New resort in VA? + Other rumors and gossip


Well-Known Member
Well not exactly right around the

Took me 7 hours from NJ...but with Va Beach and Williamsburgh close by you can definately make a week of it..easily.

A bit further West is Charlottesville, Va. A great college town ( home of UVA). There you will also find Monticello - home of Thomas Jefferson.


Well-Known Member
As a couple on here know, my excitement comes from the BGWFans webpage I help maintain as the info I am highly privy to. I will leave it at that. The park really is headed in a very exciting direction. Growing up with the park I never would have seen it coming. Some know what I mean but will come to light eventually. Don't get me wrong and see me as an uber fanboi because I am open minded to all sorts of parks and offerings (DVC member attempting to get into Grand Cali before year is out). DarKastle was OUTSTANDING in 2006 when it opened. The current president has tried to water it down to make it "kidsiderate" in his words and he also responsible for the train wreck of Europe in the Air. Keep your eye open is all I am saying. Same goes for SWO and BGT.

Sounds great. I definitely want to get back to BGW. What is your opinion btw? How would you compare BGW to MK?


I gotta respectfully disagree on this one; while they might be far enough along by then, I can't imagine at least one of them getting announced until at least 2013. "Development" doesn't mean "greenlight", and the greenlight often depends on external factors. Because of this, I don't think one of the two will get greenlit until the execs see how certain events play out. And by that time, it'll be close enough to D23 Expo that they might think about holding it to announce then. If it doesn't leak before, which it probably will.
You're right. I forgot that the next D23 wasn't until next year.
Still...I could see one announced this year to try to counter the Potter announcement.

And I have no doubt one or both will leak well in advance.
Al Lutz has been talking about possible expansions for Frontierland and Tomorrowland for well over a year now, and with certain people (COUGHGEORGECOUGH) leaking all sorts of stuff to him it'll almost certainly be leaked well before official announcement.
Actually, knowing George's past feelings about Lutz....I doubt it's coming from him.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. The two ride projects should be far enough along to be announced this fall, if they so choose.

Far enough, yes.

But actually announced? I doubt that VERY much. I think they're gonna wait a bit ...but (as we discussed earlier when we were talking about taking over the world and why the Internet/Twitverse is full of a lot of angry, clueless fanbois:ROFLOL:) so much is in flux right now.

Iger is saying spending on P&R must come down when the reality is quite different.

Of course, there are still actually fanbois who support the man, which really amazes me.

Oh, and contrary to some douches in the Twitverse, I don't get my info from Al Lutz (he won't return my phone calls since I've apparently hurt his feelings) and he also has a man-crush on Georgie K, who has played him like a fiddle since coming to Anaheim in 2009.

Any questions?


Well-Known Member
Oh my. Interesting thread, indeed. I didn't see any of the spillage in the other thread referenced so I'm glad this one found a beginning. Very glad. I wish I could say it gives me hope for WDW but I'm a bit too reserved to even have that. I think I'll have to wait and see to be convinced there.

Another Disney War of sorts, huh? Good times. More enjoyment for me. I hope it gets nasty for those who have allowed WDW to become the hot mess that it is. That's one gore-show I'll watch with glee.

Agree on all points. I think things could be better down the road ... but how long that road is going to be remains the question.

When Iger and his flying monkeys are gone, it will be interesting to see what happens with P&R and how many of these ancient execs who have been with Disney for life get kicked to the curb.

Very fascinating this bit about DLP. I know so little about that park. I don't know why I was under the impression it had made a turn for the better. The bits mentioned about it here don't mesh with that so I guess I should do more brushing up on the shape of things there. Apparently it's not good. Dare I ask for a comparison/contrast to the current state of affairs at the MK? I'm almost afraid of what the answer might be.

I had planned to do a DLP vs. MK thread, but then wound up in N.C. and Va. for 10 days and well ... I have so much that needs attention that I've been ignoring while living the one percenters dream!:animwink:

But I will still try and get some thoughts up. Bottom line is I've honestly never seen the resort in Paris in worse shape. Great new night show in Dreams, though ... better than anything at WDW today. But horrible show quality on most of the signature attractions (of course, MK is really just as bad too). I guess I tolerate it more in Paris because it is in PARIS ... not the outlet mall and timeshare capital of the world in O-Town.

BGW...**sigh**...haven't been for 20 years. However, one of my Virginian cousins has reconnected with my big bro & me and has been hopping around wanting us to come north for a visit. I'm thinking maybe it's time to introduce my boys to something other than Pixie Dust. What I remember of the place is all good. The park was always beautiful (for a teenager hell-bent on scoring rounds on coasters to notice is pretty good). Having eaten at Epcot's Biergarten, I can honestly say my memories of the Octoberfest experience at BGW totally smoke Disney's watered-down version. What I recall is all good. Tom, Big Bad Wolf was one of my favorites, too. I remember that one with the fondest of memories. Loch Ness Monster...aaahh...meeeemories!

I had a GREAT meal at the Biergarten when I was at WDW in March. Some friends took me to prepare me for my visit to Germany and it was very, very good (hadn't been since the 90s). ... Had a meal at BGW's Festhaus and the food was also very good (less pricey because it's QS, not buffet) although after having real German potato salad, BG's version was very ... well, American. Also, they apparently killed a great German-themed show there and have a ... a ... a .... foamhead show of horrific proportions (worst thing about my entire visit, just a bad show).

Big Bad Wolf is also history, replaced this year by Verbolten, which is an uber-kewl family coaster that is unlike any other.

RnRC...hubby & I have been thinking for a while this one was getting more and more rough but we chalked it up to getting old. Maybe it's not just us. When you think about it, it makes sense. Like SM beats the crap out of us now. Neither of us want to ride it anymore. I'm taking it these are maintenance things, not just 2 people aging rapidly. Whew! That's a bit of a relief. :lol:

Nope, not you. Coasters age and get rougher and you need to work hard to prevent this. WDW (and DLP for that matter) don't. If you are healthy, regardless of age, a coaster shouldn't be a painful experience. If it is, something's wrong ... with the ride and the folks running it.

I'd also like to mention that SW/San Antonio does have some noteworthiness to lend to some of the other bits touched upon here. ((Yes, I realize it doesn't exactly hold up to the mega-parks of Central Florida but it is a lot more accessible to a lot of folks who might take a look at airfare and rethink their us.)) Granted, our last SW visit was in August of '08 but even then we were amazed at how clean and beautiful SW in San Antonio was. Hubby's words then that he still will lavish on any ear that will listen, "It was cleaner than I've ever seen a Disney World park". That's a true statement. Also noteworthy for SW San Antonio is that this year they've opened an Aquatica park. When was the last time WDW did anything significant or noteworthy? Sorry, FLE is about as interesting to me as adding a new critter to the safari. What a waste. Avatar? Not only has that been confirmed as continually watered-down, it's about as stimulating as a mosquito bite. Unless you're already a fan (which many people, myself included are NOT) it's just not going to be anything other than a random toss out to left field. I wonder how far the cuts will go before James Cameron tells TDO to kiss his posterior and takes his ball to another ballpark? He doesn't come off to me as the type to do things half-. Maybe he should take a few notes from JK Rowling now. Obviously she made the right call with her baby. I shudder to think what kinda hack-job TDO would've done with the-boy-who-lived. :rolleyes:

Definitely rethinking many things in our future. Hubs & I were discussing it last night. What do we want to do? Where do we want to go? What are we willing to do to get there? These never used to be questions we had. They certainly are now. That aggravates me. I have a feeling seeing how all the things mentioned in this thread play out will play a role in our choice of direction.

'74...I must find a way to garner a few moments of your time.

Just sent you a note ... send me an email, you'll get a response!:wave:


Well-Known Member
That's been the plan for quite some time but airfare is a loooot for 4 people and I'm having my doubts as to what discount offerings will be for the Disneyland Hotel which is where the old man & I have been itching to stay since our first peek at the the rooms post-refurb. Do we throw a big $8k-$10k out there right before Christmas or opt for something else on the cheap? We've got 2 cruises on the books for next year that are pretty well set in stone. Those have to be funded as well. We still have to get thru the big move over to Houston and his project schedule is starting to look like a problem. But I'm itching soooooo bad to get out to DL. I'm trying to make a push towards an epic road trip & offsite if that's what has to happen. We'll have to see. We booked a December cruise out of Galveston (fairly close to us) with Royal Caribbean. As bad as I'd like to see Roatan & Belize City, I still feel like I neeeeeeed to see Walt's park.

I would advise any REAL Disney fan (i.e. not a WDW-only Pixie Dust addict, which you clearly are not) to visit DLR and do it as soon as they can (although I'd stay away the next three months due to crowds).

But I'd also advise against staying at the DLH, which really looks great since its refurb, but also is waaay too pricey. I use Priceline out there and stayed at the Fullerton Marriott for $50 a night (it's 10 minutes from the resort up Harbor Blvd.) on my last visit in January. DLR can be as cheap or pricey as you want it to be.

From 2000-2008, I had a second residence in the area (actually in Beverly Hills, but if I say that people here will either think I really am a 1%er or that I am lying -- both not true!) and was a DL local more than a WDW one despite my primary home being in FLA. So any advice you need, just ask ... either here or in private.


Well-Known Member
George Kalogridis, president of the Disneyland Resort. There have been rumors that George himself is encouraging TDA to leak news to Al Lutz, but I haven't seen anything to prove that.

As someone who has known George personally since his days as EPCOT VP (1995-2000) ... as someone who once took me to dinner (I am sure 31.6% of people here won't believe this, but I don't care ... the truth is the truth) to discuss 'neutralizing' Al ... as someone who was taught quite a lot about being Internet/fanboi savvy by a certain Spirit, I can tell you that I am 99.9% sure that George is leaking whatever he wants through his own channels (not directly, I'm sure).

He is a smart guy and since his first tenure in Anaheim was a disaster that almost cost him his career with Disney (Al Weiss created an opening for him at WDW when Cyn fired him -- and wouldn't even let him show up to the one-year anniversary press conference that announced Bug's Land and ToT were coming) due in no small part to Al's constant criticism of TDA online ... well, he learned his lesson.


Well-Known Member
Indeed. It looks like 2 out of the 3 Es proposed for a west coast potter swatter are coming. And by god they could be E+!!The 3rd may not happen, but what could happen instead will more than make up for it. And for once they all look like happening instead of being shrunk and shrunk then cancelled.

And in Orlando we get a M&G and loose a classic.

At least Uni Orlando is aiming (very) high still. Get the speech ready, Bob. And hopefully for one of your puppets too.

It's great that DLR might be getting even more love in the near future (by all appearances, RSR already looks like a true E-ticket and then some), but it's a little strange that the folks in Orlando aren't more panicky vis-a-vis Universal Florida than they are out in California with regard to Universal Hollywood.

Based on the latest theme park attendance figures I saw recently, the two Universal Florida parks are much, much closer to WDW than Universal Hollywood is to DL -- and the numbers for IoA have been going up very steadily and rapidly... they're nipping at the heels of DHS and DAK, and the next big addition could well put them both over.

In contrast, Universal Hollywood is significantly below DL attendance-wise, and I have a hard time imagining that Harry Potter will make that much of a difference in the market. (And the other theme parks out there -- Knott's, etc. -- are substantially behind UH, so I would imagine they're considered less of a threat.)


Well-Known Member
If I could, then I would.

But think Tomorrowland and Frontierland. One related to a franchise, one not.
One designed by Tony Baxter. The other not. Both would likely eat up a dining locale as well.

That's about as much as I can say.

I would love to see a great new attraction that's not franchise-based.

I think that's probably why I've been so excited for Grizzly Gulch and especially Mystic Point at HKDL. I enjoy anything's that well-themed and well-executed, but there's something refreshing about a new E-ticket that's entirely franchise-free.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
It's great that DLR might be getting even more love in the near future (by all appearances, RSR already looks like a true E-ticket and then some), but it's a little strange that the folks in Orlando aren't more panicky vis-a-vis Universal Florida than they are out in California with regard to Universal Hollywood.

Based on the latest theme park attendance figures I saw recently, the two Universal Florida parks are much, much closer to WDW than Universal Hollywood is to DL -- and the numbers for IoA have been going up very steadily and rapidly... they're nipping at the heels of DHS and DAK, and the next big addition could well put them both over.

In contrast, Universal Hollywood is significantly below DL attendance-wise, and I have a hard time imagining that Harry Potter will make that much of a difference in the market. (And the other theme parks out there -- Knott's, etc. -- are substantially behind UH, so I would imagine they're considered less of a threat.)

Although I agree, I'm glad Disneyland is stepping up, as well as Universal Studios Hollywood. I deeply love both parks and if they want to expand their offerings, let them! I can't wait for Potter and whatever Disneyland may think of for the future.


Well-Known Member
Air Over Europe is the worst attraction I experienced there. I don't know why ... the concept is great ... a Soarin knockoff. The execution stunk though. But I didn't think the queue was bad at all. AC is one of the greatest coasters I have ever been on and what some Disney fans need to get is that sometimes it's OK for a coaster to be exposed steel ... especially when the ride is so awesome and the track actually hugs the terrain ...

. . .

Loch Ness is amazing. What's more amazing is the ride debutted in the 70s and is as smooth as can be yet Space Mountain can cause an emergency visit to a chiropractor ... and RnRC is actually a real headbanger now (something that simply you don't get on any of Busch's five well-maintained coasters).

Interesting to hear these observations about BGW. I visited regularly many years ago, but haven't been since before Apollo's Chariot was added.

The last time I was there, the Loch Ness Monster was so rough and head-bangy (about in the same class as DLP's Space Mountain) that it really put me off from my following regularly scheduled visit... there were other signs at the time that the park seemed to be going downhill in terms of maintenance, etc., so one thing led to another and I just never made it back, despite the addition of a number of coasters over the years that seemed pretty enticing.

As I posted earlier, the videos of Verbolten look pretty good. The queue seems extremely well themed, and the effects in the "event building" look about as good as one can expect from a YouTube video of the inside of a darkened building. In short, it looks comparable to something like Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, and I'm eager to experience it (plus Griffon, Apollo's Chariot, etc.) sometime soon.

BTW, I can't imagine how Europe in the Air could be that much worse than Soarin' these days. On my last trip to WDW, there were so many dust motes and hairs (or things that looked like them) dancing around on the screen that it was virtually impossible to enjoy the actual images.


Well-Known Member
Agree on all points. I think things could be better down the road ... but how long that road is going to be remains the question.

When Iger and his flying monkeys are gone, it will be interesting to see what happens with P&R and how many of these ancient execs who have been with Disney for life get kicked to the curb.

It's the how long that worries me. I'd love for it to be sooner than later. I have the patience of a gnat, I know. Hubs & I were discussing this thread and it's plethora of good stuff. He's curious as to what kinda fresh meat (or not-so-fresh?) takes the big boy chair once Iger is out. He fears another incarnation of what's already there. That's the key. Who takes the helm and who does that person surround himself/herself with? More to wait and brutal for me! LOL!

I had planned to do a DLP vs. MK thread, but then wound up in N.C. and Va. for 10 days and well ... I have so much that needs attention that I've been ignoring while living the one percenters dream!:animwink:

Must be nice! Hope it was a grand journey for ya. If we can't all live the life I'm happy for those who can. Good on ya! :wave:

But I will still try and get some thoughts up. Bottom line is I've honestly never seen the resort in Paris in worse shape. Great new night show in Dreams, though ... better than anything at WDW today. But horrible show quality on most of the signature attractions (of course, MK is really just as bad too). I guess I tolerate it more in Paris because it is in PARIS ... not the outlet mall and timeshare capital of the world in O-Town.

LOL! I love that description of O-Town. I'll be looking for more to come about Paris. I would probably be less critical as well given the geography and all.

I had a GREAT meal at the Biergarten when I was at WDW in March. Some friends took me to prepare me for my visit to Germany and it was very, very good (hadn't been since the 90s). ... Had a meal at BGW's Festhaus and the food was also very good (less pricey because it's QS, not buffet) although after having real German potato salad, BG's version was very ... well, American. Also, they apparently killed a great German-themed show there and have a ... a ... a .... foamhead show of horrific proportions (worst thing about my entire visit, just a bad show).

After a few real flops at Biergarten I'd say around 2009-2010 we've just been blah at the thought of going back. Plus, with the price being what it is now I just have such a problem with any meal I think has a chance of being less than par. It aggravates me in a large way. I was 17 last time I ate at the Festhaus (which was ooooonly 21 years ago :lookaroun) but I'm sure they had the good, warm German potato salad then. I'm kinda picky with my German food considering my Gramma's heritage & growing up knowing what these dishes should taste like. I can't believe they did away with the singing/dancing bit! Really?!?! That was my favorite part! I loved to see the dancing! Ugh! Now I gotta find some other way to show this to my boys. Dang. I don't even want to try to envision what a foamhead show is. So sad. Please tell me they still had the Black Forest Cake that made your eyeballs pop out of your skull!

Nope, not you. Coasters age and get rougher and you need to work hard to prevent this. WDW (and DLP for that matter) don't. If you are healthy, regardless of age, a coaster shouldn't be a painful experience. If it is, something's wrong ... with the ride and the folks running it.

:lol: I feel the coaster's pain. Me tooooooo! I wonder if it's just me that can feel a significant difference from one side of SM to the other. I forget the names of the two so I couldn't tell you which was which. But I swear the last time I was there riding both sides in the same night last September...when you enter the room with all the switchbacks and you can go left or right...the side to the left wasn't nearly as brutal as the side to the right. Later in that trip when we stood thru the standby only to find the right side was the only side running the hubby and I opted to meet the kiddos at the exit. I won't even ride that right side anymore. It hurts. That's not fun.

Just sent you a note ... send me an email, you'll get a response!:wave:

I'll get an email off to ya. You'll know it's me. My name is one I go by a lot... :wave:

I would advise any REAL Disney fan (i.e. not a WDW-only Pixie Dust addict, which you clearly are not) to visit DLR and do it as soon as they can (although I'd stay away the next three months due to crowds).

But I'd also advise against staying at the DLH, which really looks great since its refurb, but also is waaay too pricey. I use Priceline out there and stayed at the Fullerton Marriott for $50 a night (it's 10 minutes from the resort up Harbor Blvd.) on my last visit in January. DLR can be as cheap or pricey as you want it to be.

From 2000-2008, I had a second residence in the area (actually in Beverly Hills, but if I say that people here will either think I really am a 1%er or that I am lying -- both not true!) and was a DL local more than a WDW one despite my primary home being in FLA. So any advice you need, just ask ... either here or in private.

We're still discussing the whole Disneyland thing vs. some other destination. We've got options that's for sure. No rush for the decision. I really do want to go. Not over the summer. We'll have to see. Prob'ly will ask you some questions. Thanks. :wave:


Active Member
Ol slightly off topic but I just watched a video of verbolten and wow. It looks awesome. If bgt would have done that with cheetah Hunt it would have been awesomer.(is that a word?) And if DL gets anymore it will just make want to go more. And if one of those new things is the rumored lightcycle coaster that MK was gonna supposedly get. I'm booking my trip when its announced.


Park History nut
Premium Member
It's great that DLR might be getting even more love in the near future (by all appearances, RSR already looks like a true E-ticket and then some), but it's a little strange that the folks in Orlando aren't more panicky vis-a-vis Universal Florida than they are out in California with regard to Universal Hollywood.
It's more than a little strange. That's the TDO mentality sadly. Half funded Space Mountain refurbs. Stagnated Imagination and Energy. Shuttered facilities. Nothing new to DHS aside from an excuse for a parade and being forced into the full ST makeover. Dithering and knee jerks in DAK, FLE and DTD.

It's about time WDW management got a royal kick up the nether region. Only then might they realise they can't live off the legacy. Great things are coming to the central Florida competition. We can only hope it'll be great for everyone.


Well-Known Member
It's more than a little strange. That's the TDO mentality sadly. Half funded Space Mountain refurbs. Stagnated Imagination and Energy. Shuttered facilities. Nothing new to DHS aside from an excuse for a parade and being forced into the full ST makeover. Dithering and knee jerks in DAK, FLE and DTD.

It's about time WDW management got a royal kick up the nether region. Only then might they realise they can't live off the legacy. Great things are coming to the central Florida competition. We can only hope it'll be great for everyone.

At what point do the folks out west finally realize the TDO idiots are clueless and crack the whip??? Do the folks out west simply not care? Do they not see what's happening? I'm curious why there's no intervention from the big boys out west.

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