One Day-One Park ticket $71!!!

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Well-Known Member
MYW Tix make vactation cheaper for a week then they have been in over a decade. They could still raise the prices of tix another 25-35% and the overall package would still be cheaper. What is wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
"the ones who seem to be also defending WDW are stockholders.."

I don't own any stock.

"meaning I don't care if you DON'T COME OR NOT.. as long as the STOCK GOES UP AND I MAKE MONEY, who cares about YOU..."

I don't have any financial stake in whether Disney succeeds or fails.

"a totally selfish attitude.. Its all about me.."

There's a major generalization.

"well great, except that if WDW starts to decline because we STOP COMING.. "

If you "stop coming", other people will go to take your place.

"All the little people WHO MAKE YOUR STAY POSSIBLE.."

What makes my stay "possible" is saving and choosing to spend my money at/in WDW. Simple as that.

"what you can't see is , is it possible for WDW to maintain its current status with out the average family coming to the grounds"

It will always be possible for Disney to maintain its current status because there are a heckuva lot of people willing to pay.

"the answer is NO.. why because there are a lot more of us then of YOU.. a lot more of those who dont make $50000 per year.. and we are MAKING YOUR TRIP POSSIBLE.."

Another generalization.

"I know that this is hard for some of you elitest to understand.. But we " little people" have allowed WDW to become what it is..."

I am not an "elitest". It is MY choice to pay whatever I need to pay to go to WDW. Most times I stay for a week at a value resort and that is fine with me. If you can't afford to do that, I'm really sorry.

"this isn't Augusta.. WDW was supposed to be for everyone.. that's what Walt wanted.."

And Walt would have realized that due to the market place and costs going up, so would the cost to the comsumer. But I can't speak for the man. I can only speak for myself and that is, I CHOOSE to go and make whatever sacrifices need to be made. Like it or not, Disney is a BUSINESS and they are in the BUSINESS of making MONEY. So if you that unhappy, don't go to the theme parks, don't watch ABC or ESPN, don't go their movies or buy their DVDs. That is the only message you can give them that *may* mean something. But rest assured, while you may not want to pay the money, there are a dozen more who will pay the money.

Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't have any financial stake in whether Disney succeeds or fails.

Actually, you do. If Disney fails and closes down, you won't be going anymore and you will be saving lots of $$$. :lol:

btw, has anyone else noticed the irony of gas prices shooting up the roof in the past year (and projected to raise higher), but people talking about not going to Disney anymore because of a miniscule ticket price increase? I would think that if anything, high gas prices would keep people home. If you have the money to pay a higher gas price to get down there, then you have the money to pay a few measely extra dollars for your ticket at WDW.


Naturally Grumpy
Where you seem so fond of quoting Disney in that
"Disney is a Place for Everyone"

I thought you might enjoy some other Walt Disney quotes:

"Biggest problem? Well, I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life. MONEY. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. From the very start it was a problem. Getting the money to open Disneyland. About seventeen million it took. And we had everything mortgaged including my personal insurance."

"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money."

"Marc, you and I don't worry whether anything is cheap or expensive. We only worry whether it's good. I have a theory that if it's good enough, the public will pay you back for it."

"I know different ways of looking at things. I have my stockholders, and I feel a very keen responsibility to the shareholders, but I feel that the main responsibility I have to them is to have the stock appreciate. And you only have it appreciate by reinvesting as much as you can back in the business. And that’s what we’ve done…and that has been my philosophy on running the business."

"Everybody thinks that Disneyland is a gold mine--but we have had our problems. You've got to work it and know how to handle it. Even trying to keep the park clean is a tremendous expense. And those sharp-pencil guys tell you, 'Walt, if we cut down on maintenance, we'd save a lot of money.' But I don't believe in that--it's like any other show on the road; it must be kept clean and fresh."

and finally:

"To all that come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."

But I have to apologize, I have not been able to find your quote as coming from Walt Disney....


Well-Known Member
sorry but the truth is ..

that most Americans Don't make $50,000 per year.. and the higher you go in wages the smaller in population..

what I have done is put things into perspective as a dad and father of two.. and going to Disney as a family of four..

I can tell you this.. one I am not knocking anyone for working two jobs. its very noble. .but in our society it shouldn't be necessary.. two, I am sure that this man's life is going to change.. FOR THE BETTER but financially different as he welcomes his new child.. and he will see that the dollars really don't go as far in one instant after his child is born..

all I am saying is that DISNEY wants up to 10 percent of your wages for a vacation. and that for each and everyone is their own discision.. but it gets harder and harder to justify with every dollar that Disney raises the bar..

One of you said, hey don't come, there are lots of some one else to take your place..

Sorry but in actuality that is NOT THE CASE.. the simple laws of diminishing returns prove it so.. and the higher the prices go, the more of us fail to qualify to go to this park..

I don't understand why I was taken to task on WDW charging extra for money that they already have.. the actual truth is that only 30 percent of gift certifcates are returned.. DISNEY has your money.. why do they need to charge you more so YOU CAN USE THE MONEY THAT YOU GAVE THEM.. and that they have in the bank and are getting interest on that money that you gave them for FREE... with out getting a return for your value..

the bottom line is that which each dollar that the price goes up. someone else fails to qualify to go to Disney.. and it will increase at an increasing rate as the price goes up.. meaning one dollar today means one person, one more dollar tomorrow, means three persons.. and one more dollar means nine persons.....

that was not Walts intent.. but its the corporate way of today.. but this too has a finite way to it.. when DISNEY PRICES TOO MANY OUT OF THE MARKET DISNEY WILL CLOSE..

or the maintaince will change.. or what not. but it won't be what we have today.. it will be less..

that is a simple economic truth..
I am a stock holder but not because I just want money in my pocket for the good things that Disney does. I am a stock holder because when I was younger my mom thought it would be a good gift to get me a small amount of Disney stock. She was right...I thought it was the best thing in the world to have a piece of paper saying that I owned part of Disney. Due to spliting of the stock I think I may own a whole 10-12 shares (I'm not really sure). I don't think my dividend checks are ever more than a couple dollars, so maybe this $4 increase will make them skyrocket :p

As it has been said many times before in this thread...Disney is a vacation destination, just like camping, the beach, a cruise, or skiing. Every family has a different budget and a different time frame for vacations. Maybe for you a Disney vacation is going to require a little more savings than someone else, but if that extra savings is not worth it to you then just don't go. Complaining about the increase and making big generalizations and trying to put everyone else down isn't going to change anything.


Well-Known Member
I am not a financial analyst & I am sure that I would not understand all of the complexities of running a business like WDW, but I have often wondered how much money it must cost to run the parks on a daily basis. When you think of all the salaries, maintenance and such it seems just staggering. That said I am willing to pay a few more dollars to experience all there is to experience. My husband (who is not a lifelong disney nut like me, he was only reintroduced to disney 3 years ago) has been quoted as saying to our frineds and neighbors that there is no place where you get as much for your dollar as disneyworld. He claims that with all the entertainment and attractions you more that get your money worth. I LOVE that man!:animwink:


Well-Known Member

Or they will come up with ways to attract people into their parks. Like lowering prices, perhaps. ;)

I think the only people they will "price out" are those casual visitors who really don't care about WDW, but just go to have something to do. Or to say they did it. Much the same way I might go to a ball game. I haven't been for years, and have never paid for one, as I went as a child with my parents. But I can see where I might go to one someday just to have some kind of "outing" with my friends or something. But since I don't care much about sports, I really don't care if I can go or not. I might go for one price, but not go if they raise the price up. Because I don't care. But for avid sports fans, they will go no matter what because it's important to them. Same with WDW. Those who really enjoy it are going to go no matter what. It's all a matter of priorities and if you enjoy it enough, you will prioritize your finances in such a way as to allow for the added expense (as miniscule as a few bucks is anyway). Sure, the man who really doesn't give a hoot about WDW, but who splurges to take his nephews when they come down for a visit, may decide not to go if the prices get to high. But I don't think those kind of people make up the majority of the clientele for WDW. The ones who really love going are going to continue to go and consider it worth the extra few bucks.


Well-Known Member
What some people are losing sight of is that this price increase really only affects people buying individual tickets.

As JimboJones123 said at the top of this page, get a MYW ticket and the longer the stay, the cheaper it works out per day :)


Well-Known Member
What some people are losing sight of is that this price increase really only affects people buying individual tickets.

Get a MYW ticket and the longer the stay, the cheaper it works out per day :)

Actually, the price increase effects everyone, because a 10 day pass is still higher now than it was under last year's prices. So it still goes up some no matter how many days your pass is for.

But again, we're talking about pennies in a bucket. 4 dollars on a one day pass is miniscule compared to all the other expenses of the vacation. Like I said, if $4 is that big of an issue, then play one less round of mini-golf to make up for it. Or buy one less Dole Whip in the parks. Or, heck, leave smaller tips at the restaurant if you want to "stiff" them back for stiffing you. LOL

I can see an issue here if prices are jumping 20 dollars or so. But small increases every year are to be expected. Prices raise, expenses go up, they have given their employees raises over the year (at least we hope) and all of these expenses need to be made up for. So they raise admission prices a few measely bucks which. In turn, the customers have probably got pay raises in the past year to more than make up for the small, unnoticeable price hike at the gate.
I am not a financial analyst & I am sure that I would not understand all of the complexities of running a business like WDW, but I have often wondered how much money it must cost to run the parks on a daily basis. When you think of all the salaries, maintenance and such it seems just staggering. That said I am willing to pay a few more dollars to experience all there is to experience. My husband (who is not a lifelong disney nut like me, he was only reintroduced to disney 3 years ago) has been quoted as saying to our frineds and neighbors that there is no place where you get as much for your dollar as disneyworld. He claims that with all the entertainment and attractions you more that get your money worth. I LOVE that man!:animwink:

I can't even imagine what the daily operating costs are?!?! I agree that I would rather pay a little more than sacrifice any of things that make WDW so perfect! And as JimboJones said....the MYW packages are such a great deal!


New Member
Ok, I just couldn't read all the nonsense here so let me just say this...

I notice a great deal of the complaints coming from members who live outside of Florida. Do any of you actually purchase 1 day tickets? Maybe a couple of you?

Ok, so a family of 5 adds $4 to each ticket ,that adds $20 to the day. Not a big deal. What's that? Your going to the park for more than 1 day? Then what's your concern with the 1 day ticket price?

I mean God forbid Disney makes it difficult for all the repeat guests to go multiple times a year or even yearly. Be thankful if you have the means to go once. Some never go once.

Isn't it in Disney's best interest to make money? One minute people are worried that attendence is down, oh my, how will Disney survive. The next minute attendence is up and Disney tries to capitalize on this to help it make some money. Disney is in business to make money folks. Sorry, it isn't about the individuals. It's about the bottom line. And in order to stay in business and be successful as a company, Disney need's to have increases. But this increase is aimed at a small percentage of guests and an even smaller number of the complainers around here...

As a stockholder, I'm sure I'll make that $4 back over time. But wait, I buy multiday passes so why should I even care? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
that was not Walts intent.. but its the corporate way of today.. but this too has a finite way to it.. when DISNEY PRICES TOO MANY OUT OF THE MARKET DISNEY WILL CLOSE..

or the maintaince will change.. or what not. but it won't be what we have today.. it will be less..

that is a simple economic truth..

Our economic system is great in that it allows anyone who has the guts and perseverance to better their economic situation. However, as with any system there become more have nots than haves due to the ability to take risks and invest. America's so called coporate mindset is a product of our society. We have no one to blame but ourselves.


New Member

as this story states.. WDW is not hurting at all..

So why the price increase? how do you justify this?

Simple.... because they can. Everybody want's new attractions but a $4 increase and WHOA!!!

What's Universal's rate? $63.00 So now Disney has yet again positioned itself as a better park. But who goes to Universal for 4+ days? Universal needs the 1 day ticket sales. Disney most likely doesn't rely much on 1 day ticket sales so as a way to entice multiday passes, they raise the 1 day price. I know that if 1 day costs me $67 but 4 days is only $50 a day, heck that's almost a buy 3 get 4th day free. Now that may entice me to spend 4 days instead of 1. But if 1 is all I really want, then it's $67. 10 hours in the park makes that .11 cents a minute for fun...Still not a bad deal. If a day at WDW is not worth $67, then why go? :confused:

And why does it have to be justified? It's a luxury. It's what Disney charges for a single day at their park? You question why WalMart charges $7.99 for a t-shirt? If it's not worth the money, then don't spend your money... :D


Well-Known Member

as this story states.. WDW is not hurting at all..

So why the price increase? how do you justify this?

You don't have to be "hurting" in order to have a need to raise prices a little to keep up with expenditures as a result of other people raising their prices, which in turn, makes you have to pay more for those goods. For example, look how much gas has shot up in the past year. Now, consider that WDW has dozens of buses driving around all day long hauling guests around to the different parks. They have to pay for gas. And they're paying alot more than they were last year. That is just one example of WDW having to pay a little more for the stuff that they need to run their business. I'm sure there are others as well. But in order to offset those extra costs, they need to charge a few more bucks for tickets. Enough to rake in enough money due to the large volume of visitors paying that extra money, but not enough for anyone to feel a crunch in the pocket book.

It's just a simple fact of life...prices go up. It would be nice if we could still get into WDW for a few bucks like they did in 1971, but we can't. Expenditures go up. Cost of living goes up. Wages go up. And business have to raise prices along the way to keep up.


Well-Known Member
Just curious, where are we getting this $4.00 figure from anyway? I was just looking in my 2006 Biernbaum book, and he lists the one day price at $59.75. So actually, it looks like a one day pass has raised $10, not $4. Not that I'm herniating over it, but I just wondered where we are getting a $4 figure from?


Well-Known Member
About pricing people out. Maybe they are trying to price some out! The parks can only hold so many people. When the parks are maxxxxxed out, guests aren't happy. When guests aren't happy, they won't come back. Again, it's back to service. When too many people can afford to go much more, the quality of the product goes down. This may not be the BIGGEST factor for the increase, but don't think this wasn't discussed too. During the offseason, then they can offer more discounts like the Free dining and Free park hopper/water parks like they did this year to keep it busy year round. It doesn't exactly help Disney to overwork it's staff and turn away guests at the gate. This is probably part of the plan to make WDW a year round destination. Which stinks for my family. We don't by any means care as much about our children's educations as we do as taking a vacation in value season.


New Member
Original Poster
the $4 comes from the latest price increase, which was a day or two ago. This was the second increase this year, i'm sure your boook doesn't account for either of the last two price increases.;)


Well-Known Member
It's not good for prices to go up like they do. Sure it's effecting the one day, but the others are going up too. Not to mention, raises don't happen at the same rate. We're paying more for gas, to fly, to eat, to sleep, to go to the parks. Adding that up with the raises we get, not to mention the other expenses in life that are going up we have to turn away certain things.

What I am saying is people, while they won't stop going to Disney World, won't vist as much. If they are currently making two trips a year, it will become one. Instead of going every year, it will become every other year. I'm not saying it's like that right now, but a few years from now when the price of a one day ticket hits $90 that will probably be the case. Eventually, they will need to either slow down or stop raising the ticket prices. It will decrease attendence in the long run.
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