"Unique" Items to Pack for Disney Trips!


Well-Known Member
What are some unique (so no toothpaste, underpants, etc.) items you pack to take to Disney? You know, the type of things that other people might not think of, but you find really helpful.

Some of the things we pack include:

-Yankee Candle (to give our trip a "scent")
-Starbucks VIA
-Moisture wicking socks and shoes
-Sun hats (Sarah, not me)
-External HD

...among a bunch of other things. Our full list is here: http://www.disneytouristblog.com/featured-post/disney-trip-packing-guide-list/


Active Member
i went to amazon and ordered frogg toggs chilly pads after reading this the other day. bts- ALL the reviews for this thing are great!
there were several different vendors on amazon that sold them- amazon didn't directly- bummer- no free shipping. anyway, for the same item, and i checked carefully, ran anywhere from 10 bucks to 23 bucks depending which vendor you went with. since i got one for each of the seven of us that are going in august, that adds up- i went with the cheapest guy even though he had fewer colors to chose from. price trumps style- again!

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New Member
I always go to and buy a pack of brightly colored washcloths ( the kind that's like a pack of 12 for $4 ) and after washing, take at least one for every family member going on the trip. Before heading into the parks for the day, I put a couple ( dry ) rolled up in a ziplock bag ( preferebly a qt freezer bag) in whatever bag I'm taking. It's sure nice to be able to pull one out and just wet it down if there's a sticky mess or just an overheated person. A cool cloth on the back of the neck or on the forehead is heaven on a hot, hot Disney day. When done, I just put back into the bag until we get back to the hotel, and then take it out, rinse or wash it and hang dry to reuse. I always have antibacterial wipes on me, but sometimes, you just need a clean, cool cloth with just water on it.
If you have little ones and have to take a diaper bag, you can actually roll the cloth up before you go, wet it down ( don't wring it out ), and put it in a small plastic container with a watertight lid to take. I always had one when my daughter was small, and it saved the day many times when I couldn't get to the restroom fast enough, or the restroom only had hand dryers and no paper towels I could wet down and use.
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Original Poster
Sign up for the free Amazon Mom program which gets you a free Prime membership for a couple months and that gives you free two day shipping on all Prime eligible items


Prime, unfortunately, doesn't work on third party sales unless they are fulfilled by Amazon. We love our Prime account, too!

Great recommendations here, everyone. The Chilly Pads are definitely great. We haven't tried them out at Disney yet, but can't wait to take them there. I think I'll pre-emptively add them to the recommendation list just because I know they'll be awesome for WDW!
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Active Member
my MIL always has to have moleskin for her feet..and those little toothpick/floss things

I usually pack a variety of OTC meds for about anything..
A&D ointment for gaulding and other ailments
flip flops or watershoes to wear to the pool
goggles for the pool
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New Member
Well since we always go in July we like to pack lots of decorations to decorate our campsite and golf cart for July 4th but some useful summer things:

1. Buy the electric misting fan bottles at home. If you don't mind having a plain colored one they are like $5 at Wal Mart compared to 20 something in the parks.
2. Small disposable,emergency rain ponchos. They are a lot easier to carry around on the days you aren't expecting to need the big bulky Disney ponchos.
3. If you are flying it is hard to do but try to bring as many convenience items that you can to try avoiding to have to buy them at a huge markup in a Disney store. Examples: Sunscreen, batteries, deodorant, etc...
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Well-Known Member
Great thread, Tom! With our next trip being soooo different from all our others I'm actually starting a list of stuff we'll need. This is soooo helpful!

So the things I totally agree on:

Tom: Starbucks VIA (cannot live without it) & the external HD (I continually dump pictures just in case something happens I won't lose everything)

Mukta: Ziplock baggies. I organize and sort with ziplocks constantly. I generally bring an assortment of sizes from gallon on down to snack.

WDWLOYAL1971: Bandaids. Almost 10 years ago I had found a box of like 10 Bandaid travel packs. I loved these. They were little plastic pouches that had a bandaid, a little packet of first aid cream, and a cleansing wipe in each. They were great...perfect for a pinched finger or skinned knee. I always carried 2 or 3 in my bag at WDW. I can't find the little pre-packaged pouches like that anymore so I generally keep a couple little "kits" that I assemble in snack-size ziplocks now. Man, I sure wish I could find the pre-packaged ones again. Guess that's the next search I do when I finish this post....

swissamy: I'm right there with ya on packing the mini-OTC-pharmacy. It's always that 1 thing you didn't pack that will get ya. In order to ward off illness-juju I try to bring stuff to cover everything from flu to stomach remedies. :D

JIMINICR: Earplugs. Amen. Dinosaur isn't an automatic headache anymore.

My contributions:

- heavy-duty laundry sacks (I do a lot of wash)
- Ellie Boo (yes, that again :p)
- do not freak out...but as per the beauty tips thread from last summer the Monistat Anti-Chaffing Gel Powder for pre-make-up face primer because it really does work to make the foundation make-up last longer! This stuff makes your whole face feel exactly like your eyelids do when using pricy eyeshadow primer (I have Urban Decay).
- gradual tan lotion to mix with my regular lotion (because I lose my color soooo fast when I'm not going to the tanning bed every 3rd day)
- homemade "Kali Packs" just in case I decide to ride Kali or Splash Mountain. A "Kali Pack" is comprised of: 2 or 3 disposable dish towels, a tall kitchen trash bag, & 4 disposable ponchos all placed neatly inside a gallon size ziplock. The procedure for using a "Kali Pack" is:

1. Remove all items from gallon ziplock & place camera inside. Zip shut.
2. Remove all backpacks, bags, hats, etc. that you want to stay dry & place inside trash bag.
3. Keep 1 disposable dish towel out. Place other(s) inside trash bag.
4. Place gallon ziplock containing camera inside trash bag.
5. Tie trash bag shut in loose knot.
6. Put on ponchos.
7. When boarding raft have the person carrying the trash bag stow it in the center compartment while person carrying disposable dishtowel quickly dries off seats before everyone sits.
8. Enjoy ride.
9. After getting off ride throw away ponchos, dry legs with dry disposable dish towels, remove everything from bags, throw away bags, & enjoy the thrill of remaining mostly dry and not smelling like funky-feet-water!

- Wisps disposable toothbrush thingies because Chandler still has braces on his bottom teeth.
- Thank you cards that are pre-signed & tucked into envelopes with $5 in each so all we have to do is whip one out of the stack each morning and leave it for the mousekeeper.
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Well-Known Member
Among other things..

hand sanitizer
swimmer's ear drops
benedryl, excedrin, immodium ( LOL!)
hand held mini misting fan
large ziploc bags
travel size toiletries (shampoo, hairspray, lotion etc)
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Well-Known Member
I am laughing at some of the items, but all make sense in thier own way.
I love the Kali pack idea, although after riding it once, I'm fine if I never ride it again!
I have been diligently taking notes as I read this thread for two reasons:
1. My parents used to always come with us & they drove, so my mom would have anything & everything we could possibly need. Sadly, they will not be accompanying us this time. : (
2. We are taking DD13's friend with us this time, and I don't want to be a lame, unprepared mom, so I want to make sure I'm prepared for almost any situation!

I will probably bring my own hair dryer because those in room ones tend to make my hair even more firzzy than usual. That being said, I'm going to attempt to air dry for most of this trip.
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Well-Known Member
Can u take the Bobble's into the park? Do they really help with the nasty water taste??

I used my Bobbles at my parents' house in Monroeville, Alabama where the tap water it makes Disney water seem like Dasani-tasty. Seriously. It's awful. The water bobble totally handled the ultimate nasty tap water, made it taste pretty good. I believe in my Bobbles. Each person in my family has 2 of their chosen color in the fridge: an 18 oz & a 32 oz. Love 'em!
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Well-Known Member
sitting here, making notes on all the great suggestions by previous posters!!! (OK should I just ditch packing clothes, buy some at WDW?) Great suggestions all!!!!! :wave:
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New Member
Good to know about the Bobble- just picked one up for each of us and was wondering how effective they were with the nasty WDW water! I am currently packing for our trip ( leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks in Orlando- 10 in the parks) and I am finding all the tips wonderful!! Thanks to all!
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Well-Known Member
i always forget the little battery operated hand held fan...i live in florida so you'd think it would be first on my list. the one time i remembered we went down just for a night at mnsshp (me, my 6 y/o granddaughter, and my daughter). my granddaughter asked me to "blow off her neck"...here's where it gets ugly...note to self next time be careful how close you hold the fan to the person receiving said treatment so that when the 6 y/o wiggles it doesn't get caught in all the little baby hairs on her neck setting off a series of horrified screams in line at the haunted mansion.
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We pack our own sheets and make the beds like we are at home.

We bring our own ponchos (though I do love the WDW ponchos).

Crystal light or Kool aid single packs to put in water bottles when I'm tired of drinking water.

And last but not least my Crocs...my DW and I purchase new crocs for our kids every year. Sadly, my feet are to big and wide for the WDW Crocs. :(
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Well-Known Member
- Nail clippers
- Dental floss (it stays in our in-park bag as well as one in my toiletry bag)
- Disney themed notebook and pen (I have all my reservation info in there and I jot down rides we rode)
- At least two packs of gum (usually one mint and one fruit flavor, great for the flights)
- At least one full MST3K episode on my Zune (when travelling in December, it's 'Santa Claus')
- I usually pack a couple of "geek" shirts, whether Disney-related or otherwise. they make great conversation starters. :D
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New Member
  • We drive down, so we make sure to include some garbage bags for the snack wrappers and whatnot
  • Zinc Oxide... If the body glide should fail you, Zinc Oxide is the cure for nasty rubbing irritation...Desitin works really well, though any zinc oxide is fine.
  • A notebook and at least half a dozen pens (I lose pens constantly)
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Well-Known Member
Friend of mine, who has MAJOR, MAJOR mold allergies (I do too? but no where's near as severe) told me she brings a can of lysol, sprays it into the A/C vents, and has helped her tremendously Also sprays the edges of the bathroom walls where mold spores can be overlooked. Her daughter is asthmatic and said this helped her as well (they also spray the pillows). This may be something I will add to my bag of goodies!!!!
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Active Member
Glow necklaces and bracelets to "hopefully" keep the princesses from wanting the expensive things they sell at night :lookaroun

I'm cheap so sue me lol :lol:

Also just picked up a couple of "Chilly Pads" that i have heard great things about and tried one out the other night and it worked amazingly well

Where do u buy "chilly pads"? that sounds like a good idea and the glow necklaces are also a great one!
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