What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Saturday was 8 miles at Boston qualifying pace. Holy schnikey no idea how I can do that for another 18. Sunday was 12 at close to my desired 1/2 pace. W&D should be ok, but I think I will be a bit off the pace I was hoping for.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Saturday was 8 miles at Boston qualifying pace. Holy schnikey no idea how I can do that for another 18. Sunday was 12 at close to my desired 1/2 pace. W&D should be ok, but I think I will be a bit off the pace I was hoping for.
Goodness Gracious. I would have to maintain a 7:26 pace over 26.2.

Yes, in the immortal words of Chris Farley; Holy Schnikeys!


Well-Known Member
No running today (as per the plan)

Tae Kwon Do started up after Summer hiatus. Double class tonight (2.5 hours)

All this running has made my legs so freaking tight. I will have to be careful I don't pull anything before Wine and Dine.



Well-Known Member
Got in 6 miles today. Beautiful day - took some time just to enjoy the weather and being outside. Dreading the approach of winter.


Well-Known Member
It was 6 miles for me this morning as well (1 mile warmup, 4 mile tempo, 1 mile cool down). I started in the dark, with clear skies and lots of stars, and finished shortly after sunrise.

Weather-wise, it felt good out there, and I didn't have much pain in my foot, which was a nice development. I tried hard this morning to keep a high cadence/short stride, and I think it helped.

Fractal, like you, I am not a huge fan of winter running, although winter in Alabama might be a little different from winter in Pennsylvania. It always seems like those perfect fall and spring days are just too few and far between.


Active Member
Today, the YMCA again for strength training. My total, from the treadmill, is 5.24 miles. I did some speed work while on the treadmill for one hour.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
It was 6 miles for me this morning as well (1 mile warmup, 4 mile tempo, 1 mile cool down). I started in the dark, with clear skies and lots of stars, and finished shortly after sunrise.

Weather-wise, it felt good out there, and I didn't have much pain in my foot, which was a nice development. I tried hard this morning to keep a high cadence/short stride, and I think it helped.

Fractal, like you, I am not a huge fan of winter running, although winter in Alabama might be a little different from winter in Pennsylvania. It always seems like those perfect fall and spring days are just too few and far between.
We have winter for about 2.5 months. :D It can potentially be 60 and sunny on Christmas.

I am actually looking forward to winter running again to see how things compare to peak summer running. I dont mind winter running after the first 2 miles, but that first few meters are a dozy.

Nice job on the run and glad the foot seems to be better.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Six miles today

Work that plan. Wine and Dine is around the corner.

Yep. Im looking forward to the taper. I am starting to get a little worn out of all the waiting. :D

Today I had a great run. Typically, I went out for a 4 mile run that was supposed to be a "run strong" but dont push to hard and save that for Thursday. About 1 mile into it i figured I would go ahead and run a little stronger than anticipated.

4 miles - 32.39 and I have stuck to the 30 second walk break after 2 miles on the weekly 4 mile run since it is still so hot.

Push guys. It is 18 days away.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Had some Japanese food for dinner, watched a softball game, just chilling with some TV now.

Oops. Forgot what this thread was for!

Did 3 miles at a nice, easy 11:20 pace. Week 2 of my 18-week marathon plan is underway. :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Had some Japanese food for dinner, watched a softball game, just chilling with some TV now.

Oops. Forgot what this thread was for!

Did 3 miles at a nice, easy 11:20 pace. Week 2 of my 18-week marathon plan is underway. :)
There you go. Ill join you in about 3 weeks. Ill be doing a 15ish week plan.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Im looking forward to the taper. I am starting to get a little worn out of all the waiting. :D

Today I had a great run. Typically, I went out for a 4 mile run that was supposed to be a "run strong" but dont push to hard and save that for Thursday. About 1 mile into it i figured I would go ahead and run a little stronger than anticipated.

4 miles - 32.39 and I have stuck to the 30 second walk break after 2 miles on the weekly 4 mile run since it is still so hot.

Push guys. It is 18 days away.

I am sort of making my own schedule for this, because I have the marathon in Jan, so I don't want to taper TOO much.

This week will be 6, 4, 6, 13.1

Next will be 6, 4, 6 and somewhere in the 10-13 range

Tuesday and Wed will be 5 and 5, and then race on Sat

That will put me smack into week 8 of the 16 week marathon plan which is 4, 6, 4, 14. So 8 weeks of training and 11 weeks till the race, which is good because I know I am going to repeat a week or two in there when Thanksgiving and Christmas rolls around.

We will see what happens.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I am sort of making my own schedule for this, because I have the marathon in Jan, so I don't want to taper TOO much.

This week will be 6, 4, 6, 13.1

Next will be 6, 4, 6 and somewhere in the 10-13 range

Tuesday and Wed will be 5 and 5, and then race on Sat

That will put me smack into week 8 of the 16 week marathon plan which is 4, 6, 4, 14. So 8 weeks of training and 11 weeks till the race, which is good because I know I am going to repeat a week or two in there when Thanksgiving and Christmas rolls around.

We will see what happens.

My Full is February 13th. I have a bit more time than you. this is how mine will shape up.

This week for me 4, 4, 2, 14.
Next week 4, 4, 2, 5
Race week 5, 4, 3, 2, 13.1 (the 3 and the 2 will be in WDW. I might just do 1 or 2 on those days to compensate for all the walking we will be doing from Wed to Sat)

Ill take about 3 or 4 days off and pick up again around Wednesday or Thursday. After all that travel and vacation etc, Ill need a vacation from my vacation.

It just so happens to work out if I choose to run a Jeff Galloway schedule again, the W&D weekend, my long run would be 10.5. Followed by 18 more weeks. I guess I remembered incorrectly when I stated a 15 week schedule.


Active Member
I went out for 43 minutes and some, according to the watch. I walked up the hill, it took about 3 minutes, and then ran down it. That took about one minute. The hill is rather long and steep.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Anyone heard from Erin Akey? I know she was on track to run the W&D and I dont think she has posted in a month in the "What did you do?" thread.


Well-Known Member
Anyone heard from Erin Akey? I know she was on track to run the W&D and I dont think she has posted in a month in the "What did you do?" thread.

I was wondering the same thing just the other day. I thought she was working toward the 1/2 in January though.

She had been making good progress too, up in to 10 mile zone.

I hope she is OK



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I was wondering the same thing just the other day. I thought she was working toward the 1/2 in January though.

She had been making good progress too, up in to 10 mile zone.

I hope she is OK

That is right. The half in January. Still the same concern.

Also, Im enjoying the "Zen and the Art of Running".

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Anyone heard from Erin Akey? I know she was on track to run the W&D and I dont think she has posted in a month in the "What did you do?" thread.

Wow, I was thinking the same thing last week. I knew she was doing the half in Jan but I didn't know she was running the W&D. I hope all is well.

10.07 mi on Monday
10.30 mi on Tuesday
7.40 mi yesterday


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Wow, I was thinking the same thing last week. I knew she was doing the half in Jan but I didn't know she was running the W&D. I hope all is well.

10.07 mi on Monday
10.30 mi on Tuesday
7.40 mi yesterday
I think I just remembered incorrectly. I think it is only January.

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