Well-Known Member
the one gentleman is talking about WORKING TWO JOBS.. meaning over 40 hours per week, and then he is justifying $4000 for a week at WDW.. meaning that he has to take time away from his family to pay for this trip and other family expenses.. when you consistantly work over 40 hours per week, you deteriorate your family time and possibly affect your long term family needs..
I don't work two jobs just so I can afford WDW, although that certainly is a factor in considering whether I want to go down to one job. My wife and I both work at Walmart (which is my part time job) and I work full time at the County Courthouse. Technically, I could possibly afford to quit Walmart, but I really enjoy working there. I have been there 9 years now....longer than my full time job. I have a certain amount of money put back each paycheck into a stock account and watch it grow, and try not to spend anymore than I have to of it. But I am well used to working two jobs...not so much because it is a necessity, but because I enjoy it and because I like to have the extra income. However, I would be lying if I said that WDW has nothing to do with it, because I do feel like vacations are very important....important enough to work two jobs so as to make enough money to take quality vacations as a family, whether to WDW or somewhere else.
I don't work two jobs just so I can afford WDW, although that certainly is a factor in considering whether I want to go down to one job. My wife and I both work at Walmart (which is my part time job) and I work full time at the County Courthouse. Technically, I could possibly afford to quit Walmart, but I really enjoy working there. I have been there 9 years now....longer than my full time job. I have a certain amount of money put back each paycheck into a stock account and watch it grow, and try not to spend anymore than I have to of it. But I am well used to working two jobs...not so much because it is a necessity, but because I enjoy it and because I like to have the extra income. However, I would be lying if I said that WDW has nothing to do with it, because I do feel like vacations are very important....important enough to work two jobs so as to make enough money to take quality vacations as a family, whether to WDW or somewhere else.