What did you do?


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks very much! I really do enjoy it and love the feeling i get after each run and after being able to go farther and farther without walking. I wonder if by the half in January I will be able to run most of it???

I feel better at almost 40 than i did at 20!!! Congrats on your weight loss. I know how that goes having lost over 100 pounds in the last 18 months.

WOW! That's amazing.:sohappy:

Just keep going. I know even when I feel like never running again, I still go out because I never want to go back. As far as the 1/2 goes, you have 5 months to go. You'll do fine. Get your walk breaks in at the water and food tables along the route. Kind of a built in break, and you then don't spill the powerade or water all over yourself:lol:

Maybe I'll see you there. I'm doing my first Goofy Challenge this year.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
After about 2 and half weeks of no running (vacation, work, and other assorted time killers) today was 4 miles

I have 7 days before vacation again. Gotta get some miles in. Then its another week off, and then final prep time for wine and dine.


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Three miles in 28 minutes last night, while attempting to outrun the lightning. That wasn't very smart honestly, but at least it was under 80 degrees at dusk for a change!

Am trying out the first week of Hal Higdon's Novice Marathon 1 Schedule. I'm registered for the WDW Half, but am *thisclose* to switching to the Full. Decided to try Week 1 on a trial basis, and so far so good. It's a little hard for me to believe that 18 weeks is enough to go from a 6-mile long run to marathon condition, but people swear that Higdon's programs will at least get you in shape to finish.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Three miles in 28 minutes last night, while attempting to outrun the lightning. That wasn't very smart honestly, but at least it was under 80 degrees at dusk for a change!

Am trying out the first week of Hal Higdon's Novice Marathon 1 Schedule. I'm registered for the WDW Half, but am *thisclose* to switching to the Full. Decided to try Week 1 on a trial basis, and so far so good. It's a little hard for me to believe that 18 weeks is enough to go from a 6-mile long run to marathon condition, but people swear that Higdon's programs will at least get you in shape to finish.
Good luck with it. I cant decide which schedule Ill use when I try my first Full... possibly in February.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Good luck with it. I cant decide which schedule Ill use when I try my first Full... possibly in February.
Thanks Joel. With this compressed schedule, my focus is definitely going to have to be on just finishing instead of time. I've always wanted to run through all 4 parks, though; even for years before I started running seriously, I always thought that was the coolest idea.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Thanks Joel. With this compressed schedule, my focus is definitely going to have to be on just finishing instead of time. I've always wanted to run through all 4 parks, though; even for years before I started running seriously, I always thought that was the coolest idea.
I have always thought that was a neat idea too. Im glad that I made this dream of being a runner last October and started training for the 10K. Ill try and check in in a few weeks to see how you are liking it. Im going to have to go straight into a Full schedule after this W&D half.


Active Member
Original Poster
5 miles tonight at an 8:20 pace. I'm glad I waited to run until tonight...NO humidity, temp of 65. It felt great!


Well-Known Member
Got in a pretty easy 6 miles tonight. Back to that "good" feeling.

The day off and the 10 degree drop in temps certainly helped.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
7am. 9.91 miles. 1:28:45. 8.57 pace.

Ill take it. It was hot and 20 seconds per mile better then last weeks 8 mile at 9:20 pace. :D

Heart monitor rocked. My new sporty headband worked well too. No sweat in the eyes. Finally.

Oh, and to the 20something year old drunk hecklers in the black car that drove by yell obscenities and making hand gestures, I hope you stumb your toe and it hurts really really bad all day. If it rips your toenail off by accident, even better. :lookaroun


New Member
Ran my second 5k yesterday. It was soooooo hot! I had a rough time, but did it in 45:52 with a 14:46 pace. Now to all of you vets I know you are laughing, BUT my very firs time running in a race in June, I did it in 49:15 with a 15:53 pace, so I shaved almost 4 minues off.

I really think I would have done better, except there was this bridge........I had NO CLUE we had to run over the super tall bridge beforehand and I do not train on hills. There were a few other boo boos I made which I will not explain here. :(

I had to walk up part of the bridge......I got so hot and nauseated! BUT- I finished in 98 degree heat and did better than my last race.

My next is August 28th. My goal is to be UNDER 45 minutes!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Ran my second 5k yesterday. It was soooooo hot! I had a rough time, but did it in 45:52 with a 14:46 pace. Now to all of you vets I know you are laughing, BUT my very firs time running in a race in June, I did it in 49:15 with a 15:53 pace, so I shaved almost 4 minues off.

I really think I would have done better, except there was this bridge........I had NO CLUE we had to run over the super tall bridge beforehand and I do not train on hills. There were a few other boo boos I made which I will not explain here. :(

I had to walk up part of the bridge......I got so hot and nauseated! BUT- I finished in 98 degree heat and did better than my last race.

My next is August 28th. My goal is to be UNDER 45 minutes!

great job! good luck on the next 5k!

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