One Day-One Park ticket $71!!!

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Well-Known Member
the one gentleman is talking about WORKING TWO JOBS.. meaning over 40 hours per week, and then he is justifying $4000 for a week at WDW.. meaning that he has to take time away from his family to pay for this trip and other family expenses.. when you consistantly work over 40 hours per week, you deteriorate your family time and possibly affect your long term family needs..

I don't work two jobs just so I can afford WDW, although that certainly is a factor in considering whether I want to go down to one job. My wife and I both work at Walmart (which is my part time job) and I work full time at the County Courthouse. Technically, I could possibly afford to quit Walmart, but I really enjoy working there. I have been there 9 years now....longer than my full time job. I have a certain amount of money put back each paycheck into a stock account and watch it grow, and try not to spend anymore than I have to of it. But I am well used to working two jobs...not so much because it is a necessity, but because I enjoy it and because I like to have the extra income. However, I would be lying if I said that WDW has nothing to do with it, because I do feel like vacations are very important....important enough to work two jobs so as to make enough money to take quality vacations as a family, whether to WDW or somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Yes some people average $50,000 IF YOU LIVE IN THE TOP 100 cities of America.. except that there are so many more cities in AMERICA then the top 100.. many, many areas are just like I stated.. $35- 37000 disposable income..


when I hear justification about "walt not having enough money.. and the like"
This sounds like a stock holder talking. . Who cares what the price is , all I CARE ABOUT IS THE STOCK GOING UP.. meaning all I care about is ME...

It still is a place for everyone. We don't have to submit a personal income statement prior to making reservations like one may have to do at some exclusive destinations or clubs. However, it doesn't mean the prices have to be kept low just so a trip can be made to Disney on a whim.

We definitely have the right to go to Disney whenever you want. However, one must be prudent in his or her finances to determine the right times to go. Disney is not an organization that exists to subsidize family vacations.

America's growing sense of entitlement is incredible. We can't all be rich, end of story. It has always been that way and always will be that way. It doesn't however mean that our lives have to be any less enjoyable.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
the AVERAGE AMERICAN'S FAMILY INCOME.. which I believe according to this months CNNFN is between $35- 37000 per year...

USA Today reports that the average family income in 2004 was a bit over $70,000.

Of course, averages are misleading when the distribution is not symmetric, and the income distribution is definitely not symmetric. Median is a more meaningful measure, and the median income for 2004, according to Census, was $44,389---half of all US households earned more, and half less.

The fact remains that $4000 is a big chunk of that median income, but a trip to WDW was always a "special trip" for average families.


Well-Known Member
$4000 would be 10% of that income if my math serves me right and thats alot of money for a middle income family.

Thanfully, thus far, we keep caught up enough throughout the year that we can pay for our vacations with our tax refund without having to dip into our stock nestegg or our regular checking account. Hopefully this will continue.


Well-Known Member
"The fact remains that $4000 is a big chunk of that median income, but a trip to WDW was always a "special trip" for average families"

I'm not sure that justifies the reason for a price increase though. I see many you defending Disney and saying that it's perfectly fine that they're being the greedy rich selves. The fact is Disney did not need to raise prices. Wait and see people are going to slow down their time with Disney after the HCOE. Disney World's hit its attendance peak. It's done growing (With a few exceptions). I live in a area of the country where the average income is in between $20k and 25k. It costs about $1500 for my family to fly to Florida and that's not counting the cost of gas to get to the airport. Add another $1500 in for passes. Plus $200 a night at a hotel for five nights. That's $4000 right there. That's not counting food, mechandise, among other things you spend money on while on a vacation. So if you make less than 20k a year and have a family, you better not plan on going to WDW. Luckily, my family makes more than that. However, I am saying that Disney is officially a place for the wealthy (Upper Middle Class +). You may not like to admit it, I don't, but it's true.


Well-Known Member
However, I am saying that Disney is officially a place for the wealthy (Upper Middle Class +). You may not like to admit it, I don't, but it's true.

It takes money to do vacations. That's just a reality of life. Whether it is a week at WDW or a week at the grand canyon, it takes money. Money to travel. Money to eat. Money to stay in a motel/hotel. The unfortunate fact of life is that if you aren't financially well off, you can't go on vacations. At least not the kind that take that kind of money. Maybe you can go camping or something that requires much less money. But it's not that it's a conspiracy to keep people out. It's just that the more attractions a place has, the more they offer, etc, the more it's going to cost and, yes, that will inevitably keep certain people out that can't afford it. It's just simple economics.

And as has been mentioned several times already, if you have the money to travel to WDW by plane or road trip, you have the money to pay 4 extra bucks for a one day ticket. If you have the money for food and lodging for such a trip, you have the money to pay 4 extra bucks for a one day ticket. If you have the money to do these things, in addition to paying $67 for a one day ticket, then you have the money to pay 4 extra dollars for a one day ticket. It's four dollars, people. If it is that much of an increase, then buy one less candied apple and make up the difference.
My husband (then boyfriend) and I paid for several trips to Disney while we were still in school. Since we were both in school we were by no means upper middle class, however we found a way to do it. Out of those trips we only stayed on property once at a value resort (eventhough now we realize that is usually a better deal, especially with ME) when only eat a table service meal maybe 1-2 times per trip, and we know how to limit our souvenier buying. A disney trip is by no means cheap, but it is a special vacation. I don't particularly care that the price keeps increasing, and twice in one year is a little much, but there is nothing I can do about has been done and I will continue to go to Disney.
It's four dollars, people. If it is that much of an increase, then buy one less candied apple and make up the difference.

Or buy 1 less Starbucks, or 1 less tabloid magazine, or pack your lunch one day a week instead of buying, or skip the appetizer or dessert when you go out to eat, or skip the snacks at the movie theatre. There are a lot of things that may seem little at the time but if you add all the little extras up over the course of a year I'm sure it will more than cover the extra $4 for every family matter what size your family is.


Well-Known Member
This is all about Disney trying to get YOU stay LONGER at their resort and SPEND ALL your MONEY at their resort. They make more money off people who stay for a week through the hotel, souvenirs, food, and anything else I can't think of right now :) That's why they instituted Magical Express: they grab you at the airport and keep you from spending your money somewhere other than their property. Makes perfect BUSINESS sense to me.


New Member
The prices are high, but I do like the "Magic your way" plan.

We typically do a 7-day vacation in Florida every few years, but go to the parks only 3 days because of cost (5 children!)

We would always get a park-hopper to get the "most" out of each ticket.

Now with "Magic your way" a 3-day park hopper is $237

But....a 7-day base ticket (no hopping, 14-day expiration) is only $210

Now we can go to the parks any day of the trip and not feel like we have to frantically go-go-go from open to close to get the "most" out of each ticket.

Sure, we can't park-hop....but hey, we'll just "hop" on over to the other park on some other day.


Well-Known Member
Ouch, yeah, the prices have gotten pretty high. Today I got to share with my mother (who along with my dad will probably be footing the bill for my sister's 4-day pass when we take her,) about how much those run now. My husband and I tended to buy the biggest passes we could (back when your pass automatically never expired,) and so we've lucked out in that it's saved us a little bit of money over the last couple years (we don't need to buy tickets for ourselves this time around.) We always knew we were coming back and we figured the prices are never going DOWN...unfortunately...:rolleyes:


Naturally Grumpy
This is all about Disney trying to get YOU stay LONGER at their resort and SPEND ALL your MONEY at their resort. They make more money off people who stay for a week through the hotel, souvenirs, food, and anything else I can't think of right now :) That's why they instituted Magical Express: they grab you at the airport and keep you from spending your money somewhere other than their property. Makes perfect BUSINESS sense to me.

This is a good example of where the greedy conspiracy theory is so transparent. Magical Express....saves over $30 per person (Mears), more for a rental car or limo. Free meal plan promotion $38 per person. How can this be turned around as more Disney greed? :brick:

How about the new policy for cancellation forgiveness...AT NO EXTRA COST...must be some subversive angle, right?

To allay tourists' concerns about ruined vacations, Disney this week announced a new policy allowing guests to reschedule their vacations and reapply their deposits to future trips if the National Weather Service posts a hurricane warning for Orlando or their hometown within seven days of their scheduled arrival, Polak said.

Disney does not penalize you for leaving the don't have to pay to go to Universal or Seaworld from that would be a conspiracy.

I provided the ticket prices from DL in the 50 and DL and WDW in the 70's. Comparing to salaries then, there is not much of a difference to what we are talking about today. I remember driving down in the 70's (only rich people flew...besides Orlando airport was a podunk little strip) staying at one of the two hotels (in the truly isolated WDW, with little external competition) and was amazed at how much it all cost. At that time Disney truly had a monopoly...there were cows and orange groves almost to Disney borders...there was nowhere else to go.

While I may be considered by some here to be a Disney patsy...when are we going to discuss increases at Universal and Seaworld?


Well-Known Member
**This is a good example of where the greedy conspiracy theory is so transparent. Magical Express....saves over $30 per person (Mears), more for a rental car or limo. Free meal plan promotion $38 per person. How can this be turned around as more Disney greed? :brick: **

What Disney wants you to do is take that $68+ per person and spend it on THEIR property. I have no problem with that. I am willing to pay what I need to pay to go to WDW. If you don't want to pay the $71 for a one day ticket, either DON'T or get a multi day ticket. I am not saying Disney is being GREEDY. I'm saying they are doing what they need to do as a BUSINESS. They aren't beholden to the day visitor who is the one who gets socked with this increase. They are beholden to their stockholders and THE BOTTOM LINE.

** don't have to pay to go to Universal or Seaworld from that would be a conspiracy. **

How do you get there? Snap your fingers? I took a Mears shuttle a couple of years ago to IOA and it cost $12 and I didn't mind it at all.


Well-Known Member
okay... why is a ticket bought not good enough...

okay for 30 years you bought a ticket and didn't use it, come back the next year and USE IT.. it was a ticket for life.. why because Disney has YOUR MONEY.. and you are getting nothing for it.. they can put it in the "bank" until you use your utils..

BUT NOT NOW.. NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY EXTRA because you didn't use all your days...

COME ON... DISNEY STILL HAS THE MONEY.. they aren't giving it back..

I would bet you that none of you realize what the worst gift in the world is..

its a gift certifiicate.. on an average.. only 30 percent of Gift certificates are redeemed.. that's 70 percent of FREE MONEY TO WHO EVER IS SELLING THE CERTIFICATES..


Meaning if you paid $50 for a ticket.. Disney put that money in the bank and now is charging you more money because they got to USE YOUR MONEY FOR FREE..


I don't want to take umbrage with anyone in particular.. but again.. One man justifies that having to work TWO JOBS allows him to go to DISNEY.. is going to Disney enough to take extra time away from your family?

and the others who are defending Disney in this manner.. again.. DO YOU PAY THE BILLS? or are you the one who goes for "free" ... and how much money does your PERSONAL FAMILY EARN as opposed to the national average..


Well-Known Member
and again....

the ones who seem to be also defending WDW are stockholders..

meaning I don't care if you DON'T COME OR NOT.. as long as the STOCK GOES UP AND I MAKE MONEY, who cares about YOU...

a totally selfish attitude.. Its all about me..

well great, except that if WDW starts to decline because we STOP COMING..

All the little people WHO MAKE YOUR STAY POSSIBLE..

what you can't see is , is it possible for WDW to maintain its current status with out the average family coming to the grounds..

the answer is NO.. why because there are a lot more of us then of YOU.. a lot more of those who dont make $50000 per year.. and we are MAKING YOUR TRIP POSSIBLE..

I know that this is hard for some of you elitest to understand.. But we " little people" have allowed WDW to become what it is.....

this isn't Augusta.. WDW was supposed to be for everyone.. that's what Walt wanted..


Well-Known Member
and the others who are defending Disney in this manner.. again.. DO YOU PAY THE BILLS? or are you the one who goes for "free" ... and how much money does your PERSONAL FAMILY EARN as opposed to the national average..

Ya, I'm the one who pays the bills. :animwink: <!-- / message -->

but again.. One man justifies that having to work TWO JOBS allows him to go to DISNEY.. is going to Disney enough to take extra time away from your family?

Like I's not just Disney. It's vacations in general, as well as just enjoying the second job, as well as saving back extra money in the stock account for the future. I might techinically be able to afford to quit the part time job, although now with the expense of a baby, I don't know if I could or not. But the fact remains that I think family vacations are important...not just to WDW, but to other places. And not just full vacations either. Also just little "weekenders" to different places. It all takes money, and we all have to decide what is important to us. For me, family trips are important. Taking time off from the normal routine of things and doing a weekender to a Six Flags or a day trip to the zoo, or a vacation to Texas or WDW.


Naturally Grumpy
I would bet you that none of you realize what the worst gift in the world is..

its a gift certifiicate.. on an average.. only 30 percent of Gift certificates are redeemed.. that's 70 percent of FREE MONEY TO WHO EVER IS SELLING THE CERTIFICATES..


Meaning if you paid $50 for a ticket.. Disney put that money in the bank and now is charging you more money because they got to USE YOUR MONEY FOR FREE..


Oh come on now.... Most every company offers gift certificates...and I give them as gifts frequently, so people can get exactly what they want. Your figure of failure to redeem may be true...but who's fault is that? I have written checks to certain family members that they regularly fail to cash. Am I being greedy for their poor fiscal behavior?

If we are so worried about the cost of things, why don't you take care of the unused tickets? All you have to do is write down the serial # and Disney will even reissue.

We have the same financial argument for offers for 1 year or two years with no interest (providing you pay in full by the final date or get socked with all the interest). Is that company being greedy and misleading or are we being stupid with our money.

I don't want to take umbrage with anyone in particular.. but again.. One man justifies that having to work TWO JOBS allows him to go to DISNEY.. is going to Disney enough to take extra time away from your family?

Please re-read the poster discussing his two jobs. He enjoys them and sees it as a valuable way to enhance his family's income and in part their vacation time. He doesn't do it to be able to afford Disney.

sbkline the one gentleman is talking about WORKING TWO JOBS.. meaning over 40 hours per week, and then he is justifying $4000 for a week at WDW.. meaning that he has to take time away from his family to pay for this trip and other family expenses.. when you consistantly work over 40 hours per week, you deteriorate your family time and possibly affect your long term family needs..

I don't work two jobs just so I can afford WDW, although that certainly is a factor in considering whether I want to go down to one job. My wife and I both work at Walmart (which is my part time job) and I work full time at the County Courthouse. Technically, I could possibly afford to quit Walmart, but I really enjoy working there. I have been there 9 years now....longer than my full time job. I have a certain amount of money put back each paycheck into a stock account and watch it grow, and try not to spend anymore than I have to of it. But I am well used to working two jobs...not so much because it is a necessity, but because I enjoy it and because I like to have the extra income. However, I would be lying if I said that WDW has nothing to do with it, because I do feel like vacations are very important....important enough to work two jobs so as to make enough money to take quality vacations as a family, whether to WDW or somewhere else.

and the others who are defending Disney in this manner.. again.. DO YOU PAY THE BILLS? or are you the one who goes for "free" ... and how much money does your PERSONAL FAMILY EARN as opposed to the national average

As one of those "defending Disney" yes I pay the bills, my wife and I both work hard and take great pleasure in being able to provide for our three children. We do earn more than the national average and make no apology in being able to enjoy that money.

Finally, I think this topic has been beaten to death, and hope that the thread is now able to fade into oblivion. Discussing the expense of Disney is one thing, but having the debate slip into disparity of salaries and the difficulty of managing in todays difficult financial times is probably not appropriate.
Maybe we should go to some other site and discuss the unfair impact of oil prices on all of us.


Well-Known Member
Disney WAS the ONLY parks that the passes lasted forever. They are just entering the market that exists. It was great when the tix did last forever. Now they don't just like everybody else. Get over it. You still get MUCH MORE for your ticket.
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