One thing I've always heard about the Tokyo parks is that they are extremely crowded you tend not to get a lot of "personal space". Did you find that to be the case?
I know you didn't ask me this question, but I had a thought on it.
The space thing was kinda weird. At times, it was an issue. Like... When riding on their subway system around the city. HOO BOY. I felt like some of them should have bought me dinner before they violated me like they did. :lol: But they didn't even think twice or even notice.
And standing in lines at the parks was that way. Tighter than in US parks.
But then on the other hand, the respect at times was unbelievable. For example... Before Dreamlights (their version of Spectro that I pray we get at some point because it's AMAZING), everyone has little plastic tarps they lay down. And that's your space. And people don't horn in on that space. Even when the parade starts, everyone stays in their space... There's no crowding forward, or last minute people trying to slide in front of you even though you've been there for an hour. And... EVERYONE SITS DOWN FOR THE PARADE SO THAT EVERYONE CAN SEE!!!!!!!!!!! Holy cow, it was wonderful. I'm quite sure that they got a good chuckle out of seeing this American guy's legs fall asleep multiple times and have a hard time standing back up... But that's another story. :lol:
Disney Sea is also a place where personal space isn't an issue. The crowds are much lower there... Almost surprisingly so. At times it was almost like we felt like they really didn't understand what a gem they actually have there. That it's taken for granted. And I think it's because the folks over there love their characters (it's almost scary - one guy we saw in line for Pooh was wearing a full Marie head, tail and paws) and there really aren't many characters around Sea. I think that keeps many of them at the other gate.
But I will say this: When we booked our trip to Japan and the TDL resort, it was with the notion that it would be a once in a lifetime trip. And 7 months after returning home, I can tell you with full certainty that TDL (and Japan in general) was so impressive and wonderful that we will return. And probably within a couple years. To us, it was THAT different than our other Disney park experiences. We felt like if we only go back to WDW and DL, we would definitely be missing out on a LOT. And that should say something... That we're willing to fly to the other side of the world again (and soon) because of the quality of the product they offer.
Simply amazing.
We should be so lucky.
EDIT TO ADD: Here's a perfect example of the extreme detail at Disney Sea... It's a picture I took of a little corner of the park, intended to look like the venice canals. The building backing the scene is the Mira Costa hotel. But there is literally nothing back here... No attraction. No store. There's an italian restaurant, and that's it. Other than that, this area is literally just for the view of the people in those rooms at the hotel. Unbelievable.