Premium Member
I went to Home Depot and bought a HEPA filter. I need it 1. Because of the renovation and 2. Because I probably need it anyway. They were so nice at Home Depot. I mentioned I have asthma and they carried the filter to the checkout and out to my car. I guess it helped that I don't sound too good.
Anyway, so I'm running the filter wherever I happen to be in the house (literally, I carry the thing from room to room) and our contractor is running a HEPA vacuum in here tomorrow, and my grandma is coming to clean. Yes, this sounds weird, but she used to clean houses for a living so I asked her to come clean and told her I'd pay her. I think she likes it; I've noticed she'll start randomly cleaning. I think she's a neat freak and gets satisfaction from it.
Anyway, Belle likes the HEPA filter. Can't figure this one out.
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I hope this helps. All I know about construction, remodeling, etc., is that it makes a lot of dust all over the place. As a kid, I remember my mother doing a deep clean after the kitchen was remodeled.
With your asthma, it must be a real issue; and hopefully, the air will clear sufficiently today. I had to laugh about Belle -- she's testing out the new HEPA filter to make sure it's o.k. for you. She thinks it's her duty!