The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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wwe wrestler and legend Dusty Rhodes.


uh huh...:confused::shrug:


Think for yourselfer
What a great comparison picture. I know it's not a popular stance on these boards, but I see no reason why a normal healthy child who is 5 or older needs a stroller. In Disney it seems like if a kid is under 9 he needs one. It is horrible. You should need a doctors note to have a kid over 5 in a stroller. That would eliminate half the strollers in the parks, and make it much easier to navigate, and much more enjoyable to look at. The strollers severely hurt the theme of any land they are in. Those stupid stroller parking lots just out in plain view, I hate them so much.


What a great comparison picture. I know it's not a popular stance on these boards, but I see no reason why a normal healthy child who is 5 or older needs a stroller. In Disney it seems like if a kid is under 9 he needs one. It is horrible. You should need a doctors note to have a kid over 5 in a stroller. That would eliminate half the strollers in the parks, and make it much easier to navigate, and much more enjoyable to look at. The strollers severely hurt the theme of any land they are in. Those stupid stroller parking lots just out in plain view, I hate them so much.

You're right - not a popular stance, but I fully agree with you. Disney should limit strollers to children UNDER the age of 5 (unless there is a medical reason). Please don't tell me that these children are pushed around in strollers at home too. They shouldn't be used as a convenience for the parents, any child over that age should be taken for a rest if they are tired. And don't get me started on lazy people in electric buggies!!! ( by the way, notice I said lazy, not anyone disabled who really needs one) :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
You're right - not a popular stance, but I fully agree with you. Disney should limit strollers to children UNDER the age of 5 (unless there is a medical reason). Please don't tell me that these children are pushed around in strollers at home too. They shouldn't be used as a convenience for the parents, any child over that age should be taken for a rest if they are tired. And don't get me started on lazy people in electric buggies!!! ( by the way, notice I said lazy, not anyone disabled who really needs one) :lookaroun

I completely agree, but it would be almost impossible to enforce.


Well-Known Member
You're right - not a popular stance, but I fully agree with you. Disney should limit strollers to children UNDER the age of 5 (unless there is a medical reason). Please don't tell me that these children are pushed around in strollers at home too. They shouldn't be used as a convenience for the parents, any child over that age should be taken for a rest if they are tired. And don't get me started on lazy people in electric buggies!!! ( by the way, notice I said lazy, not anyone disabled who really needs one) :lookaroun

No they should be limited to poeple with stroller operators licenses!! Thankfully the WDW strollers do not have any really sharp edges in the front with the amount if time I have be hit in the ankle and a the time where one was nearly pushed all the way up my calf. That one almost put me on the ground and the driver yelled at me, turned and walked away as I stared in disbelief.

ECV's should be limited to medical reasons and not reasons of lazyness


Well-Known Member
It is always Fantasyland where I am attacked the most by strollers. I do believe limiting children to under the age of 5 would definately help. But I have seen 7 year olds that could pass as 5 too. Maybe bumpers should just be placed on the front of strollers.


Well-Known Member
There is no stroller/ECV problem in Paris. There is no problem in Tokyo. There is no problem in Hong Kong. There were no problems with strollers and ECV's in America until not so long ago.

Just curious... but before we post these statements do we do any research to compare apples with apples!?!

Are Paris, Tokyo, and Hong Kong vacation destinations like WDW is!?! I don't know the answer, I'm just asking! Why would this make a difference, you ask? Well, if I was going somewhere for a day trip I know my 3 year old would be just fine for a day or two. But when going to WDW for a week she needs a stroller! After a couple of days the walking and heat starts catching up to her. She NEEDS a stroller on a week long trip in WDW.
Also, what are the number of children (4 and under) that attend these parks? Again, I don't know, I'm just asking! Does WDW have a higher percentage of toddler/baby families that visit than some of the other parks? Maybe if we looked at numbers we could see a difference!?! :shrug:

Also, I don't like comparing stoller use today to the past. Things have changed. Strollers are more convienent, compact, fold easily, etc. It is much easier to take a nice travel stroller with you these days on vacation. My mother didn't have that option in 1980 when she went. She also felt WDW was no place for a baby. I however feel very differently and took my child when she was only 14 months old! I'll say it again, things have changed. It is easier to travel with babies/small children and we're encouraged to do so. Heck, Disney even had a campaign to suck us in... do you all remember the "Magical Beginnings" campaign that was around not that long ago. Disney realizes there is a market for the preschool and under set and they went after it!

I don't like it when people generalize! And there's been too much of it in this thread. Parents have been accused of being lazy, our kids have been accused of being lazy, etc. All we're trying to do is have a nice family vacation with our children... and somehow we have ruined your lives! Please realize that every situation is different and just b/c I decide to use a stroller for my 5 year old on a 10 day long vacation that neither my children nor I am lazy! (Yes, my 5 year old used a stroller OCCASIONALLY on our 10 long vacation! :eek:)

As for those of you that have been rammed into with strollers I apologize on behalf of parents everywhere. Just for the record... I've never hit anyone. But if I ever did I'd be afraid for my life... b/c some of you here are ready to take me out when I do!
I'm not saying that kids shouldn't be in strollers. What I AM saying is that there are far too many kids that are too big for the strollers that they are in.

And that's a fact/


Well-Known Member
OK I've enjoyed my popcorn long enough on this thread. It's been really enjoyable. A real classic.

But now I feel like I have $0.02 to put in.

I'm not taking sides in this argument. I see some good points on many fronts. A lot of stupidity as well. The thing that annoys me most is the generalizations that people make. The real issue is not strollers; it's rudeness. There are plenty of people who take "urban-tank strollers" and are very polite and considerate of others and if they get in your way and in your mine "affect your enjoyment of the park", then suck it up and get over it. If it's a crowded day and you have to pause for a few moments to get around a stroller, it's not like you have more of a right to be there than anyone else, or like you have more "ownership" of the parks. Really. You are not the only person that's important in the world, even if you act like you are, and it would benefit us all if you would lose your overinflated sense of entitlement.

Banging into people with strollers, and stopping them in the middle of a busy walkway is for sure rude, but there is plenty of rude behaviour in the parks by people without strollers as well. So blaming strollers is an overgeneralization and rude in and of itself.

When my DDs were younger, we used strollers of various sizes, all of which had advantages and disadvantages. Did I bang into peoples ankles? Sure I did. It's almost imossible to avoid it on a crowded day. Most of the time, I was humble and apologized.

However, more than once, when it was crowded, especially trying to get through F-land, we'd be moving along at 0.001 mph, just like everyone else with or without strollers, and some commando-style a-hole would come charging through (even if some did say "excuse me, excuse me" as though that somehow gave them the right to push everyone else out of the way) and on many occasions steped OVER my stroller and directly in front of me, making it impossible to avoid hitting his or her ankles, sometimes even stepping on the wheels or foot rest or ON MY KIDS FEET in the footrest, and just forging on ahead like nothing happened. Could it be that they felt justified in doing this because my presence there affected their enjoyment of the parks? That certainly seemed like their attitude. There is no excuse for that type of behavior any more than there is an excuse for rude people with strollers.


Fantasyland, 1959:

Fantasyland, 2009:

There is no stroller/ECV problem in Paris. There is no problem in Tokyo. There is no problem in Hong Kong. There were no problems with strollers and ECV's in America until not so long ago.

That first picture is Disneyland though. I haven't noticed nearly as many strollers there as there are at WDW.


Active Member
Hi! Its a slow day in the office so why not join in the pointless discussion!

Before I start, I will just state for the record that I kicked my daughter out of her stroller before she turned 5, she had a great time during our 8 day vacation and I never lost her.

Now... there is no excuess for 10 year olds to be in strollers. That's just insane. I wish I could say that I have never seen unusaually old kids in strollers, but I have, on several occations. For those people I just assume that the stroller is one symptom of much larger issues. Does it make me mad? No, but you can't see something like that and not wonder about it.

That said, I don't think these kids make up the majority of children in strollers. As an earlier poster pointed out, more and more people are taking pre-school age kids and babies to WDW than they ever did before. Times have changed. People's attidudes towards traveling with kids and spending money on kids has changed a lot since 1959. I don't see any strollers in that 1959 FL picture, but I also don't see any toddlers. With an incress in stroller age population coming to the resort, I don't think its odd to see an increase in strollers. Why do you think FL has the worse problem?
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