What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Swan pose in my favorite. hard to explain but I'm sure if you google it. You'd find step by step instructions/pictures.

Cookout was great. Got hang out w/Nick and Alison. Plus met some other amazing people! Lots of running talk. :D
Pulled pork and homemade beans. I like the pulled pork without a roll. CROCK-POT recipe... my favorite way of cooking in the summer! Let me know if you want recipes. :) Good luck with the diet!
Pulled pork, beans and beer. Dang that would have been worth the airfare up there. LOL. Next time.

At least Ill get to meet you at the ToT... but Nick and I's debauchery filled weekend will have to wait.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
4 miles today...managed to barely keep it under 11 min miles - Pace 10:55. I was struggling the last mile!
But you finished... that is all that counts. You may know this, but pushing through like that and accomplishing a finish builds a lot of running character. So, next time, it will be a little easier to push through.

Nice job.


Well-Known Member
Had to Google 'negative split'. Learned something new. I try to do that but it doesn't work on anything over 10 miles. :)

Never used to work for me either til the last year or so. If you can stick with it they really help to keep from starting off too fast and then draggin it across the finish line. And of course I say this, but then still fail to do it at actual races.....

Good to see everyone trucking through the heat and humidity, just make sure to keep hydrated and to stop if needed. Even you Nick.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing like a 3-mile run at 0600 through 94% humidity. Makes you feel alive. Galloway has me doing 9 miles this Sunday. o_O The DL Half is coming up fast!


RunDisney Addict
Started Galloway's Marthon training plan today. Today was a scheduled 30-45 min run. We did 3.05 miles in 39:14. We used the run/walk method for the first time. We could have run the whole time, but we really want to follow the plan to see how we feel and where it takes us.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Cookout was great. Got hang out w/Nick and Alison. Plus met some other amazing people! Lots of running talk. :D
Pulled pork and homemade beans. I like the pulled pork without a roll. CROCK-POT recipe... my favorite way of cooking in the summer! Let me know if you want recipes. :) Good luck with the diet!

Sounds like a blast! And yes, I would LOOOOVE recipes! Pulled pork is one of my faves.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
There is nothing like a 3-mile run at 0600 through 94% humidity. Makes you feel alive. Galloway has me doing 9 miles this Sunday. o_O The DL Half is coming up fast!

Careful, you're starting to sound like Nick! ;)

3.02 miles this am. Im very excited. My schedule starts next Monday for ToT. So excited that I have come so far and can take on this confidently.

It's been a long haul (pun intended) with your injury. You really hung in there and worked hard to overcome it.

Started Galloway's Marthon training plan today. Today was a scheduled 30-45 min run. We did 3.05 miles in 39:14. We used the run/walk method for the first time. We could have run the whole time, but we really want to follow the plan to see how we feel and where it takes us.

So how did you like it?

As for me, got up at 5:40am today to get in 5 miles before work. Nice strong run at 9:48 min pace which was surprising considering how little sleep I got because my son had a terrible stomach ache until 1am.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Careful, you're starting to sound like Nick! ;)
LOL... I love running in the brutal elements too. Just not 30+ miles a day in it. :)

It's been a long haul (pun intended) with your injury. You really hung in there and worked hard to overcome it.
Thanks. It was slightly sore Monday, but I think it was all the squatting in the yard on Saturday and Sunday. It is funny and relievingthat running doesnt hurt it, just all the other BS things that I have to do around the house.

As for me, got up at 5:40am today to get in 5 miles before work. Nice strong run at 9:48 min pace which was surprising considering how little sleep I got because my son had a terrible stomach ache until 1am.
Not fun. We ran at the same time today. Oh wait... dang, you are EST. NM. LOL


RunDisney Addict
Careful, you're starting to sound like Nick! ;)

So how did you like it?

As for me, got up at 5:40am today to get in 5 miles before work. Nice strong run at 9:48 min pace which was surprising considering how little sleep I got because my son had a terrible stomach ache until 1am.

It was different. We're not used to dialing it down on training runs. We usually just go out and run like we would at a race. We had to remind each other to consider pace and the walk breaks. We definitely felt stronger at the end and didn't feel like we sacrificed too much time.


Well-Known Member
3.02 miles this am. Im very excited. My schedule starts next Monday for ToT. So excited that I have come so far and can take on this confidently.
The darn new board wouldn't let me double-like. :D Great news!

Careful, you're starting to sound like Nick! ;)
I actually had a nightmare where I signed up for a 50-miler. :eek:

Seriously folks, be careful out there. Slow down a bit for the heat if you need to. We can pick it back up in the fall.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
"Starting to sound like Nick..." Do I have bad a reputation?!?

Just about 31 miles this morning in 95 degrees.

Felt great the entire time and could have gone more if the clock allowed it.

30mi for the rest of the week and hopefully ending Friday with a 50 mile.

Run hard and hydrate well folks.


Active Member
Took the dog with me for my marathon/ToT training (probably a bad choice oops), we managed to get in 3.5 miles in the 30 minutes so... Roughly 8:30 min/mile. I never in my life thought I would ever do something under twenty, but I guess when you're carrying a bag of dog poop you just want to get back home and out of the humidity! :)

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