What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Just under 30 miles this morning, 102 degree temps. I wish it were hotter.

Head was fried the last 2 miles and started bonking because I didn't hear my 30 min timer go off...I was zoned out and just looking at the spot just in front of my feet.

Stopped at the local 7-11 and grabbed a coke which I chugged down in 10 seconds, giant belch included.

Got home, dropped and did 115 push ups, not in the shade.

25 miles yesterday.

Don't run on a machine, become one. (excluding Coryna because she has two wonderful kids. Thank Isabella again for the awsome picture she drew for me!)

Run hard, or stay home and complain, folks, it's your choice :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles this morning and NS it again. I understand that it isnt that difficult to NS 3 miles, but I just find it interesting that I tend to do that more and more often regardless if it is 3 miles, 6 miles or 26.2 like in February.

Swimming tomorrow in the left lane (the slow lane) next to the awesome swimmers at the Y. Those other swimmers are awesome. Super cut.


Well-Known Member
3 miles this morning and NS it again. I understand that it isnt that difficult to NS 3 miles, but I just find it interesting that I tend to do that more and more often regardless if it is 3 miles, 6 miles or 26.2 like in February.
NS = non-stop?

I've gone back to the 4:1 run/walk to get ready for the August half at Robins AFB. It's just too hot & humid. Officially 100% humidity this AM and it was NOT raining. Did 3 miles and skipped the final walk break. Finished strong with a sub-11 minute final mile. Felt good!


Well-Known Member
NS = non-stop?

I've gone back to the 4:1 run/walk to get ready for the August half at Robins AFB. It's just too hot & humid. Officially 100% humidity this AM and it was NOT raining. Did 3 miles and skipped the final walk break. Finished strong with a sub-11 minute final mile. Felt good!


For me - yoga at noon! :cool:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Just over 5k for me this am @ 8:48 pace. It felt good to pick up the pace! I threw in some sprints for a little bit of HIIT. :)

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Just over 2 miles on the TM last night. Unfortunately, I think I re-aggravated my knee yesterday (before running). The knee only bothers me when bending and putting weight on it (like going up/down stairs). I was OK for running -- just pushing off from my 1 min walks back into running intervals bothered me.

I have my annual physical scheduled next week, so I'll definitely be mentioning this to the doc. I initially hurt the knee in late April, seemed to be getting better in the past month or so, and then dinged it up again yesterday. Booooo. :(


Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
25mi and change this morning.

Having dairy before a run makes me super nausiated. So, to train for that awful feeling at mile 75, I had cereal with milk for my pre-run meal. First 5 miles were awful. Awful. Sucked it up and kept runnin'.

Run hard folks.


Well-Known Member
4 miles - 11:02 pace. A little better than the other day but not my best. The cooler weather was nice but it was still quite humid! I think I did negative splits but the satellites were a little wonky today due to the clouds I guess.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Oops. Sorry for the insult. :oops:

Yeah, NS for me as well. :D
Never an insult. No worries.
9 miles on TM tonight, which puts me somewhere on the speedway.
Nice job.
25mi and change this morning.

Having dairy before a run makes me super nausiated. So, to train for that awful feeling at mile 75, I had cereal with milk for my pre-run meal. First 5 miles were awful. Awful. Sucked it up and kept runnin'.

Run hard folks.
Because you knew if you didnt suck it up and keep running, there would be hell to pay come report time to wdwmagic/running forum. ;)
4 miles - 11:02 pace. A little better than the other day but not my best. The cooler weather was nice but it was still quite humid! I think I did negative splits but the satellites were a little wonky today due to the clouds I guess.
It NEVER fails I have some watch drama on race day. Never on training days. IM not sure if it is a lot of people trying to ping satellites in a small area or what, but it never fails. Ruffner mtn 21K, my 305 wouldnt start. I didnt know the force restart command with it mode+reset/lap hold for 6 seconds. I had to run sans watch. I totally get the wonky times thing too on event day. Oy!


RunDisney Addict
Joel has a point....It's good to have support. I wasn't going to run tonight, as I slept for **** last night, and really felt like going straight to bed after work. A co-worker was heading to his own gym and reminded me about how I kick myself when I miss opportunities.

Just over 2 miles tonight....I forgot my iPod, so I couldn't really settle in my groove, but I had the gym to myself, so I talked to myself the entire run.


Well-Known Member
It NEVER fails I have some watch drama on race day. Never on training days. IM not sure if it is a lot of people trying to ping satellites in a small area or what, but it never fails. Ruffner mtn 21K, my 305 wouldnt start. I didnt know the force restart command with it mode+reset/lap hold for 6 seconds. I had to run sans watch. I totally get the wonky times thing too on event day. Oy!
Luckily it hasn't happened to me on race day yet! Usually on race day it is my fault not turning the darn thing on at the right time to search for satellites! Too soon and it shuts off before the start...too late and it doesn't find them till after I start running!


Well-Known Member
5k at marathon pace today. My knee still felt funky from Tuesday so I'm taking it easy. It will be interesting to see how it handles on my normal long runs this weekend.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Luckily it hasn't happened to me on race day yet! Usually on race day it is my fault not turning the darn thing on at the right time to search for satellites! Too soon and it shuts off before the start...too late and it doesn't find them till after I start running!
Guilty. I have done that too. I feel like such a moron. LOL

Last event was a major pacing event. It got hung up and wouldnt find the satellites. Race started, mid first mile, I shut it down, started again, and in 9 seconds, found the satellites. OY!

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