What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Yeah Jill, I was saying to myself, "Suck it up Boston." They're all supposed to be elite, so hydrate and compinsate for electrolyte loss. I remember doing a 35 mile training run last year in 90+ degree temps...again, suck it up Boston. I'm reading stuff in the ultra community, and everyone is just saying, "wow, what a bunch of p------s." :ROFLOL:

Anyway, just under 30 miles again this morning. Three bottles of water and s-caps on the hour, I was cool as a cucumber at an 8:30 pace.

Cheers folks!


Premium Member
That is crazy. I have one playing soccer and it manages to consume a whole Sunday afternoon.

Admire you for doing Insanity. I might start the P90X again this summer. The new house has a massive playroom screaming for me to break it in.

Joel, if you get a chance, try out P90X2 - think you'll like it. I've had very good performance results from it.


Premium Member
Registered for my first 5K a couple days ago.

I am determined to run the whole thing which is a pretty big deal for me since I don't consider myself a runner. Also I've never entered a race before. I know I'm capable of a 10:30 mile pace, I've done it before but I have to recondition myself to be able to do it again. Luckily I've been doing a good deal of cardio and strength training since January so I feel pretty good about running now. My current pace is sitting at about 15min per mile, which isn't terrible by my standards. :D

Congrats on your first race! Let us know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Registered for my first 5K a couple days ago.

I am determined to run the whole thing which is a pretty big deal for me since I don't consider myself a runner. Also I've never entered a race before. I know I'm capable of a 10:30 mile pace, I've done it before but I have to recondition myself to be able to do it again. Luckily I've been doing a good deal of cardio and strength training since January so I feel pretty good about running now. My current pace is sitting at about 15min per mile, which isn't terrible by my standards. :D

WOO Erin! :D Good luck with your training!!

5 miles after work at 9:48/mile...really great run for me! :)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Greta isn't in it. But Drea Webber is...and she's annoying, but she's not in a ton of the DVD's like she was in 1.

Yeah Drea is just in Total Body. I don't find her as annoying this time around. I think part of it is because she got a haircut and doesn't have that awful pony tail swinging around all the time. :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles this am. I havent walked at all this week. I think my current threshold is around 2.75 miles before the knee gets hot with mild pain. So, Ill kick that back down to 2 miles for a week or 2 and try again later to bump that up to 3+.

I swear I am on the verge of being back. I just need to be patient a little longer. :mad:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Warrior Dash is on Saturday. To celebrate the true spirit of the Warrior Dash, I haven't done a bit of training for over 2 weeks (*I tell myself that's the true spirit, anyway :lookaroun ). I did grow a goatee, which my wife confirmed this morning she looks forward to it disappearing when this event is done. :lol:

In some measure of fairness, I had a really nasty touch of bronchitis and couldn't run for most of that time. Now that I'm well, I have no excuse for this procrastination. Guess I'll get back to running next week. :animwink:

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
3 miles at 11 miles per minute pace this morning. I'd like to get that down to at least 10 before my first 5K race which is just three-and-a-half weeks away. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
If you run regularly, you are a runner in my book, regardless of your pace. Good job signing up for the race. Hopefully it will give you the motivation you desire.

That's a good point. Signing up has definitely proved to be the best motivation. I'm trying to run/walk three days a week which is working out pretty well. :D

Congrats on your first race! Let us know how it goes.

Thank you! I'm running in the Race for the Cure and I might do a mini write-up about it when I'm done.

WOO Erin! :D Good luck with your training!!

5 miles after work at 9:48/mile...really great run for me! :)

Thanks Shannon! And great pace for you! :sohappy:

I had a good workout today, lot of cardio and leg work (squats and lunges..ugh) but the awesome thing is I didn't feel completely tapped afterwards. I felt really good and energized. This is basically the lead up to my treadmill run on the weekend.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just under 25 miles yesterday. I was on auto pilot for the entire run - no sleep the night before, so I must have looked like a zombie.

Heading out again in a few minutes for another dose...

Cheers folks.

BTW Joel, what's patience? :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shannon! And great pace for you! :sohappy:

Thanks! I would love to read a write-up of your race, if you do decide to post it. :D 3 days sounds good, I think that's what I did when I trained for me first 5K (using Couch-to-5K).

3.5 miles of speedwork for me this morning. Just felt like a total slug the entire time...oh well. :snore:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Just under 25 miles yesterday. I was on auto pilot for the entire run - no sleep the night before, so I must have looked like a zombie.

Heading out again in a few minutes for another dose...

Cheers folks.

BTW Joel, what's patience? :D
An overplayed, worn out song by Guns N Roses. :lookaroun

BTW, I feel that Appetite for Destruction is the best rock album from start to finish of all time. For the era it was put out, and still today. It just slaps you in the face.

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