Props removed from Adventurers Club, signage removed from Bet Soundstage and Comedy


Premium Member
Original Poster
I think some of you are reading way to much into the fact the sign was plastered over. Work like this takes Disney crews a couple of hours to do overnight. It isn't expensive, nor is it a big job. My guess is that the signs have been removed from all the clubs basically because they are closed. It makes no sense to have signs on locations that are closed. The new plans for DTD may absolutely require the demolition of a good big chunk of that area.


Well-Known Member
I think some of you are reading way to much into the fact the sign was plastered over. Work like this takes Disney crews a couple of hours to do overnight. It isn't expensive, nor is it a big job. My guess is that the signs have been removed from all the clubs basically because they are closed. It makes no sense to have signs on locations that are closed. The new plans for DTD may absolutely require the demolition of a good big chunk of that area.

Are they adding rides? Tell me there adding a ferris wheel and swings similar to the ones at DCA. That would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be as hard as you think. All the artifacts are still on WDW property in a warehouse. Anything Adventurers Club related that has appeared at any other resort has been made from scratch and not actuall from the Club itself. They simply would have to get the stuff out of storage and place them back on the walls!

I don't know about the made from scratch part. I saw some pictures from Aulani that look like more then just a few pieces from the Club were put in the kids area. I don't think they would reproduce some of the stuff especially when it was Joe that was putting it all together and all he would have to do is go into the WDI storage and pick out what he needs.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I think some of you are reading way to much into the fact the sign was plastered over. Work like this takes Disney crews a couple of hours to do overnight. It isn't expensive, nor is it a big job. My guess is that the signs have been removed from all the clubs basically because they are closed. It makes no sense to have signs on locations that are closed. The new plans for DTD may absolutely require the demolition of a good big chunk of that area.

True, but then again, something happened to cause Disney to invest those couple hours now instead of anytime in the past 2 years that the buildings were empty and not even used for private parties. It didn't make sense to have the signs up for those 2 years, but there they were. Sure, it could be nothing more than laziness or scheduling difficulties for the needed craftsmen, but it still seems to me that there's something more behind the timing.


Premium Member
Original Poster
True, but then again, something happened to cause Disney to invest those couple hours now instead of anytime in the past 2 years that the buildings were empty and not even used for private parties. It didn't make sense to have the signs up for those 2 years, but there they were. Sure, it could be nothing more than laziness or scheduling difficulties for the needed craftsmen, but it still seems to me that there's something more behind the timing.

I personally believe that was has changed since those last 2 years is a new VP has come in, some money has become available, and there is a desire to tidy things up while they wait for the new plan to go through. There have been a number of things done recently that have needed to be done for years, but have all suddenly been started. It is by no means only the AC that has seen any attention. Signage everywhere appears to be a focus right now. Repairing and refurbing signs that are needed, and pulling signs down for things that are not needed. They are comparatively minor things, but will certainly make things look better until the big stuff comes. When the big stuff does come along, it is going to need purpose built structures, and not be shoehorned into an existing shell.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I personally believe that was has changed since those last 2 years is a new VP has come in, some money has become available, and there is a desire to tidy things up while they wait for the new plan to go through. There have been a number of things done recently that have needed to be done for years, but have all suddenly been started. It is by no means only the AC that has seen any attention. Signage everywhere appears to be a focus right now. Repairing and refurbing signs that are needed, and pulling signs down for things that are not needed. They are comparatively minor things, but will certainly make things look better until the big stuff comes. When the big stuff does come along, it is going to need purpose built structures, and not be shoehorned into an existing shell.

Perhaps that's it, and I completely agree that pulling down the signs will make the place look better to most (of course, removing any sign of the AC is depressing to me). But, following your earlier point about there being no logic to leaving signs up at closed places, that would suggest that either the old VP was making illogical decisions, or that Disney was willing to live with the lack of logic to delay spending a very small amount of money. Both could be true, but I feel like something is still missing. A moot point, to be sure. We will need to wait and see.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Perhaps that's it, and I completely agree that pulling down the signs will make the place look better to most (of course, removing any sign of the AC is depressing to me). But, following your earlier point about there being no logic to leaving signs up at closed places, that would suggest that either the old VP was making illogical decisions, or that Disney was willing to live with the lack of logic to delay spending a very small amount of money. Both could be true, but I feel like something is still missing. A moot point, to be sure. We will need to wait and see.

I think there is no question that DTD went through a rough patch with previous management. Things that are being done now - signage on closed clubs, the large signs on the West Side, the concrete project, are all things that have been needed to be done for years. Basically DTD is now getting attention, and what is happening now is just the appetizer for the main course.


Active Member
Thank you. It's nice of you to acknowledge that people have right to do something before you (metaphorically, of course) beat the _____ out of them for doing it in a way that you don't like. It's like following the phrase "No offense" with something blatantly offensive, or the phrase "With all due respect" with something entirely disrespectful.

Everyone's entitled to rant against the things that bother them, and you have availed yourself of that entitlement.

Some one once taught me a long time ago, "whenever anyone starts a sentence with 'no offense' ball up your fist and be prepared to hit them", because they know what they're about to say is offensive.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
I think some of you are reading way to much into the fact the sign was plastered over. Work like this takes Disney crews a couple of hours to do overnight. It isn't expensive, nor is it a big job. My guess is that the signs have been removed from all the clubs basically because they are closed. It makes no sense to have signs on locations that are closed. The new plans for DTD may absolutely require the demolition of a good big chunk of that area.

Steve, the clubs have been closed for 3 years. Suddenly there is a sense of urgency to do it now? Its not expensive, not a big job, so why wasn't it done in 2008? Why would they touch it now unless they were doing something? And if they were doing something, why bother plastering signs if they are going to tear the building down? So that only leaves repurposing.

The only logical, non-spin explanation is that the building is being repurposed. So something is going in the current building? What could it be? Some AC props are kicking around in WDI in Florida. And the Adventureland Veranda is now occupied. So there goes that rumor. So what could they want the props for?

None of your reasoning in this thread makes sense. Put the clues together, and make sure they fit. I think you've forced a couple together that don't belong.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Steve, the clubs have been closed for 3 years. Suddenly there is a sense of urgency to do it now? Its not expensive, not a big job, so why wasn't it done in 2008? Why would they touch it now unless they were doing something? And if they were doing something, why bother plastering signs if they are going to tear the building down? So that only leaves repurposing.

The only logical, non-spin explanation is that the building is being repurposed. So something is going in the current building? What could it be? Some AC props are kicking around in WDI in Florida. And the Adventureland Veranda is now occupied. So there goes that rumor. So what could they want the props for?

None of your reasoning in this thread makes sense. Put the clues together, and make sure they fit. I think you've forced a couple together that don't belong.

I love the AC. And I posted above that I feel like there's more to the timing than Steve thinks there is. But that's an awfully big leap you're making to suggest that these few strands indicate something that should give us substantive hope. I really hope you're right, but I certainly don't see that as being "the only logical, non-spin explanation".


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I love the AC. And I posted above that I feel like there's more to the timing than Steve thinks there is. But that's an awfully big leap you're making to suggest that these few strands indicate something that should give us substantive hope. I really hope you're right, but I certainly don't see that as being "the only logical, non-spin explanation".

That is THE only explanation I can make with common sense and facts.

I understand -- you were clear in your post. Steve has been able to reach an alternative conclusion. I believe that he has also used common sense and facts. You apparently do not.


Here’s the thing about the Club being a failed business venture (which it wasn’t, necessarily…):
It highlights the major flaw in the current business model at Disney parks.
Years ago, the resort was looked at as a whole. One business operating under the umbrella of the Walt Disney World resort. The idea was that all parts of the resort, from the E-tickets in the parks to the unique little shops to things like the Electric Water Pagent, were all part of the experience. Each little attraction or shop was not required to turn a big profit by itself. They all contributed to the whole guest experience and to the financial pot. Some made money, some didn’t…but the resort made barrels of cash overall.

Then, several years ago, a new business model was introduced. The pencil pushers decided that every individual location had to generate a profit. Under that method….say goodbye to the shops selling African curios in AL, to the perfume shop, to the magic shop, etc. All great stores that contributed to the overall guest experience. But, since a shop selling Grumpy sweatshirts could generate more income….the unique shops were done away with. Now you find the same stuff in every store, and Hannah Montana goods in Tomorrowland.

AC is a victim of that mindset. It added greatly to the overall guest experience, but didn’t make enough money for the sharp-pencil boys.

It’s another sign of the death of the Keys to the Kingdom, where COURTESY and SHOW were put above EFFICIENCY.

(Oddly, entertainment seems to be immune to this whole phenomenon. How much money does the the HSM street show bring in at the Studios. Or the castle shows? Certainly they don’t pull in enough business on their own to justify paying their overhead.)

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
I understand -- you were clear in your post. Steve has been able to reach an alternative conclusion. I believe that he has also used common sense and facts. You apparently do not.

He really isn't though.

In one post, he says the work on the AC is low cost and quick.

Then he says in another post that more money has come in to tidy things up.

And he says they are taking the signs down because the clubs are closed. He must be forgetting they have been closed for 3 years now.

He says when they (finally) do something at Downtown Disney, they will need purpose built structues. Meaning they'd need to tear down existing building. Now, what company on Earth would put ANY amount of time or money in a building just to tear it down?


So, a big part of his argument contains no common sense at all.

I'm not saying the Club is coming back, but his argument is flawed.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
He really isn't though.

In one post, he says the work on the AC is low cost and quick.

Then he says in another post that more money has come in to tidy things up.

And he says they are taking the signs down because the clubs are closed. He must be forgetting they have been closed for 3 years now.

He says when they (finally) do something at Downtown Disney, they will need purpose built structues. Meaning they'd need to tear down existing building. Now, what company on Earth would put ANY amount of time or money in a building just to tear it down?


So, a big part of his argument contains no common sense at all.

I'm not saying the Club is coming back, but his argument is flawed.
That is Disney for you. Possibly reopening the clubs is not the only reason they would have done nothing. We have see far to many times that TDO has no problem leaving an eyesore fully visible to guests to save a buck and keep options open. (ie River Country)


Well-Known Member
That is Disney for you. Possibly reopening the clubs is not the only reason they would have done nothing. We have see far to many times that TDO has no problem leaving an eyesore fully visible to guests to save a buck and keep options open. (ie River Country)

That management style no longer exists. That Disney would do VERY minor cosmetic work to the AC building so that it looks less tacky means nothing about the future of the building. I understand questioning my assertions since I have no insider knowledge. Questioning Steve's credibility on this stuff seems rather desperate.

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