Thanks. It was just one mile as fast as you can. It was hilly in some places... but I really only think it would shave 15 seconds or so off since you are not sprinting, but running all out were you couldnt run another 100 yards at that pace.
WOW. I might have to look at this. Usually, I do the schedule on, , but this time I wanted to experiment with Jeff Galloway and his schedule. It is almost within 1-3 miles per week total the same, just structured a little different. I think it will prepare me just as the other one did, but unfortunately, I wont be able to compare the 2 races on the other schedule and the 1 on this schedule (completely different environments). Ill be able to tell how I feel i guess and that will help me decide either to return to the old, stick with this one or try something new for the next one on February.
Me too. Great work. I wouldnt be able to walk if I ran that much. Maybe, just maybe when I was in my mid 20's again and no children at home... maybe.
Will Snookie be there. *snicker*