Sir, we can’t say THAT on a Disney Mic – a Feb 2012 TR!

a.k.a. The Adventures of Pascal TR


Welcome everyone to my very first trip report! Ahh!!! All week, I’ve been trying to be good and wait to start on my TR until I got my lesson plans for school done (they’re all due tonight), but… since I’m currently at work and am at a place where I can’t do any work on my lessons until I’m out of the office, I figured that posting the beginnings would be a good idea! :lol: As you may have read in my Pre Trip Report, this trip has definitely been a long time coming… a 4 year wait for me in fact! I was told that if I didn’t write my trip report for this trip, I would be “disowned, unfollowed, and shunned”… thanks for that one Kenzie! :p

In the midst of the trip, we got to celebrate both of our birthdays and Valentine’s Day, so it was a magical experience indeed.

So without further ado:

The cast:

There’s me, Courtney, who turns 23 tomorrow (AHHHH!) and this was my 19th trip to the World… and then there’s my wonderful BF, Dan, who turned 23 the day before our trip (Feb 12) and who is lucky enough (or not) to spend his first WDW visit with me!

There was a third member of our cast as well… a mischief stowaway by the name of Pascal!

The dates: February 13 through February 17, 2012

The resort: Pop Century

All packed!

My packing list – so I wouldn’t forget anything

With all of that being said… let the memories begin! :)


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Such a tease! I saw you were the last poster and was hoping I had more to read!! :p

(I love the comparison pics with your ToT and the movie pic BTW!)

I felt the same way! What a tease! I've been following your report and it's great!!! :sohappy:

I know, I'm such a terrible person! First a cliffhanger, then I'm teasing... :p

I promise, I'll have an update tonight!

Yeeaah stinkin' school has kept me off the boards! I was always able to read TR's (in our library during my advisory) with the pictures but about 2 weeks? ago now all the pictures just show up as a big red X. :cry: That's awesome though, any boy who loves Disney as much as me would steal my heart! Haha! I am so excited for you to run it! Are you doing a certain training plan to help you out?

Aw man, Saturday night we had a date night, and Dan drove... so he had a mixed cd in. Song #2: One Jump Ahead from Aladdin. I was like LOVE.
I'm working on the c25k program right now to get me started, then once I get through that (I'm halfway through right now) I'll start working on one of the other programs out there for a 15k. :)


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I'm BACKKKK with another update!! First I made it a cliffhanger, and then I didn't update for days. How terrible am I? :ROFLOL:

So... where we left off....

I told Dan that I would go to MK alone if it came down to it, and it resulted in the closest thing we had to a fight yet. With him thinking I was mad at him, and me being anxious because plans had been changed last second… but somehow we managed to calm each other down, and then I…

I took a nap.

Yes, I know. Very anti-climactic of me wasn’t that? I bet you all thought something big happened next, but nope. I took a 45 minute, amazing, glorious nap… and got woken up at 5:05pm by Dan telling me that Lisa and her hubby were already in the parking lot waiting for us (wow).

So, we rushed out of the room to go meet them, making me forget my tiara (SAD DAY).

I had no idea where we were going for dinner, but I was under the assumption that we would be going off property somewhere. I think I even had my fingers crossed for Cicis… it tastes better in FL than DE for some reason! :lol:

But, I was wrong. We pulled into DTD instead, and walked over to


I’ve never eaten at HoB before (Hob… now I’m always going to associate it with Hunger Games. Oops!), so yay another new experience! The four of us were seated and taken care of right away. Dan and I decided to go with our “usual” drink choices for when we go out to dinner. I had a Yueng and he a Bud.


My dinner: BBQ Bacon Burger


Dan’s: Club Sandwich


It was a delicious dinner… probably one of the best from our trip (after T-Rex of course). We enjoyed ourselves, and were walking out the door at 6:45pm.
Lisa and David offered to drive us over to MK, but we didn’t want to take up their time (regret!), so we took some photos together and went our separate ways.

David, Lisa, and Dan




It was really neat to meet someone who knew Dan as a little kid in Texas – I got to hear some great stories about him and his two siblings. So adorable!

So after our hugs and goodbyes, as well as promises of visits on future trips, Dan and I headed to the bus station by PI… only to have me be hit by the “bathroom hunt” bug, so we went hunting. Causing us to add 15-20 minutes onto our time to get to MK :(

But, we finally made it on the bus towards the Contemporary, and decided to run over to MK so that we wouldn’t miss Wishes. Sadly, we did miss MM&Y, but we were determined to see something.


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Success! We made our way up the stairs to the train station, and had amazing spots for a first for both of us: watching Wishes from Main Street.




True to being me, I started bawling my eyes out… between the powerful emotions Wishes elicts from a person, as well as the emotions of it being our last time in the park, I was a blubbering mess. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

And Dan wrapped his arms behind me, and wiped a tear away. Of course, when I looked up at him, his eyes were watery too. (Just like mine are right now writing this!)

He told me later that he was doing his best to hold it in, but once he saw me crying, he lost it as well. I really do think I’ll keep him. :)

After Wishes, we turned around to get on the train since we wanted to avoid the stampede of people leaving the park at 8:15 (even though it was open til midnight!), but… they had the train closed for the night! Apparently, they close the train down an hour before the fireworks regardless of how late the park was open. We watched a lady argue with the conductor about it, and decided to go face the masses instead.


They’re crazy! Four hours of the park left to play… oh well, that means less lines for us!


A full park open to our adventuring… where to first?


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I’ve been dying to take pictures of the graveyard (no pun intended!), so I pretty much dragged Dan over there.

Wait, you mean you don’t want a kiss from me?? :(




Pascal was so scared of the ghosts! Poor thing! :lookaroun


So glad Dan finally figured out the glory of riding rides multiple times!

The park was fairly empty, so we decided to wander over to Fantasyland finally, since we missed it the other day. :king:

The first thing we did was grab FP for Peter Pan, since we didn’t want to waste the time standing in line the whole night.



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Then we wandered into PhillarMagic (“That was really awesome”).




Even Pascal joined in the fun!


Oh Pascal, I don’t trust you


We sat in a row with 3 other birthday people… and the one guy told his wife/fiancée/girlfriend/whatever that she couldn’t sit in our row because she wasn’t celebrating too. :lol:

We walked out, and Dan got really excited by what he saw.


I hadn’t walked through the castle in YEARS, so I asked him if we could. He said yes, of course… so we did that, and got some nighttime castle photos.


Space from afar


My favorite photo of the night



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One of the neatest things was MSEP was going on while we were walking through, so we were able to see it!


We didn’t stay and watch though, too many rides and such to do.



My favorite well, so we stopped to make a wish (it’ll come true, right?)


Pascal was hoping to meet up with an old friend of his, but she wasn’t coming out any more that night. It was still nice for him to see something homey and familiar.



We wandered around a little bit, got a few more shots, and then managed to find ourselves in line for another ride (which is the sequence you’re gonna follow in pictures below hehe).





Line time!




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What are you pointing that camera at me for?


Pascal is so much more photogenic


Pascal and I found Tigger hiding in the honey! How cool


I was loving how fun the Next Gen queue was, so I’m not going to lie… I was a bit put out when we got to our car. (can’t you tell? Lol)




Holly shout out!


That was fun. I’ve always enjoyed Pooh, especially the Tigger scene. We were both laughing and giggling (I’m not telling who was doing what though) the whole ride, and quickly ran to the next line to say our goodbyes to Snow White.


I forgot how much I don’t like Snow White, it still creeps me out now! :lookaroun

Bah. Before we moved out of the area, I got a picture of the carousel – just to say I did.



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More castle pictures!




Where to next?


While in line, we witnessed a guest yelling at the CM for how small the seats on the boat were since she couldn’t fit in the back row. She told the CM that it was his responsibility to make sure that the boats rows were increased…

I feel like I was trying to make up for all of the pictures that I didn’t get to take on Valentine’s, so I took way too many photos on the rides… I’ll just leave you with a couple of them. :p




Dan wandered through the store for a while after, looking for a gift for Amanda… I’m sure I sat there texting Jess while I waited. He ended up buying her the Pirate Dictionary book (she loved it).

Our next stop!


Just to point out the difference between the line on V-day and the line tonight…



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I love when signs say 5 minutes, and it’s judged based on just the walk to the ride.


“Ride time! Ride time!”




Ok, this picture is TERRIBLE, and so fuzzy. But, it’s still what it is… a picture from right before you go over the falls. I did my best to take this in about .2 seconds, because I knew I had to get my camera in hiding since we were in the front row.



I got SOAKED. Completely.

If you look, you can see me trying to keep my camera dry! :lol: still not too sure what exactly Dan was doing….


It had just reached 11pm when we got off the ride (awesome), so we decided to start making our way towards Peter Pan to use our FP… but we took the long way and made a quick detour!


Pascal enjoys Dole Whip too….


Maybe a bit too much



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So, we enjoyed our walk back to Fantasyland with our Dole Whips, and just chit chatted for a bit while we walked. Then, we got in line with our FP and waited for about 10 minutes… which was when the announcement came on saying that everyone needed to get out of line because they were having technical difficulties and they weren’t sure when the ride would be back up.
And we weren’t issued new FP either… but I still have my Peter Pan one, I’m thinking about putting it on my French Memo Board (Dan’s beat me to putting stuff out in one’s bedroom. Oops!).

So, we headed back towards the main entrance to go back to the hotel. Yes, we could have spent another hour riding rides and such but… we both just decided to call it a night, and I took more pictures.



We did stop for the photopass guy on our way out, and got two pictures taken – one of which I am completely in love with (and you can so tell how soaked my hoodie is!).



A good friend of mine at home, Claire, is a seasonal CM at Casey’s… so I had to take a picture for her.


Bye Bye Castle :(


Time to leave


The best sign ever



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After we got on the bus, and had pulled past the Poly… the implications of what had just happened hit me full force and I started to cry. We had just walked out of a park for the last time of this trip, and I didn’t savor it at all. :cry::cry::cry:

Dan did the role of loving boyfriend perfectly, and kept me pulled in tight while I cried into his shoulder. He told me that he knew how important Disney was to me, and that it would always be a part of my life (I seriously love him).

And, of course, I’d be back before I knew it.

I was extremely unattractive by this point, so there’s no more pictures… I was a bit preoccupied with burying my face in Dan’s arm while I cried my little eyes out.

That night, Dan fell right to sleep, and I couldn’t fall asleep at all… so, at 1am, without telling Dan, I threw on one of my running hoodies and walked out the door to walk around the resort. Of course, there were many tears flowing then too (I hadn’t gotten it all out yet… not even after that walk).


This was the picture I sent to twitter during my walk… and I walked a bit until I felt like I could successfully pass out upon return.

Dan never knew I left until I told him the next day, and he just responded by hugging me and kissing me on the forehead.

Up next… our last day :cry:


Well-Known Member
Yay, I'm not the only emotional wreckage on the last day!

Slash in general - Carly keeps putting updates on FB and I'm like, ARE YOU KIDDING ME WA HWAH WAHHH.

I'm glad you "WAH'd" together at Wishes though - I think we all collectively "AW'd" about that.

Hehe <3 love you.


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely all teary eyed over here and my sister is like "what the heck is wrong with you now?" and I'm like "Trip report" and she rolled her eyes haha.. I've had an emotional day so it didn't take much to set me off!

I HATE when rides break down when you're in line :( Especially if you don't get another chance to ride again while you're there. Boooooooo!!

I do however love the pics of you and Dan in front of the castle. Awwww <3 super cute!! :)


Well-Known Member
:cry:You're making me sad over here, I hate that last night feeling leaving the park!

So picture of Dan on Splash is pretty funny lol

I love how you two both cried during wishes...I agree with Kenzie I Awww'd out loud. I have never watched it from up did you like it versus down on the street?


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