One Day-One Park ticket $71!!!

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Well-Known Member
On a different thread, somebody just paid $4000 for the same vacation as me. Mine cost $1600. We are staying at different resorts. All guests have different price points. If you want it for less, it's even cheaper at the campgrounds. If you can't afford to go, don't. We took a 4 day trip last decmber, and it cost $1400. At that point we decided that we would only go for long trips. That's why we are going for the 11 days this time. That's what Disney wants, and they are rewarding us for it. It's only $200 more for 7 more days. GO DISNEY! For Tix/room/dining that's less then $30 more a day. If you could extend MYW tix for 14 days, sure, I'd be there 2 weeks!

And if higher ticket prices are that much of a burden on people, they always have the option of making up for it by staying off property as opposed to ditching Disney World altogether. For example, on our honeymoon, my attitude was that we are going to be out doing activities all day and are only going to see the motel room in the morning and late at night when we get back. So I chose to stay at a Super 8 motel in Kissimmee for less than 40 bucks a night. Decent motel, not a roach motel by any means. But nothing fancy either. Some of you might scoff at that, but for us, Super 8 in Kissimmee, doing the various Orlando/Tampa theme parks, was several steps up from our normal humdrum routine back home. We had a blast and did it again the next year, same motel. And both vacations cost just under $2,000. That was for 4 days at Disney, one day at Sea World, one Day at Bush Gardenst, all both trips. The 2003 trip, we went to NASA and Gatorland, as well as New Smyrna Beach and Melbourne Beach. 2004, we went to both Universal Parks and Silver Springs. So this under $2000 amount on each trip, included all that, plus gas, plus food plus mini-golf, plus souveniers...everything. Not bad. We had a blast and I don't regret a bit of it, although after having done that a couple times, we are ready to try the whole WDW resort experience and are willing to pay extra for it. But my point is this: there all kinds of things you can do to save a little money and offset what, IMO, is a petty price increase. Stay off property in a Super 8. Buy a few less souveniers. Eat at cheaper restaraunts. Buy one less turkey leg, etc.

Actually, I have to revise that...the $2000 amount I gave was for what we actually spent on the trip itself. I just remembered that we purchased our WDW and Anheiser Busch tickets in advance. We then went to Florida with around 2,000 dollars and spent no more than what we brought. So the price was probably around $2500...but still not bad for almost two weeks in Florida. And, in 2003, part of that amount was on an unexpected brake job on my car for around 400 bucks.


Well-Known Member
that people here are defending the price increase.. Just like some one else said, you raise it $4 now, another $6 in January.. $4 in June or July.. and soon it will be at $100 per day.. and some of you want THIS...

YES RAISE THE PRICE.. Let me pay more.. and like some one else said, Don't come because you must be one of the complainers.. ( I am not.. )

In fact, since the place opened in 71 I have never had a bad day at Disney.. not one.. not at all. In fact WDW is extremely special to me..

so special that it hurts when they price themselves out of my range..

and they are doing so.. and my neighbors price range, and some of your neighbors price range..

But you say charge us more..

But Disney is already charging you more, and you like sheep, LOVE IT..

PLEASE WDW CHARGE US EXTRA FOR TICKETS THAT WE DON'T or CAN'T USE on THIS TRIP.. Never mind that you already have our money..and have it in the BANK MAKING INTEREST ON IT.... CHARGE US MORE MONEY so we can still use the tickets.. and give you more money..

How blind is this? What is going to happen, when your new child is born.. are you willing to keep working extra and GIVE UP TIME WITH YOUR NEW CHILD JUST TO GO TO DISNEY? is that the correct priority of life? or are you willing to buy less for your child, just so you can go to DISNEY? Why have you been staying off base? why not GIVE DISNEY ALL OF YOUR MONEY.. Pay for the prime hotels.. Let them charge you full price and ask if you can pay more..

Think about this.. PLEASE WDW charge us more.. We WANT TO PAY MORE..

how do you defend this attitude? its nuts.. its like going to buy a car, not ask for any discount, ask to pay the highest interest possible and refuse the warrenty.. PLEASE GM charge us more.. and then give the dealer a tip as you leave.. but tell me that you love me..

sorry kids. I truly don't understand you..

I really like WDW.. I really do.. BUT I dont have to love their pricing.. and I am not going to defend it going up.. in fact I protest it.. because its pricing family's out of the equation..

I only said that was what I was willing to be charged. I actually play much less than even $71. If it outprices you, save your pennies for a few more weeks. If you can't go every year, go every other year instead. Again, Plan a ski trip. Lifts, rentals, room and food can easily cost double that of a Disney trip. Same thing for a cruise, tropical vacation, European trip. There is SUPER DUPER value at Disney, maybe not as much as last week, but it's still there.


Well-Known Member
that people here are defending the price increase.. Just like some one else said, you raise it $4 now, another $6 in January.. $4 in June or July.. and soon it will be at $100 per day.. and some of you want THIS...

YES RAISE THE PRICE.. Let me pay more.. and like some one else said, Don't come because you must be one of the complainers.. ( I am not.. )

In fact, since the place opened in 71 I have never had a bad day at Disney.. not one.. not at all. In fact WDW is extremely special to me..

so special that it hurts when they price themselves out of my range..

and they are doing so.. and my neighbors price range, and some of your neighbors price range..

But you say charge us more..

But Disney is already charging you more, and you like sheep, LOVE IT..

PLEASE WDW CHARGE US EXTRA FOR TICKETS THAT WE DON'T or CAN'T USE on THIS TRIP.. Never mind that you already have our money..and have it in the BANK MAKING INTEREST ON IT.... CHARGE US MORE MONEY so we can still use the tickets.. and give you more money..

How blind is this? What is going to happen, when your new child is born.. are you willing to keep working extra and GIVE UP TIME WITH YOUR NEW CHILD JUST TO GO TO DISNEY? is that the correct priority of life? or are you willing to buy less for your child, just so you can go to DISNEY? Why have you been staying off base? why not GIVE DISNEY ALL OF YOUR MONEY.. Pay for the prime hotels.. Let them charge you full price and ask if you can pay more..

Think about this.. PLEASE WDW charge us more.. We WANT TO PAY MORE..

how do you defend this attitude? its nuts.. its like going to buy a car, not ask for any discount, ask to pay the highest interest possible and refuse the warrenty.. PLEASE GM charge us more.. and then give the dealer a tip as you leave.. but tell me that you love me..

sorry kids. I truly don't understand you..

I really like WDW.. I really do.. BUT I dont have to love their pricing.. and I am not going to defend it going up.. in fact I protest it.. because its pricing family's out of the equation..

You're definitely over-exagerrating. No one is cheering at the price increase. But we are simply keeping it all in perspective. For one, it's not that much anyway...about the kind of increase you may expect year to year. For two, while none of us are certainly happy about it, we realize that WDW, like everything else, is a business that is in it to make a profit and, although we don't know their budget, we are giving them the benefit of the doubt that this price increase, although small, is nothing more than them keeping up with rising costs that they are having to pay. Sure, I would like for prices to lower, but not if it is going to result in WDW having to cut staff, cut back attractions or do anything else that would lower the quality and service. There is an old saying that you get what you pay for. If you want to pay 20 bucks less per ticket, then be prepared to get that level of quality.


New Member
reality check !!
its cost twice as much for gasoline since 2 years ago
my utilities cost 40% more than 2 years ago
the average autombile is up 7% since 04
mcdonalds is up 20% since 04
my healthcare is up 40% since 04
milk is up almost 1$ agallon since last year
my local country club(golf) raised green fees every year since 1998
my plumber raised his labor rate 15$ this year
blockbuster up .75 for new relase this year
cigerettes up 20%since last year here in ri
price of 12
pack budweiser up $1 since last year
local cinemas up since jan .75
new england patriots tickets up 10%this season, parking up to $40
my car insurance went up 8 dollars a month this year
should i continue?
news flash, wdw is not the only company to raise prices


Well-Known Member
since you are the biggest defender of WDW...

I just want to ask you, how many children do you have? See, I have two, adult children.. who's costs I have covered at WDW as they grew up.. and I or we, my wife and I could go to WDW cheaper just as a couple.. BUT THAT'S NOT MY FAMILY.. my family includes my two kids..

so if you have been jumping up and down and defending WDW and have been going just by your self or just the two of you.. wait until you have children.. and I don't mean just as an infant.. although infants are expensive.. wait until you add child care in your life.. so you and your wife can go to work,. or have a second child..

See right now, if you baby is just on the way.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much just ONE CHILD makes a financial difference in your life.. NOT ONE BIT..

But come and make all these statements 6 months after you kid is born and lets see if you are singing the same tune..

Trust me, you really don't know it all yet..

But you are going to learn the value of a deal.. and cutting corners.. and cutting back.. and its going to happen IN ONE INSTANT..

and I am telling you that this is a blessing .. but right now.. you haven't walked 6 inches in my shoes.. and its going to change..


Well-Known Member
Please tell us ....

I only said that was what I was willing to be charged. I actually play much less than even $71. If it outprices you, save your pennies for a few more weeks. If you can't go every year, go every other year instead. Again, Plan a ski trip. Lifts, rentals, room and food can easily cost double that of a Disney trip. Same thing for a cruise, tropical vacation, European trip. There is SUPER DUPER value at Disney, maybe not as much as last week, but it's still there.

tell us all how we too can pay much less the $71 ... and not just the park pricing because the way that you quote is, you are getting a much better deal then just park pricing..


Well-Known Member
reality check !!
its cost twice as much for gasoline since 2 years ago
my utilities cost 40% more than 2 years ago
the average autombile is up 7% since 04
mcdonalds is up 20% since 04
my healthcare is up 40% since 04
milk is up almost 1$ agallon since last year
my local country club(golf) raised green fees every year since 1998
my plumber raised his labor rate 15$ this year
blockbuster up .75 for new relase this year
cigerettes up 20%since last year here in ri
price of 12
pack budweiser up $1 since last year
local cinemas up since jan .75
new england patriots tickets up 10%this season, parking up to $40
my car insurance went up 8 dollars a month this year
should i continue?
news flash, wdw is not the only company to raise prices

Exactly. They are not the only one to raise prices. So why are you boohooing over it as if they are the lone greedy corporation to charge more? Prices have gone up, which means that WDW is also paying more for the services they provide to their guests. Which means that they are forced to charge a little more to make up the difference. If it costs twice as much for gasoline as it did two years ago, and WDW uses tremendous amounts of gasoline, then doesn't it make sense that they would have to charge guests a little more to make up for the high fuel price?

They are having to pay this higher gas price every friggin' day to haul us around and you're whining because you have to pay an extra 4 dollars a day for a one time trip to WDW? I realize you have a wife and two kids. So that would come up to an extra $20 for the whole family for a one day visit. But that still pales in comparison to the mamouth amount of gas that WDW has to purchase to drive that fleet of buses around for 18 hours a day.

The Mom

Premium Member
OK, this horse has been beaten to death. WDW is a company that provides a LUXURY product. There is no rule that says everyone in the world should make the trip, nor that WDW should be able to insure that it's affordable for everyone.
People are only defending WDW's right, as a for profit corporation, to raise and lower prices as they see fit. Sometimes they will make decisions that customers like, sometimes they will anger them. If they upset enough customers, they'll lose them...just as any other business would. But right now, they have more than enough takers, so can pretty much do as they please. That can change at any moment, and they may be back to begging for business.

So, unless anyone has anything new to add within the next few posts, I'll be closing the thread. If the next posts continue to get heated, they'll be deleted.


New Member
bjlc57 - fair enough for you making your point...I respect that.

But I'll say it again and it probably rings true for others.

When you look at something - be that a product or service, you consider whether you want it and if, on considering the implications for you, will you pay that.

At current standards, I (and a lot of other it appears) consider it to be good value. If this reverse the first thing that will happen is that numbers will drop and not go to the parks and Disney will need to re-assess. I'd like them to keep the magic: give the freebies (not to me but to everyone), give out stickers to kids, have the best fireworks, the best parades, the best shows, the best attractions, the cleanest parks, the best facades....and on and on...

No one, not me, not you, has the divine right to be able to go to this place. I'd like to stay at the Wilderness Lodge Concierge every visit but I can't afford that........but I can still go, stay off-property and enjoy the product and the services that go with it....

I wasn't giving high-fives all round when a price increase when it came out.....I still think it's great value for money. You think otherwise and fair play to you.


New Member
I just want to ask you, how many children do you have? See, I have two, adult children.. who's costs I have covered at WDW as they grew up.. and I or we, my wife and I could go to WDW cheaper just as a couple.. BUT THAT'S NOT MY FAMILY.. my family includes my two kids..

so if you have been jumping up and down and defending WDW and have been going just by your self or just the two of you.. wait until you have children.. and I don't mean just as an infant.. although infants are expensive.. wait until you add child care in your life.. so you and your wife can go to work,. or have a second child..

See right now, if you baby is just on the way.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much just ONE CHILD makes a financial difference in your life.. NOT ONE BIT..

But come and make all these statements 6 months after you kid is born and lets see if you are singing the same tune..

Trust me, you really don't know it all yet..

But you are going to learn the value of a deal.. and cutting corners.. and cutting back.. and its going to happen IN ONE INSTANT..

and I am telling you that this is a blessing .. but right now.. you haven't walked 6 inches in my shoes.. and its going to change..
what does all this have to do with disney? if you have young ones and a tight budget, wdw should be the last thing you should be concerned about
there are far less expensive entertainment options
i'd love a ferrari 350gt, but reality dictates i can afford a nissan maxima
do i write and that ferrari is wrong by selling there vehicles for such a high price and continuing to raise there prices. the fact that they raised there price does not change the magic or walts vision, its simple econimics.
yeh, it stinks, but thats the way it is


Well-Known Member
So, unless anyone has anything new to add within the next few posts, I'll be closing the thread. If the next posts continue to get heated, they'll be deleted.

Wow, they don't call you "mom" for nothing, do they?:p :lol: <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->


Well-Known Member
Hey, Bigang, sorry about what I wrote. I saw your avatar and it was the same as that other guy's so I thought you were he and I replied to you under that assumption. So I apologize for my comment about you "whining". That was directed at him, not you.:wave:


Well-Known Member
I just want to ask you, how many children do you have? See, I have two, adult children.. who's costs I have covered at WDW as they grew up.. and I or we, my wife and I could go to WDW cheaper just as a couple.. BUT THAT'S NOT MY FAMILY.. my family includes my two kids..

so if you have been jumping up and down and defending WDW and have been going just by your self or just the two of you.. wait until you have children.. and I don't mean just as an infant.. although infants are expensive.. wait until you add child care in your life.. so you and your wife can go to work,. or have a second child..

See right now, if you baby is just on the way.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much just ONE CHILD makes a financial difference in your life.. NOT ONE BIT..

But come and make all these statements 6 months after you kid is born and lets see if you are singing the same tune..

Trust me, you really don't know it all yet..

But you are going to learn the value of a deal.. and cutting corners.. and cutting back.. and its going to happen IN ONE INSTANT..

and I am telling you that this is a blessing .. but right now.. you haven't walked 6 inches in my shoes.. and its going to change..

I walk your shoes every day. I have 2 kids. We are debating a 3rd. The reason we are swaying towards no is expenses. Yes kids are expensive. That's why we only have 2 now. If we couldn't afford 2, we shouldn't have had them. We can, so we are happy. We can still take trips to WDW too. I'm sure our income is much less than yours, but we still make exceptions to do the things that make us happy. As far as ticket prices -- look at the MYW tix options. It pretty much easily explains itself. It has also been explained on this thread about 30 times. Have fun locking "The Mom"


Well-Known Member
Before she locks the thread, can someone answer this question which I asked in another thread?

However, I seem to notice a price discrepancy that hopefully someone can clear up. On the chart that says "effective Aug 6, 2006", it says that a 10 day ticket is $216, and $155 for the no expiration option.

However, about halfway down the page, where it says "new gate prices for magic your way base tickets, it says that a 10 day ticket is $210 and $135 for the no expiration option. It also says that the parkhopper option is $40, but up there in that chart, it says $45. Can someone clear this up?

I posted that question in this thread: this thread in regards to this link

The Mom

Premium Member
Before she locks the thread, can someone answer this question which I asked in another thread?

However, I seem to notice a price discrepancy that hopefully someone can clear up. On the chart that says "effective Aug 6, 2006", it says that a 10 day ticket is $216, and $155 for the no expiration option.

However, about halfway down the page, where it says "new gate prices for magic your way base tickets, it says that a 10 day ticket is $210 and $135 for the no expiration option. It also says that the parkhopper option is $40, but up there in that chart, it says $45. Can someone clear this up?

I posted that question in this thread:

One is part of a package, one is not. Hope that answers your question. Since I'm a "local" (but still like to stay overnight) I always go with room and ticket(pass) only. If I stayed longer, I would consider a package.


Well-Known Member
One is part of a package, one is not. Hope that answers your question. Since I'm a "local" (but still like to stay overnight) I always go with room and ticket(pass) only. If I stayed longer, I would consider a package.

So if I get a 10 day parkhopper with no expiration as part of a package, I get the NE option for 135 and if I get it by itself without a package, I pay $155? And same for the difference in the base ticket price and the parkhopper price? Is that correct?


Well-Known Member
More discounts for staying on site huh? Good Idea!

BTW, At least WDW has resorts under $200 a night. At DL, the cheap room at Paradise Peir starts at $199. Even there it can easly go to $299+ per night for the cheap rooms.


Naturally Grumpy
More discounts for staying on site huh? Good Idea!

BTW, At least WDW has resorts under $200 a night. At DL, the cheap room at Paradise Peir starts at $199. Even there it can easly go to $299+ per night for the cheap rooms.

Yes, but that's paying for the "Disney experience". There are many just outside, within a couple of blocks walk for right around $100.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but that's paying for the "Disney experience". There are many just outside, within a couple of blocks walk for right around $100.

They have some VERY NICE ones for under $80 a night. They aren't Disney resorts. All-stars and Pop are Disney resorts. They are cheaper than a starting price of $200 with most nights $250, and rates being 25-30% higher on every Friday and Saturday. I'm not comparing Orlando area Motel 8 to Anaheim Motel 8.


Well-Known Member
Yet filling rooms isn't seen as a problem -- hotels all want more upscale consumers who take advantage of extras.

This line was part of a travel related article on another website written about a demographic that would potentially have a good amount of disposable income. I think it may sum up this whole debate.

Profit is not made so much on getting you through the door, gate, or into the theatre seat. It is made on the extras. Merchandise, Food, Drinks, Tours. These are all high profit items. Agood example is when I workrd for a major mail order computer manufactuer. They were as concerned about the customer buying the computer as they were the service contract or the peripherals. That is where the real money was to be made.

A company like DIsney would never come out and say they want more people to come through the gates with high amounts of Disposable income. THat would send the wrong message. They still want people who don't have that but they are willing to wait a couple of years for them to come back after saving for the vacation. The people they want and need now are the ones who have bucket loads of cash to dump on their doorstep indiscriminately.
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