Sir, we can’t say THAT on a Disney Mic – a Feb 2012 TR!

a.k.a. The Adventures of Pascal TR


Welcome everyone to my very first trip report! Ahh!!! All week, I’ve been trying to be good and wait to start on my TR until I got my lesson plans for school done (they’re all due tonight), but… since I’m currently at work and am at a place where I can’t do any work on my lessons until I’m out of the office, I figured that posting the beginnings would be a good idea! :lol: As you may have read in my Pre Trip Report, this trip has definitely been a long time coming… a 4 year wait for me in fact! I was told that if I didn’t write my trip report for this trip, I would be “disowned, unfollowed, and shunned”… thanks for that one Kenzie! :p

In the midst of the trip, we got to celebrate both of our birthdays and Valentine’s Day, so it was a magical experience indeed.

So without further ado:

The cast:

There’s me, Courtney, who turns 23 tomorrow (AHHHH!) and this was my 19th trip to the World… and then there’s my wonderful BF, Dan, who turned 23 the day before our trip (Feb 12) and who is lucky enough (or not) to spend his first WDW visit with me!

There was a third member of our cast as well… a mischief stowaway by the name of Pascal!

The dates: February 13 through February 17, 2012

The resort: Pop Century

All packed!

My packing list – so I wouldn’t forget anything

With all of that being said… let the memories begin! :)


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We walked past one of my other favorite rides in the park, which I’m hoping will be awesome after the refurb.


The plan was to walk around the back of the park towards Star Tours and Sci-Fi because we had lunch reservations. Of course, we got stopped on the way.


We had extra time until our reservations (like at least an hour), so we took our time, and I took pictures.

Ahhh Rumple, we need another episode with you. You’ve been sadly missing the past few weeks.


Dan loved the streets, he thought it was awesome to see the way that they did this


We never did see Muppet Vision for some odd reason, but I at least got a picture of the fountain!


Back in our area!


The line for Star Tours was wrapped around outside, so we passed up on it for the time being and went to go sit on one of the benches nearby and explore.

Pascal and Dan = BFFLs




Me and Uncle Walt – he is so my hero


While we were there, a couple of guys came into the head area with a video camera and blockade signs saying they were going to shoot a film? The one guy was like “oh look, the Princess and her bodyguard are already here! Perfect!” but… we didn’t stay around to find out what they were doing, we were a bit too hungry! :rolleyes:


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We ended up walking back towards the hat, and saw that Stitch was out with no line. We still had a bit before our reservations, so we decided why not?


I like this picture better, look at my legs! (For those of you who don’t know, I lost 30# before this trip… so there’s a big difference and this is the first picture I personally have seen it in!)


Stitch was so happy to see Pascal that he had to put him on his head… we heard they might be distant relatives? But then, Pascal decided to be bad, so he got in trouble!


Poor Pascal! It’s a tough life, let me tell you.

Finally we showed up at Sci-Fi… last time I was here (2008), the car was still outside of the restaurant. I thought it would still be there, and wanted to get a picture of Pascal in it (poo), so… this was a sad sight to see. :(


Lunch time! At 11:20am! :lol: we were so hungry, we went in early! By 25 minutes. :lookaroun


Hungry Dan Face



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Dan’s drink was called a Luna Landing, was quite delicious


My drink


:slurp: Oreo shake and Kaluha, so delicious.

The ladies in the car next to us thought it was crazy that we were drinking so early in the morning! We were like, hey… we’re 23, it’s lunch, WHY NOT! :D

Dan’s lunchy lunch (Angus Burger)


NOM (Shrimp Pasta)


Well… at least it looks nom, but I actually wasn’t all that impressed with it. Lesson of the trip: Disney shrimp and I just don’t like each other.

We did the unthinkable… we skipped dessert! This is why we mainly did dinner ADRs, because we like to eat big at dinner! OH WELL.

Dan's assessment of lunch: the burger was a burger, and the theme was really cool with it's design... it just would have been better if they played some of the classic sci-fi movies, and allowed you to walk back to the concessions to get refills on soda or something like a drive-in.

But, I'm glad I showed it to him. Dan's one of those people that I knew would appreciate the restaurant, and it's one I've done on every trip since for as long as I can remember. Though, we decided that we definitely won't be having it in our restaurant line-up on the next trip. :lol:


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Throughout the whole morning, two rides were closed down (thus creating longer lines other places) : RNRC and GMR. Luckily, when we came out of lunch, they were both open. So, we headed towards my dream job in Disney.


Anyone want to go on a horse ride?


The line went quick – 10 to 15 minutes tops, and we were seated right away.


I’ve always wanted to get a good picture of the sign at the beginning, and did my very best this ride around.


Follow the yellow brick road!


I’ll get you my pretty, and your little Pascal too :eek:


The downside of GMR was our girl was SUPER Valley Girl, to the point that it took away from the experience of the actual ride, and we ended up making fun of her more than enjoying the various movie scenes. We were excited when she blew up… :lookaroun

Thanks cowboys!! :lol:


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We were coming up on 12:30 by now, and LMA was playing at 1pm and 4pm today… so we decided to hit up the 1pm show and made our way over there.

Hey hey signage!


Bathroom break… FOR ME! So Pascal stole my phone. Judging by this picture, he was tweeting Blaine from GMR, texting Jess, and texting my friend Leah.


I really need to get him away from the technology!

View from our seats


This was literally the ONE show Dan wanted to see (I never told him that there was a Lion King show until after our trip though… sooo, that would have been another he would have wanted to see). Can you tell by his face?


I was SO angry when this got added in, I thought it took away from the idea of the stunts that the show is actually about. (though, uh, Dan went “is it? Lighting? AWESOME.” So… what do I know?)


I took loads of photos, but since the show’s never changed (outside of the whole Cars thing), I’ll just post uno picture for ya.


Next, we decided to head back over towards Star Tours! Woo! But… we took a slight detour on the way there.

She’s a classy pig




Dan, en clowno


(Really random, but… my Word just switched itself over to español somehow, and now every word I type has a red squiggle line under it… awkward!)

(And now it’s back to English??? Errr…. Computer you crazy!)

Apparently this guys are legit, so maybe The Princess (a la moi) should have went to talk to them when they saw me?



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STAR TOURRRRRRS. Oh, I am in love with this ride! Pretty sure Star Tours has now ousted GMR for second best DHS ride (and is now second best in all of WDW too… hmm), way too awesome!

My main squeeze


I love these droids. It’s so weird to think the Saturday right before we came to Disney, we saw Episode 1. In 3D. While it was snowing lots and lots.


I’ll always have a place for you in my heart little buddy, don’t worry.


Our sequence this ride: DV came by and picked out a little boy in the front as a spy (he was tres cute, I chatted with him in line beforehand, all scared of his first ride and everything. The CM told him to use the Force to open the doors. See? Cute), then we traveled to Hoth, met up with Yoda, and found ourselves in Gunga world (wet…). Not a bad ride, gotta say!

SHOPPING, my fav. And Dan looks adorable in this hat IMHO (he just needs to shave...)


Pretty sure he’s living his childhood dream right now.


New shirt AND a mirror shot for Holly? Whaaaat?


So… the parade was coming through, and I had changed into my new SW shirt (I was well overdue for a shirt, seriously). We were stuck. What to do, what to do?


Well, why not! Let’s go ride again!

More droids!


Let’s see, our ride this time was… droid, Kashyyk, Leia (AHHHHH SO EXCITED), and back to the Gungans again!

This is one of the busiest stores I’ve ever seen, I swear



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After we managed to make our way out of the shop (how that happened, I’m still not sure), we decided to head back down Sunset to check out the RNRC line.

It was 90 minutes.


So, what would you do in this case?


We hopped back in line for Tower, which was a wonderful 10 minutes long (we’re winning, let me tell you). I didn’t take many pictures during this line, and not even of the picture. We were in the second row, Pascal tried to eat Dan’s ear, and the kids in front of us had completely blocked us with their hands held up.

By the time we got off of Tower, it was a little after 4pm, and we had friends of Dan’s family taking us out to dinner between 5 and 5:30 that night, so we decided to head back to the hotel since she was going to be picking us up there.

So, it was goodbye to my absolute favorite park ever.... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

We got back to the room at 4:45, and Lisa called us to tell us that she was going to come get us at 6:15. :eek: this wasn’t cool, because we had worked out the times with them so that we could get to MK by 7:30 at the latest… I really wanted to catch MM&Y that night. Dan called her back and explained, and she said that she was just trying to give us extra time, but would get there as soon as she could after picking up her hubby.

I told Dan that I would go to MK alone if it came down to it, and it resulted in the closest thing we had to a fight yet. With him thinking I was mad at him, and me being anxious because plans had been changed last second… but somehow we managed to calm each other down, and then I…


Like I’m going to give you the WHOLE day in one update? I’m trying to not let this be over! I’ll tell you what I actually did at this point in the NEXT update (and Jess, you’re not allowed to give hints since you already know!).

Up next: dinner and MK.


Well-Known Member
Awe I love the teapot pin ,it's alice-ish.tee hee that u put Pascal in ur OZ comment ( so love that movie) and those "legit guys" taped me n my daughters las september in a flashmob that's supposed to be for an in-room commercial,which I'm hoping I'll see next september.
BOOOOOOOO COURTNEY how very dare you leave us hanging like that !!!!:ROFLOL:


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My lips are sealed :zipit:

LOVE TOWER LOVE!!!!! I miss our Tower :(

You gotta watch Pascal he's going to become one of those texting addicts :P

And thanks for updating in honor of my first day at my big girl job!!! :) Love you BFF :D It was a beautiful update!

edit: And dream wedding spot...heck ya!! :) I would llooooove to get married there


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Ok, story time. While we were at Jelly Rolls, there was a couple of men in the front row that were Austrian (I think, I don’t remember exactly what their nationality was to tell the truth by now). One of the pianists had done a shout out to the duo, and they had responded in their language (which the pianist apparently knew)… without missing a beat, the pianist shot back with a “Sir, we can’t say THAT on a Disney mic!” We were rolling in our seats laughing. :ROFLOL:

Is this what you were talking about earlier in your trip report?


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Awe I love the teapot pin ,it's alice-ish.tee hee that u put Pascal in ur OZ comment ( so love that movie) and those "legit guys" taped me n my daughters las september in a flashmob that's supposed to be for an in-room commercial,which I'm hoping I'll see next september.
BOOOOOOOO COURTNEY how very dare you leave us hanging like that !!!!:ROFLOL:

I really should have asked them what they were doing, oh well! Lesson learned! :shrug:
Poor Pascal, some people were after him! Elphaba was one of the worst (haha, I can't even think of her as the character from Oz now that I've seen Wicked!).
And you gotta be careful about me... :goodnevil I go both ways hehehe.

My lips are sealed :zipit:

LOVE TOWER LOVE!!!!! I miss our Tower :(

You gotta watch Pascal he's going to become one of those texting addicts :P

And thanks for updating in honor of my first day at my big girl job!!! :) Love you BFF :D It was a beautiful update!

edit: And dream wedding spot...heck ya!! :) I would llooooove to get married there

September! We're a little more than 6 months away from more Tower!!!! :sohappy:
I know, Pascal needs to be put on a leash so he doesn't start texting you while you're working your big girl job (good thing I don't bring him to mine...)

Is this what you were talking about earlier in your trip report?

Yep! I'm a terrible story teller with it, but the moment was absolutely priceless. The way he said the quote and everything... though I still wish I knew what the one guy had said!


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I like this picture better, look at my legs! (For those of you who don’t know, I lost 30# before this trip… so there’s a big difference and this is the first picture I personally have seen it in!)


So, not everyone reading this TR knows my story (and I'm not going to divulge into right now either lol), but I just wanted to take a moment's pause to show what I mean by the telling a difference - since Stitch has made his appearance and everything. :)


Difference between November (taken about 100 days prior to the trip) and during the trip. And the next time you see me doing a TR, after this one is done of course, will be for the ToT 10 miler, and there will be a bigger difference than above. :sohappy:

Ok, back to the world of TR-ness! :lol:


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We are arriving in WDW on September 28 and staying until October 6. Can't wait!!

Are you going again? Need to plan that "next trip". :lol:


Well-Known Member
*gasp* A cliffhanger?! No!!

I adore all of the shots you took with Pascal. And you better watch that lizard around your never who he'll start texting. Has he met the Geico Gecko? :lol:

Also all this Studios love makes me want to spend a little more time there than I usually do. I might finally end up riding the Tower when I go in August. :lookaroun

P.S. You're making great progress there, girlie! :D


Well-Known Member
Courtney so glad I'm finally caught up! I love that Dan goes along with the Pascal jokes and everything (he's a keeper :animwink:) I wonder if the characters were really all in on that game of tag? That was funny! And btw may I just say that your figure is looking fabulous darling keep up the good work! :sohappy: I'm so jealous your going to get to run the TOT 10-miler because the tower is my very favorite ride too! :D


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We are arriving in WDW on September 28 and staying until October 6. Can't wait!!

Are you going again? Need to plan that "next trip". :lol:

Sept 28-30! I'm soooo excited.

*gasp* A cliffhanger?! No!!

I adore all of the shots you took with Pascal. And you better watch that lizard around your never who he'll start texting. Has he met the Geico Gecko? :lol:

Also all this Studios love makes me want to spend a little more time there than I usually do. I might finally end up riding the Tower when I go in August. :lookaroun

P.S. You're making great progress there, girlie! :D

Mwahahaha, I'm evil!
He has yet to meet the Geico Gecko... I'm actually afraid of the moment they meet! They'd be up to troubleeee.
RIDE TOWER. YOU MUST. This is my challenge to you to ride it when you go!

OMg Courtney I just giggled so much I almost woke up the kidlets ,ure so cute!!!

:animwink: hehe

Courtney so glad I'm finally caught up! I love that Dan goes along with the Pascal jokes and everything (he's a keeper :animwink:) I wonder if the characters were really all in on that game of tag? That was funny! And btw may I just say that your figure is looking fabulous darling keep up the good work! :sohappy: I'm so jealous your going to get to run the TOT 10-miler because the tower is my very favorite ride too! :D

Yay! I was wondering where you were :) Dan was getting more of a kick out of Pascal than I was, and I'm the one who stowed him away in my carryon to begin with! I may just have to keep him... hmmm, I'll have to think about that one. :lol:
I think it was all of the princesses on that side of WS? Since they never mentioned the girls on the other side, just those between France, Morocco, and England. Who knows?
I am SO excited for this run! It's going to be grand. I just need to keep training for it.... eep!


Well-Known Member
Yay! I was wondering where you were :) Dan was getting more of a kick out of Pascal than I was, and I'm the one who stowed him away in my carryon to begin with! I may just have to keep him... hmmm, I'll have to think about that one. :lol:
I think it was all of the princesses on that side of WS? Since they never mentioned the girls on the other side, just those between France, Morocco, and England. Who knows?
I am SO excited for this run! It's going to be grand. I just need to keep training for it.... eep!

Yeeaah stinkin' school has kept me off the boards! I was always able to read TR's (in our library during my advisory) with the pictures but about 2 weeks? ago now all the pictures just show up as a big red X. :cry: That's awesome though, any boy who loves Disney as much as me would steal my heart! Haha! I am so excited for you to run it! Are you doing a certain training plan to help you out?

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