"Unique" Items to Pack for Disney Trips!


Well-Known Member
What are some unique (so no toothpaste, underpants, etc.) items you pack to take to Disney? You know, the type of things that other people might not think of, but you find really helpful.

Some of the things we pack include:

-Yankee Candle (to give our trip a "scent")
-Starbucks VIA
-Moisture wicking socks and shoes
-Sun hats (Sarah, not me)
-External HD

...among a bunch of other things. Our full list is here: http://www.disneytouristblog.com/featured-post/disney-trip-packing-guide-list/


I don't know if this will count as unique, but we always get cheap pool toys. We can usually find Disney character ones at the looney store, and I don't ever feel guilty leaving them behind. I love the beach balls, sand buckets, small innertubes, etc.
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Well-Known Member
A few years ago, a coworker of mine and her boyfriend at the time, were going to WDW and my coworker had written a list of all the stuff to bring. She showed us the list, and one of her items was KY Jelly. :hurl:

I have a special "vacation wallet" that I always use when we go to WDW. With all that cash, my room key/ticket cards, credit card, etc, I don't want to run the risk of my wallet falling out of my back pocket while I'm sitting on the throne (it has happened before on my regular daily life) and me not noticing it, or some pickpocket nabbing it. So I have a wallet with a chain on it so it is always attached to me.

Another unique item that we used to bring (not as much now that we have kids in tow) is a bottle of sparkling grape juice. We would try to set aside time to sit outside and drink it one evening.
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Not sure if its unique or not. But I always buy a couple of M&M's mini's in the tube. After enjoying the yummy goodness that is M&M's, I use the tubes for a roll of nice shiny pennies and a roll of quarters for the pressed penny machines. It's my DD7's favorite souvenir. It's easier than digging for change! :)
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Well-Known Member
I always make sure to have a Sharpie and a screwdriver - It seems every trip one child will want to bring his new stuffed animal everywhere and a sharpie with his initials makes the label show that it has been bought and paid for already - it is amazing how the store clerks watch us when we walk into a store with the same animal (Duffy) they sell! We also always need screwdrivers to remove cool toys from their base!

Another bag that is packed full is my medicine bag for of OTCs and anything we could ever need - I have learned that with kids, if I leave out one thing that will be the sickness/problem they develop so now it all comes!!

Not any brilliant ideas but they may help someone (oh and we drive)
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Well-Known Member
-Lysol hand wipes (travel pack) - perfect for wiping hands and tables before meals
-Lysol travel spray - spray door knobs and such in the room
-Febreeze travel spray (stinky situations!):lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
A serge protector (power strip) because there are never enough outlets for cell phones, camera chargers, etc.

Also, a bottle of hand soap. I hate using the bar soap in the room to wash hands after going to the bathroom!

I always take Off wipes, especially to Epcot. The bugs eat me up while waiting for Illuminations.
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Well-Known Member
after sun care lotion
tylenol or advil packets to bring in my backpack to the park
stomach problem medicine small packets
emory board
small ziplock bag with empty bags inside and some small packet wipes
small packets shout or stain remover
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My oddities that I pack:

1. Leatherman multipurpose tool (Opens anything)
2. Strap Wrench (Opens jars, weird sized nuts)

Traveled for years, and got tired of either no water pressure, or clogged shower pipe, leaking pipe etc. So I pack my own fix it kit. Those 2 items will help you clean traps and adjust the shower temperature if the previous occupant turned the temperature way down.

1. Anything you use daily (Gum, toothpicks, cigarettes, etc). All are difficult to find on property, and expensive to boot if you do. I take the number of days I stay and times that by 2, then by the amount I use. I may come home with extra, but guaranteed I have plenty for my trip.
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Well-Known Member
My Surefire flashlight. Easy to get lost in a strange room looking for the bathroom at 2AM. My light for the kindle. Oh, yeah, my kindle.

Since having kids, we found it's really nice to have nightlights strategically placed around the house (near the stairs and in the hallways). We bring one or two with us.
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Well-Known Member
For anyone that has a CHAFFING problem,

Body Glide

This is a miracle product for anyone that has this problem. Chaffing in the wrong places can ruin a Disney trip.
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Well-Known Member

Tons on baby powder but what and where do you get body glide??

You can get Body Glide from almost any runner's store. Another name for Richard's Sporting Goods (censored the real name), Sports Authority, and the like should carry it as well. You can also find it online. It is about $10. One will last one person multiple trips. I would pay $100 for it if I had too.
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Well-Known Member
I don't go one day or night without my powder here in Texas.. Have you heard the word gauldy?? Well enough said if you have ha ha. I would pay 200.00 for my powder if anything would or should happen that there were no more stores etc..:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
Some of the things I include that haven't been mentioned yet: A small scrub brush to clean out the resort mugs (in between holding coffee and soda) and water bottles that contain cool aid (different flavors). A couple of rolls of our soft toilet paper for the room, (can't stand the rough paper that the resort provides). Ear plugs. I found a brand called MACKS Pillow soft Earplugs that mold into the ear and creates an airtight seal, for blocking out the noisy neighbors in the rooms next door. Visine, a couple of drops at the end of the day relieves eye strain from the Florida sun (even after wearing sun glasses).
And finally an assortment of Trail Mix, peanuts, and Beef Jerky to carry along in the parks for those quick snack breaks.
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