Props removed from Adventurers Club, signage removed from Bet Soundstage and Comedy

Frontierland CM

New Member
i would like to thank Steve for giving us this amazing website! It keeps me connected to my favorite place on the planet, and keeps me informed on all the things I get to see on my next trip (24 days). I loved The Adventurers Club as much as everyone else, but why is everybody so focused on something we can't control? There is SO MUCH More in WDW! I for one am excited about all the things that are STILL THERE for me to experience! Thanks again Steve for keeping me connected to the magic :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good answer! :wave:


OMG...I am SO glad I read this whole was almost as good as when Thrawn got booted!

I motion to let Thrawn back on every 31st of the months when there are 31 days. I actually enjoyed him much of the time more than the goofball wannabe mods here now.

His insults were always entertaining and not just "let's just go ask a bus driver."

Long live Thrawn!


Well-Known Member
Since the ac was so great, buy some land and build another one. My lord people, let it go. I agree it sucks that it is gone. It may have been a succesful victim of a failing area. But I fear some of what I am reading. All I can say is that Lee better be careful because his strong opinions are reaching the point of being considered threatening. Freedom of speech does have its limits. Vowing retribution and revenge on those people specifically, I think is in poor taste. A small man threatened violence when he is incapable of making an intelligent argument. If I were Steve... I would consider those comments over the line and take action.

If I am misunderstanding you and you are talking about letter writing campaigns, picketting and boycotts, then you might want to chose your words better.


Since the ac was so great, buy some land and build another one. My lord people, let it go. I agree it sucks that it is gone. It may have been a succesful victim of a failing area. But I fear some of what I am reading. All I can say is that Lee better be careful because his strong opinions are reaching the point of being considered threatening. Freedom of speech does have its limits. Vowing retribution and revenge on those people specifically, I think is in poor taste. A small man threatened violence when he is incapable of making an intelligent argument. If I were Steve... I would consider those comments over the line and take action.

If I am misunderstanding you and you are talking about letter writing campaigns, picketting and boycotts, then you might want to chose your words better.
Problem is, they don't listen to intelligent arguments.

Believe me, I've become quite skilled at giving headaches to some of the powers that be.:lol: (I assure you some of them are reading this now.:wave:)

I certainly would never advocate physical harm to anyone. I just want them fired and miserable.


Think for yourselfer
Since the ac was so great, buy some land and build another one. My lord people, let it go. I agree it sucks that it is gone. It may have been a succesful victim of a failing area. But I fear some of what I am reading. All I can say is that Lee better be careful because his strong opinions are reaching the point of being considered threatening. Freedom of speech does have its limits. Vowing retribution and revenge on those people specifically, I think is in poor taste. A small man threatened violence when he is incapable of making an intelligent argument. If I were Steve... I would consider those comments over the line and take action.

If I am misunderstanding you and you are talking about letter writing campaigns, picketting and boycotts, then you might want to chose your words better.

For someone who has been a member since 2008, you seem to be quite oblivious.

I consider your incredibly judgmental post to be over the line. Good day.


Active Member
Death. Taxes. Threads about PI/Adventurers' Club/Other extinct attraction devolving into ridiculous-and-predictable flame war...

*sigh* Carry on...


Well-Known Member
I agree but I think that may just be wishful thinking. I have thought of what they may be up to and it is killing me not to post it here but I may be to close to the truth so I will keep quiet.

Well're almost as bad as Steve, you are.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
That is why I am always amazed.

Let me give everyone an example. I am an airsoft player, having played for the last 11 years. I played paintball for 17 years before that. Now can it not be said that any one, male or female that shoots at others with balls filled with paint or plastic bbs, dresses up like soldiers......................they cannot take themselves too seriously, after all, they play a GAME (not shouting just emphasizing).

I will mock myself, and make and idiot out of myself for others' amusement and for my amusement as well. Having matured over the years, I try hard not to get involved in flame wars. And every now and then I let slip a sentence of wisdom, that some others quote in their signatures:) And I gladly want people to quote me. Even if it is something I say that makes me look like an idiot.

Because, in the end, I cannot take myself seriously when I wear Disney shirts that outnumber regular t-shirts by 10 to 1. I can remember things about WDW that not many people seem to know, nor has any where with all to ever learn. While I have only had 40 trips to WDW in 36 years, and have been going since I was 6 months old, I remember a lot about how things were.

Things change. I am not fond of some of those changes, but change happens even when we don't like it. I never got to go to AC and would have loved to go. If they bring it back then great. If not then oh well, there is plenty of other stuff to see and do in Orlando.


Problem is, they don't listen to intelligent arguments.

Believe me, I've become quite skilled at giving headaches to some of the powers that be.:lol: (I assure you some of them are reading this now.:wave:)

I certainly would never advocate physical harm to anyone. I just want them fired and miserable.

You go, Lee!!

Kungaloosh !!

CoasterKing :king:


I have thought of what they may be up to and it is killing me not to post it here but I may be to close to the truth so I will keep quiet.
"Uh-oh, Scully. You see that? I think jt04 is getting too close to the truth..."

No such thing as "too close to the truth."
If you have a it. You have nothing to loose besides having to say you were wrong.


New Member
I don't get the hate against people who want the AC back. This may be a tired old internet argument, but if you don't like the tread then stay out of it.

I went to the AC for my 21st and had my first legal beer there. I wore a stupid hat, drank lots of expensive booze, and had an amazing time. No matter how far fetched it is I will always hope for another chance to visit. Do you really want to take that away from me? Is it really hurting you that much?

Let us get excited about rumors and enjoy ourselves.


Active Member
Yes I am. Time for people to move on if AC does not come back.

But why? Who is being impacted by our holding on to the AC? If I or Lee or Masterr Gracey or any other fan wish to hold on, should anyone other than us to decide we need to "move on"? I honestly don't understand why people feel compelled to dictate when someone else should get over something. You want to move on,go ahead. I for one am not ready to. There are many memories for me and my wife there. As well as family and friends. It is important enough to me to still seek out hope. Whether the odds are poor is not even a factor.


Active Member
:wave: :cry: Thanks Lee for taking up the fight for all us kids who just recently (within the past couple years) turned 21 and thus never really got to experience AC the way it was meant to be experienced. (Although I did visit when I was like 7!) :sohappy:

Ditto. How I wish I could have visited......


Well-Known Member
I think what bothers a lot of people myself included is that certain sites (this one included) refuse to even acknowledge how poorly the transition of Pleasure Island has been handled. As of next month the clubs have been closed for three years and we the guests still have no clue what is going on with the exception of being told the same marketing produced lines over and over. It's one thing for the official Disney sites to tow the company line, but I read and enjoy the fan produced sites because they tend to be much more real and honest. I just dont see why it's so hard to admit and openly discuss on here that this whole situation is a mess without the conversation being completely shut down time and time again by those preaching that all that has happened is all according to plan. We all love Disney because we have learned to expect the best from them and the current and recent situation at Downtown Disney is anything but.

Skipper Dan

Active Member
If AC is to be demolished, I will volunteer to swing the wrecking ball into the building myself so the complainers can finally move on with their lives...

See, I just don't think that kind of statement is right. I get where you're coming from, but man, there's got to be something in 'the World' that you cherish as mush as the 'complainers' cherished the AC. If Disney announced the demolition of whatever that might be, you'd suddenly find yourself in the 'complainer's' position. But for you - knowin' my luck - it's probably IASW or somethin', so you're good. :animwink:
I have to say this thread was thoroughly intriguing. I worked out today without my earphones (left them at home, so no music) and thought while doing cardio, I could read This thread moved me through 40 minutes of my workout. Thanks everyone.

Btw, steve I really enjoy the site and find tons of helpful and relevant news. Thanks.

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