What did you do?


Active Member
Did another interval training today with the .1 walk/.1 run... me and my running partner ended up going 5.5 miles in an hour and 16 minutes, making our pace 13:54 min/mile :)

Getting closer to that 10 miler!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles this am. Im tired of babying this knee. Ran 2.75 and felt a little heat. So I walked 100 yards, then ran the rest. Amazing how far my cardio capabilities fell. The hills I used to breeze up worked me today. I shall seek revenge.

Have a great Sunday everyone.


RunDisney Addict
I had every intention of doing a treadmill run last night after work, but my allergies have come alive, and my sinuses are killing me.

I have a 1/2 marathon a week from today, so I decided to take it easy.

However today, I registered for the Madison Mini-Marathon in August. That gives me 2 races in 1 day. A 1/2 Marathon in the morning, and Warrior Dash in the afternoon.


Active Member
I had every intention of doing a treadmill run last night after work, but my allergies have come alive, and my sinuses are killing me.

I have a 1/2 marathon a week from today, so I decided to take it easy.

However today, I registered for the Madison Mini-Marathon in August. That gives me 2 races in 1 day. A 1/2 Marathon in the morning, and Warrior Dash in the afternoon.

I'm looking at the Fort half. This means an eight week training program. Today, was an interval type workout at the high school track.


Well-Known Member
Saw something new today. Two cars driving in the wrong lane. They both almost took me out.

11.11 miles this morning. Struggled big time but I beat my two hour goal for the 10 mile mark. Just did not feel good. Maybe the wind or heat or both got to me.

Great job everybody. I wanted to quit today but I kept thinking about that ToT medal. :D


Well-Known Member
Am hour of yoga this morning and just got back from a 4.5 miler.

I just a wonderful running nirvana moment-decided to hit some hills today with my run. More than half way through my run, I come across this mile-long killer rolling hill and as I'm starting my asend, Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode comes blarring on my headphone. Man, it was the perfect song and just pushed me to the top. That's right people-REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH!


Active Member
I ran 10 miles in the metroparks this morning
at an 8:00 per mile pace. I cut back on my long
run this weekend cause I have my first race since
this past Goofy Challenge next Sunday and I want to set
a new PR for a half-marathon. Hope everyone is doing well
with their training!

Later Days!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Am hour of yoga this morning and just got back from a 4.5 miler.

I just a wonderful running nirvana moment-decided to hit some hills today with my run. More than half way through my run, I come across this mile-long killer rolling hill and as I'm starting my asend, Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode comes blarring on my headphone. Man, it was the perfect song and just pushed me to the top. That's right people-REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH!
You had me at "decided to hit some hills"


Great job! I can't run ONE mile in 8 minutes. :lol:
You are still a stud Doug! Well respected for the number of full you have done.


Well-Known Member
Sat was 7 mi at an elevated negative split, then several hours of walking outside. Sun was 11.5 mi at a slightly slower pace. Today was 2 mi at 5k race pace before the knee started to hurt. My PT eval next week cannot get here soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Saturday morning was a 4.5 mile run before the days activities kicked off. Truthfully, I never quite got in a good groove, as my leges felt heavy for some reason (maybe insufficient hydration). From there, we had three baseball games (9:00, 10:00 and 11:00), three lacrosse games for a big tournanment in town (11:30, 4:10, and 7:30) and two birthday parties (11:00 and 3:00). Sometimes I feel like a logistics guy at FedEx, only we're trying to get kids to the right place at the right time instead of packages.

This morning was the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit with Shaun T. Ouch (in a good way).

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just under 30 miles this morning. It's hot out, but I carry 2,250 mL of water with me:D

No one was heckling me today, since everyone was so foolish not to carry water.

Cheers folks!


Well-Known Member
Registered for my first 5K a couple days ago.

I am determined to run the whole thing which is a pretty big deal for me since I don't consider myself a runner. Also I've never entered a race before. I know I'm capable of a 10:30 mile pace, I've done it before but I have to recondition myself to be able to do it again. Luckily I've been doing a good deal of cardio and strength training since January so I feel pretty good about running now. My current pace is sitting at about 15min per mile, which isn't terrible by my standards. :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Saturday morning was a 4.5 mile run before the days activities kicked off. Truthfully, I never quite got in a good groove, as my leges felt heavy for some reason (maybe insufficient hydration). From there, we had three baseball games (9:00, 10:00 and 11:00), three lacrosse games for a big tournanment in town (11:30, 4:10, and 7:30) and two birthday parties (11:00 and 3:00). Sometimes I feel like a logistics guy at FedEx, only we're trying to get kids to the right place at the right time instead of packages.

This morning was the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit with Shaun T. Ouch (in a good way).
That is crazy. I have one playing soccer and it manages to consume a whole Sunday afternoon.

Admire you for doing Insanity. I might start the P90X again this summer. The new house has a massive playroom screaming for me to break it in.


Well-Known Member
That is crazy. I have one playing soccer and it manages to consume a whole Sunday afternoon.

Admire you for doing Insanity. I might start the P90X again this summer. The new house has a massive playroom screaming for me to break it in.

The kids' activities are a lot of fun, but scheduling can be a little stressful.

I really am enjoying the mix of Insanity (high intensity cardio, lots of sweat, using all kinds of muscles) with running (relatively lower intensity, steady burn, smell the honeysuckle, hear the birds, etc.). I'll get more running specific as the Tower of Terror 10 miler gets closer.

This morning was 3 miles in 2007 Walt Disney World Marathon-like starting conditions (foggy, a little humid, 60's). It felt good, and it seemed like I was able to keep good power and a high cadence going up the hills.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
The kids' activities are a lot of fun, but scheduling can be a little stressful.

I really am enjoying the mix of Insanity (high intensity cardio, lots of sweat, using all kinds of muscles) with running (relatively lower intensity, steady burn, smell the honeysuckle, hear the birds, etc.). I'll get more running specific as the Tower of Terror 10 miler gets closer.

This morning was 3 miles in 2007 Walt Disney World Marathon-like starting conditions (foggy, a little humid, 60's). It felt good, and it seemed like I was able to keep good power and a high cadence going up the hills.
It was eerie out this am wasnt it. I loved it.


Active Member
Alternating quarter mile hill and quarter mile tempo run. Focusing on the task, made the time go by quickly. Then, I moved on to kettlebell strength training.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
A 1/2 Marathon in the morning, and Warrior Dash in the afternoon.

You Warrior you!!!

Saw something new today. Two cars driving in the wrong lane. They both almost took me out.

11.11 miles this morning. Struggled big time but I beat my two hour goal for the 10 mile mark. Just did not feel good. Maybe the wind or heat or both got to me.

Great job everybody. I wanted to quit today but I kept thinking about that ToT medal. :D

Good for you achieving your goal! And nice job dodging cars too. Drivers can be idiots.

Great job! I can't run ONE mile in 8 minutes. :lol:

I've often wondered how fast I could run a mile, but I've never actually tried to run a single mile for speed. Last Fall I trained hard for and ran a 5K at 8:38 pace, so I'm guessing I could run a mile in under 8 minutes, but I'm really not sure. How does 5K pace translate to miles? Anyone have a pace calculator for that?

Just under 30 miles this morning. It's hot out, but I carry 2,250 mL of water with me:D

No one was heckling me today, since everyone was so foolish not to carry water.

Cheers folks!

And here I was feeling sorry for those Boston Marathoners. Not any more!

Registered for my first 5K a couple days ago.

I am determined to run the whole thing which is a pretty big deal for me since I don't consider myself a runner. Also I've never entered a race before. I know I'm capable of a 10:30 mile pace, I've done it before but I have to recondition myself to be able to do it again. Luckily I've been doing a good deal of cardio and strength training since January so I feel pretty good about running now. My current pace is sitting at about 15min per mile, which isn't terrible by my standards. :D

If you run regularly, you are a runner in my book, regardless of your pace. Good job signing up for the race. Hopefully it will give you the motivation you desire.

As for me, 4.25 miles last night on the treadmill. I wasn't going to run last night, but I got home from a long day at work and was going to plop myself down on the couch to watch tv after dinner, and I decided I could just as well watch tv from the treadmill. So I did! And I probably felt more energized afterwards than I would have as a couch potato.

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