up muscles lol.

That being said Witchy Chick...I hope this can help your knee.

Thanks, both of you, for the advice. I used to take a Glucosamine Chondroitin (sp?) supplement years ago. I don't remember why I stopped -- pregnancy maybe? I don't know. I currently take a multi-vitamin, Calcium, and CoQ10 each morning. I will certainly ask my doc about possibly adding Glucosamine to the morning routine. :D

Last night -- rest night for me. I hope to be kicking it on the TM this evening once the kiddos are bathed and bedded. I've been dragging this week. My (almost) 4-year-old has been waking 3-4 times a night. "I have to use the potty." "My music is not playing" or whatever excuse. Driving me nuts -- and making me TIRED.

In addition to 5K training, I'm also doing Weight Watchers (since Feb 2011). Weigh-in is tomorrow morning, and I'm hoping for a third consecutive week of good weight loss. 3X on the TM at 2+ miles a pop this week should help. ::fingers crossed::


Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just under 25 miles this morning.

Heavy winds and rain.

Rain is great, but I'll take 100+ degree temps and choking humidity over wind ANY day.

Rest this weekend with exception to some core excersises.

Next week I'll ramp up the miles and then back off before BoB 100 on August 18.

Run hard folks.


Active Member
I did my Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs after seeing the new Batman this morning.
Then in the evening I lifted weights for an hour. I only have two more days of the Insanity program left
and am considering doing Asylum next. Tomorrow, I am going to do my long run and then do my next
Insanity workout. Afterwards, I will be going to my soccer game at 5pm. Hope everyone is doing well with
their training!

Later Days!

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
2.08 miles on TM tonight. 33 mins (run/walk intervals). Once this knee stops giving me grief, I'll feel more comfortable going longer distances.



Well-Known Member
6.5 miles in an hour with my hubby this morning
I let him set the pace and BOY was that a mistake.:eek:
The Queen of Corral Q did a 8:47 mile!!! That's right folks---a 8:47 mile!!! (of course I started seeing Unicorns and Road Runners speaking Pig Latin and eating Dole Whips but that's to be expected at that pace)
Needless to say I asked him to slow it down a little bit after the first mile. According to his GPS we were doing a 9:38 or so through most of it and I ran pretty comfortable at that pace. Hmmm...I might be riding the Tower of Terror a little earlier than I thought after the TOT 10 Miler. :D


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
5.68 miles today at 9:34 pace. My goal started out at 7 miles but it was just one of those days when the mind and soul wanted to run but the body just wasn't playing along. I think I'll head out for a minimum 5 miles tomorrow am. Insanity cardio abs, strength training and a little bit of barre this afternoon.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
She's getting hardcore now, even running on my non-running days. Look out Nick!
Bring it. Looking forward to the challenge! :D

I run in a whole week what Nick does on a short run!

Its interesting looking at the reports on the Garmin. Since I got it in December I've run 572.14 miles- that's more than the entire length of the UK.


Well-Known Member
Friday - 4.5 miles (well...ran the first 4, was hit with a really painful stomachache, then walked the last 0.5 :()
Yesterday - Lift/plyos routine, then saw Brave
Today - 6.5 miles @ 10:18...slower than I wanted, but that's what I had in me today. Oh well.

Two things about today's run:
1. Took my iPod with me (which I rarely do anymore) and put on some Disney music. A bit from (I think) the Magical Express area in the airport and a bit from Epcot, so that was a nice change.
2. I actually found myself in the middle of the running portion of a triathlon at one point. I absolutely would have crossed to the other side of the street, but it was hot out and the race was on the side that is almost 100% shaded...the other side has pretty much no shade. So I ran in the grass (when I was running the same direction as the runners) and ran way to the right when I was running toward them to give them a pretty wide berth. The volunteers offered me water a few times (I declined, of course) and the race officials didn't say anything except "Have a good run!"...so hopefully I didn't break any major runner etiquette rules. :oops:

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