What did you do?


Well-Known Member
3 mile run yesterday and 9 miles today on the bike at 0530. Why is it that some days I'm shifting like crazy on the hills and other days (like today) I don't shift at all? :confused:


Well-Known Member
4 miles this morning...pace was about 30-45 seconds slower than normal thanks to the weather. But I didn't feel like dying at the end, so I guess I did something right. :)


Well-Known Member
Dang you Heat Mizer! Thursday ran with brother-in-law for 2.95 miles for 30 minutes in 74 degree heat with 90 percent humidity (cloudy with popcorn storms rolling over Lake Erie). Last week in 30 minutes with less heat and humidity ran 3.50 miles. This morning Friday ran 3 miles in 31 minutes. Started run at 83 with no wind and 62 percent humidity, and finished it was up near 87 with 70 percent humidity with a little bit of wind. Cooled down and there was a nice breeze while stretching under a tree.

Dew points both days were over 70 - in northern Ohio. Both runs were in 10am hour.

Skipping Saturday as temps will be near or at century mark. Postponing 6-mile run for Tower 10-miler prep until Sunday. Heard it will be in the low 80s.

I guess this is what it feels like to run in Florida. I've experienced heat and humidity several times vacationing in Central Florida but never ran a race or prepped for a distance race.

I'll be fine by late September.


Well-Known Member
3 miles - 10:45 pace with negative splits! Woohoo! Waited until nearly 9 pm to run tonight. The humidity still was high and the temp was 80 degrees but I felt great!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Weird week here with mid week travels to the lake. Back on it today. 14 laps in the pool. I was finishing up my 12th when I stopped at the shallow end to catch my breath. A guy next to me asked if I were training for something, I said no... he followed with, "swim much?" I laughed and said this is the 4th time in the pool in 3 weeks. Im trying to teach myself the crawl (and do it well). He gave me a few critiques which I usually hate, but I listened hard. He was awesome. He said he has been swimming a long time and could tell I could be very good, I just need to practice and do the 2 things he told me.

I gave it 1 more down and back and it was a HUGE improvement. The way I was doing it was wearing me out. Bad form. It was the equivalent to trying to sprint 10 miles. My posture wasnt right. I cant wait to swim again. Might go Sunday when he said he was going again. Ill take all the free advice to become a fish.

Running tomorrow am. That is like second nature.

Hope everyone had a good 4th. Apparently, I missed something about unicorns. :)


RunDisney Addict
Only had 30 min yesterday so I squeezed in 2.5 miles. I had my first inside treadmill run in almost a year. I had a girl next to me who had the treadmill cranked way up...she'd run for about 30 seconds and then she'd stand on the rails of the treadmill as it raced underneath her. She would rest for a minute or two and then do it again. I'm not really sure what she was trying to accomplish there. I think she would have been better served doing true-blue interval running.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Restricted time yesterday: barely got in a full marathon, falling short of my planned 30mi.

Taking it easy today and tomorrow. Monday I will get in a 30mi and perhaps a 50 on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Once I register for McN500 next week (hopefully taking the 5th spot, purely out of superstition), I'll post a new thread documenting my training, eating, thoughts, etc... as I make my journey to the 500 mi start line next year.

Beer, pool, and whatever today.

Run hard folks.


RunDisney Addict
I didn't have a run scheduled today, but my wife took the kids to her aunt's house in another city today, so I used the opportunity to get out and get a bonus run in.

5k at a 12:11 pace. I ran yesterday, and have my scheduled run with my wife tomorrow, so I took it easy. Plus it's still pretty warm here, so I just wanted to keep the legs going. I had no particular length or pace goal in mind. I ended up doing more than my scheduled run yesterday :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5 miles this morning in a 76degree/87% humidity weather. Needless to say, I was soaked when I got home. I love coming in and asking all my girls for hugs and watching them squeal and run away (even Sam). :)

Happy weekend!


Well-Known Member
today is my off day bc i have to go to a wedding but belive me i would rather be running , so back at in the morning bright and early before church!- but total miles for this week 17.


Well-Known Member
My Sunday morning yoga class was amazing today. Lots of great stretches. Ahhhhhh!
Then I did 6 miles on the stationary bike.
Now heading out to help with the yard work before it gets too toasty out there (burning calories any way I can:D)

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