Friday - 4.5 miles (well...ran the first 4, was hit with a really painful stomachache, then walked the last 0.5

Yesterday - Lift/plyos routine, then saw Brave
Today - 6.5 miles @ 10:18...slower than I wanted, but that's what I had in me today. Oh well.
Two things about today's run:
1. Took my iPod with me (which I rarely do anymore) and put on some Disney music. A bit from (I think) the Magical Express area in the airport and a bit from Epcot, so that was a nice change.
2. I actually found myself in the middle of the running portion of a triathlon at one point. I absolutely would have crossed to the other side of the street, but it was hot out and the race was on the side that is almost 100% shaded...the other side has pretty much no shade. So I ran in the grass (when I was running the same direction as the runners) and ran way to the right when I was running toward them to give them a pretty wide berth. The volunteers offered me water a few times (I declined, of course) and the race officials didn't say anything except "Have a good run!" hopefully I didn't break any major runner etiquette rules.