Just over 2 miles on the TM last night. Unfortunately, I think I re-aggravated my knee yesterday (before running). The knee only bothers me when bending and putting weight on it (like going up/down stairs). I was OK for running -- just pushing off from my 1 min walks back into running intervals bothered me.
I have my annual physical scheduled next week, so I'll definitely be mentioning this to the doc. I initially hurt the knee in late April, seemed to be getting better in the past month or so, and then dinged it up again yesterday. Booooo.
Have you tried taking osteo biflex or other glucosamine supplement? I know its a bit controversial as to whether it actually works or not. I had some knee issuses awhile back and took the supplement for the recommended 3 months and my knees have been great ever since. I don't know how much of my increased strength can be attributed to the osteo biflex as opposed to just becoming stronger from running and strength training though. It might be something worth asking you Doc about.