What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Alright, here is last week's log (I keep a detailed log of all of my runs; mileage, best and avg pace, time, routes, weather, etc...)

Mon- 6.25 miles
Tues- 6.29 miles
Wed- 6.41 miles
Thur- 10.23 miles
Fri- 13.15 miles
Sat- 3.79 miles
Sun (yesterday)- 3.16 miles

Pretty much a comfortable 9-10 min pace all week.

I'll hit the asphalt again in a half hour or so.


Well-Known Member
Alright, here is last week's log (I keep a detailed log of all of my runs; mileage, best and avg pace, time, routes, weather, etc...)

Mon- 6.25 miles
Tues- 6.29 miles
Wed- 6.41 miles
Thur- 10.23 miles
Fri- 13.15 miles
Sat- 3.79 miles
Sun (yesterday)- 3.16 miles

Pretty much a comfortable 9-10 min pace all week.

I'll hit the asphalt again in a half hour or so.

Impressive volume! I think I would break down with that kind of weekly mileage.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Alright, here is last week's log (I keep a detailed log of all of my runs; mileage, best and avg pace, time, routes, weather, etc...)

Mon- 6.25 miles
Tues- 6.29 miles
Wed- 6.41 miles
Thur- 10.23 miles
Fri- 13.15 miles
Sat- 3.79 miles
Sun (yesterday)- 3.16 miles

Pretty much a comfortable 9-10 min pace all week.

I'll hit the asphalt again in a half hour or so.

Impressive volume! I think I would break down with that kind of weekly mileage.
Me too. On my first half, but race week I was dead. My legs were tired. I didnt have enough recovery. Second Half, I tweaked it a bit and it was much better. This time the schedule is nice.

I couldnt do the above and chase a 2 year old around. :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
I really should have recovery days and/or cross-train...but I hate cross-training and I love putting in the miles. I don't run superfast (only 8-10 min pace on average) but I have endurance, so I could run all day if I didn't have work to do!


Active Member
Nothing today. Yesterday, I ran seven miles. Ran the reverse direction on the high school track. It was nice and quiet. Had the whole track to myself. I went out earlier than normal, as to avoid the rain that never came.


Well-Known Member
I did some speed intervals but quit about 2/3 of the way through...my legs felt dead and the sun was just beating down on me. Blech. :hurl: Also did some yoga during lunch...ahhh...:)

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
TODAY I started training for the Goofy. :D :lookaroun

It seems like forever ago when I ran the Mardi Gras half marathon back at the end of February. After that, I ran a couple of short 5K races and a 10K race and took a break.

The break ended up being about 6 weeks longer than I intened. :lookaroun

But I am back with you all. Well, except for you runners in the heat. I prefer my comfy little treadmill at the air conditioned gym. :lol:

So here's to my fellow casual running enthusiasts. We lift our glass to you die hards -

Since the last time I was running regularly at my gym, they've added a Little Ceasar pizza shop next to the health food store. Only the pizza shop stays open later. ________________! :fork: :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
TODAY I started training for the Goofy. :D :lookaroun

It seems like forever ago when I ran the Mardi Gras half marathon back at the end of February. After that, I ran a couple of short 5K races and a 10K race and took a break.

The break ended up being about 6 weeks longer than I intened. :lookaroun

But I am back with you all. Well, except for you runners in the heat. I prefer my comfy little treadmill at the air conditioned gym. :lol:

So here's to my fellow casual running enthusiasts. We lift our glass to you die hards -

Since the last time I was running regularly at my gym, they've added a Little Ceasar pizza shop next to the health food store. Only the pizza shop stays open later. ________________! :fork: :lol:
We all strive or be so lucky if we are your age and still running strong... casually Doug. Nice job and stay young!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
We all strive or be so lucky if we are your age and still running strong... casually Doug. Nice job and stay young!

you saying I'm old? :fork:


I'm just here to give comfort to the masses who should know that if I can run a marathon (and I did), when 2 years earlier I didn't even run at all, and even in training I never ran more than 3 or 4 days a week, they can do it also.

It can be a little bit intimidating to hear of 10 mile runs and 8 minutes per mile paces if you are just starting out.

In Disney races, there are THOUSANDS of people who complete their race and have a positive experience without being able to run that fast or even do training runs that long, especially those doing the half marathon. :wave:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
you saying I'm old? :fork:


I'm just here to give comfort to the masses who should know that if I can run a marathon (and I did), when 2 years earlier I didn't even run at all, and even in training I never ran more than 3 or 4 days a week, they can do it also.

It can be a little bit intimidating to hear of 10 mile runs and 8 minutes per mile paces if you are just starting out.

In Disney races, there are THOUSANDS of people who complete their race and have a positive experience without being able to run that fast or even do training runs that long, especially those doing the half marathon. :wave:
Sorry Doug. Ill rephrase... you are older than me but look the same age as me. A great combination. *thumbs up*

I feel the same way Doug. I have almost committed myself to the task of trying the Mercedes FULL this year (February). I think I can do it competitively. If not, then I can slow down and just finish. I am up for the challenge.


Active Member
I ran speed, four miles in 39 minutes. That includes about a four minute warm-up. That's pretty speedy for me. I usually run about a ten minute mile. Also, strength training.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Brutal. 93 with full sun exposure. 4 miles. 32.12 = 8:33 pace.

I had to walk twice for about 10 seconds. Then, I would internally curse myself and start running again.


Well-Known Member
I ran 8 miles Monday night after work on the indoor track and felt pretty good. The turns were starting to get to me a bit, but I suppose that is the tradeoff for staying out of the brutal heat.

Yesterday I made a trip to Jacksonville for work, leaving the house at about 5:15 a.m. and getting back home at about 9:15 p.m. No running, other than at the Atlanta airport. What a zoo! I did pick up the August copy of Runner's World, which had a pretty good article on half-marathon training for different goal times. It got me motivated to make a big push over the next ten weeks to get ready for the Wine and Dine.

Today I am hoping to do some 1600 intervals. The speedwork is still a relatively new thing for me, so we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Last night was my first attempt at interval training in quite a while.

1600 warmup at easy pace
1600 in 7:15 (goal pace was 7:55)
800 recovery (I walked a little bit to catch my breath and prevent the veins in my head from exploding)
1600 in 7:35 (again, goal pace was 7:55)
800 recovery (again, some walking to get the heart rate down)
1600 in 7:45 (closer to the goal pace)
1600 cooldown at easy pace

So, it was roughly 6 miles total. I was happy that I could stay under the goal pace and that I did not falter too much from the first interval to the third interval. My challenge for next time is to keep running during the recovery jogs.

Who knows whether I'll realize any significiant gains from doing this stuff. I think the key for me is to keep doing some sort of tempo run or speedwork at least once a week without injury, which is something I never have done. However, it is kind of nice to change up the training.

For now, my goal is 1:59:59 for the Wine and Dine. I won't beat myself up if I don't make it. I'm just looking forward to getting down there to WDW and running through three of the parks at night.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Last night was my first attempt at interval training in quite a while.

1600 warmup at easy pace
1600 in 7:15 (goal pace was 7:55)
800 recovery (I walked a little bit to catch my breath and prevent the veins in my head from exploding)
1600 in 7:35 (again, goal pace was 7:55)
800 recovery (again, some walking to get the heart rate down)
1600 in 7:45 (closer to the goal pace)
1600 cooldown at easy pace

So, it was roughly 6 miles total. I was happy that I could stay under the goal pace and that I did not falter too much from the first interval to the third interval. My challenge for next time is to keep running during the recovery jogs.

Who knows whether I'll realize any significiant gains from doing this stuff. I think the key for me is to keep doing some sort of tempo run or speedwork at least once a week without injury, which is something I never have done. However, it is kind of nice to change up the training.

For now, my goal is 1:59:59 for the Wine and Dine. I won't beat myself up if I don't make it. I'm just looking forward to getting down there to WDW and running through three of the parks at night.
:lol: I know the feeling... nice job on the tempo. I kind of do a tempo style while running normally. If im running a lot of flats, ill muscle it up hill pulling my legs upward with my thigh more since they are rested. It will really get your lungs going. LOL

I havent decided my goal yet for the W&D. Since you just cant compare to other races you have done, but only the current training you are doing, ill wait a few more weeks to post a goal.

Just got back. 93 feels like 101.... :dazzle: 4 miles = 33:32, 8:22 pace.

Ill take it. Tomorrow is a 2 mile run and Sunday 8 mile. Bring it!


Well-Known Member
:lol: I know the feeling... nice job on the tempo. I kind of do a tempo style while running normally. If im running a lot of flats, ill muscle it up hill pulling my legs upward with my thigh more since they are rested. It will really get your lungs going. LOL

I havent decided my goal yet for the W&D. Since you just cant compare to other races you have done, but only the current training you are doing, ill wait a few more weeks to post a goal.

Just got back. 93 feels like 101.... :dazzle: 4 miles = 33:32, 8:22 pace.

Ill take it. Tomorrow is a 2 mile run and Sunday 8 mile. Bring it!

It was weird. For this interval training, my legs felt okay, but my lungs were screaming. It is the opposite with the tempo runs, where I suppose my body was trying (and usually failing) to shuttle the lactic acid out of the leg muscles. A while back I read up on the science behind the various types of adaptations that take place with long runs, tempo runs, intervals, etc. It's pretty crazy stuff. It will never get me to a point where I will qualify for the Boston Marathon, but it is interesting nonetheless.

By my standards, you are flat out flying on your runs. I couldn't imagine keeping up your pace in that heat. I may venture outside for a 3-4 mile run tomorrow or Sunday, with no aspirations other than survival.

Good luck to everyone braving the weather this weekend.

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