The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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Active Member
That first picture is Disneyland though. I haven't noticed nearly as many strollers there as there are at WDW.

Wow sometime in the last 50 years children lost the power to walk. So what there is sun, use sunscreen, drink lots of water is that too hard. It is a lame excuse anyway go the WDW in January and if it is 40 you do not see few strollers.


Well-Known Member
WOW...some of you people and these responses are just amazing. It seems that YOU have the problem with the strollers. So YOU need to get over it. I'm not talking about the ankle bashers/ignorant people, just the opinion that strollers aren't needed unless you have special needs or under a certain age.

Think about it. A kid is taking at least 2 steps to your 1 step. The smaller ones it 3 to your one. So you can't tell me that those kids aren't going to get more tired more quickly. And if all of you were these super athletes at age 8 and could walk 7 miles per day for 5 or 6 days straight, what the heck are you doing here...don't you have some decathlon training to do? I mean you must be incredible athletes now if you were so strong back then. And if you are trying to get from point a to point b, it will happen more quickly if you put the kids into a stroller because they won't be lagging behind and it is a comfort thing...for the parent. When my kid is in their stroller, I can see them and know where they are. It isn't about inconveniencing you, it is about me caring for my child. If they were outlawed, then yes I could see I where I would be wrong...but they aren't. So of course I am going to use one. And who made any of you the Czar of stroller usage? Obama? Who are you to say what is too big? Until you have walked in my shoes, you have no idea why I do things the way I do them. I just love the arbitrary number thrown out there and when someone "shouldn't be able" to use a stroller. If my 8 yo is tired and wants to ride in a stroller, she will be allowed that "privilege". Again, they are kids who GASP...get tired. They aren't machines. If I can give my kid a rest in a stroller and still tour, why wouldn't I? Why do you think your vacation/touring is more important than mine or my kids? Seriously? And is it so hard to understand why there are so many strollers in Fantasyland? I know this may shock some of you, but that area contains many kids attractions. Funny how that works, eh?

And who is anyone else to say what I "should" bring with to the parks. I bring what I think is needed. If I feel I need 7 bottles of water in a cooler on a hot summer day, then who are you to say I'm wrong? Yes I can spend $4 a bottle, but why should I when I have a convenient way to carry my own. Seems like a waste of money to do it any other way. Waiting an hour in a line is a lot easier for an adult than a child, so yes I need to bring something to entertain them in the line. Kids are bored with a map rather quickly. Again, who are you to say I "shouldn't" have that? Same for snacks. Why buy something at the counter when a $1.20 package of Goldfish will do the trick for the whole day? Again, it's really none of your business what I am carrying in my stroller and why I choose to do that.

I know in my 5 trips, I have yet to bash anyone's ankles or drive over anyone's feet.

I have more of a problem with those inconsiderate people who try to squeeze in between my stroller and the 1 foot space between the person in front of me causing me to have to stop quickly. I almost had one idiot fall onto my kid because they lost their balance. Or those who are behind, walk fast to my side and then cut me off because they decided they needed to go left all of a sudden because character X is out? So do we outlaw Stupid people with depth perception disorders from the parks? I mean grumpy people who complain about strollers ruins my trip, so should they all be banned too?

There are 2 sides to every story, so before jumping on and making ignorant comments, take a minute and think.


Well-Known Member
SAV...I don't have stroller issues. I have Parent issues. When my kids were 6, 8, and 10, I took them to Disney World and none of them were in a stroller. If their little feet got tired, we took a break. If they got crabby, we went back to the resort for a swim or a nap. I didn't let my kids dictate the vacation plans. My wife and I made the plans and the kids knew to either follow the rules, or pay the consequences which meant going back to the resort.
I have nothing against strollers. They can be a great tool for infants, and they are also built to store all the items needed that infants require. My problem is parents who are selfish, and who don't want to be bothered or take the responsibility to watch their children, or deal with their whining and would rather just place their 8 year olds in a stroller to keep them in line and keep them quiet and happy so they can see the sites without letting thier own vacations be bothered by their children.
Sure...I could have put my kids in strollers. It would be the easy thing to do. But I chose not to so my kids could learn that there are rules and guidelines to follow, and if they broke those rules, there would be consequences to pay. It worked out well and my children have turned out pretty well even though they didn't get that WDW Stroller service they so desired.:lol:


And if you are trying to get from point a to point b, it will happen more quickly if you put the kids into a stroller because they won't be lagging behind and it is a comfort thing...for the parent.

It's not always a race. The parks are more enjoyable when you aren't flying full speed through them....for me anyway. My absolute FAVORITE vacation to Disney was when I singlehandedly (my husband was deployed) brought my then 4 and 6 year olds to WDW for the week with no stroller and we simply held hands, meandered around, and spent some real QUALITY time together.

When my kid is in their stroller, I can see them and know where they are.

I don't know how many kids you have, but I have 2. I also have 2 hands. I have taken my kids by myself to the parks several times over the last couple years without a stroller. One kid holds one hand, the other kid holds the other hand. And yes, we do this all day, every day at the parks. And yes, our hands get sweaty, but that's life. And I'm just one parent. When my husband is with me, we each get a FREE HAND!

Waiting an hour in a line is a lot easier for an adult than a child, so yes I need to bring something to entertain them in the line.

There's always....conversation? This is how I amuse my children in line. I talk to them. I mean, isn't that what vacations are for? It's one thing if you're talking about infants, but I'm just guessing from your post that you're talking about children ages 5+ who can talk, or else you would not be offended right now. A couple weeks ago I took my 8 year old son to Disneyland and we waited 2 hours to ride Space Mountain - and it was probably the best 2 hours I've ever spent with him. I mean, how often do you actually get to have the excuse to do nothing except enjoy your children's company?

Until you have walked in my shoes, you have no idea why I do things the way I do them.

I guess I would have to specifically know what you are referring to here.

I have taken my kids to Disney at ages 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. I have taken my kids to Disney in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. I have taken my kids with 4 adults to help and I have taken them completely on my own. I have gone to Disney for 1 day, and I have gone for 12 days, and everything in between. I have waited in 1 minute lines with my children, and I have waited in 2 hour lines with them.

So I am just curious....what it is that is unique about your situation and your children that would cause them to need strollers more than any other children would? And maybe you do have a legitimate reason.

But so far it sounds like your reasons for putting them in strollers are: 1.You want to make sure you can do the parks at full speed without having to walk at a child's pace. 2. You don't want to have to buy water bottles in the parks or rent a locker so you need your stroller to carry all the water around for you (though - Disney will give you as much free ice water as you want if you just ask them - we never carry water into the parks for this reason). 3. You don't want to be responsible for keeping your kids entertained in a line so you need the stroller to lug around toys.

There's just a huge difference between "convenience" and "necessity" and sometimes the more convenient option is not always the most satisfying one. I know I was afraid to try Disney without a stroller for the first time when my daughter was 4, but when I did it, I realized all the stroller did was put a barrier between my kids and I that truly limited our "together" time. Ditching the stroller increased our enjoyment of the parks a million percent.

And just for the record...I am the one who has to KEEP UP WITH my 8 year old. He can go non-stop for miles and miles from sunrise to sunset and does not get tired. He would probably laugh his head off if I suggested he sit in a stroller.
WOW...some of you people and these responses are just amazing. It seems that YOU have the problem with the strollers. So YOU need to get over it. I'm not talking about the ankle bashers/ignorant people, just the opinion that strollers aren't needed unless you have special needs or under a certain age.

Think about it. A kid is taking at least 2 steps to your 1 step. The smaller ones it 3 to your one. So you can't tell me that those kids aren't going to get more tired more quickly. And if all of you were these super athletes at age 8 and could walk 7 miles per day for 5 or 6 days straight, what the heck are you doing here...don't you have some decathlon training to do? I mean you must be incredible athletes now if you were so strong back then. And if you are trying to get from point a to point b, it will happen more quickly if you put the kids into a stroller because they won't be lagging behind and it is a comfort thing...for the parent. When my kid is in their stroller, I can see them and know where they are. It isn't about inconveniencing you, it is about me caring for my child. If they were outlawed, then yes I could see I where I would be wrong...but they aren't. So of course I am going to use one. And who made any of you the Czar of stroller usage? Obama? Who are you to say what is too big? Until you have walked in my shoes, you have no idea why I do things the way I do them. I just love the arbitrary number thrown out there and when someone "shouldn't be able" to use a stroller. If my 8 yo is tired and wants to ride in a stroller, she will be allowed that "privilege". Again, they are kids who GASP...get tired. They aren't machines. If I can give my kid a rest in a stroller and still tour, why wouldn't I? Why do you think your vacation/touring is more important than mine or my kids? Seriously? And is it so hard to understand why there are so many strollers in Fantasyland? I know this may shock some of you, but that area contains many kids attractions. Funny how that works, eh?

And who is anyone else to say what I "should" bring with to the parks. I bring what I think is needed. If I feel I need 7 bottles of water in a cooler on a hot summer day, then who are you to say I'm wrong? Yes I can spend $4 a bottle, but why should I when I have a convenient way to carry my own. Seems like a waste of money to do it any other way. Waiting an hour in a line is a lot easier for an adult than a child, so yes I need to bring something to entertain them in the line. Kids are bored with a map rather quickly. Again, who are you to say I "shouldn't" have that? Same for snacks. Why buy something at the counter when a $1.20 package of Goldfish will do the trick for the whole day? Again, it's really none of your business what I am carrying in my stroller and why I choose to do that.

I know in my 5 trips, I have yet to bash anyone's ankles or drive over anyone's feet.

I have more of a problem with those inconsiderate people who try to squeeze in between my stroller and the 1 foot space between the person in front of me causing me to have to stop quickly. I almost had one idiot fall onto my kid because they lost their balance. Or those who are behind, walk fast to my side and then cut me off because they decided they needed to go left all of a sudden because character X is out? So do we outlaw Stupid people with depth perception disorders from the parks? I mean grumpy people who complain about strollers ruins my trip, so should they all be banned too?

There are 2 sides to every story, so before jumping on and making ignorant comments, take a minute and think.

Feel better? :hammer:


Well-Known Member
WOW...some of you people and these responses are just amazing. It seems that YOU have the problem with the strollers. So YOU need to get over it. I'm not talking about the ankle bashers/ignorant people, just the opinion that strollers aren't needed unless you have special needs or under a certain age.
Hi, my name is Jakeman and yes, yes I do have a problem with strollers, and I agree with your assessment of my opinion. However, it is no more ignorant than you assuming my ignorance.

Think about it. A kid is taking at least 2 steps to your 1 step. The smaller ones it 3 to your one. So you can't tell me that those kids aren't going to get more tired more quickly. And if all of you were these super athletes at age 8 and could walk 7 miles per day for 5 or 6 days straight, what the heck are you doing here...don't you have some decathlon training to do?
I don't. I didn't when I was a child, neither did my sister, or pretty much millions of kids who have gone to the parks just fine without a stroller before they became a pandemic.

I mean you must be incredible athletes now if you were so strong back then.
No, I was a normal kid then and I'm an average, slightly pudgy adult now.

And if you are trying to get from point a to point b, it will happen more quickly if you put the kids into a stroller because they won't be lagging behind and it is a comfort thing...for the parent. When my kid is in their stroller, I can see them and know where they are.
I wonder what we did in the thousands of years before there were strollers. It is a wonder the human race survived through its nomadic time.

It isn't about inconveniencing you, it is about me caring for my child. If they were outlawed, then yes I could see I where I would be wrong...but they aren't. So of course I am going to use one. And who made any of you the Czar of stroller usage? Obama? Who are you to say what is too big?
Your "caring" for your child is inconveniencing me. Just because something isn't outlawed doesn't make it a good idea. Gluing Cabbage Patch doll-heads to my Jeep isn't against the law, but I don't think that it's a good idea and it probably would make others uncomfortable. I am current not aware that such a position is available in his Cabinet. If this is correct, I would be the first to apply. I can say it's to big, because it is evolutionary ineffecient for a 20 pound kid to need 40 pounds worth of supplies to make it through a day. The human race would have never survived on that ratio.

Until you have walked in my shoes, you have no idea why I do things the way I do them. I just love the arbitrary number thrown out there and when someone "shouldn't be able" to use a stroller. If my 8 yo is tired and wants to ride in a stroller, she will be allowed that "privilege". Again, they are kids who GASP...get tired. They aren't machines. If I can give my kid a rest in a stroller and still tour, why wouldn't I? Why do you think your vacation/touring is more important than mine or my kids? Seriously? And is it so hard to understand why there are so many strollers in Fantasyland? I know this may shock some of you, but that area contains many kids attractions. Funny how that works, eh?
I would walk in your shoes, but I can't get mine off because the ankles have been ravaged by strollers. If your 8 year old needs to ride in a stroller you should re-evaluate the need for a Disney vacation. Yes, I said that. Yes, I realize it is cold, heartless, and insensitive, but it's pretty much reality.

It sounds like you are more concerned with them interupting your vacation checklist then any real concern for their stamina.

My kids are no more important than yours, except it seems to me that if a tiger got loose in MK, my kids will have a head start because they wouldn't have to roll out of a stroller.

It is hard to understand why there are so many strollers in FL when there where hardly any at all 15-20 years ago.

And who is anyone else to say what I "should" bring with to the parks. I bring what I think is needed. If I feel I need 7 bottles of water in a cooler on a hot summer day, then who are you to say I'm wrong? Yes I can spend $4 a bottle, but why should I when I have a convenient way to carry my own. Seems like a waste of money to do it any other way. Waiting an hour in a line is a lot easier for an adult than a child, so yes I need to bring something to entertain them in the line. Kids are bored with a map rather quickly. Again, who are you to say I "shouldn't" have that? Same for snacks. Why buy something at the counter when a $1.20 package of Goldfish will do the trick for the whole day? Again, it's really none of your business what I am carrying in my stroller and why I choose to do that.
Well if we are going to have that discussion, I should probably just load my 40 inch TV on a dolly and plug it into an outlet in the middle of Main Street so I don't miss the game on Sunday. You know, since no one can really tell me what to do.

You don't need 7 bottles of water in a cooler. I am saying that you are wrong. Your convenient way of transporting water takes up the space that two adults could be occupying. Your 7 bottles of water has effectly reduced the capacity of Magic Kingdom by two. If everyone thought like you did, only 33% of the people who can currently access Magic Kingdom would be able to, but that water is nice a cool. It's a shame there is no free water, from like a fountain or anything...

How big are the goldfish? To say that you need a stroller and now a cooler to transport 1 bag of goldfish seems a bit excessive.

I know in my 5 trips, I have yet to bash anyone's ankles or drive over anyone's feet.
Strangely enough, neither have I...

I have more of a problem with those inconsiderate people who try to squeeze in between my stroller and the 1 foot space between the person in front of me causing me to have to stop quickly. I almost had one idiot fall onto my kid because they lost their balance. Or those who are behind, walk fast to my side and then cut me off because they decided they needed to go left all of a sudden because character X is out? So do we outlaw Stupid people with depth perception disorders from the parks? I mean grumpy people who complain about strollers ruins my trip, so should they all be banned too?
Perhaps you should start a thread about "People with legs cause problems". I would be interested in the response you get.

There are 2 sides to every story, so before jumping on and making ignorant comments, take a minute and think.
I am thinking. I think about this every time I'm hit with a stroller. I think about this every time I see a registered voter in a stroller directing his mom to get him a soda because he is too busy double fisting turkey legs blocking the bathroom entrance.

The bottom line is this, you don't need a stroller past a certain age unless there is a disability. You may want a stroller for any number of self-centered and selfish reasons, but don't hide behind a guise of responsible parenting.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Active Member
There are stupid people abusing every known social norm. We can point out each and every one, or we can get over it and get on with our lives (and vacation).


Well-Known Member
There was nothing wrong with this kid. He was up and chasing his sister around, and whining and crying the whole time that he couldnt see the stage over people in front of him. Pretty sweet...


I noticed a few things about this picture:

1. I am surprised that he has a bottle of water between his legs and not pop.
2. His right hand contains no food but the kid seems to be making eating motions. So, either you photoshopped out the deepfried butter stick he was consuming or he is so used to eating he just makes nibbling motions at the air all day.
3. Those are some sparkling clean shoes that have not seen much walking. They look like they just came out of the box before the parents set him into the stroller.


Think for yourselfer
WOW...some of you people and these responses are just amazing. It seems that YOU have the problem with the strollers. So YOU need to get over it. I'm not talking about the ankle bashers/ignorant people, just the opinion that strollers aren't needed unless you have special needs or under a certain age.

Think about it. A kid is taking at least 2 steps to your 1 step. The smaller ones it 3 to your one. So you can't tell me that those kids aren't going to get more tired more quickly. And if all of you were these super athletes at age 8 and could walk 7 miles per day for 5 or 6 days straight, what the heck are you doing here...don't you have some decathlon training to do? I mean you must be incredible athletes now if you were so strong back then. And if you are trying to get from point a to point b, it will happen more quickly if you put the kids into a stroller because they won't be lagging behind and it is a comfort thing...for the parent. When my kid is in their stroller, I can see them and know where they are. It isn't about inconveniencing you, it is about me caring for my child. If they were outlawed, then yes I could see I where I would be wrong...but they aren't. So of course I am going to use one. And who made any of you the Czar of stroller usage? Obama? Who are you to say what is too big? Until you have walked in my shoes, you have no idea why I do things the way I do them. I just love the arbitrary number thrown out there and when someone "shouldn't be able" to use a stroller. If my 8 yo is tired and wants to ride in a stroller, she will be allowed that "privilege". Again, they are kids who GASP...get tired. They aren't machines. If I can give my kid a rest in a stroller and still tour, why wouldn't I? Why do you think your vacation/touring is more important than mine or my kids? Seriously? And is it so hard to understand why there are so many strollers in Fantasyland? I know this may shock some of you, but that area contains many kids attractions. Funny how that works, eh?

And who is anyone else to say what I "should" bring with to the parks. I bring what I think is needed. If I feel I need 7 bottles of water in a cooler on a hot summer day, then who are you to say I'm wrong? Yes I can spend $4 a bottle, but why should I when I have a convenient way to carry my own. Seems like a waste of money to do it any other way. Waiting an hour in a line is a lot easier for an adult than a child, so yes I need to bring something to entertain them in the line. Kids are bored with a map rather quickly. Again, who are you to say I "shouldn't" have that? Same for snacks. Why buy something at the counter when a $1.20 package of Goldfish will do the trick for the whole day? Again, it's really none of your business what I am carrying in my stroller and why I choose to do that.

I know in my 5 trips, I have yet to bash anyone's ankles or drive over anyone's feet.

I have more of a problem with those inconsiderate people who try to squeeze in between my stroller and the 1 foot space between the person in front of me causing me to have to stop quickly. I almost had one idiot fall onto my kid because they lost their balance. Or those who are behind, walk fast to my side and then cut me off because they decided they needed to go left all of a sudden because character X is out? So do we outlaw Stupid people with depth perception disorders from the parks? I mean grumpy people who complain about strollers ruins my trip, so should they all be banned too?

There are 2 sides to every story, so before jumping on and making ignorant comments, take a minute and think.

There are so many things in your statement that are patently ridiculous. Healthy kids, not ones stuffed with only junk food have more energy then adults, so your 2 or 3 steps to 1 is just silly. Even if it was true that a healthy well fed kid got tired too quick, then take a break. Sit down in the shade, relax. The same way adults do when they are tired or hot.

No I will not just get over it. The proliferation of strollers is causing mine, and many others vacations to be less enjoyable. Your selfishness/laziness is negatively effecting the other people you are sharing the park with. If your 8 year old can't handle walking around the MK, maybe don't take him there.

As far as your need to bring drinks and snacks, and whatever else you jam onto the back of your stroller. Try putting on a backpack. You probably don't notice it, but lots of people in the park wear backpacks to carry theirs and their children's things. The reason backpacks go unnoticed is because they don't hinder anyone else's ability to enjoy themselves like the 20 million strollers parked outside philharmagic do.Try purchasing a water bottle, fill it with ice and water, then when you are in the park you can get free ice, and free water. Then you won't need a giant igloo cooler for your 7 bottles of water.

People wouldn't rush by you, or trip over you nearly as often if there wasn't a stroller in front of you. I don't think its ignorant to say that people should try watching their kids and spending time with them rather then dropping them in a stroller and pushing them head long through the park.

I am going to reiterate, NORMAL children over the age of 5 do not need to be in a stroller at all. If more people who take responsibility for their kids, then this thread wouldn't even exist because there would be so many fewer strollers it wouldn't be bothering anyone. I have seen so many children that were flat out to big for even the rental strollers disney provides. I feel bad for the kid, and I feel annoyed at the parent.


Well-Known Member
We are taking a 20 month old in 2011. We plan to use an umbrella stroller. We also plan to not use a stroller ASAP. WHy? Because it seems like LESS hassle to not use a stroller. The less crap I have to lug about the better.


Well-Known Member
I guess we were lucky. DD rejected the stroller when she was about 3 years old so we got rid of it and had no regrets. And we have never brought any refreshments into any parks anywhere. As said free water is available all over and as infrequently as a snack is really necessary it isn't going to break us and is part of the fun. Who doesn't like to stop for a Mickey ice cream bar or a scoop of ice cream. Its part of our vacation planning/saving to buy food and drink.


Well-Known Member
WOW...some of you people and these responses are just amazing. It seems that YOU have the problem with the strollers. So YOU need to get over it.

There are 2 sides to every story, so before jumping on and making ignorant comments, take a minute and think.

Should I? No, you guys have done a good job already.


Well-Known Member
It's not always a race. The parks are more enjoyable when you aren't flying full speed through them....for me anyway. My absolute FAVORITE vacation to Disney was when I singlehandedly (my husband was deployed) brought my then 4 and 6 year olds to WDW for the week with no stroller and we simply held hands, meandered around, and spent some real QUALITY time together.

I don't know how many kids you have, but I have 2. I also have 2 hands. I have taken my kids by myself to the parks several times over the last couple years without a stroller. One kid holds one hand, the other kid holds the other hand. And yes, we do this all day, every day at the parks. And yes, our hands get sweaty, but that's life. And I'm just one parent. When my husband is with me, we each get a FREE HAND!

There's always....conversation? This is how I amuse my children in line. I talk to them. I mean, isn't that what vacations are for? It's one thing if you're talking about infants, but I'm just guessing from your post that you're talking about children ages 5+ who can talk, or else you would not be offended right now. A couple weeks ago I took my 8 year old son to Disneyland and we waited 2 hours to ride Space Mountain - and it was probably the best 2 hours I've ever spent with him. I mean, how often do you actually get to have the excuse to do nothing except enjoy your children's company?

I guess I would have to specifically know what you are referring to here.

I have taken my kids to Disney at ages 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. I have taken my kids to Disney in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. I have taken my kids with 4 adults to help and I have taken them completely on my own. I have gone to Disney for 1 day, and I have gone for 12 days, and everything in between. I have waited in 1 minute lines with my children, and I have waited in 2 hour lines with them.

So I am just curious....what it is that is unique about your situation and your children that would cause them to need strollers more than any other children would? And maybe you do have a legitimate reason.

But so far it sounds like your reasons for putting them in strollers are: 1.You want to make sure you can do the parks at full speed without having to walk at a child's pace. 2. You don't want to have to buy water bottles in the parks or rent a locker so you need your stroller to carry all the water around for you (though - Disney will give you as much free ice water as you want if you just ask them - we never carry water into the parks for this reason). 3. You don't want to be responsible for keeping your kids entertained in a line so you need the stroller to lug around toys.

There's just a huge difference between "convenience" and "necessity" and sometimes the more convenient option is not always the most satisfying one. I know I was afraid to try Disney without a stroller for the first time when my daughter was 4, but when I did it, I realized all the stroller did was put a barrier between my kids and I that truly limited our "together" time. Ditching the stroller increased our enjoyment of the parks a million percent.

And just for the record...I am the one who has to KEEP UP WITH my 8 year old. He can go non-stop for miles and miles from sunrise to sunset and does not get tired. He would probably laugh his head off if I suggested he sit in a stroller.

You know, I guess every parent needs to find what works for them best. And maybe that's different for everyone. I cater to my kids the whole time I'm at WDW... it's our time, family time! We take breaks, go back to the resort in the middle of day, etc. but we still use strollers. This past trip I took a stroller for my 5 year old and he never used it... so it stayed in the hotel room. Now we know our 5 year old is quite capable of taking a week long trip or longer and can keep up with us. So, my son does NOT need a stroller now... he is quite fine without one! Although he did fall asleep one night during Spectro... he actually slept on some strangers lap! :eek: They told me they enjoyed it... but I was so concerned that I kept trying to prop him up on something. Anyways, back on topic... just b/c parents use strollers doesn't mean they aren't catering to the kids. My 3 year old still needs one! We live in the coldest place on earth (not really but you get my idea) and the heat just hits us hard. We're not use to it and neither are our children. The strollers help the first couple of days while we are still getting use to the heat. My children are not lazy, they eat healthy, they are not overweight/fat, they exercise and can run laps around me, blah blah blah but my youngest still needs a stroller in WDW. But that's the only place she uses one.
We cherish our WDW vacations and it is the best time I spend with my kids and hubby. In a year or two I will be out of the stroller phase and I will be fine when that day comes. But right now I'm enjoying this stage. She's fine in her stroller and she can get out and walk when she wants to. A lot of times we park the stroller anyway for a couple of hours b/c she can handle more walking in the heat now!
Everybody is different. I don't look down on those that use strollers, I don't look down on those that don't use strollers. And lets face it... there's another side to this argument. I think there are some children that SHOULD be in strollers. Their children are running wild and free and untamed... but that's another topic for another day.
I'm happy my 5 year old (now 6) is out of the stroller at WDW but I won't look down on the 5 year olds that are still in strollers. To each his own!

I have to be honest... I have never (repeat NEVER) been hit by a stroller. I don't know if I've been lucky, gone at the right times, or what but I've never had a stroller hit me!:shrug:


My 3 year old still needs one! We live in the coldest place on earth (not really but you get my idea) and the heat just hits us hard. We're not use to it and neither are our children. The strollers help the first couple of days while we are still getting use to the heat. My children are not lazy, they eat healthy, they are not overweight/fat, they exercise and can run laps around me, blah blah blah but my youngest still needs a stroller in WDW. But that's the only place she uses one.

I don't think anyone is saying a stroller is inappropriate for a 3 year old or that anyone using one with a 3 year old (or even a 4 year old) should have to defend their actions. IMO, that's who strollers are for!


Active Member
when next we go, I will be one of "those" with a little girl will be 4. I think I will try a small one..the one we have I can "strap" to my back or lay down we we stop if she is not in it and we will have plenty of family to watch her and interact while we ALL enjoy will all ballance out somehow!

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
My wife and I debated as to which stroller confguration we should use for our trip this past Aug. We have a 4 month, 4yo, and 7yo so we went with the Snap and Go for the baby since she's in a carrier and our double-wide Jeep for the 2 boys. I thought that my 7yo would only use it at the end of the night to crash and fall asleep on our way out of the parks, but he was up every night even at 1am for EMH. However I did find myself encouraging him to hop in because I found it easier and quicker to get around. Most of that time is really entering and leaving the parks to our car, otherwise we use the stroller parking, put the baby in the Bjorn, and head off.

I always wear a pedometer on our trips and my wife and I average about 11 miles of walking per day for the week we're there, so if my 7yo wants to take a load off in the double stroller with his brother I could care less.


Well-Known Member
I can quite assure you...

The "stroller conspiracy" is the MAIN reason I can only handle ONE day at MK while I am at Disney World for a week...It wouldn't be bad if people weren't so rude and obnoxious while operating these non licensed contraptions but damn!!!!!!!!!!!!! They feel it's an excuse to pull into your derriere' and park there! LOL

Ok if I hurt anyone's feelings...I apologize ahead of time LOL :ROFLOL:


Active Member
We actually got a "magical moment" certificate on our last trip in Sep 08 for having our stroller labeled with our address on a tag, having a few bottles of water and an umbrella. Awarded outside of the Kilimanjaro Safari for "Family most prepared for a Safari."

Sure... it really doesnt apply to the conversation... but reading the thread made me think of it. :lookaroun

I keep trying to defend the "pro-stroller" crowd... but I realize I'm just defending the crowd of people that NEED strollers, not those that abuse the privledge. (I have a 2 year old... and soon to have another tot. I'll push a double stroller because I have to!)
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