The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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Active Member
me and fellow cast members have been trying to come up with new ideas on how to deal with strollers because F-land has been getting worse over the years. most of the ideas were geared to make our lives easier with "Valet stroller parking", most of them we scraped though as it wasnt Disney enough. like themed parking spaces or rope so guests dont park strollers in a pile. but we have been trying to push management to at least put a disclamer that cast can "tow" your stroller to stroller parking or move your stroller at any time in stroller parking. I have been yelled at way to many times for organizing strollers in stroller parking to ease congestion.

I do not envy any cast member who has to deal with strollers. Poeple park their strollers in the middle of the walk way or right at the entrence to stroller parking and are shocked to see that it has been moved.

Maybe they could take down the old FL skyway station and build a stroller parking garage. :lol:


Active Member
I do not envy any cast member who has to deal with strollers. Poeple park their strollers in the middle of the walk way or right at the entrence to stroller parking and are shocked to see that it has been moved.

Maybe they could take down the old FL skyway station and build a stroller parking garage. :lol:

From what I remember from last year... they DID put a huge stroller parking area right in front of the FL Skyway Station...


Well-Known Member
a 14 dollar charge for each stroller brought into the park. Easy enough.

Those who have to have them will have to pay for them. Thats fair. Just like an extra mini ticket. Its taking up space, creating congestion and being parked. They charge you to park your car in the lot and you can't even use it to plow your way to the front of the turkey leg line or as an excuse for crappy behaviour, so really a 14 dollar surcharge on all strollers brought in seems like a bargain to me.


Well-Known Member
I see two sollutions to the problem.

1) Ban outside strollers for children over the age of 2 (If you use a ticket, you can't be in a stroller)

2) Make the rental strollers smaller. Part of the problem is the Disney strollers are SUV strollers that can fit a 10 year old, two coolers and some snacks. Shrink the strollers and you shrink the number of people who can use them.

Now where's my peace prize? :rolleyes:
#2 is probably more of the problem than anything.

You know what we need? A return to the deathtrap strollers of the early 80s. The ones that were bare bones and could get up to 200 degrees on the metal pieces. These same pieces that could tear a limb off if they hit you the wrong way.

I do not envy any cast member who has to deal with strollers. Poeple park their strollers in the middle of the walk way or right at the entrence to stroller parking and are shocked to see that it has been moved.

Maybe they could take down the old FL skyway station and build a stroller parking garage. :lol:
When I worked on Safari we would rather stay on our trucks for 4 hours at a time than do stroller parking...:ROFLOL:
a 14 dollar charge for each stroller brought into the park. Easy enough.

Those who have to have them will have to pay for them. Thats fair. Just like an extra mini ticket. Its taking up space, creating congestion and being parked. They charge you to park your car in the lot and you can't even use it to plow your way to the front of the turkey leg line or as an excuse for crappy behaviour, so really a 14 dollar surcharge on all strollers brought in seems like a bargain to me.

Each day? Ram it!

Where does this using the stroller to push in come into it?

Everytime we had our stroller, we'd put it in the designated parking bit, or I would stand to the side while my wife queued up for something.


New Member
I do not envy any cast member who has to deal with strollers. Poeple park their strollers in the middle of the walk way or right at the entrence to stroller parking and are shocked to see that it has been moved.

Maybe they could take down the old FL skyway station and build a stroller parking garage. :lol:

lol, you dont know the half of it. it gets worse when it rains, it can shut down Philharmagic easily. or they lock there stroller to a pole with a bike lock then get surprised when we have to call security:brick:.

I am still wondering what there going to do with FL skyway station. we want it to be our brake room:ROFLOL:. but I have been told by management that its to rusted to do anything with and it covers to much of our backstage to get rid of it, so we are apparently stuck with it for a while. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Where does this using the stroller to push in come into it?

Heck, I don't know. Back before people packed their strollers like the pioneers packed covered wagons the human race was actually able to push-and control!!- these things.

It's only a matter of time before some mouth breather sues Disney for not allowing her to bring her stroller and dog sled team in to the parks. And then the circle will be complete.


a 14 dollar charge for each stroller brought into the park. Easy enough.

Those who have to have them will have to pay for them. Thats fair. Just like an extra mini ticket. Its taking up space, creating congestion and being parked. They charge you to park your car in the lot and you can't even use it to plow your way to the front of the turkey leg line or as an excuse for crappy behaviour, so really a 14 dollar surcharge on all strollers brought in seems like a bargain to me.
I could subscribe to that. A $14 charge would seem like a small price to pay to re-gain much of the space that has been lost over the years by over-sized strollers.


Then the $14 would penalise people like myself who bring in a small standard size stroller.

Yeah I think that's totally excessive. Most of the problems with strollers at WDW are not caused by people who bring their own, compact ones from home, but by the gigantic buses that Disney rents out to their guests...and they've already raised the price of those to something insane - which doesn't seem to have helped anything.


Then the $14 would penalise people like myself who bring in a small standard size stroller.
The way I see it is quite simple, and look at the model that some airlines have adopted:

1- checked bag, with a charge for each additional checked bag for that person
1- personal item
1- carry on

You want to bring in your stroller that litterally takes up the space of 1.5-2 people, then you should be charged for it. I'm sick of these large "supposed to be for two" strollers being used by a single kid. If the kid is too big for a single seater, then they can walk (the excersize won't kill them).

You have to pay to park your family's car when you go to the parks and since some of these strollers have turned into mini U-Hauls, you can pay to have them IN the parks. As I said before, when I was a kid there were no where near as many strollers as there are today. We got by before and we can get by again.


Disney should have a size limit on strollers, if the size is disproportional to the age and amount of kids then a charge should be placed on the stroller.

.... So how would that affect people with multiple births?? Twins, Triplets etc or children with special needs... Do they have to pay extra just because they were lucky to have multiple births or have to deal with a special needs child?

In the immortal words of Al Borland... I don't think so, Tim.

Why would you punish the very people that (for all intents and purposes) really do their part to keep Disney parks in the green? Parents take their kids to see the latest HSM, Hannah Montanna, Ratatouille, Toy Story, Princess and the frog installment... They take these same kids to see the parks as well.

I think there is a small and vocal anti-stroller minority... mostly comprised of people who have never had children or just haven't had children, yet. I'm inferring due to a lot of the posts made.

I understand there is a concern for people parking strollers haphazzardly, it happens and it shouldn't but it does...

Frankly, I have a bigger problem with the halfwits who stop dead in their tracks while either gawking at "all thems purty lightz" or suffering from a brain fart in the middle of a path. I don't recall being run down by strollers or having a hard time navigating paths due to stroller overload... maybe that's because I travel in the off season.

It's Disney world, there are going to be lots of families, families with small children... Some of these children will need strollers... If you don't understand that at times there will be lots of strollers in certain area's of the parks, then there really isn't much hope for you... Lot's of luck!


.... So how would that affect people with multiple births?? Twins, Triplets etc or children with special needs... Do they have to pay extra just because they were lucky to have multiple births or have to deal with a special needs child?

As I think has been established, where there is a NEED for them, fine. The talk is about those who have kids that don't necessarily NEED them. See blackthidot's photo.

In the immortal words of Al Borland... I don't think so, Tim.

Love that show!

Why would you punish the very people that (for all intents and purposes) really do their part to keep Disney parks in the green? Parents take their kids to see the latest HSM, Hannah Montanna, Ratatouille, Toy Story, Princess and the frog installment... They take these same kids to see the parks as well.

Yes they do, and with the size of strollers approaching SUV status and mini U-Hauls, they take up the same amount, if not more, space. I've never seen someone bring a stroller into movies unless the child had a special need.

I think there is a small and vocal anti-stroller minority... mostly comprised of people who have never had children or just haven't had children, yet. I'm inferring due to a lot of the posts made.

The issue isn't the "small and vocal anti-stroller minority." The issue with the large over-use stroller majority. When did we become a society that believe a child can't walk!? And we all wonder why the child obesity rate in the US has climed. Gee I wonder...

I understand there is a concern for people parking strollers haphazzardly, it happens and it shouldn't but it does...

Remember that the next time a CM goes to organize your stroller before you nag at them.

Frankly, I have a bigger problem with the halfwits who stop dead in their tracks while either gawking at "all thems purty lightz" or suffering from a brain fart in the middle of a path. I don't recall being run down by strollers or having a hard time navigating paths due to stroller overload... maybe that's because I travel in the off season.

Then do you really have an argument? I have been run down by these people and told that I, yes I, should watch where I'm going. To whit I reply "you were behind me, you could see me and you didn't stop." Last time I checked, if it were a car, that person would be liable in an accident.

It's Disney world, there are going to be lots of families, families with small children... Some of these children will need strollers... If you don't understand that at times there will be lots of strollers in certain area's of the parks, then there really isn't much hope for you... Lot's of luck!

Again, we all get the argument that families go to Disney. Some of these families have small children that NEED strollers. No one is disagreeing with that fact. The issue comes when a single riding child is piled into an SUV stroller that has a baby bag, cooler, and any number of toys stuffed into it. OR there is a child that doesn't NEED the damned thing, but mommy and daddy see fit to let Jr. ride in one so they don't get too tired. I have no issues with the 'basic' stroller. I do have an issue with the jumbo strollers that keep popping up, blocking through ways, and ramming into people.


Again, we all get the argument that families go to Disney. Some of these families have small children that NEED strollers. No one is disagreeing with that fact. The issue comes when a single riding child is piled into an SUV stroller that has a baby bag, cooler, and any number of toys stuffed into it. OR there is a child that doesn't NEED the damned thing, but mommy and daddy see fit to let Jr. ride in one so they don't get too tired. I have no issues with the 'basic' stroller. I do have an issue with the jumbo strollers that keep popping up, blocking through ways, and ramming into people.

I saw Thidots photo... I think it's rather hard to pass judgement on someone elses' photograph... How do we know that the child didn't have a mobility concern, heart condition etc... I know what I am looking at, a large child in a large child stroller, but I don't know why he is in it... Maybe he has a motor skills issue, maybe he's just recovering from Chemo treatments... I don't know.

Furthermore, I think it's rather short sighted (borderline boorish) and inconsiderate to post a picture like that and make derogatory comments about the situation without know what the actual situation is.

I digress... I understand what you say, and you've made some excellent points, I guess the big question is this: Who decides when a stroller is too big, or the needs of using said stroller are or are not warranted?

Who draws up those rules, and what are the boundries... ?

Frankly throughout the post, a lot of people are making some rather quick judgment calls with regards to their own issues, without having some consideration to the other party. One families too big stroller is another families too small stroller.

I think when it comes down to it, the guests with the strollers have to be more sensitive to the guests without and vica versa. Just like when you go to the mall, park, supermarket and there are a lot of people with big strollers... you have to deal with it, they have a right to purchase and use a big stroller if they want to, just like they have the right to purchase and use a very small (or no stroller at all) stroller if they want to.

I'm an adult, I'm a big boy, if I'm confronted by an SUV sized stroller, I will simply walk around it.... I don't see why others can't do the same.


I saw Thidots photo... I think it's rather hard to pass judgement on someone elses' photograph... How do we know that the child didn't have a mobility concern, heart condition etc... I know what I am looking at, a large child in a large child stroller, but I don't know why he is in it... Maybe he has a motor skills issue, maybe he's just recovering from Chemo treatments... I don't know.

Furthermore, I think it's rather short sighted (borderline boorish) and inconsiderate to post a picture like that and make derogatory comments about the situation without know what the actual situation is.

I digress... I understand what you say, and you've made some excellent points, I guess the big question is this: Who decides when a stroller is too big, or the needs of using said stroller are or are not warranted?

Who draws up those rules, and what are the boundries... ?

Frankly throughout the post, a lot of people are making some rather quick judgment calls with regards to their own issues, without having some consideration to the other party. One families too big stroller is another families too small stroller.

I think when it comes down to it, the guests with the strollers have to be more sensitive to the guests without and vica versa. Just like when you go to the mall, park, supermarket and there are a lot of people with big strollers... you have to deal with it, they have a right to purchase and use a big stroller if they want to, just like they have the right to purchase and use a very small (or no stroller at all) stroller if they want to.

I'm an adult, I'm a big boy, if I'm confronted by an SUV sized stroller, I will simply walk around it.... I don't see why others can't do the same.

Careful, the people with the big strollers will get angry at you. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

As for the child pictured, from what Thidot said, he was up and running around; that right there would seem to negate the possibility of mobility issues. As you said, he may have a heart condition, but that's just a further extension of the WHAT IF game. Well, WHAT IF... this kid gets tired because he doesn't do physical activities and sits in front of some game system pounding down candy all day? Not saying that what he does, but I think you get my point. Is the stroller still okay simply because he's too winded from his lack of excersize. It's a slippery slope, man!

And to say that child was in a large child stroller is incorrect. That is a "standard" sized single Disney rental stroller and he is BY FAR way too big for it. That thing might be good for a 3-4 year old, he looks to be well on his way to 10.


Well-Known Member
Its not a matter of walking around it when you are hit by it standing off to the side minding your own business somewhere.

It makes perfect sense. Airlines charge for bringing on excessive or oversized luggage, Car washes charge more for SUV's, tollways charge for cars to use that extent of roadway. I don't see any problem at all for charging for a stroller. Its the cost of having kids. Its like buying a large SUV. You know its going to take up a lot more fuel, possibly cost more to insure, whatever. If the stroller is needed fine, but it may cost a little. It will also cut down on those who don't really need them. 14 dollars a day or 10 year old Billy works off a couple pounds and learns to walk on his own. People are cheap and if its not needed, they won't pay it. If it is needed it's just another cost of living. Kids aren't free.
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