The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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Umbrella Stroller for us ...

My family will be arriving in 27 days and we have decided to purchase a small umbrella stroller at Wal Mart for our trip. To many times have I been on the bus going back to the hotel and I've had to share a seat with a stroller ... redonkulous! I think that if you are bringing anything (stroller/bag) into the park you must be able to place it in you lap or between your legs.


ok how many of us parents see every little thing our children do????^^^^how many of us will see each and every time our children stick gum somewhere they are not suppose to? do they know they are not suppose to do this? yes if they are taught it is wrong but a child will be a child. as far as the stroller issue....if there is a person being down right rude i understand what you are all saying but let me just say...i have a one year old who has a stroller that we specifically purchased for disney and home. i try very hard not to hit someones and if i do ( by accident) i always say im very sorry. i cannot help the people that choose to stop in front of me that get hit but likewise i still say sorry even though it isnt my fault. when disney is crowded, do you really expect to not get hit or bumped by a stroller? would you be saying the same thing and start a thread if there was no stroller and it was just a person running into you? mabye i should start that thread.

You're not the problem. Not even close. No one thinks strollers should be banned. Just lousy guests. Whether they have a stroller or not. And you know what, I'm with you on the people smashing into me who don't have stroller too. We do cover that in the endless rude people threads. But feel free to start one for this. I'll read it.


New Member
Since I love a good debate as can be seen from the wifi and apple threads, I thought I would throw my hat in the ring here.

I have two girls, and the last time we went they were 6 and 3. The three year old rode in a stroller, not a freaking winnebago.

It was a small as can be, and manuevered well. She rode most of the time for obvious reasons. We did not carry 5000 pounds of gear to go with her or her sister. They may be children, but they are not going to fall apart if they don't have crackers or juice on a moments notice.

My 6 year old walked the entire time, and GASP, she was fine. We treated the trip as a family event. We took breaks, we sat down, and we didn't push them.

Some parents are just power parents, and that's perfectly fine, BUT! Unless your child has problem or health concern that requires extra things to be kept with you (diabetes ect.) there is probably not a need to carry around so much stuff, or to have such a large stroller. We had a bigger stroller once, when my first was a baby, but we learned that it is a strain on us and other people wherever you go. As far as when they started getting older, they can walk. Kids have been doing it (even at Disney world) for years. They will live.

It may be argued with be very angrily, but I don't see how a normal child over the age of 5 needs a stroller.


Active Member
lol. i dont think im brave enough to start that thread. my one year old is in the 90% on her height but she is slow to walking. still isnt walking yet but im thinking around four she wont need the stroller because if i need to stop i can stop with her. if i can get to it i will try and post a pic of her stroller. its the wasabi combi and folds up perfectly! i did put in my last comment how i think the people with no manners are rude. i always say sorry if and when i have accidentally hit someone. on a CROWDED day in cant push you stroller 5 ft behind someone because there are 50 people in that 5 ft space :) now my fav is when you go into a ts or cs resturaunt and it clearly states no strollers(unless there is a handicap) but you see children jumping in and out of their strollers and running around tables like they are wouldnt have it. i guess thats how i was raised and taught but i do agree with having a healthy child that can barely fit in the stroller is rediculous too


Active Member
oh yeah...the trash thing lol. my husband an i will pick up any kind of trash laying around anywhere in wdw. why trash such a beautiful place you know.

Martian Crab

New Member

Did I mention that I like strollers?
There's far too many older pathetic kids that are in the strollers that we noticed this year. We have just come back with our 1 year old and we had an umbrella stroller.

I know there's maybe some older kids that need some sort of transport, but the maount of kids we saw this year who were well approaching their '9 and up' range that were still in a stroller, was ridiculous. You can tell their too big when their legs and arms are buckling out of the damn stroller! :lol:
How? Well, first there's the number of times I'm banged into by them, then the number of times they stop in front of me, forcing me to leap aside to avoid toppling on a child, the amount of times they block up pathways forcing me to slowdown, the fact hat I can never board a bus without someone deciding to unload and fold up the their stroller right before they get on the bus instead of doing this head of time. The stroller problem delays me, causes me physical pain and causes irritation.

This kind of sums up the same argument for electric wheelchairs for me.

Martian Crab

New Member
I, too am annoyed by the electric scooters. Did the percentage of disabled Americans skyrocket since I was a kid? I don't think so; but I think the number of fat lazy people has. It's not just at Disney either. Any supermarket or Walmart has these annoying conveyances lined up and ready to go. And before you flame me I'm not talking about the truly disabled. I'm talking about the conveniently disabled; the ones who can miraculously walk to their cars or up to the buffet line 7 or 8 times after a day of cruising around the park. Disney and Walmart are catering to them so they have no reason to slim down.


on a CROWDED day in cant push you stroller 5 ft behind someone because there are 50 people in that 5 ft space :)

But like I said before, you do the same thing as driving a car. If you're driving 80 mph on the highway you should stay quite a ways back from the car ahead of you in case they have to slam on the brakes. But if you're in a traffic jam moving 5 mph, a car length is probably sufficient.

In MK when there's a lot of pedestrian traffic, you're usually moving pretty slowly, so if you stay at least a foot behind the person in front of you, as long as you're paying attention to where you're going you're not going to hit them.

I took 8 full-length Disney vacations with kids who were stroller age, most of them were during peak, mid-summer, crowded insanity...and still have never hit anyone.

But I'm also a major stickler about not tailgating in a car so it may just be something hard-wired into my nature not to slam into people.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Fantasyland, 1959:

Fantasyland, 2009:

There is no stroller/ECV problem in Paris. There is no problem in Tokyo. There is no problem in Hong Kong. There were no problems with strollers and ECV's in America until not so long ago.


My mind is always boggled at the amount of stuff people pile on their strollers and leave it all when they park them. Or when the kid gets out the thing falls over. Doesn't that tell them something? I'm sure the manufacturers didn't design them like that. I hung out with some friends who were pushing a big stroller with a huge bag on it and I think I only saw them take out one diaper and a couple of wipes. They bought the kids sweatshirts, so I don't know what else was in there. Oh, I think they had an entire box of crackers. Another stroller related thing that causes problems, is when the little kid is out and allowed to push the stroller. How well do you think that works?
Here's how we did it, this past September.

We took a light folding umbrella stroller, and my wife carried a Nike bag that I think is usually to hold a bottle of water. She but a few diapers in there and stuck the bag of wipes under the stroller. Believe it or not. we prefer to travel light as well...especially for getting on and off buses. :eek:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Here's how we did it, this past September.

We took a light folding umbrella stroller, and my wife carried a Nike bag that I think is usually to hold a bottle of water. She but a few diapers in there and stuck the bag of wipes under the stroller. Believe it or not. we prefer to travel light as well...especially for getting on and off buses. :eek:

You're making it convenient for you and everyone else. How dare you!
You're making it convenient for you and everyone else. How dare you!

Shame on me:ROFLOL: Seriously though by the end of our 2 week trip it was like military precision. As soon as we saw that bus sign, Mollie was tussled about more than a WWE wrestler and we were folded and ready to go...


Well-Known Member
So...I have never actually posted a reply to a thread before but I would just like to say, Who's business is it if I put my 5 year old (who is the size of a 7 year old) in a stroller? I do this for safety reasons...anyone with a 5 year old knows that they are constantly looking around and not paying attention (especially in Disney World). I want to make sure she is where she is supposed to be and not getting caught up in crowds and easily lost.

It isn't any persons business at all...but folks around here tend to enjoy making other people respsonsible for their lack of enjoyment at WDW instead of putting the blame where it really belongs.
It isn't any persons business at all...but folks around here tend to enjoy making other people respsonsible for their lack of enjoyment at WDW instead of putting the blame where it really belongs.

Woah, I wouldn't say having a child that is particularly big in a stroller ruins my enjoyment...just looks a bit odd, but that's just me.
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