Universal announces yet another major attraction, Disney taking a nap


Well-Known Member
Star Tours took so long not because of technology (They were ready to redo the ride in 1999). It is more to do with Disney being cheapo and not wanting to spend in 1999, not wanting to spend during the "boom time", and not wanting to spend now during the "down time" to redo the ride because it will be very expensive to meet a higher standard than any ride built at WDW this decade.

Naturally, Lucas's preoccupation with the Star Wars prequels and Indy 4 is also cause for the delays.

Alien Encounter was good but not great and that was mainly due to Disney THROWING out George Lucas's story treatment for the attraction.

Star Tours, Captain Eo, and Indy though :sohappy:

Captain Eo!? :eek:



Well-Known Member
What in the WORLD would make you choose ToT over Spidey every time?

Listen, I love ToT... My favorite version being the one in Japan, with WDW second. And both other those versions are highly immersive, and themed great. Japan's is absolute top notch. ABSOLUTELY. LOVE that attraction, and my kids each have their very own Sheriki from the gift shop.

But if ToT and spidey are next to each other, I'm riding spidey 8 out of 10 times. Nothing can beat the insane action and unbelievable effects that ride provides. Not even Japan's ToT.

Seriously, jt. Be objective. Just once. Be objective about something Disney. Set down the rose colored glasses, and be objective.

Whether I approach it objectively or subjectively, I find ToT more enjoyable than Spidey although it probably isn't a fair comparison. Entirely different rides.


Well-Known Member
Whether I approach it objectively or subjectively, I find ToT more enjoyable than Spidey although it probably isn't a fair comparison. Entirely different rides.

Sounds like you're taking the easy way out.

What's more enjoyable about it? Is it just that you like drops more than effects? You don't like screen tech (although I don't think I'll allow you to say that because of how you tout TSM)? Realistic theming of the que rather than cartoonish offices like in Spidey? What about Spidey makes you go "meh"??? Because there's not one single second of that attraction that makes ME go "meh".

Stand behind your statement!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're taking the easy way out.

What's more enjoyable about it? Is it just that you like drops more than effects? You don't like screen tech (although I don't think I'll allow you to say that because of how you tout TSM)? Realistic theming of the que rather than cartoonish offices like in Spidey? What about Spidey makes you go "meh"??? Because there's not one single second of that attraction that makes ME go "meh".

Stand behind your statement!

I don't find spidey as repeatable as ToT. From the queue, to the themeing, sights and smells, ToT is just better IMO. But then ToT is presented by Disney Imagineering.


Well-Known Member
I don't find spidey as repeatable as ToT. From the queue, to the themeing, sights and smells, ToT is just better IMO. But then ToT is presented by Disney Imagineering.

I would consider the que and theming the same thing. And I agree that the que is better at ToT, especially in Japan. But that doesn't make the attraction for me. Not at all.

"Sights and smells" is awfully generic. And I don't even know what you mean by "smells".

You're getting harder and harder to have an intelligent debate with almost by the day. Here's a case where I'm obviously not trying to talk you into anything... I'm just asking for your reasoning to back up a statement you made... And I get nothin'.



Well-Known Member
I would consider the que and theming the same thing. And I agree that the que is better at ToT, especially in Japan. But that doesn't make the attraction for me. Not at all.

"Sights and smells" is awfully generic. And I don't even know what you mean by "smells".

You're getting harder and harder to have an intelligent debate with almost by the day. Here's a case where I'm obviously not trying to talk you into anything... I'm just asking for your reasoning to back up a statement you made... And I get nothin'.


OK, I got it, your dad helped design Spiderman. :p

I just like ToT better. The first time I experienced spidey I thought it was awesome but now I see through all the proverbial "smoke and mirrors". It just does not impress me like ToT does. Sue me.

PS- and I never "touted" TSMM. I've never ridden it actually. Not sure where you got that from????????????


Well-Known Member
I agree. Spiderman is an awesome ride but the level of detail and time that went into the back-breaking thrill ride named Tower of Terror is alone a factor that makes it worth riding. Another thing, I am not willing to wait 60+ minutes in Spiderman's Cheese-er-ific line that is boring when I could be in Tower of Terror's detailed line.


Harry Potter is HUGE. More kids know who potter is than mickey mouse. Its as big as Star Wars and easily eclipses the Pixar films.
I really hope this is a joke, right? We're going to pretend that HP is a more recognizable and popular IP than Mickey Mouse or Star Wars? People will say anything to back up claims these days...

What in the WORLD would make you choose ToT over Spidey every time?

Listen, I love ToT... My favorite version being the one in Japan, with WDW second. And both other those versions are highly immersive, and themed great. Japan's is absolute top notch. ABSOLUTELY. LOVE that attraction, and my kids each have their very own Sheriki from the gift shop.

But if ToT and spidey are next to each other, I'm riding spidey 8 out of 10 times. Nothing can beat the insane action and unbelievable effects that ride provides. Not even Japan's ToT.

Seriously, jt. Be objective. Just once. Be objective about something Disney. Set down the rose colored glasses, and be objective.
Objective opinions... interesting concept. It's not like there can be "proof" that Spiderman is a better attraction, or ToT for that matter. It's all opinion. If you gave me the option of going on Spiderman or PotC, I would easily pick PotC. I'd pick HM over Spiderman. It's just personal preference. It's ridiculous to be hassling him about that.

While Spiderman is a technically impressive attraction, for me it's just OK as an attraction. I have much more fun on Hulk or the Mummy (which apparently is a minority opinion). I don't get, and probably never will, all the gushing over Spiderman.

So the bad economy is just spin now? Interesting how it is used to justify somethings, but then completely ignored when it doesn't support an arguement.

All the quality in the world doesn't matter when there is no one to buy your product.

There is no way to know how much of the downturn for Disney (who, as far as I know, has done comparitively well) is because of internal policies versus the recession.

If we saw this type of movement 3 years ago when everything was relatively fine then we could burn the place down because of quality.

There are just too many factors to nerdrage at TDO all the time.
This applies to all of the Orlando theme parks. WDW is still a destination. It is clear that TWDC is taking a conservative approach to WDW and the economy, coasting off their reputation because they can. Neither USO/IoA or SWO can make that claim. They are taking an aggressive approach in this economy, partly because they have to. Not knowing how long this economy stays in the toilet, it's impossible to say which approach will be a better business decision.


Well-Known Member
There was alot going against IOA when it opened including a poor marketing campaign and very few "tentpole" rides (Jurassic Park and Spider-Man were pretty much doing the heavy lifting for the park).

Harry Potter is HUGE. More kids know who potter is than mickey mouse. Its as big as Star Wars and easily eclipses the Pixar films. They have another movie coming out this year with two more after that and the books are universally loved.

Even if they just threw together a modern wdw-level attraction that was bare bones and slapped the Potter label on it. Universal would still see a big attendance boost.

But this is an entire well themed land with a MAJOR e-ticket that will utilize a revolutionary new ride system to immerse guests in the same way that Star Tours, Indy, and Spider-Man did previously. There will also be plenty of themeing and guest interactivity which is going to drive the hardcore fans absoluetly banannas. The only variable is poor economic conditions right now but even so expect huge crowds beating down the doors to get in on launch day.

Disney fan boys have a problem with competition. It's just like politics, we have the republicans and democrats. Each have their own time in office, and it just happens to be "election year". Looks like Universal is going to be in "office" for while... :)

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Disney fan boys have a problem with competition. It's just like politics, we have the republicans and democrats. Each have their own time in office, and it just happens to be "election year". Looks like Universal is going to be in "office" for while... :)

*loves this post*

Perfectly equated.:D


Well-Known Member
Actually for the record I wasn't referencing to the current election, or political leader. I was only commenting on the way we have to trade off on leadership, in this case, the Tourism industry in Orlando.


Well-Known Member
This applies to all of the Orlando theme parks. WDW is still a destination. It is clear that TWDC is taking a conservative approach to WDW and the economy, coasting off their reputation because they can. Neither USO/IoA or SWO can make that claim. They are taking an aggressive approach in this economy, partly because they have to. Not knowing how long this economy stays in the toilet, it's impossible to say which approach will be a better business decision.
I agree. We saw a willingness to spend 4 years or so ago and there are some encouraging signs that spending will start again soon.

Who knows what conversations we would be having if the economy was still heading up like it was a few years ago.

This will definitely be a hindsight call as to whether it is the right decision to make.

I won't even begin to guess if it is or not.


Well-Known Member
I agree. We saw a willingness to spend 4 years or so ago and there are some encouraging signs that spending will start again soon.

The spending four years ago wasn't huge ... wasn't on the kind of attractions that make (at least my) toes tingle ... DAK (a very incomplete park originally) got Forbidden Mountain and EPCOT got a Soarin lift from DCA ... what else? ... that yawner of a stuntshow at Studios.

More importantly what are these encouraging signs of a pending spending spree? I must have missed them while watching that new and halfway decent Bob Saget sitcom on ABC tonight!

Who knows what conversations we would be having if the economy was still heading up like it was a few years ago.

Yeah. Too bad that gravy train of broken dreams turned out to be all pixie dust and little substance. Oh well, shouldn't every great nation go through one depression every 70 years or so?

This will definitely be a hindsight call as to whether it is the right decision to make.

I won't even begin to guess if it is or not.

I will ... it takes guts and vision. I'm willing to take a chance on being wrong.

And I believe Disney is just that. They are playing things so conservatively and that's a great way to kill a creative enterprise. ... They need to invest, and despite what foaming fanbois believe timeshares and painting and rehabs and new marketing celebrations with balloons and new napkins do not equate with major investment.

I guess that's why I see no WDW ads on SoFla TV but keep seeing Busch touting Manta at SW and their new night entertainment at BGT.

What is Disney gonna tout this summer 'Come see our new timeshares' ... or 'Dance Into the Late Afternoon Thunderstorms With Stitch And His Intergalactic Dance Troop' ... or maybe 'Come Watch The Magical Fanbois Try and Get Glimpses Into Magical Asbes... UHM ... Pixie Dust Abatement in Space Mountain: Relaunching as Soon As Phil Holmes Can Hit The Power Switch!'?


New Member
HP...bigger than Star Wars...HP is a hype. It'll die down after the last movie. Star Wars is one of the most recognizable pop phenoms EVER! Possibly bigger than the mouse himself....forget HP...we need a SW theme park.


Well-Known Member
HP...bigger than Star Wars...HP is a hype. It'll die down after the last movie. Star Wars is one of the most recognizable pop phenoms EVER! Possibly bigger than the mouse himself....forget HP...we need a SW theme park.

Neither SW or HP can come close to The Mouse.

That's fact. Unlike your hyperbole.

Mickey has been going strong since before the last depression. Let's see how Jar Jar looks in 20 years.

And SW isn't gaining/growing its fanbase like HP is now. And some of us who greatly loved SW are mature and even-keeled enough to admit the three films Lucas bestowed upon us in the past decade were (in order) unwatchable, bad and just OK.

HP will have staying power for the same reason any great franchise does. It will live on in its books and films for generations to come. ... And hopefully through a very kewl themed enviornment at IOA (and likely other Uni parks).

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